Start of registration for PREPARATORY COURSES

Start of registration for PREPARATORY COURSES

⚠️ Attention applicant ⚠️

Registration for PREPARATORY COURSES with scholarships at the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages in Bakhmut for young people from the temporarily occupied territories and the front line has started.

❗ Only a person from among the youth who has completed a full general secondary education in the current academic year can study at the preparatory courses❗

The courses will be held in JUNE-AUGUST?

Deadline for submitting documents for participation in courses: from 06/01/2021 to 06/29/2021

⚠️During preparatory courses, students receive:

  • a scholarship in the amount of UAH 4,588 ?
  • free accommodation in the GIIIM dormitory ?
  • are involved in psychological, cultural, educational and sports activities ?‍?

Waiting for you:

  • Excursions ?‍?
  • Sports events?

⚠️The number of places is limited⚠️
Register in time❗

For detailed information, call ?:
+380 95 109 7707
Our address: Bakhmut, str. Vasyla Pershyn, 24

Sergey Gladkikh