Educational and research center of modern technologies for the formation of professional competence

Educational and research center of modern technologies for the formation of professional competence


Head of the training and research center of modern technologies for the formation of professional competence

Sheredeka Halyna Volodymyrivna


Mohylevska Anna Anatoliivna      

Specialist of the I category

Bandyk Iryna Serhiivna


Training and Research Center is a structural unit Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, Donbass State Pedagogical University, established to promote a continuous process of improving the quality of higher education and the quality of educational activities

It carries out its activities in accordance with strategies for the development of GIIM SHEI DDPU approved by the director of the institute, namely, its strategic priority "Creating an internal system of generation and transfer of humanitarian knowledge in the public space of Donbass in order to achieve a visible presence and visibility of GIIM at the regional and national levels"


  1. Implementation of educational activities to improve skills educators
  2. Providing advanced training to order, departments of education, educational institutions, institutions, organizations, enterprises
  3. Scientific and methodological support of educational and research work of pedagogical workers on training final qualifying works, creative projects, methodical cases, educational and methodical recommendations, etc.
  4. Analysis, generalization and dissemination of promising pedagogical experience and pedagogical innovations in cooperation with secondary schools, lyceums, colleges and other educational institutions, by conducting joint scientific and practical seminars, conferences and other events
  5. The work of courses to prepare applicants for the relevant tests (ZNO) to enter the bachelor's degree in higher educational institutions of the citizens of Ukraine
  6. The work of courses to prepare bachelors to take the appropriate tests (EVI) to enter the master's degree in higher educational institutions of the citizens of Ukraine
  7. Work courses English for everyday communication for everyone
  8. Work courses Czech language for beginners
  9. The work of preparation for the exam at the level knowledge of the state language


  1. Training of educators in courses Certification training
  2. Training of civil servants in courses advanced training in special short-term programs
  3. Training of entrants in preparation courses for ZNO
  4. Teaching bachelors in preparation courses for EVI
  5. Training students in courses foreign language
  6. Training of civil servants in level exam preparation courses knowledge of the state language to perform official duties and persons who intend to acquire the citizenship of Ukraine
  7. Training on professional trainings


The center cooperates with internal structural units of the Institute, namely, faculties: social and linguistic communication and Romano-Germanic languages. Departments: German philology, French and Spanish languages, world literature, Ukrainian philology, English philology and translation, linguistics and Russian language, domestic and foreign history, psychology. Structural units: educational and methodical department, scientific department, accounting and economic service, department of legal and career guidance work, office, archive, administrative and economic part, information and computer support service

The center cooperates with external stakeholders, in particular: structural units local state administrations on social protection, enterprises, institutions, and organizations belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Social Policy, the National Agency of Ukraine for civil service,  employees of bodies management of educational institutions, educators (teachers and administration of secondary schools, colleges, methodologists), National Commission for state language standards, participants in the educational process, other enterprises and institutions


Regulations on the center

POSITION of the head of the center

POSITION of the specialist of the I category


STRATEGY of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Pedagogical University

PROVISIONS on continuous professional development of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers

PROVISIONS on paid services 

LIST of paid services that can be provided by educational institutions, other institutions and institutions of the educational system that belong to the state and municipal form of ownership

Law of Ukraine "On Education"

Law of Ukraine "On General Secondary Education"

Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education"

Law of Ukraine "On Professional Development of Employees"

Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service"

Law of Ukraine "On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies"

Of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection"

PROCEDURE for professional development of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers


TYPICAL program of advanced training of heads and pedagogical workers of the Centers of professional development of pedagogical workers

TYPICAL program of advanced training of pedagogical workers of inclusive resource centers of teachers-speech therapists, teachers of defectologists, practical psychologists, teachers-rehabilitation specialists

PROGRAM of professional development of pedagogical workers for work in the conditions of inclusive education in general secondary education institutions in accordance with the requirements of the concept of "new Ukrainian school"

TYPICAL educational program for the organization and training of managers of general secondary education institutions in accordance with the requirements of the concept of "new Ukrainian school"

TYPICAL program of advanced training of pedagogical workers

REGULATIONS on the system of training, specialization and advanced training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local government officials

PROCEDURE for the organization of advanced training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local government officials

PROCEDURE for organizing and conducting trainings for civil servants

REGULATIONS on the system of professional training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local government officials and deputies of local councils

METHODS of determining and conducting needs analysis of professional training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local government officials

CONCEPT of reforming the system of professional training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local government officials and deputies of local councils

REQUIREMENTS for the content and structure of in-service training programs for civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local government officials and deputies of local councils


Bakhmut, street Vasily Pershin, 24, room 102

