Entered 2023

Entered 2023

To the attention of our entrants and their parents!

Currently, the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages continues its educational activities in Dnipro, on the basis of the Dnipro National University named after O. Honchar and starts the introductory campaign. We emphasize that our relocation is temporary, and we sincerely hope for a quick return to Bakhmut. Until the return, all issues related to the 2023 admissions campaign and the educational process will be resolved remotely as much as possible.

Списки зарахованих (від 1 вересня)

Enrollment lists (as of September 1)

September 1, 2023

With the funds of the state budget For 1 Denna course Language and literature (French, English) Secondary education (English language and literature). Information and communication technologies Language…

Рейтингові списки (від 4 серпня)

Ranking lists (as of August 4)

August 4, 2023

Educational level – Bachelor. Form of obtaining education – full-time English language and foreign literature, Educational program English language and literature. Information and communication technologies 014 Secondary education,…

Розпочинається подача електронних заяв на участь у конкурсному відборі!

Submission of electronic applications for participation in the competitive selection begins!

July 18, 2023

Tomorrow, July 19, submission of electronic applications for participation in the competitive selection begins. Applications are submitted through the entrant's personal electronic account. When forming an application for participation in the competitive selection, in your personal electronic account, you must...

Максимальні обсяги державного замовлення на прийом у 2023 році

The maximum volumes of the state order for reception in 2023

July 18, 2023

Bachelor's degree on the basis of full general secondary education Faculty of Romano-Germanic languages No. n\n Name of the competitive proposal Code and name of specialty (specialization) Educational program Licensed volume Maximum volume of admission Quota 1 Quota 2...

Перелік вагових коефіцієнтів оцінок предметів національного мультипредметного тесту (НМТ)

The list of weighting coefficients of the grades of the national multi-subject test (NMT)

April 4, 2023

Attention entrants who choose a third subject for the national multi-subject test in 2023! List of weighting coefficients of the subjects of the national multi-subject test (NMT) for admission to educational programs at the bachelor's level of specialties...


According to by order  registration of persons who wish to participate in the EFVV and/or EVI will continue from May 8 to May 31 inclusive. It will be carried out by the selection committee of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages. Registered participants will receive an examination sheet in which the data for logging in to the information page will be indicated.Admissions office».

In the additional period (July 12-14), persons who could not register for passing the EVVV and/or EVI during the main registration period will be able to register for valid reasons.

Until June 18 registered participants will receive on the information page "Admissions office» an invitation-pass, which will indicate the date, time and place of testing (participants of the additional session - until July 31).

Information about the results of the main session on a scale of 100–200 points will be posted on the personal pages of the test participants until June 28, 2023, additional session - until July 29, 2023.

Necessarily make up EVI upon admission:

- entrants to the master's degree at all educational and professional programs of GIIIM specialties 014. Secondary education, 035. Philology, 053 Psychology, who have obtained a bachelor's degree, enter on the basis of a bachelor's diploma and apply for places of state order regardless of specialty and form of education;

entrants to the contract, who enter on the basis of a bachelor's degree, regardless of the specialty of the educational and professional program chosen for admission and the form of study.

Who should register for the EFFV

Entrants who choose an educational and professional program to participate in the study competition (both on the budget and on the contract) Practical psychology specialty 053 Psychology fields of knowledge 05 "Social and behavioral sciences".

To the entrants to the master's degree, who are entering on contract on the basis of a specialist or master's degree (NRK7).

For persons from this category who enroll in programs of specialties 014 Secondary education, 035 Philology, admission condition there is a submission motivation letter;

For persons of this category who enroll in the program Practical psychology specialty 053 Psychology, the terms of admission include:

foreign language interview at GIIIM (instead  EVI) and

– professional entrance test at the GIIIM (in the form of computer testing) (instead of EFVV).

For remote registration, the entrant must send to the e-mail address of the selection commission of the State Institute of Internal Affairs and Communications (selection@forlan.org.ua) scanned copies (photocopies) of the following documents:

  • a completed application-questionnaire with the information necessary for the preparation of the examination sheet (appendix 2);
  • identity document;
  • registration number of the taxpayer's registration card (except for persons who refuse to accept this number due to religious beliefs: they must provide a document confirming the reason for not entering information about the number in the questionnaire);
  • photo cards for documents (black and white or color) with an image corresponding to the age of the entrant.
  • for persons who have completed their studies: a document on the obtained higher education degree (educational and qualification level);
  • for persons whose personal data are not entered into the Unified State Database on Education: a certificate issued at the place of study regarding the planned completion of studies and obtaining a diploma in the year of admission (except for graduates of the bachelor's level of 2023 GIIIM) (appendix 3);
  • if it is necessary to create special conditions: a medical opinion in the form of primary accounting documentation No. 086-3/o.

