Presentation of the DigiFLEd project at the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Online - "Ukrainian Studies: New Names in Science"

Presentation of the DigiFLEd project at the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Online - "Ukrainian Studies: New Names in Science"

May 7-8, 2024 at the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages (Dnipro) and the University named after Maria Curie-Skłodowska (Lublin) took place ІІІ International Scientific and Practical Online Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Ukrainian Studies: New Names in Science". Young scientists from Poland, Croatia, Hungary, the USA, and Ukraine vividly presented the results of their scientific research.

During the work of sectional meetings "Modern technologies for teaching native and foreign languages", "Ukrainian as a foreign language", "Innovative technologies for teaching literature" a presentation took place of the Erasmus+ international grant project "Modernization of university educational programs in foreign languages based on integration with information technologies" 2024-2027 (DigiFLEd), in which the teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Philology of the GIIIM are also directly involved.

Among the number of tasks envisaged by the project, a prominent place is occupied development and implementation new courses (including electronic ones) that combine linguistic / literary disciplines and digital technologies; introduction new methods of teaching and learning related to digitalization of the educational process. The reports of the conference participants were consistent with these tasks. 

Vladislav Wanda