"Study and distinguish: info-media literacy" Project "Learn to Discern: info-media literacy" The Study and Distinguish: Info-Media Literacy project is implemented by the Council for International Research and Exchanges (IREX) with the support of the US and British Embassies, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Press Academy. Donbass State Pedagogical University and Our Dignity NGO.
Project name "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history"
The project is valid from October 2020 to February 2021
Purpose of the project - the formation of sustainable skills to combat falsifications, fakes, the ability to debunk them, consolidation of oral and written communication skills, improving social communication skills; dissemination of critical thinking among high school and college students. During the implementation of the project, its participants, primarily those seeking higher education (20 people), will gain important experience in implementing the skills of critical thinking, critical assessment of the source. The results of such a critical assessment of sources will be disseminated among pupils, students, teachers (up to 100 people). In the medium term, the project implementers become school teachers with experience in grant activities and critical thinking skills (schools mainly in Donetsk region).

As a final result - preparation, design and printing of guidelines for use in the educational process of secondary and higher education (through cooperation with the Department of Social Education of the Institute of Pedagogy of NAPA), their dissemination among educational institutions. Type of activity Purpose (briefly about the result)
Obtaining professional expert support
Formation of skills of critical assessment of the source, assessment of the level of formation of skills of critical assessment of the source
Activity | Purpose (briefly about the result) | |
Obtaining professional expert support | Formation of skills of critical assessment of the source, assessment of the level of formation of skills of critical assessment of the source | |
Preparation of analytical materials | Implementation of skills of critical assessment of the source | |
Organizing an online quest | Ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice | |
Video meetings with pupils, students, teachers | Accessible and reasoned presentation of results | |
Video meetings with applicants from other free economic zones to disseminate the results of the project | Dissemination of knowledge about media literacy | |
Registration of the main results of these surveys for use in the educational process of secondary and higher education | Execution of subject-historical and pedagogical research | |
Information support of the project | Dissemination of information about the progress and results of the project |

#Learn differentiate #MWe are media literate
On December 3-5, online meetings of the participants of the team "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history" of the project "Study and distinguish: information literacy" with the project expert - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the Institute of History of Ukraine NASU Styazhkina Olena Viktorivna. The topic of the meetings was "Methodological and methodological bases of historical source analysis". The meeting was attended by graduates of bachelor's and master's degrees. During the three days there were discussions, tasks were set, plans were determined in the study of topical issues of modern domestic historical science.

On December 23, a photo exhibition "Ukraine Known and Unknown" opened in the educational building of the institute. The exhibition is one of the results of the scientific theme of the Department of Domestic and Foreign History "Historical and cultural monuments of the Ukrainian province." The subject of the study were historical and cultural monuments of national importance of all 24 regions and one autonomous republic of Ukraine. The first expedition was carried out in 2008 to Kirovohrad region, and the last - to Kyiv in 2019. Thus, we managed to recreate the general state of historical and cultural monuments of all regions of Ukraine.
The main purpose of the study and this exhibition is to show the beauty of our land, the richness of its cultural and natural heritage, to draw attention to the problem of preserving this wealth. Some of the photos are already of historical significance, because some of them can no longer be restored, and others were destroyed during the fighting in the east. Initially, the authors planned to present only historical and cultural monuments, but also added natural monuments, which are so rich in our magical country.
The urgency of the theme and the exhibition itself is greatly enhanced in the context of the State Strategy for Regional Development for 2021-2027, which was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (№ 695 of 05.08.2020) and one of the areas of the Strategy is protection of cultural heritage.
The preparation of the exhibition materials demonstrated another important aspect - the formation of visual literacy, because the ability to analyze photos is one of the competencies that develops the project "Study and distinguish: information - media literacy", which the institute has participated since 2019.
"There were thoughts about the name of the exhibition," said Viktor Mykolayovych, "but we stopped at this: 'Ukraine is known and unknown,' because there are so many other breathtaking places that can evoke the strongest emotions and feelings." We really wanted to share these emotions and our pain for the future of this beauty. "

On December 29, 2020, according to the work plan, an online meeting was held with teachers and lecturers of educational institutions on the topic "History as an object of hybrid threat". The GIIM team acquainted the participants with the project "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history." It was decided to hold a training with high school students at the end of January in order to develop skills of criticism of a historical source. The meeting was attended by teachers of schools of Donetsk region, teachers of colleges and free economic zones of Bakhmut.