Before starting the registration of the entrant, the employee of the selection committee must check the presence of the documents required for registration and provide an answer about the receipt of the documents (to the email address from which the documents were received, or using another communication channel determined by the institution):

  • confirm receipt documents and inform that the documents have been taken for processing - if the person has the right to participate in the competitive selection and has provided all copies of the documents;
  • report about the need for additional study documents - if the person provided a certificate issued at the place of study, regarding the planned completion of studies and obtaining a diploma in the year of admission, and the representative of the selection committee had doubts about its authenticity;
  • report about refusal of registration with an indication of the reason for refusal - if, after checking the documents, it is established that the person does not have the right to participate in the competitive selection or did not provide all copies of the documents.

Based on the submitted documents, the admissions committee registers the entrant on the website. Registered participants will receive an examination sheet in which the data for logging in to the information page will be indicated.The office of the participant of entrance exams for the master's degree».

Information about the date, time and place of testing is indicated in the invitation posted on the information page "The office of the participant of entrance exams for the master's degree» no later than 18.06.2023.

Entrance tests will be held on 23.06.2023–21.07.2023.

Information about the results of the EVI will be posted on the information pages "The office of the participant of entrance exams for the master's degree» no later than 07/25/2023.

For questions related to EVI registration, please call: (050) 428-53-54

Documents can also be submitted in person at the address of the selection committee of the GIIIM: str. Naukova, 13, educational building of DNU No. 9; audio 408 (4th floor).

Lists of settlements on the territory of which will be created in 2023 points of external independent assessment, in which entrance tests are held during the main session

Registered participants will receive an examination sheet in which the data for logging in to the information page will be indicated.Admissions office».

In the additional period (July 12-14), persons who could not register for passing the EVVV and/or EVI during the main registration period will be able to register for valid reasons.

Until June 18 registered participants will receive on the information page "Admissions office» an invitation-pass, which will indicate the date, time and place of testing, and the participants of the additional session - until July 31.

Information about the results of the main session on a scale of 100–200 points will be posted on the personal pages of the test participants until July 25, 2023, additional session - until August 18, 2023.

Списки зарахованих (від 1 вересня)

Enrollment lists (as of September 1)

September 1, 2023

With the funds of the state budget Practical psychology Secondary education (Language and Literature (English)). Psychology Translation and intercultural communication (English, German or French)…

Рекомендовані на бюджет (від 25 серпня)

Recommended for the budget (from August 25)

August 25, 2023

Educational level - Master's Degree. Form of education - full-time 014 Secondary education, English language and literature. Psychology 035 Philology, Germanic studies (English and a second foreign language): linguistics,...

Рейтингові списки (від 22 серпня)

Ranking lists (as of August 22)

August 22, 2023

Educational level - Master's Degree. Form of education - full-time 014 Secondary education, English language and literature. Psychology 035 Philology, German studies (English and a second foreign…

Максимальні обсяги державного замовлення на прийом у 2023 році

The maximum volumes of the state order for reception in 2023

July 18, 2023

The maximum volumes of the state order for admission in 2023 Master's degree on the basis of the bachelor's degree Name of the competitive proposal Code and name of the specialty (specialization) Educational program Licensed volume Maximum volume of admission Quota 1...



July 6, 2023



Everyone is developing - WE are already working! With the support of the European Union and the Fulbright Program (USA) in Ukraine



- full-fledged educational process;
- European diploma;


- on the most modern online platforms;
- in virtual classrooms;


- in real time;
- according to the academic schedule;


- with maximum attention to the student,
- with special responsibility for the content of education;
- in the conditions of your place of residence.


highly qualified teachers
quality of training, confirmed by experience
individual approach to each student
free access to educational resources and online libraries
student support 24/7

День добрих справ

Day of good deeds

November 14, 2022

Nothing is valued so dearly and costs so cheaply as …. smile. Students of groups 111-A and 111-B, studying under the Educational program "Secondary Education 014.021", join the celebration of the Day of Good...

День іспанської мови

Spanish language day

Apr 23, 2022

The mention of the celebration of the Day of the Spanish Language in the walls of our institute certainly evokes many vivid memories of every student and teacher. Theatrical performances, loud concerts, traditional book exchanges - only a small part…



May 24, 2022

In addition to studying at the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, Donbass State Pedagogical University, its students do not forget to develop themselves and participate in various trainings. From 08 to 15 May 2022 students…

Про міжнародну онлайн-конференцію «Online-Konferenz der deutschen und ukrainischen Germanistik»

About the international online conference "Online conference of German and Ukrainian German studies"

May 16, 2022

On May 6, 2022 and May 13, 2022, a two-day international online conference "Online-Konferenz der deutschen und ukrainischen Germanistik" was held, organized by the Institute of German Language of the Scientific Society. Leibniz (Mannheim, Germany) and the Association of Ukrainian (



