Program or initiative | References | Title of the project | Beneficiary organization, project value | Duration |
Erasmus + KA2 - Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education Development of higher education potential | #101129379 — BURN —ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-1 | Boosting University Psychological Resilience and Wellbeing in (Post-) War Ukrainian Nation "Strengthening the psychological stability and well-being of universities in (post-)war Ukraine" | Consortium of European and Ukrainian Universities 399,994.00 € HIFL 45 261 € | 1.01.24 - 1.01.27 |
Brief description of the project:
Project BURN – Strengthening the psychological stability and well-being of universities in (post-)war Ukraine aims to raise awareness of the importance of working with psychological trauma during the war and post-war recovery, to create centers of psychological resilience in institutions of higher education, to improve the provision of psychological help, in particular in internally displaced universities.
Project partners:
- International Psychoanalytic University of Berlin, Germany.
- University of Tartu, Estonia;
- University of Latvia, Latvia;
- Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University (coordinator);
- Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University;
- Bogdan Khmelnytskyi Melitopol State Pedagogical University
- Kherson State University;
- Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages of SHEI Donbas State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Project team:
Project manager: Assoc. Borozentseva T.V., Head of the Department of Psychology;
Financial administrator of the project:
Svitlakova IV Acting chief accountant
Communication Manager: Shkuropat M.Yu. Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and Translation
Team of Researchers and Course Developers
Hrytsuk O.V. - Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology;
D.S. Drozdova - Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology;
Razumova O.G. - Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology;
Stepanova S.S. - senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology.
Wanda V.Yu. - IT specialist.
Project logo | Project title and no Boosting University Psychological Resilience and Wellbeing in (Post-) War Ukrainian Nation 101129379 |
Project acronym: BURN | |
Project type: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-1 | Priority: A stronger Europe in the world |
Project duration: 3 years | |
EU funding instrument: Erasmus+ Programme, Capacity Building – CBHE Neighborhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument | |
International agreement: Framework Agreement between Ukraine and the EU ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as a Law # 360-VI (360-17) dated at 3.09.2008 | |
Erasmus+ (CBHE) grant amount: 399,994.00 € | |
Target groups: Psychology students; university psychological service workers; students, academic and administrative staff of Ukrainian HEIs; local activists, volunteers, social workers, teachers, and other actors working with people affected by the war. | |
Grant holder: Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine website: | Coordinator: General Manager: Iryna Zadorozhna, Vice-Rector (Research and International Cooperation) Contacts: phone: +380679508709 e-mail: project webpage: under development |
Partnership (EU and non-EU partners): • University of Tartu (Estonia) • International Psychoanalytic University Berlin (Germany) • University of Latvia (Latvia) | Partnership (UA partners): • Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University • Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University • Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University • Kherson State University • Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages of SHEI Donbas State Pedagogical University |
Project goals and objectives: This project aims to increase the importance of addressing trauma and self-healing, develop expertise in providing psychological help at UA HEIs (including 3 temporarily relocated universities), and encourage psychological resilience and mindfulness among UA citizens affected by the war. Its impact demands long-term solutions, including investing in mental health services, education and awareness raising. The project objectives are to professionalize crisis psychology at the university by introducing new courses; to improve psychological services provided by universities; to establish Centers for Psychological Resilience and Wellbeing; to disseminate the experience. | |
Activities: BURN project serves as an umbrella for collaboration between 3 EU HEIs from Estonia, Germany and Latvia and 5 UA universities (three of them were severely affected by the war and had to relocate to safer regions with the teaching staff and students scattered all over Ukraine and Europe). BURN activities include online experience sharing webinars, study visits to Latvia, Estonia, Germany, developing two courses (BA and MA) and a module for PhD students, online roundtable discussions, autumn/spring summer schools for psychologists, training sessions for the university community , international hybrid conference and launching the Centers of Psychological Resilience and Wellbeing. | |
Expected results: Ukrainian project participants will have a unique opportunity to generate and transfer both European experience and ideas on improving educational and psychological services, offering psychological support, strengthening international cooperation in the process of post-war restoration. The Centers for Psychological Resilience and Wellbeing will innovate the UA universities and empower them with tools and knowledge for psychological rehabilitation, increase their ties with the local government bodies and communities. The new courses and university centers will also help psychology students develop communication, ethics, problem solving, organization, and research skills, commitment to learning, and emotional stability. | |
Project coordinator in Ukraine – National Coordinator: | |
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University website: phone: +380352435880 Responsible person: Iryna Zadorozhna, Vice-Rector (Research and International Cooperation) Contacts: phone: +380679508709 e-mail: | |
Partners from Ukraine: | |
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University website: phone: +380564701334 Responsible person: Kateryna Bondar, Associate Professor at the Department of Practical Psychology Contacts: phone: +380975432093 e-mail: | Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University website: phone: +380962161372 Responsible person: Kateryna Osadcha, Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Cybernetics Contacts: phone: +380683746677 e-mail: |