It took place on January 28, 2021 quest "Sails of history. How do you know the history of your native land? ”, Which was attended by students of higher education GIIM, medical college, representatives of the communities of Bakhmut and Chasiv-Yar. The participants of the event consolidated their information literacy skills on local history material.
"Sails of History" - How do you know the history of your homeland?
Number of points scored | Command name | Team composition |
81 of 95 | "Triumvirate" | Bezmen Nikita - Captain Vlasov Nazar, Landik Anna |
65 of 95 | "Empire" | Zatonskaya Anastasia - captain, pilot Alina, Chmakina Anna |
62 of 95 | "Mammoth Hunters" | Bezmen Kirill - Captain, Veshkin Valera, Kolodyazhna Lera |
53 of 95 | Clio's Students | Polyanska Alyona - captain, White Eugene, Diakovsky Ilya |
53 of 95 | "GeekSOS" | Mishunin Mykhailo, Rudenko Dmytro, Grechukha Oleg |

On January 29, 2021, according to the work plan, a training was held for 11th grade students on the topic "History as an object of hybrid threat", which involved high school students from Donetsk and Luhansk regions. During the training, its participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the project "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history", as well as during various exercises ("How to distinguish fact from judgment?", "What is emotional coloring?", "How to confirm / deny religious tolerance in Ukraine? ”) to develop skills of info-media literacy.

February 5, 2021. According to the work plan, an online meeting was held - a round table with teachers and students of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko, whose participants discussed analytical notes prepared by members of the GIIM team.
February 9, 2021. According to the work plan, an online meeting was held - a round table with teachers and students of the Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko, whose participants discussed analytical notes prepared by members of the GIIM team.
The participants of the meetings identified the importance and significance of the project in the formation of media literacy and resistance to attempts to manipulate the use of historical material.

On February 13, according to the work plan, the final meeting took place - online roll call of participants and guests "History - cities in the future", which was attended by members of the GIIM team and participants of all previous events - students, teachers, professors and graduates of Sumy and Central Ukrainian Pedagogical Universities. The first results of the project were summarized, the success stories of its participants were determined, the strategies of implementation of project developments in the educational process were outlined.