May 11, 2022

Student freedom - is not just a beautiful expression of official documents or speeches. This is, first of all, students' awareness of their right to choose the content and forms of education guaranteed by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education". Just for…



May 1, 2022

On April 28, 2022, a working meeting of the teachers of the German language section of the Department of Germanic Philology of the FRGM was held to sum up the results of the pilot project on the use of the German language educational complex "Menschen" in the educational process. This…



May 1, 2022

In difficult times for our country, the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages found itself in a difficult situation for the second time - teachers and students were forced to leave Alma Mater. But even in such difficult situations, we…

Гостьова лекція

Guest lecture

May 16, 2023

On May 11, students and teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Philology (a total of 27 people) participated in an extremely interesting meeting with Doctor Habilitation, Professor of the Department of Slavic Linguistics of the Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University...



Apr 26, 2022

Do you think that learning is boring? Just not with us! The educational process at the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages is interaction and co-creation, mutual exchange of thoughts and ideas, new discoveries. This is the process when…



Apr 22, 2022

On April 20, 2022, the work of attestation commissions began at the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Pedagogical University of the State Pedagogical University. Comprehensive exam on methods of teaching Ukrainian language and literature and theory…

Підсумок вебінарів з обміну досвідом «Університетська психологічна служба та підтримка»

Summary of webinars on the exchange of experience "University psychological service and support"

June 17, 2024

From 05/08/2024 to 06/13/2024, a series of webinars on the exchange of experience "University psychological service and support" was held as part of the BURN project. Members of the project team actively participated in online sessions, and at the same time got acquainted with...

Підсумкова піврічна нарада менеджерів проєкту Erasmus + BURN

Final semi-annual meeting of Erasmus + BURN project managers

June 14, 2024

On June 12, 2024, the final half-yearly meeting of Erasmus + BURN project managers took place. On the agenda were issues of project registration and reports of those responsible for work packages. The project coordinator from TNPU, Iryna Zadorozhna, welcomed the participants...

Про атестацію здобувачів ОП «Практична психологія» заочної форми навчання

About the attestation of applicants of the OP "Practical Psychology" correspondence form of education

June 13, 2024

In June 2024, at the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages, the attestation of the applicants of the OP "Practical Psychology" higher education level "bachelor" correspondence form of study took place. Students of the 46th group successfully...

Підсумок вебінарів з обміну досвідом «Принципи розробки курсів у Європейському Союзі»

Summary of the webinars on the exchange of experience "Principles of course development in the European Union"

June 1, 2024

The series of webinars on the exchange of experience "Principles of course development in the European Union", which took place from 04/22/2024 to 06/03/2024, has ended. Experts in the development of work training programs from partner European universities shared their experience...

8.05.2024 в рамках проєкту BURN розпочалася серія вебінарів з обміну досвідом «Університетська психологічна служба та підтримка».

On May 8, 2024, a series of webinars on the exchange of experience "University psychological service and support" began as part of the BURN project.

May 8, 2024

On May 8, 2024, a series of webinars on the exchange of experience "University psychological service and support" began as part of the BURN project. All members of the project team are listeners and active participants of the webinars. Attendance of webinars will be credited to them as...


Українсько-польська студентська зустріч «Від серця до серця»

Ukrainian-Polish student meeting "From heart to heart"

April 25, 2024

On April 23, 2024, members of the historical student research group of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages took part in the first online meeting of Ukrainian and Polish students "From heart to heart: dialogue in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war",...



April 1, 2024

On March 29, a meeting of the department of domestic and foreign history was held, dedicated to the results of monitoring educational programs - 014. Secondary education (History). Psychology of the first level, 014. Secondary education (History). Psychology of the second level and 032...

Нова зустріч партнерів

New meeting of partners

June 17, 2022

There are no obstacles for partners and friends to communicate, even in wartime. A new meeting of representatives of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages and the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University took place far from home…



May 6, 2022

Recently, applicants for higher education in the subject specialty 014.03 Secondary education (history) had the opportunity to join the results of scientific research conducted by scientists of some free economic zones of Ukraine together with scientists from the Institute of Eastern Europe, Marie Curie-Skladowska University (



Apr 28, 2022

Congratulations on the successful completion of the final qualifying exams for students of the educational degree "Bachelor" OPP Secondary Education (History). Psychology"! Graduation is a joyful, solemn, but at the same time sad event. For each of this year's…


28 травня 2024 року кафедра англійської філології та перекладу факультету соціальної та мовної комунікації Горлівського інституту іноземних мов ДВНЗ ДДПУ провела культурно-пізнавальний захід FIVE EYES.

On May 28, 2024, the Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the DVNZ of the DDPU held the cultural and educational event FIVE EYES.

