Congratulations to the graduates

Congratulations to the graduates

Anniversary video greetings from Roman Opalkov, a graduate of 1999, special. "English and Russian languages and literature". He lives in Toronto, Canada.

Anniversary video greetings from Svetlana Yarozhynska, 1988 GIIM graduate, professional translator, doctoral student, lecturer at the University of Florida, USA.

Anniversary video greetings from Larysa Bobrova, GIIM graduate in 1990, professor at the University of Miami, Ohio, USA.

Anniversary video greetings from Yagelskaya Kateryna Yuriyivna, graduate of GIIM2004, Doctor of Economics, Professor Donetsk National Technical University, Chairman of the Committee for International Cooperation with Europe, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea regions of the Spacetime Association and member of the interregional union of writers of Ukraine, poetess and writer.

Video greetings Bohdana Ponomareva (2012 graduate) now lives and works in New Zealand.

 Video greetings Ruda Victoria Viktorivna (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Luhansk Medical University (Rubizhne)).

 Video greetings fromDemenkova Anastasia (2014 graduate)..

 Video greetings graduates Olga Ruzhenko, Olga Grineva, Oksana Belik, Elena Brylova.

 Video greetings graduate Olga Lekhova.

 Video greetings graduates of masters 2019.

 Video greetings Olesya Karalnyk (GIIM graduate).

 Video greetings Golysheva Olga (GIIM graduate).

 Video greetings Tokarchuk Katerini (graduate of 2017).

 Video greetings Yaryna Kateryna (graduate of 2010).

  Video greetings Lysenko Oleksandri (2012 graduate).


  Video greetings from Professor of the Department of General and Slavic Linguistics, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University Deacon Natalia Vasylivna (In 1996 she graduated from the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages).


Sergey Gladkikh