Notes of student science

Notes of student science

The electronic multidisciplinary scientific journal "Notes of Modern Science" published the master's degree work of the Faculty of Social and Language Communication Natalia Vertsanova  (OP Secondary education. Ukrainian language and literature. Psychology) under the title "Investigation of the motivational sphere of personality in psychological and pedagogical literature" (scientific supervisor - associate professor N.G. Kosheleva).

The author reviews the scientific output of foreign and domestic scientists in the study of the motivational and semantic sphere of the individual, analyzes motivational phenomena, having analyzed the conceptual foundations of the psychology of motivation.

The acquirer-researcher is convinced that in order for the activity to take place, a person must form a corresponding intention, that is, a person's decision to perform a certain action and achieve a certain result. After forming the intention, the most important stage of cognitive control (human will) is putting the intention into action and its full implementation. Research work is ongoing and soon we will learn about the implementation of its next stages.

Bachelor's degree student of higher education (OP Philology (translation: English/French), member of the board of the Student Scientific Society  Catherine Fedchun took part in the work of the 5th International scientific and practical conference "Modern methods of teaching foreign languages and translation in Ukraine and abroad" on the basis of Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav (research supervisor - associate professor O.V. Semenov). Abstracts of her report "Modern Internet resources as an auxiliary base in the formation of French-language competence of translators" were published in the collection of scientific works based on the conference materials.

The author substantiates the relevance of research on the topic of Internet resources in the formation of foreign language competence, in particular French-speaking, because with the expansion of intercultural communication, the need for professional training of specialists in foreign languages increases. With the development of the Internet, the opportunities for the formation of foreign language competence have expanded significantly. Therefore, in modern education, one of the most priority areas of development is informatization and the introduction of digital technologies into the educational process, which significantly improves the quality and efficiency of education.

Kateryna considers the possibilities and capabilities of such services and resources as,,,; educational French-language TV channel TV5MONDE, which provides online classes in foreign languages and offers an electronic library of 500 classic French-language works and an online dictionary; RFI Savoir – the educational website of Radio France, intended for learning the French language; online platforms Quizlet, which helps to introduce, demonstrate and practice new lexical material; platforms Kahoot! Kahoot!, which allows you to create a variety of game materials. The author also insists on the importance of online dictionaries and encyclopedias in the educational process.

4th-year student of the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages (OP Secondary Education. Language and Literature (German, English)) Oryn Ivakina also researches the processes of digitalization of the educational process (scientific supervisor - associate professor D.V. Yefimov). In her report "Digital Creativity in Foreign Language Lessons at ZZSO" at the VI All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference of Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists "Modern Computer Systems and Networks in Management" (Khmelnytskyi, Kherson) she reviews a number of software and communication possibilities for organizing and stimulating the online educational process, such as virtual whiteboards Padlet (, Miro,  web platforms Quizziz, Core, which significantly improve the level of success and quality of students' knowledge in foreign language lessons and contribute to the formation of a free, active and independent personality.

We sincerely congratulate the girls and wish them success in further in-depth study of the subjects of their scientific interests and effective use of their results in their future professional activities!

Vladislav Wanda