May 29, 2024

At this event, students and school graduates learned a lot of interesting facts about English-speaking countries, had the opportunity to go on a virtual trip to English-speaking countries together with students of the OPP "Secondary Education (English and...

Онлайн-зустріч зі вступниками

Online meeting with entrants

June 16, 2022

On June 15, 2022, the Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication held an online meeting with entrants to the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages. It was about the fact that GIIM provides a real opportunity...

Профорієнтаційна онлайн-зустріч кафедри англійської філології та перекладу з учнями 11 класу школи № 10 міста Торецьк.

Career guidance online meeting of the Department of English Philology and Translation with students of the 11th grade of the school № 10 of Toretsk.

Apr 29, 2022

On April 27, 2022, the Department of English Philology and Translation held an online career guidance meeting with trainee teacher Ladonina VD with students of the 11th grade of school № 10 in Toretsk. The meeting was aimed at finding and…

Профорієнтаційний захід для учнів 11 класу Бахмутського навчально-виховного комплексу «Загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №11 – багатопрофільний ліцей» Бахмутської міської ради

Career guidance event for 11th grade students of Bakhmut educational complex "General school of I-III degrees №11 - multidisciplinary lyceum" of Bakhmut City Council

Apr 29, 2022

April 27, 2022 teacher of the Department of English Philology and Translation A.Ye. Sokolova held a career guidance event for 11th grade students of the Bakhmut educational complex "General school of I-III degrees №11 - multidisciplinary lyceum"…

Атестація філологів-перекладачів

Certification of philologists-translators

June 25, 2024

Congratulations to the graduates of the department of English philology and translation of the educational and professional program "Philology (Translation (English; German or French))" from specialty 035 Philology with specialization 035.041 - Germanic languages and literatures (including translation), the first...

Науково-пізнавальний захід Linguostylistics and Translation: Research and Practice

Scientific and educational event Linguostylistics and Translation: Research and Practice

May 3, 2024

On May 2, 2024, the Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the DVNZ of the DDPU held a scientific and educational event Linguostylistics and Translation: Research and Practice.…

Символи України на міжнародному рівні

Symbols of Ukraine at the international level

March 23, 2024

Teachers and students of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages had a pleasant opportunity to represent Ukraine at the international level among nine institutions of higher education in Europe, North America and South America under a project that involves online presentations,...

Зустріч зі стейкхолдерами перекладачів

Meeting with stakeholders of translators

February 5, 2024

On February 2, 2024, professional translation specialists Mykhailo Yepanov and Bohdan Shapoval, representatives of MDDK LLC, Kyiv, held an informative meeting with students of the specialty 035 Philology. The Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty...

Захист магістерських робіт за ОПП Переклад і міжкультурна комунікація (англійська, німецька або французька мови), ФСМК ГІІМ

Defense of master's theses under the OPP Translation and intercultural communication (English, German or French languages), FSMC GIIIM

January 20, 2024

On January 17, 2024, at the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages, the defense of master's theses in the specialty 035 Philology under the educational and professional program "Translation and intercultural communication (English, German or...


A Virtual Trip Around Britain

A Virtual Trip Around Britain

May 6, 2024

On May 3, 2024, the Department of English Philology and Translation held an informative and educational event "A Virtual Trip Around Britain". The guests of the event virtually visited Britain together with students of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Social and Linguistics...

Зустріч групи забезпечення освітньої програми СО (Англійська мова та зарубіжна література). Інформаційно-комунікаційні технології.

Meeting of the group for the provision of the educational program of SO (English language and foreign literature). Information and communication technologies.

Sep 15, 2023

On September 12, 2023, a meeting of the support group was held (Assoc. V.O. Andrushchenko, Assoc. D.V. Yefimov, Assoc. O.S. Karpina, Assoc. O.L. Kolesnichenko, Assoc. O.V. Krut, Assoc. O. A. Yasinetska, senior lecturer O. Yu. Korolev) of the educational program of the first (bachelor) level of higher education Secondary education (English language and foreign literature).



May 12, 2023

On May 11, 2023, an online meeting was held with the head of the Department of English Philology and Translation of the State Technical University of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD. philol. Ph.D., Assoc. Olena Krut and Ph.D. philol. Ph.D., Assoc. Victoria Andrushchenko, guarantor of the educational program 014.021 Secondary education (English language and literature).…

ІКТ у навчанні та вивченні англійської мови — Тиждень англійської мови

ICT in teaching and learning English - English Language Week

April 28, 2023

April 28, 2 p.m. Assoc. Andrushchenko V.O. Invitation to meet: https://meet.google.com/fjq-eqzz-ryp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxL9C07-3l4

Онлайн-зустріч зі вступниками

Online meeting with entrants

June 16, 2022

On June 15, 2022, the Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication held an online meeting with entrants to the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages. It was about the fact that GIIM provides a real opportunity...


Vladislav Wanda