"It's midnight outside. The candle burns out. High stars are visible. You write a letter to me, my dear, In the burning address of war. Warmer...
Thanks to the teachers!
We all already miss regular school days, the communication between students and teachers, the "collective" excitement before the next...
On April 29, 2020, teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and students of higher education of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the DVNZ of the DDPU took part...
We invite you to publish!
Dear colleagues! We invite you to publish in regular collections (No. 3), which the institute publishes jointly with colleagues from Slovenia: collection...
Occupational health and safety for students of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages is not only an academic discipline that requires study, attention, and seriousness. Whom…
World Day for Safety and Health at Work
According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 18.08.2006 No. 685/2006, every year on April 28, Ukraine celebrates Labor Protection Day. The motto of the Labor Day in 2020...
Scientia difficilis sed fructuosa (Science is difficult but fruitful)
On April 22-23, 2020, simultaneously on the basis of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages and the Institute of Neophilology of the Marie Curie-Sklódowska University in Lublin, the II International Scientific and Practical...
My Easter Basket Photo Contest
One week ago, weekly photo contests were launched among students of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages. Yes, the theme of the first competition week is “My Easter…
The first beauty contest in the history of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages
Women's beauty has always been valued at the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages. And this fact is common knowledge, one might say, even banal. After all, 95% students...
From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate Tetyana Valeriivna Borozentseva, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, on her anniversary! We wish you health, joy, love! Make your loved ones happy...
Attention students!
Dear students! Please note that trial testing on the MOODLE platform or in the GOOGLE form begins on April 7, 2020...
We sincerely congratulate the senior teacher of the department of English philology and translation Krut, Olena Volodymyrivna, on her anniversary! Let the most cherished dreams come true, opportunities appear,...
Congratulations! GIIM students are the winners of the international competition "Youth View"
Quarantine is not an obstacle to talent! That is what the students of the Faculty of Social and Language Communication of our institute Dmytro Ratynskyi (4th year, gr. 409) and Mykyta Bezmen (4th...
We sincerely congratulate the Department of Psychology and the Psychological Service of the GIIM SHEI on the professional holiday!
You are doing an extremely important thing, helping people with all your heart and soul every day! We wish you strength, inspiration, relentless...
Regarding the survey
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine informs the scientific community about the European Commission conducting a global survey on the mobility of scientists. Take a survey…
The release of the next issue of the collection of scientific papers
Dear colleagues! The editorial board of the collection of scientific works "East Slavic Philology" announces the release of the next, 31st, issue. The collection was composed of articles dedicated to current vectors of the development of linguistics and literary studies. The circle broken by scientists...
Dear colleagues!
The organizing committee of the VII International Scientific Conference "East Slavic Philology: from Nestor to the Present", which took place on March 26, 2020, announces the release of the collection...
VII International Scientific Conference "East Slavic Philology: From Nestor to the Present"
On March 26, 2020, the VII International Scientific Conference "East Slavic Philology: from Nestor to the Present" was held in correspondence format at the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University".
The results of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Translation" have been summed up.
At Ivan Franko Lviv National University, the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition for student research papers in the specialty "Translation" was completed, in which...
We sincerely congratulate Anna Landik, a bachelor's student of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication, on obtaining a 3rd degree diploma in…
We express our sincere condolences
It is with sadness and pain that we learned about the death of Myroslava Pavlivna Vorontsova, a graduate of the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages. Death…
Dear colleagues!
As part of the implementation of the Open Science paradigm, which is currently one of the trends in the development of the European research space, we ask you to take...
Attention students!
Dear students! Please note that trial testing on the MOODLE platform or in the GOOGLE form begins on April 7, 2020...
Dear colleagues, dear students!
April 3 should coincide with the period of our forced stay in quarantine. We should usually gather in the classrooms of our native In'Yaz:...
The process of modernization of educational programs of the second (master's) level of higher education has been announced. We invite you to discuss current educational and professional programs. Proposals of interested parties -…