Practical advice from psychologists on how to deal with anxiety

Practical advice from psychologists on how to deal with anxiety

Breathing goes astray, voice trembles, knees bend, palms sweat. All this is excitement. Breathing goes astray, voice trembles, knees bend, palms sweat. All this is excitement. When the wave covers it, it is no longer possible to think about the original goal, and even more so to concentrate. To try to get rid of this feeling, we have collected ten effective methods, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by psychologists.

Anxiety can be destructive and lead to low self-esteem, awkwardness in public, disorientation, nervous breakdowns and even depression. We are sure that no one likes such conditions. So how to overcome feelings, if they have already made themselves known?

Make fists. Motor activity is a great opportunity to forget about fear. It is not for nothing that psychologists say that after meeting a stressful situation one on one, it is best to change the situation. But if there is no such possibility, then it is worth following the exercises of the American therapist Nicole Oprys. Put your hands behind your back, clench your fists tightly and take a deep breath. Exhale slowly, gradually relaxing your palms.

Allow yourself to cry. If no one sees you at this time. Panic is often the result of suppressing feelings and emotions that must be released. Cry, and when you calm down, you will definitely feel relief.

to wash Excellent shock therapy. Can't handle the stress? Leave for a couple of minutes and wash with cold (perhaps even ice) water. It will not be superfluous to hold your hands under it a little. This will help you to concentrate again, come to your senses and collect your thoughts, taming the feeling of fear.

Simple self-training. If you have an important event/performance/meeting coming up, you should prepare yourself in advance. Take a deep breath, and make three short and strong exhalations, after which repeat simple phrases to yourself: "Everything is fine", "I am confident in my abilities", "I am completely calm". If that doesn't help, try saying the same thing, but with the voice of your favorite cartoon character.

True or not? Excellent advice from psychologists: instead of endlessly scrolling in your head about the situation that worries you, take a piece of paper and write down what worries you. But using only two or three words for this. And then look at them carefully and answer the question clearly and honestly: "Is it true? Is it just my opinion?". In most cases, it turns out that, without checking the fact, you have already managed to build false beliefs for yourself.

Concentrate and count. A not very pleasant procedure awaits you, and you already feel that your heart is starting to fly out. The best way to calm down in such a case is to stop looking at one object and begin to characterize it mentally: color, shape, features, material. You can also divert your attention to the account. Look around and count people, chairs, windows, flowers.

Breathe It is possible with fresh air, and it is possible with aromatic oils. Eucalyptus, citrus or conifer essential oil will help to refresh and invigorate.

Imagine the worst possible outcome. Can't get rid of anxiety? Then try to go from the opposite side. Imagine the worst outcome of a situation that evokes such emotions. How you will start stuttering, stammering backwards, tripping and falling, and everyone will be laughing loudly. After you've played the situation out in your mind, think again about how slim the chance of things developing in this way is. And in the process, you will hardly be able to do without fits of laughter, because the excitement will go away by itself.

5 minute rule. One of the most effective methods. Often, even the thought of having to do something that causes anxiety makes a person constantly postpone this moment. After all, anxiety "feeds" on the habit of avoiding them. And as a result, a little excitement turns into real stress. Remember for yourself the rule to solve problems and questions immediately after their arrival, based on a simple formula: "within 5 minutes I can withstand anything."

Seek help from a doctor. In the case when none of the methods is suitable and does not work, it makes sense to contact a specialist. He will be able to choose the most suitable option of therapy.

Peace of mind is the key to making the right decisions and feeling good. Learn to deal with your feelings, and the problems that led to them will not be so serious.

Vladislav Wanda