Congratulations on the successful completion of the final qualifying examinations for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, specialty 014.01 Secondary education (Ukrainian language and literature) full-time and part-time.

Dear our bachelor graduates, today you have turned another page of your life, conquered another peak!

We wish you not to stop there, not to lose life optimism and youthful enthusiasm, career achievements, realization of plans and creative plans!

You are the hope and support of our state, the people on whom its future depends. So remain yourself - be honest and kind, open and sincere, strong and wise, love your country, your Ukraine and your Alma-mater!

God bless you, generous destiny, success in all endeavors, inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

We look forward to seeing each of you in our master's programs next academic year.

With respect and gratitude - always your teachers

Department of Ukrainian Philology

Vyacheslav Korolev