Kherson State University website: tel.: – Responsible person: Ihor Popovych, Professor at the Department of Psychology Contacts: phone: +380503156930 | Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages of SHEI Donbas State Pedagogical University website: tel.: – Responsible person: Tetiana Borozentseva, Head of the Psychology Department, Associate Professor Contacts: phone: +380505580548 e-mail: |
Project web-site: under development Projects results platform: under development Facebook: under development |
Project logo | Project name and project number Strengthening the psychological stability and well-being of universities in (post-)war Ukraine 101129379 |
Short name of the project: BURN | |
Project type: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-1 | Priority: Europe is the strongest in the world |
Duration of the project: 3 years | |
EU funding program: Erasmus+ Program, Capacity Building - Higher Education Capacity Building Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instruments | |
International agreement: Framework Agreement (International Agreement) between the Government of Ukraine and the Commission of the European Communities, ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with a statement By Law No. 360-VI dated September 3, 2008 (360-17) – registered project of EU International Technical Assistance to Ukraine | |
Erasmus + Grant Amount (CBHE): 399,994.00 € | |
Target groups: psychology students; employees of university psychological services; students, teachers and administrative employees of Ukrainian higher education institutions; local activists, volunteers, social workers, teachers and others who work with people affected by war. | |
Grant recipient: Volodymyr Hnatyuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University Ukraine website: | Coordinator: WITH Adorozhna Iryna Pavlivna, vice-rector for scientific work and international cooperation Contacts: Phone: +380679508709 e-mail: |
Partnership (partners from member countries and Program partner countries): • University of Tartu (Estonia); • International Psychoanalytic University of Berlin (Germany); • University of Latvia (Latvia). | Partnership (partners from Ukraine): • Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk • Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University • Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi • Kherson State University • Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the Donbas State Pedagogical University |
The purpose and tasks of the project: This project aims to raise awareness of the importance of working with psychological trauma and self-healing, to develop the experience of providing psychological assistance in Ukrainian HSEs, in particular internally displaced persons, to promote psychological resilience and awareness among Ukrainian citizens affected by the war. Its impact requires long-term solutions, including investment in mental health care, education and awareness. The tasks of the project are the professionalization of crisis psychology in universities by introducing new courses; improvement of psychological support in universities; creation of Centers for psychological stability and well-being; as well as the sharing of experience. | |
Areas of activity under the project: The BURN project involves cooperation between 3 universities from the EU (Estonia, Germany and Latvia) and 5 universities from Ukraine (three of them were seriously affected by the war and were forced to move to safer regions, and their teachers and students live throughout Ukraine and Europe). The project activities include online webinars on the exchange of experience, study visits to Latvia, Estonia, Germany, the development of two courses (bachelor's and master's) and a module for postgraduate students, online round tables, autumn/spring summer schools for psychologists, trainings for the university community, international hybrid conference and launch of Centers for Psychological Resilience and Wellbeing. | |
Expected results: Ukrainian project participants will have a unique opportunity to generate and adopt European experience and ideas for improving educational and psychological services, providing psychological support, and strengthening international cooperation in the process of post-war reconstruction. Innovative centers of psychological stability and well-being will provide Ukrainian universities with tools and knowledge on psychological rehabilitation, strengthen their ties with local authorities and communities. The new courses and university centers will also help psychology students develop communication, ethical, organizational and research skills, learn problem-oriented approaches, interest in learning and emotional stability. | |
The project coordinator from Ukraine is the national coordinator: | |
Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk website: Phone: +380352435880 Responsible person: Zadorozhna Iryna Pavlivna, vice-rector for scientific work and international cooperation Contacts: Phone: +380679508709 e-mail: | |
Partners from Ukraine: | |
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University website: Phone: +380564701334 Responsible person: Kateryna Bondar, associate professor of the Department of Practical Psychology Contacts: Phone: +380975432093 | Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi website: Phone: +380962161372 Responsible person: Olga Goncharova, associate professor of the Department of German Language Teaching Methods Contacts: Phone: +380971979424 e-mail: |
Kherson State University website: tel.: – Responsible person: Ihor Popovych, professor of the Department of Psychology Contacts: Phone: +380503156930 e-mail: | Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the Donbas State Pedagogical University website: tel.: – Responsible person: Tetyana Borozentseva, head of the Department of Psychology Contacts: Phone: +380505580548 e-mail: |
Project website: in development Projects results platform: in development Facebook: in development |
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Educational visit to the University of Latvia within the Erasmus+ BURN project
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September 6, 2024 a meeting of BURN project managers took place.
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State registration of the project
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Final semi-annual meeting of Erasmus + BURN project managers
On June 12, 2024, the final half-yearly meeting of Erasmus + BURN project managers took place. On the agenda were issues of project registration and reports of responsible...
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.