Guest lecture on the symbol drama method

Guest lecture on the symbol drama method

The training of a modern specialist-psychologist involves mastering specific practical methods of psychological assistance.

 The Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of GIIIM had a great opportunity to familiarize teachers and students with the practice of using the method of catathymic-imaginative therapy at the guest lecture of Yulia Pidoprihora.

Ms. Yulia is a practical psychologist, a psychotherapist using the method of symbol drama, a psychotherapist of the Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists and the Institute for the Development of Symbol Drama and Deep Psychology, an art therapist, a trainer, a psychologist-sexologist, a member of the International Association of Psychologists and Sexual Education Consultants. On 07.12.2023, Yu. Pidoprigora conducted a class on the topic "The world of symbolic drama" for students of psychology majors of the Faculty of Social and Language Communication of the State Institute of Medical Sciences. Familiarity with the method of catathymic-imaginative therapy".

During the one and a half hour class, Ms. Yuliya meaningfully, consistently and clearly introduced the students to the basic principles of the method she works on. The participants of the meeting had an invaluable opportunity to be present at a real psychotherapeutic session with symbol drama.

The enthusiasm for the method, professional restraint and ecological depth of work with the "Flower" motif, demonstrated by Yulia, gave the applicants the opportunity to immerse themselves in the real process of psychotherapeutic influence.

The team of the Department of Psychology of the State Institute of Medical Sciences expresses its sincere gratitude to Ms. Yulia for her invaluable experience, for her example of professional work and love for her profession!

The subject matter of the class harmoniously complemented the educational material of mandatory and optional subjects studied by the graduates of the GIIIM under educational programs of psychological orientation: "Modern theories of depth psychology", "Child psychotherapy", "Psycho-drawing in the work of a psychologist".

Vladislav Wanda