Forum on the basis of the Center for Career Development

Forum on the basis of the Center for Career Development

On October 29, GIIM hosted a forum for the first time at the Career Development Center, which was attended by more than 100 students and 9 potential employers from Donetsk region: Czech non-governmental humanitarian international organization "Man in Need", OSCE, Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Kramatorsk, principals of schools ,511,5,24, EnglishTimeSchool, Bakhmut City Employment Center, Free Radio provided information on vacancies for employment, new opportunities for internships, earnings, volunteering, told stories of successful entrepreneurship. This was made possible by the Success Begins Here: Donbass University Career Centers project, implemented by the Czech non-governmental humanitarian organization Man in Need and implemented through the Public Confidence Building Project (UCBI II), funded by the United States Agency for International Development. Development Agency (USAID).

During the discussion, which took place between students and guests, the following issues were discussed:

  1. How can you describe the situation on the labor market today.
  2. What are the difficulties experienced by employers in hiring graduates with higher education.
  1. How to assess the employment opportunities of GIIM graduates.

The result of the event was the establishment of contacts between students and employers: students left their questionnaires and resumes, were interviewed, and employers paid attention to promising graduates of our university.

Career Development Center promotes success!

Vladislav Wanda