Completion of the course of professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers under the CLIL program (methodology of content-integrated learning of foreign languages) for higher education within the Erasmus + MultiEd project

Completion of the course of professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers under the CLIL program (methodology of content-integrated learning of foreign languages) for higher education within the Erasmus + MultiEd project

December 16-17, 2020 teachers of the Department of English Philology and Translation Assoc. Shkuropat M.Yu., docent Andrushchenko VO, docent Kontsur VV, senior off Korolyova OY, Department of German Philology Assoc. Sytnyak RM, Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching English Assoc. Kokorina LV successfully passed the final stage of long-term training in the program "Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for Tertiary Education" in the framework of the international technical assistance project Erasmus + CA 2 "Development of professional capacity of foreign language teachers as a way to multilingual education and European integration »- presentation of micro-lessons with elements of CLIL methodology in the process of teaching and learning English for applicants for higher education.

MultiEd project trainers-moderators (Elisabeth Wielander, Susan Garton, Urve Aja, Jutta Rymarczyk, Stéfanie Witzigmann, Anna Golubeva, Irene Kaosaar, Muna Morris-Adams) and project managers from Narva College, University of Tartu (Estonia) (Oleksandr Goa), Oleks noted the high level of professional training of teachers of language departments of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages during the presentation of micro-lessons.

Upon successful completion of the course, teachers received certificates (3 ECTS credits, 78 hours, term of study - 18.05.2020-31.12.2020) and will apply to the Academic Council of the institute to enroll in the course as advanced training of research and teaching staff.

Sergey Gladkikh