This time (November 13, 2024), students of the Czech University named after Masaryk University (Masaryk University) shared with the audience the names of outstanding Czechs who contributed to world culture - the writer Karel Čapek, the author of the science fiction play "RUR", which stands for Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti, and thanks to which the word entered the world glossary robot". They talked about their scientific achievements, in particular, the invention of soft contact lenses (Otto Wichterle).
They openly and calmly acknowledged the shameful stages of their past, which even have their own specific terms, for example tunneling (illegal enrichment during privatization after the country was released from the control of the Kremlin) or defenestration (this already refers to the past of the 15-17 centuries).
There was also a bit of humor: why are sandals worn over socks; about national humorous literary heroes (Shveika); about Czech cinema. As always, thanks to our stable students and teachers accompanying the project. The full version of the presentation can be viewed here