On September 12, 2023, a meeting of the support group was held (Assoc. V.O. Andrushchenko, Assoc. D.V. Yefimov, Assoc. O.S. Karpina, Assoc. O.L. Kolesnichenko, Assoc. O.V. Krut, Assoc. O.A. Korolev, professor of the first (bachelor's) education program Secondary education (English language and foreign literature). Information and communication technologies.
At the meeting, the state of preparation of educational and methodological support for the information and communication component of the program was discussed.
During the discussion with colleagues (Assoc. Yu.V. Hrytsuk, Assoc. D.V. Yefimov, Assoc. M.Yu. Shkuropat, Assoc. O.A. Yasinetska, Senior Lecturer O.Yu. Korolev) it was It was found that the educational and methodological support of the disciplines is prepared at the appropriate level with systematic updating of already developed materials.
The reasoning of Associate Professor seemed interesting. D.V. Efimova regarding the content of the discipline "Project on information and communication technologies", which is seen in the creation of an electronic portfolio (site) of completed tasks by students from the disciplines of 7-8 semesters.
Representatives of the support group and teachers who are responsible for the disciplines of the information and communication component are aware of passing the new educational accreditation program in 2026, therefore the readiness of educational and methodological support is a priority task.