Dear members of the "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history" project "Study and distinguish: info - media literacy" According to our work plan, on December 3-5, 2020, there will be online meetings with a project expert on "Methodological and methodological foundations of historical source analysis."
Expert - Styazhkina Olena Viktorivna, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. You can join the meeting by following the links:
December 3, Thursday at 9.30: meet.google.com/ifj-kwga-vgq
December 4, Friday 0 17.00:meet.google.com/ihc-xxng-aej
December 5, Saturday at 9.30: meet.google.com/thv-rjfy-hdr
PAt the end of the event, please fill out the IREX Registration Form at the link https://cutt.ly/lggejLu. Registered participants receive a certificate.
Dear members of the team "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history"
project "Study and distinguish: info - media literacy"
The photo exhibition "Ukraine Known and Unknown" will open on December 23 at 1:30 p.m.
We invite you to the event.
Join the Zoom conference at the following link:
Conference ID: 799 5805 2550
Access code: 3bJd9T
At the end of the event, please fill out the IREX Registration Form at the link https://cutt.ly/lggejLu. Registered participants receive a certificate.
Dear members of the team "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history"
project "Study and distinguish: info - media literacy"
Dear guests!
According to our work plan December 29 at 3 p.m. There will be an online meeting with teachers and lecturers of educational institutions on the topic "History as an object of hybrid threat".
The purpose of the meeting is to get acquainted with the project "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history";
developing a format for meeting with high school students.
You can join the meeting by following the link:
Zoom Conference
Conference ID: 790 0357 8824
Access code: 7jCR80
At the end of the event, please fill out the IREX Registration Form at the link https://cutt.ly/lggejLu. Registered participants receive a certificate.
Dear members of the team "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history"
project "Study and distinguish: info - media literacy"
Dear guests!
According to our work plan January 28 at 1 p.m. quest "Sails of history. How do you know the history of your native land? ”
The purpose of the event is to consolidate media literacy skills on local history material.
You can join the meeting by following the link:
Zoom Conference
Conference ID: 986 8634 3823
Access code: 298592
At the end of the event, please fill out the IREX Registration Form at the link https://cutt.ly/lggejLu. Registered participants receive a certificate.
Dear members of the team "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history"
project "Study and distinguish: info - media literacy"
Dear guests!
According to our work plan January 29 at 2 p.m. There will be a training for 11th graders on "History as an object of hybrid threat".
The purpose of the meeting is to get acquainted with the project "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history";
developing skills of info-media literacy.
You can join the meeting by following the link:
Zoom Conference
Conference ID: 995 9884 2695
Access code: 458727
At the end of the event, please fill out the IREX Registration Form at the link https://cutt.ly/lggejLu. Registered participants receive a certificate.
Dear members of the team "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history"
project "Study and distinguish: info - media literacy"
Dear guests!
According to our work plan on February 5 January at 11.00 will be an online meeting - a round table with teachers and students of Sumy State Pedagogical University. А.С.Макаренка.
The purpose of the event is to discuss the analytical notes of the project participants.
You can join the meeting by following the link:
Zoom Conference
Conference ID: 999 5599 3795
Access code: 185972
At the end of the event, please fill out the IREX Registration Form at the link https://cutt.ly/lggejLu. Registered participants receive a certificate.
Dear members of the team "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history"
project "Study and distinguish: info - media literacy"
Dear guests!
According to our work plan on February 9 at 13.00 There will be an online meeting - a round table with teachers and students of the Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko.
The purpose of the event is to discuss the analytical notes of the project participants.
You can join the meeting by following the link:
Zoom Conference
Conference ID: 973 2151 0722
Access code: 962719
At the end of the event, please fill out the IREX Registration Form at the link https://cutt.ly/lggejLu. Registered participants receive a certificate.
Dear members of the team "Mist - Stop the instrumentalization of history"
project "Study and distinguish: info - media literacy"
Dear guests!
According to our work plan on February 13 at 10.00 The final meeting will take place - online roll call of participants and guests - students, teachers, lecturers and graduates of Sumy and Central Ukrainian Pedagogical Universities on the topic "History - a bridge to the future."
The purpose of the event is to summarize the results of the project implementation.
You can join the meeting by following the link:
Zoom Conference
Conference ID: 957 1154 7425
Access code: 494215
At the end of the event, please fill out the IREX Registration Form at the link https://cutt.ly/lggejLu. Registered participants receive a certificate.
Learn to Discern in Ukraine National Rollout Learn and Distinguish: Info-Media Literacy - National Development 2021-2022
Name of the project: Facts from the history of Donbass
Project implementation period: November 2021 - February 2022
Description of the proposed idea
Purpose of the proposed activity within the grant program / Purpose of the proposed activity within the grant program.
Study of unknown or hidden pages of the region's history, debunking myths and refuting stereotypes, counteracting misinformation about the past and present of Donbass through visual acquaintance with historical monuments of Donetsk and Luhansk regions and historical-critical analysis of facts. Achieving the goal is planned by creating a site "Ukraine known and unknown", which will feature photos of cultural monuments of Donbass with accompanying text, including an audio recording. Combining photos with audio text will help to form a holistic picture of the historical path of the region.
Target audience of the proposed activity and geography within the grant program / Target audience of the proposed activity and geography of the project.
