Current aspects of modern scientific research

Current aspects of modern scientific research

The results of scientific studies of bachelor's degree students of higher education at the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages have been published Maria Pavlova (gr. 421) and Sofia Yurova (gr.412A) under the leadership of the associate professor of the French and Spanish Department N.A. Need. The works were published in the collection of scientific works based on the materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Aspects of Modern Scientific Research" (November 23-25, 2023).

In the work "Using abbreviations in the Internet space" in co-authorship with the scientific director, Maria examines the abbreviations of the French language that are found in the Internet space and which have become an important part of modern life. The authors investigate the specific features of the process of abbreviation. It is emphasized that there are mainly compound contractions that preserve the initial or final part of the word.

The authors note that the process of using abbreviations when communicating on the Internet is very dynamic. Internet users are increasingly using abbreviations to denote their expressions, and this is gradually starting to become part of full-fledged Internet communication. They note that abbreviations are more often used in writing and come to the conclusion that the main principle of Internet communication is maximum meaning for minimum time spent.

In the work "Truncate lexical units in the language of young people", Sofia investigates truncated lexical units of the French language, which are popular among young people due to the presence of an evaluative component in their semantic structure. It is emphasized that the replacement of full word forms with truncated synonyms is mainly due to the desire of communicators to intimate the conversation with different levels of linguistic training, to relieve tension during the conversation. Thus, the replacement of full word forms with truncated synonyms actively replenishes and enriches the French spoken language.

We wish Maria and Sofia further interesting explorations!

Vladislav Wanda