Institute today

Institute today



Basis of activity Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages - the creation of a favorable infrastructure of scientific and educational process, this is the potential of each "inyazovtsa" will be revealed as much as possible.

Mission Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages - education of talented and motivated leaders of Ukraine - successful professionals who are able to transform society through the creation and transfer of knowledge.

Vision Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages - a recognized national leader in the field of language education and - more broadly - the humanities, which actively influences the quality of public life in Ukraine.

Strategic direction of the institute development - progressive movement from "what-to-teach" -environment to "how-to-teach" and, finally, "for what-to-teach", from simple transfer of knowledge to pragmatic scientific-educational communication with the subsequent structuring of educational "know-how" of the Gorlovka Institute of Foreign as.

The main values

WITHstudent, for which a friendly, tolerant student-centered community of "Inyazovs" continues to be created, who strive for joint creation, have a civic position, receive the highest quality educational services, are open to innovation and creativity, are involved in intellectual development and are part of a relentless process of acquiring knowledge. important issues of their institutional life.

Kaphedra as the primary link in solving key issues of scientific and, as a consequence, educational development of the institute in general. The department is a center of scientific thought, where scientific intelligence is conducted, in which current and future students are involved.

Blibrary, where there is a relentless process of scientific and educational communication.


The main tasks of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages

in some areas:


1. Improving the management structure of the institute and personnel policy

Improving the management structure of the institute in accordance with the new Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", which implements educational management based on academic freedom, rights and responsibilities of all participants in the educational process, collegiality in making important decisions.

Ensuring academic freedom, institutional, managerial autonomy of departments.

Delimitation of functions, powers and responsibilities of management structures of different levels and their adaptation to new conditions of activity. Using SWOT-analysis of all structural units of the institute.

Improving the system of career guidance work.

Increasing the role of the Academic Council of the Institute, the Academic Councils of the faculties on the quality of decisions and control over their implementation.

Maximum assistance in training doctors of sciences for the needs of the institute, comprehensive improvement of scientific and pedagogical potential of departments for high-quality implementation of educational and scientific programs, implementation of innovative activities, implementation of international programs and projects.

Further improvement of the system of professional development of teaching staff in the leading scientific universities of Ukraine and abroad.

Further dissemination of motivational management measures in all areas of activity.

Conducting systematic information work to cover the activities of the institute in all available ways.

Promoting the quality of the institute's impact on the public environment of Donetsk region and Ukraine in general.

Resumption of the GIIM Alumni Association.

2. Educational activities

Monitoring the market of educational services and the labor market in order to respond mobile to their respective needs by disseminating areas of educational activity.

Creation of an effective system of internal quality assurance of higher education, aimed at constant monitoring of the effectiveness of the educational process, including the use of the system of international certification of the level of competence in foreign languages.

Ensuring strict compliance with the standards of educational activities, taking into account the best national traditions and the best experience of leading European and world universities.

Providing a teaching load per teacher within 600 hours.

Ensuring the system of liberal education by forming a configuration of real free choice of subjects of the curriculum by students. Involvement of student self-government bodies in participation in the organization of the educational process.

Active development of distance learning.

  1. Research and innovation

Maximum assistance in the development of basic and applied research in priority areas with the mandatory implementation of the results in the educational process.

Increasing the number of publications of teachers of the institute in scientific publications that are included in international scientometric databases.

Ensuring the protection of the intellectual potential of the institute.

Reproduction of "GIIM Publishing House" and ensuring the development of its own publishing activity on this basis.

  1. Integration of the institute into the world scientific and educational space.

Promoting the expansion of student mobility by signing new agreements with foreign universities, implementation of "double degree" programs, participation in ERASMUS + programs.

Continuation of introduction of English-language training programs into the educational process. Opening of certified centers for learning foreign languages. Organization of joint training, resource and cultural centers with foreign partners.

Promoting and encouraging a steady increase in the number of international grants of various orientations, including individual grants to students and researchers, administrative staff.

Involvement of leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists to give lectures and teach special courses.

Increasing the contingent of foreign students.

  1. Student government.

Ensuring student participation in the management of GIIM through the Institute of Student Government on the basis of voluntariness, collegiality, openness, election and accountability, equality of rights of students to strengthen their participation in the organization of the educational process, the implementation of research.

Promoting the identification of leadership potential in each student.

Continuation of regular information and advisory meetings of the institute's management with students.

  1. Logistical and financial support, socio-economic development.

Ensuring a stable financial and economic condition of the institute, including through extra-budgetary funds, as well as international grants and projects.

Rational and transparent use of the institute's funds.

Ensuring an effective system of using the resources of the institute for the program of energy saving, optimization of electricity, water and heat.

Development of the institute library. Ensuring the development of the electronic library by accumulating electronic versions of textbooks, teaching aids authored by teachers of the institute, replenishing the fund of electronic publications, as well as electronic databases of scientific journals.

Realization on a constant basis of repair of an auditorium fund of institute for creation of comfortable conditions for work and training in educational buildings, hostels.

Completion of major repairs of the dormitory on the street. Tchaikovsky, 63, Bakhmut.

Strengthening the material and technical base of the institute due to revenues from international organizations, the system of institutional fundraising.

Strengthening the material, technical and financial condition of the sports and recreation camp "Altair".
