The release of the next issue of the collection of scientific papers 

The release of the next issue of the collection of scientific papers 


Dear colleagues!  

 Editorial board of the collection of scientific works "East Slavic philology» announces the exit of the next, 31st, issue.  

The collection was compiled articlesdedicated to topical development vectors linguistics and literary studies. Circle of violations scientists nwe do associated with research on onomastics, semanticand lexical and grammatical unitstranslation studies, poetics of Ukrainian and Russian literature, intermediality, multiculturalism, psychopoetics, gender correlations in the literature of the XX-XXI centuries.  

Recruitment is currently underway materials to the 32nd issue of the collection "East Slavic Philology". The requirements for the design of articles can be found at the link 

We are sincerely grateful to all the authors and we hope for further cooperation!  

Responsible editor of the collection Komarov SA 


Sergey Gladkikh