The target audience is students of all levels, teachers, community representatives, primarily Donetsk and Luhansk regions. In the future, as the result of the project will be available online - residents of all regions of Ukraine and representatives of foreign Ukrainians.
What forms of activity does your team plan to carry out with the grant program support?
Activity | Goal | Responsible person |
Development of the site "Ukraine is known and unknown" | Creating a logical structure of the site, selection of photos, writing texts, cooperation with the developers of the resource, interaction with the Free Economic Zone to place the site on the basis of the Free Economic Zone site. The purpose is to present and disseminate at the national level photo facts of historical monuments of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, analysis of their connection with the history and development of the country. | Dokashenko VM (materials for the site); Deikalo A. (representative of the site developers) |
Excursion to the site "Ukraine is known and unknown" | Selection of material, writing the text of the tour, audio recording of the tour, placing audio files on the site. The aim is to provide a holistic approach to the history of the region through a combination of visual and audio perception of the material, encouraging higher education and other categories of the population to conscious self-identification through historical and cultural monuments. | Dokashenko VM + applicants-executors of the project |
Conducting an online conference "Regionalism in the Civilization Dimension: Directions and Prospects for Progress" | Development of methodological approaches to the formation of the content of the site "Ukraine is known and unknown": awareness of the place and role of photo and film documents in understanding the historical process, the ability to analyze photos and other visual series, etc. | Volvenko NM |
Online meeting "Ancient History of Donbass" based on the results of the summer archeological expedition in 2021 | Formation of the ability to search and work with sources and primary sources, to argue their own opinion in working with artifacts on the example of the findings of the archaeological expedition of 2021, which took place in Svativsky district of Luhansk region. | White ES |
Round table "New media and actualization of the problem of local lore" | Formation of the ability to use the media for social good, awareness of responsibility for the use of social networks | Bezmen MG |
What results do you expect to get from the proposed activity? Describe the quantitative and qualitative indicators in the end.
The presence of a special site will provide an opportunity to expand the audience to the maximum possible level, covering schoolchildren, students, teachers, teachers and all those interested in the history of the native land, as well as reach the national level.
Qualitative impact is determined by new online opportunities to learn historical regionalism, the use of material in distance education, which allows users to improve skills in using online tools, as well as forms the ability to correlate facts, events, processes with visual symbols.
Quantitative indicators are determined by free access to the materials of the site of network users; to get specific numbers of visitors will allow the counter of visits, which is planned to be posted on the site.
Sustainability of the proposed project and tools for promoting its results / Sustainability of the proposed project and means of promoting its results (sustainability of the project).
Within the framework of the project, a website and an online tour "Ukrainian Donbas: Past, Present, Future" are being developed, which will operate on the basis of the website of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of Donbass State Pedagogical University. ZVO accepts responsibility for the maintenance of the site, its authors will further develop the following online tours based on materials from other regions of Ukraine. Such material is available to the authors of the site as a result of the 11-year implementation of the scientific topic "Historical and cultural monuments of the Ukrainian province: exploratory and research aspects." The creation of a recording studio in ZVO will provide a real opportunity for high-quality recording of online excursions.
Indicate the connection with the previously implemented grant project and demonstrate how the sustainability of the results achieved in the new project will be ensured. / Indicate the connection with the previously implemented grant project and demonstrate how the sustainability of the results achieved in the new project will be ensured.
During the implementation of the previous grant project "Stop the instrumentalization of history" grant team (optional) created a photo exhibition "Ukraine known and unknown", which presents the results of more than ten years of experience on "Historical and cultural monuments of the Ukrainian province" (2008 - 2020 years). Based on the presented photos, several training exercises on the history of Ukraine were prepared, in particular, an exercise to establish the presence / absence of religious tolerance in Ukraine, which was included in the implemented grant project.
Today, the exhibition has the opportunity to get acquainted with a limited number of people, and therefore the creation of the exhibition site is an opportunity to spread valuable information to a wide range of people, emphasize the importance of media literacy tools in analyzing historical sources and artifacts.
The sustainability of the project will be ensured by the possibility of placing the exhibition site on the ZVO website, and further technical support of the exhibition site by ZVO, and further development of the content of the exhibition - the project team - ZVO staff.
Please indicate any additional information you consider necessary to provide us / Please indicate any additional information you consider necessary to provide us.
Some of the photos are of historical significance today, as one part of the historical monuments cannot be restored, and the other - destroyed during the fighting in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Teachers and students of the relocated educational institution are involved in the project, some of the applicants came to study from the territory of the temporarily uncontrolled government of Ukraine. This fact will facilitate the reintegration of these territories into Ukraine.
Team members that will be involved in the implementation of activities under the grant program / The composition of the team that will be involved in the implementation of activities under the grant program:
Name | Position / role in the project |
Shkuropat Marina Yuriyivna | Associate Professor, Head |
Dokashenko Victor Nikolaevich | Prof., author of the site |
