Implemented projects

Name aboutobject

Implementation period

Source financing

Funding amount

Comanda project


The project "Implementation of the internal process management system for effective digital transformation of the Institute of Information Technology". (University Management System) under the program of small grants of the SUDUS project of the V. Fulbright program ("Strengthening of displaced Ukrainian universities for sustainable development".




November 2022 –

April 2023



Department of press, education and culture of the US Embassy in Ukraine.





$5 000


Wanda V.Yu. - IT specialist


Shkuropat M.Yu. - responsible for international work


The project "Technological modernization of training courses" (simultaneous translation system for training translators) under the program of small grants of the SUDUS project of the V. Fulbright program ("Strengthening of displaced Ukrainian universities for sustainable development".


May-November 2022



Department of press, education and culture of the US Embassy in Ukraine.






$5 000


Executor -

Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and Translation Yasinetska O.A.



The project "Digitalization of management and educational processes at the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages" ("Electronic Dean's Office") under the program of small grants of the SUDUS project of the V. Fulbright program ("Strengthening Ukrainian displaced universities for sustainable development" (SUDUS).



May-November 2022



Department of press, education and culture of the US Embassy in Ukraine.







$5 000


Wanda V.Yu. - IT specialist


associate professor Sklyar I.A. - head of the education quality department

Project "Intercultural communication: the sphere of communication and understanding of cultural diversity"  jointly with the University of Florida (FSU, USA)



January - June





National Communication Association (USA)


(purchase of textbooks

for the course "Intercultural Communication)


Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology

Shkuropat M.Yu.


Project "MEDIA & TEACHER Campus

 program of small grants of the project "Study and distinguish: info-media literacy"






The International Research and Exchange Council (IREX) with the support of the US Embassy and the British Embassy in Ukraine





$3 000



Head of the department

Ukrainian philology


Radionova T.M.

Associate Professor

Ukrainian philology

Muratova O.V.,

Associate Professor

Ukrainian philology

Titova O.B.,




The project "Stop instrumentalization

of history" program of small grants of the project "Study and differentiate: info-media literacy"







International Research and Exchange Council (IREX) with the support of the US Embassy and the British Embassy in Ukraine.


$4 780


Head of the department

professor of national and world history

Dokashenko G.P.;

Associate Professor V. V. Kontsur;

Docent Stukanova Yu.R.



Project "English Access Microscholarship Program of the US Embassy in Ukraine (English Access Microscholarship Program) "Access"


3rd round



Assoc. Sytniak R.M.)



Department of press, education and culture of the US Embassy in Ukraine.


English language courses for underprivileged children are financed

families from Bakhmut


Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Languages

Sytniak R.M.

USAID project "Supporting democratic initiatives of the displaced Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages".



UAH 6 million

Heads of structural subdivisions of the AHC

The project "Strengthening Ukrainian displaced universities for sustainable development" (SUDUS).


The first wave


Second wave



press department,

of education and culture of the US Embassy in Ukraine.


They were financed

trainings, seminars, expert consultations.

Belitska EM - Director of GIIM;

Marchenko T.M. - head's assistant;

Shkuropat M. Yu. - responsible for international cooperation;

Sklyar IO - Head of the Department for Monitoring the Quality of Higher Education

EU project: "Increasing the quality and relevance of professional education for the New Ukrainian School in Donetsk region" within the framework of the agreement "EU Support for the East of Ukraine"


There are 747,112.6.

Administration, NPP,

Heads of structural subdivisions of the AHC,



Project "English Access Microscholarship Program of the US Embassy in Ukraine (English Access Microscholarship Program) "Access"


2nd round




Department of press, education and culture of the US Embassy in Ukraine.




conducting English language courses for children from poor families

families from Bakhmut


Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Languages

Sytniak R.M.


The project "Development of the brand book and updating of the website of the GIIIM" under the program of small grants of the SUDUS Project of the Fulbright program ("Strengthening Ukrainian Displaced Universities for Sustainable Development" (SUDUS).





Department of Public Relations of the US Embassy in Ukraine.

Implemented by the Fulbright Program in Ukraine





$ 5 000


Administration of GIIIM,


Department of IKT


The project "Development of the library of the State Institute of Medical Sciences"


2020 - 2022



$ 3000


The manager and library staff


Project "Humanitarianism in Action": from the "Ukrainian Fulbright Circle"




Program named after Fulbright,

NGO "Ukrainian Fulbright Circle"



conducting a series of guest lectures and master classes at the GIIIM


NPPs and applicants are participants in trainings


Project "Study and distinguish: info-media literacy"



2019 - 2021



International Research and Exchange Council (IREX) with the support of the US Embassy and the British Embassy in Ukraine.



infomedia literacy trainings



Shkuropat M. Yu. - Assoc. kaf. English philol. and translation, coordinator at GIIM;

Dokashenko GP - head kaf.

domestic and foreign history;

Kontsur VV - Assoc. kaf. domestic and foreign history;

Radionova TM - Head каф.укр. philology

Muratova OV - Assoc. kaf. ukr. philology

Titova OB: - Art. off kaf. ukr. philology



"Education of student leaders - agents of change"


April 18-21, 2018


Funded trip to Kyiv and trainings for 12 student leaders



Shkuropat M.Yu. - responsible for international work,

student leaders




The project "Development of the career center of GIIIM within the framework of the program

"Success is born here. Career centers of Donbass universities »





$15 000


Head of the career development center


Project "English Access Microscholarship Program of the US Embassy in Ukraine (English Access Microscholarship Program) "Access"


1 round



Assoc. Sytniak R.M., art

Gordienko Yu.F.)


Department of press, education and culture of the US Embassy in Ukraine.


It was financed

conducting English language courses for children from low-income families from Bakhmut


Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Languages

Sytniak R.M.

The project "1st stage of the renovation of the dormitory, str. Chaikovsky 63, Bakhmut" 

September 2016 - May 2018


There are 70,000

Heads of structural subdivisions of the AHC


Project "II Forum of Student Self-Government" 


November 26-29, 2017 


$ 6 500


Members of student self-government


Project "Support of Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages"

(purchase of furniture and equipment for the educational building)


October 3, 2016

- January 31, 2017


UAH 2,800,000


Heads of structural subdivisions of the AHC


The project "Free and democratic Donbas" (equipment of the English Language Resource Center with modern English language textbooks)–.


1 turn: December 2016 - February 2017, USAID;
2nd turn: December 2017- February 2018



$ 20 000




$ 20 000



Administration, NPP,

employees of structural subdivisions of the AHC



Project "I Forum of Student Self-Government" 


November 26-29, 2017 


$ 2 500


Members of student self-government


Project "Support of displaced universities", study trip to French universities









The trip of 2 teachers and 2 students to Paris was financed


2 NPP, 2 students


Project "Business English language courses for displaced persons "Career English" 


October 2015 - June 2016

Press, Education and Culture Section of the US Embassy in Ukraine



$15 000


Shkuropat M.Yu. - associate professor of the faculty English philol. and translation


Cultural event "Ukrainian get-togethers")


February 2015


Danish Refugee Council


$ 2000


Teachers, employees and

Students of GIIIM
