Current projects

Project name Implementation period Financing Funding amount Project team

(Action KA 2: Capacity building in the field of higher education) "Modernization of university education programs in foreign languages by integrating information technologies":) _ DigiFlEd


2024 – 2027



  Project manager - Assoc. Skuropat M. Yu.; 

Administrative manager - T. M. Marchenko, deputy director for scientific-pedagogical and educational-methodical work, professor

Financial administrator - Svitlakova IV, acting chairman. accountant;

Executors of the project:

Twist O.V. - Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and Translation.

Kontsur VV - Associate Professor of Domestic and Foreign History;

Korolyova O.Yu. - Senior Lecturer English philology and translation.

Pozhidayeva NP - Associate Professor of German Languages;

Radionova T.M. - Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology

R. M. Sytniak - associate professor of the Department of Germanic Languages;

Sklyar I.O. - Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology;

Yasynetska OA - Associate Professor of English Philology and Translation.




(Action KA 2: Capacity building in the field of higher education) "Boosting University Psychological Resilience and Wellbeing in (Post-) Shar Ukrainian Nation"_BURN


2024 - 2027







Project manager: Assoc. Borozentseva T.V., Head of the Department of Psychology;

Financial administrator of the project:

 Svitlakova IV Acting chief accountant

Communication Manager: Shkuropat M.Yu. Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and Translation

Executors of the project:

Hrytsuk O.V. –– Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology;

D.S. Drozdova –– Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology;

Razumova O.G. –– Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology;

Stepanova S.S. –– Senior Lecturer of the Department of Psychology.



(Action KA 2: Capacity building in the field of higher education: "Development of the training potential of foreign language teachers as a path to multilingual education and European integration in Ukraine / MultiEd".  










62,226 E

Project manager - Assoc. Skuropat M. Yu.; 

Administrative manager - T. M. Marchenko, deputy director for scientific-pedagogical and educational-methodical work, professor

Financial administrator - Svitlakova IV, acting chairman. accountant;

Executors of the project:

Arkhipova IM - Associate Professor of German Languages;

V. O. Andrushchenko – associate professor of the Department of English Philology and Translation;

Kontsur VV - Associate Professor of Domestic and Foreign History;

Kokorina LV - Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods;

Korolyova O.Yu. - Senior Lecturer English philology and translation.

Pozhidayeva NP - Associate Professor of German Languages;

RM Sytnyak - Head of the Department of Germanic Languages;

Yasynetska OA - Associate Professor of English Philology and Translation.



(Action KA 2: Capacity building in the field of higher education: "Academic counteraction to hybrid threats"). The amount of financing of the GIIIM -







78 115 Yes

Project manager: 

prof. Dokashenko G.P., head of the department of domestic and foreign history

 Financial administrator of the project:

 Svitlakova IV Acting chief accountant

Communication Manager: Kontsur VV, Associate Professor of Domestic and Foreign History

Project executors:

V.M. Dokashenko, prof. Departments of domestic and foreign history;

V.V. Kontsur, Assoc. Departments of domestic and foreign history;

Borozentseva TV, docent Department of Psychology

Stukanova YR, senior teacher of the department of domestic and foreign history



The TWINNING project is a Ukrainian-British initiative "Supporting Ukrainian universities"









22,000 E

Beliitska E.M. - Director of the State Institute of Internal Medicine 

Wanda V.Yu. - IT specialist

Shkuropat M.Yu. - responsible for international work,

Heads of structural





Project "English Access Microscholarship Program of the US Embassy in Ukraine (English Access Microscholarship Program) "Access"


4th round




Department of press, education and culture of the US Embassy in Ukraine.


English language courses for underprivileged children are financed

families from Dnipro




associate professor Sytniak R.M.
