Students and youth are for the future of the country

Students and youth are for the future of the country

Students and youth are for the future of the country. It was under this name that the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education Graduates and Young Scientists was recently held, in which our students and their supervisors took part. Among them, Yulia Burkhovetska (512b), Tetiana Dudka (407a), Haridas Krasovskyi (407a), Mykola Nestoruk (312b), Olesya Tilimova (421), Tetiana Tretyachenko (602a). The scientific supervisors were the executors of the interdepartmental scientific research "Psychological and pedagogical factors of the development of human vitality in the conditions of unpredictable socio-economic changes" ped. Ph.D., Assoc. ON. Nestoruk, doctor of pedagogy. Ph.D., Assoc. N.G. Kosheleva, Doctor of Psychiatry, Assoc. D.S. Drozdova, as well as K. Philol. Ph.D., Assoc. L.V. Sukhovetska The scientific event was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Educational and Scientific Professional and Pedagogical Institute of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (Bakhmut).

Our participants gave interesting reports, discussed topical issues of manifestations of stressful human conditions, social and psychological adaptation, communication problems, psychological creative development of teenagers. Actual problems of education in the real conditions of today were also formulated, in particular, aspects of mastering scientific and pedagogical research in the study of professionally oriented disciplines, analysis of the educational process in extreme conditions.

We sincerely congratulate our scientists on this event and look forward to new creative victories!

Vladislav Wanda