How to make the right decision in a difficult situation

How to make the right decision in a difficult situation

Every day we are faced with the problems of choosing and making the right decision. These can be mundane things that hardly affect our lives, and more important things that depend on work or further success. If someone does not feel this swing from one decision to another, then the rest spend too many resources on his making a successful decision.

So how to ease the pain of choosing and learn to make the right decision in a short time:

1. Morning is wiser than evening

This phraseology has become firmly established in our life for a reason. After all, problems that seem catastrophic in the evening are often perceived more easily in the morning with a fresh head and solutions are found. The thing is that in the dark time of the day, the creative and emotional perception of the world is turned on, and in the morning, rational thinking returns. It is clear that it will be difficult to make a decision based on emotions alone and it may be wrong.

2. Notes

If you hesitate between several ways, describe the development of each of them. To begin with, turn to the good old method - pros and cons of two solutions. Next, imagine that you chose one of them. What will your life be like? What happens next? What difficulties may arise in connection with this? And then write the opposite solution in the same way. In this way, you will be able to rationally weigh all possible consequences and choose what suits you more.

3. Advice from loved ones

Ask your closest relatives and friends for advice. Perhaps someone has already been in a similar situation and made a similar choice. Based on someone else's experience with failures and successes, it will be easier to make the right decision. However, it is important not to blindly follow someone else's opinion, but to think with your own head based on someone else's experience. Therefore, be careful that no one imposes their decision on you.

4. Past experience

All mistakes allow us to learn and be armed next time in a similar situation. However, we often forget the experiences of the past and go through the same circles of hell again and again. So, to make it easier in the future, analyze each situation when you made a mistake and save in your memory how you should have done it. When you have to make a decision again, think about whether there have been similar situations before and which decision turned out to be the right one.

5. External factors

Decision making is often influenced by factors that you may not attach importance to. So, for example, it was observed that hungry judges give harsher sentences than after lunch. Therefore, before making a decision, assess the situation - how hungry, tired, irritated, etc. you are. Try to neutralize these factors, change the situation so that nothing affects you and think again whether you need, for example, a new iPhone on credit.

6. Sufficiency of time

Try to carve out time for making decisions. After all, in a hurry, you can not evaluate all the pros and cons and go down the wrong path. You can allocate at least half an hour of time during the day, which you will spend in absolute silence - without notifications from social networks, without a child tugging at your hand, or without a TV blaring somewhere nearby. This is very important for creative people and those who work in management positions. It is at such a time of solitary reflection that the right decisions and best ideas come.

7. Assessment

Every decision you make needs to be evaluated: how successful it was, when you made it, and what you got. This will help develop decision-making skills for future challenges. In addition, such an analysis will make it possible to find alternative options that will lead the situation out of a dead end.

Vladislav Wanda