Komarov Sergey Anatolyevich
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of World Literature




Dear entrants!

Have you ever had a desire to make this world a little better? To help people from all over the world, while having a promising and profitable profession, or, in general, just to understand yourself?

Then GIIM invites you to study in a rather unusual, but very interesting educational program (Secondary Education (English Language and Literature)). Psychology".

Just imagine how with a perfect knowledge of English and the skills of a practical psychologist, you:

  • communicate freely and enjoy conversations on any topic with foreigners, so you are confident in the world;
  • compile, translate, analyze, edit, summarize English texts; skillfully place psychological accents in oral and written communication;
  • with pleasure you study and teach others to study and teach English according to leading methods, and as a psychologist you will be able to communicate with each student;
  • in any situation, you maintain your own inner balance, because you know the secrets of successful relationships and relationships with the individual;
  • constantly develop yourself and your skills, participate in international psychological conferences, workshops, trainings on psychophysiology, age, social, criminal, gender, political, creative experimental psychology, sexology, pathopsychology, art psychology, psychodiagnostics and psychological counseling;
  • As a psychologist-practitioner with knowledge of English, you successfully work as a family consultant, business coach, PR manager, military psychologist, teacher, educator, tutor, guide, copywriter, publisher, editor, targetologist, translator, tutor, spiritual mentor, child psychologist, psychoanalyst, pathopsychologist, psychotherapist, sales manager, private psychologist, sociologist.

The combination of these two incredibly important trends of success in the modern world - English and knowledge of human psychology - definitely guarantees you the prestige of the profession!

Are you still hesitant ?! - Choose an educational program

"Secondary education (Language and Literature (English)). Psychology",

training on which will lead you

to a worthy, fruitful and exciting professional future!


28 травня 2024 року кафедра англійської філології та перекладу факультету соціальної та мовної комунікації Горлівського інституту іноземних мов ДВНЗ ДДПУ провела культурно-пізнавальний захід FIVE EYES.

On May 28, 2024, the Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the DVNZ of the DDPU held the cultural and educational event FIVE EYES.

May 29, 2024

At this event, students and school graduates learned a lot of interesting facts about English-speaking countries, had the opportunity to go on a virtual trip to English-speaking countries together with students of the OPP "Secondary Education (English and...

Онлайн-зустріч зі вступниками

Online meeting with entrants

June 16, 2022

On June 15, 2022, the Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication held an online meeting with entrants to the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages. It was about the fact that GIIM provides a real opportunity...

Профорієнтаційна онлайн-зустріч кафедри англійської філології та перекладу з учнями 11 класу школи № 10 міста Торецьк.

Career guidance online meeting of the Department of English Philology and Translation with students of the 11th grade of the school № 10 of Toretsk.

Apr 29, 2022

On April 27, 2022, the Department of English Philology and Translation held an online career guidance meeting with trainee teacher Ladonina VD with students of the 11th grade of school № 10 in Toretsk. The meeting was aimed at finding and…

Профорієнтаційний захід для учнів 11 класу Бахмутського навчально-виховного комплексу «Загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №11 – багатопрофільний ліцей» Бахмутської міської ради

Career guidance event for 11th grade students of Bakhmut educational complex "General school of I-III degrees №11 - multidisciplinary lyceum" of Bakhmut City Council

Apr 29, 2022

April 27, 2022 teacher of the Department of English Philology and Translation A.Ye. Sokolova held a career guidance event for 11th grade students of the Bakhmut educational complex "General school of I-III degrees №11 - multidisciplinary lyceum"…

Secondary education (Language and Literature (English)). Psychology

Letter of motivation
Letter of motivation

Questions and suggestions

Sergey Gladkikh