Regulations of April 24, 2019

Student Scientific Society (STS) - a public organization that unites, on a voluntary basis, students of higher education who actively participate in research work, members of student scientific circles and problem groups of the institute's departments.

SNT in its activities is guided by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", the Regulations on the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University", the Regulations on the Organization of Scientific Work of Students of Higher Education at the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University" Pedagogical University".

The purpose of the SNT is to promote the activities of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages to improve the quality of training and preserve scientific potential.

The tasks of SNT are to involve young people in the scientific space and create conditions for their consolidation in this field; formation of motivation for research work and promotion of higher education students' mastery of scientific methods of cognition, in-depth and creative assimilation of educational material by them; popularization among students of higher education, from the earliest stages of education, of various forms of scientific creativity, development of interest in research activities; fostering a creative attitude to one's profession; training of students of higher education in methods and means of independent solution of scientific and scientific-methodical problems; identification and involvement of the most gifted higher education students in the scientific teams of the institute for purposeful research work; selection and recommendation of the most promising applicants for scientific and pedagogical activities and continuing education in graduate school; cooperation with scientific student societies of Ukrainian and foreign institutions of higher education for the purpose of scientific cooperation; organizational and methodical work to improve the effectiveness of the activities of student scientific groups and problem groups; promoting the implementation and implementation in practice of the results of scientific creativity of students of higher education.

Agreement on scientific cooperation between SNT GIIIM and the Scientific Circle of Ukrainianists of the University named after Marie Curie Skłodowska in Lublin
