student government

student government

Ткаченко Валерія
Valery Tkachenko
Deputy head of the department of student activities
Бєляєва Валерія
Belyaeva Valeriya
Head of the Department of Education
Кисільова Катерина
Kateryna Kysilova
Deputy Chairman of the Student Parliament
Роліч Микола
Mykola Rolich
Head of the student parliament
Юрков Вячеслав
Yurkov Vyacheslav
Тарасова Єлизавета
Elizaveta Tarasova
Олена Ємельянова
Olena Yemelyanova

Student self-government is active in the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University" with the aim of forming the civic activity of students, patriotic, ethical, moral education, and protection of rights.

The Student Parliament plays a major role in students gaining experience in self-organization and positive actions in the social environment. Depending on the desire, skills, abilities, everyone chooses the direction they want to pursue.

Among the tasks facing the student self-government bodies of our institute, the following are priorities: improvement of educational and research work, organization of student leisure. At the same time, such tasks as:

  • social protection of the rights and interests of applicants;
  • performance by the acquirers of their direct duties;
  • creation of various groups, associations, clubs based on interests;
  • scientific and creative cooperation with other educational institutions and  
  • youth organizations;
  • participation in solving issues of international exchange of applicants, etc.

The purpose of student self-government is:

  • creation of conditions for self-realization of applicants in the interests of society, the institution, and the state;
  • promotion of various forms of social activity, public initiatives, socialization of the young generation;
  • improvement of living conditions and leisure time of applicants;
  • formation of the acquirers of skills and qualities necessary for the development of an active life position, organizational and leadership traits and creative approaches to solving tasks.

The Student Parliament is involved in ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education:

  • cooperates with structural units responsible for ensuring the quality of higher education;
  • participates in monitoring activities aimed at improving the quality of education;
  • initiates unscheduled surveys of higher education applicants in order to make important decisions to ensure high-quality forms of life activity of the institute;
  • promotes student initiatives regarding the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education;
  • participates in the procedures of external evaluation of the educational program.

Thanks to student self-government, you

  • you will develop the qualities of a real leader, manager and manager of any business;
  • you will get the experience of communicating and working with a huge number of different people;
  • learn to find a way out of any situation, because self-governance teaches you to think critically and adequately assess your capabilities;
  • become proactive, persistent;
  • the most important thing is that you will meet real friends here, with whom you can realize all ideas, even crazy ones, but isn't that how the start of the coolest projects begins?

The Student Parliament works fruitfully with the department for organizing students' educational work. Participates in organizing and holding events, battles, contests, flash mobs, creating social videos and presentations.

The Student Parliament is a bridge between students and the administration of the institute.

Twice a year there is a traditional meeting of representatives of the Student Parliament, the student community with the administration of the institute, where the most pressing problems of student life are discussed. Each applicant has the right to ask any question regarding studies, student leisure time, social security and offer their suggestions.

Students are ambassadors for academic integrity. In our institute, they get an education, research current problems in the field of humanitarian sciences, in order to make this world better and more humane. Emphasize the importance and relevance of academic integrity for everyone.

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