Volvenko Natalia Mykolayina | Associate Professor, conference moderator |
Korolev Vyacheslav Valerievich | Teacher, technical support of the project |
Bondarenko Polina Sergeevna | Teacher, performer |
Bezmen Nikita Gennadievich | Applicant, moderator of the round table |
Astakhov Alexey Sergeevich | Applicant, performer |
Fisherwoman Polina Sergeevna | Applicant, performer |
White Eugene Sergeevich | Applicant, performer |
Petukhov Danilo Alexandrovich | Applicant, performer |
Tretyachenko Tetyana Volodymyrivna | Applicant, performer |
Valey Polina Sergeevna | Laboratory assistant, performer |
Dear members of the team "Facts from the history of Donbass" and invited to the project "Study and distinguish: info - media literacy"
According to our work plan, on December 11 there will be an online meeting of participants of the archeological expedition of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of Donbass State Pedagogical University "Ancient History of Donbass: results of the 2021 field season".
You can join the meeting by following the links:
December 11, Saturday, at 12.00 :
Conference ID: 852 4984 6399
Access code: 498288
At the end of the event, please fill out the Feedback Form at the link
Dear members of the team "Facts from the history of Donbass" and invited to
project "Study and distinguish: info - media literacy"
According to our work plan, an online meeting of the editorial board of the collection "Faces of History" will be held on December 14 to discuss the materials submitted to the collection as a result of the V All-Ukrainian Conference on International Participation "Regional Studies in Civilization: Directions and Prospects".
You can join the meeting by following the links:
December 14, Tuesday, at 3:30 p.m. :
Conference ID: 899 7867 0347
Access code: 289485
At the end of the event, please fill out the Feedback Form at the link
Dear members of the team "Facts from the history of Donbass" and invited to
project "Study and distinguish: info - media literacy"
According to our work plan, an online round table "New media and current issues of local lore" will be held on December 17.
You can join the meeting by following the links:
December 17, Friday, at 3 p.m. :
Conference ID: 860 7244 1494
Access code: 524157
At the end of the event, please fill out the Feedback Form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8grMZA7pssGm62oe7jgU3yonguryOk6iNDBc7OTugWwL_0g/viewform?usp=sf_link
On December 11, bachelors of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication held an online meeting with students of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. These were the participants of the archeological expedition of 2021, who jointly conducted excavations near the village of Khomivka, Svativskyi district, Luhansk region. The purpose of the current meeting "Ancient history of the native land: the results of the field season 2021" was to present the results of archaeological research of the joint expedition, which was covered in detail by the head of the expedition, Doctor of Historical Sciences Yu.M. Brovender. The participants of the meeting showed their skills to search and work with sources and primary sources, to argue their own opinion on the findings of the expedition.
Archaeological expedition is not only scientific and educational research, it is also an invaluable experience of communication, exchange of information, formation of skills to lead a discussion and more. A kind of "diary" of the expedition provided an opportunity to see this and relive the moments of discovery, inspiration and mad fatigue. First-year students of groups 101a and 102a, who study the discipline "Archeology", were invited to the meeting, and in the summer of 2022 they will have the opportunity to consolidate their theoretical knowledge in an expedition to Lake Usovo in Lyman district of Donetsk region. This is where our archaeologists are planning a new joint expedition.
Both the expedition itself and the presentation of its results are a real manifestation of students' acquisition of new skills in working with material historical sources, skills of their careful research and critical thinking.
On December 14, 2021, an online meeting of the members of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works "Faces of History" was held under the leadership of the editor-in-chief - Professor VM Dokashenko. The next issue of the collection of scientific works will include materials that have been tested during the V All-Ukrainian Conference with International Participation "Regionalism in the Civilization Dimension: Directions and Prospects for Progress". The purpose of the event was to determine the methodological approaches and structural algorithm for forming the content of the site "Ukraine is known and unknown" based on the publications of the collection "Faces of History".
Members of the editorial board discussed the main thematic sections of the site, the features of the presentation of photo materials and text content.

On December 17, a round table "New media and current issues of local lore" was held, which was attended by students of Donetsk region schools, students of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of Donbass State Pedagogical University, teachers and lecturers. The subject of discussion were video stories on the history of Bakhmut and Bakhmut region, prepared by the teacher of history of secondary school № 10 Bakhmut City Council, a member of the National Union of Local Historians M. Bezmen.
The participants of the round table discussed the author's responsibility in social networks, the use of social networks for the benefit of society and the inadmissibility of their use to incite hostility, incite aggression, etc., the peculiarities of the source basis for such videos, critical evaluation of sources. An important result of the meeting was the participation of high school students both in the discussion of these issues and in the preparation of videos on historical topics. The representative of the Bakhmut Youth Council D. Solntsev emphasized the importance of this work in educating a caring attitude to their own historical heritage.
The final chord of the second stage of the project was the purchase of equipment for a recording studio. Yes, we bought a studio monitor, studio headphones and a microphone stand. A good start for creating a studio that is sure to work in the new year.
The team of the project "Facts from the history of Donbass" completes the third stage and conducts a responsible and important part of the work - recording audio files for the photo site. The photos show the moments of the preparatory stage, the sound director and announcers are preparing for the recording. And when the recording begins, everything and everything around falls silent.