

On November 8, our Institute took part in the XIX All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity.

The action began with a mini-concert dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language, which was prepared by both experienced amateurs - students of 3-4 years, and debutants - freshmen. Poems by Lina Kostenko, Halyna Britan, Nadiya Krasotkina and modern Ukrainian songs were accompanied by video presentations in the festive program. The video essay "Ordinary Student Day of GIIM" (directed by Dmitry Filippov) added a humorous note. The event ended with a language and music quiz.

And then, holding our breath, we listened and wrote the text of the dictation. Every year, all participants in this action are embraced by a special sense of unity, holiness and harmony. Consonance of thoughts, dreams and aspirations. So let us honor our roots, our ancestors, be proud of our FATHERLAND, honor our relatives and friends, HONOR AND RESPECT OURSELVES. Because we are worth it !!!

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Sergey Gladkikh