Collective agreement

Code of Corporate Culture

Rules of internal procedure

The strategy of multilingual education of the State Institute of Higher Education and Research 2023-2027

Education Internationalization Program

Prevention and detection of corruption

Memo on the prevention of corruption

Addendum to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 33 dated 19.03.2021 "On reissuing licenses for conducting educational activities in the field of higher education"

Extract from the license of the Free Economic Zone

Statute of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University"

Regulations on the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Pedagogical University

Regulations on the organization of the educational process

Temporary standard of higher education (bachelor's degree)

Temporary standard of higher education (master's) 2024

Temporary standard of higher education (master's) 2020-2021

Regulations on educational programs for the training of specialists of the I (bachelor's), II (master's) and III (educational and scientific) levels of higher education

Regulations on the preparation of higher education applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Regulations on the development of curricula of educational programs

Regulations on the work program of the academic discipline

Regulations on the syllabus of the academic discipline

Regulations on academic integrity

Regulations on ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education

Regulations on the procedure for establishing and organizing the work of the examination commission

Regulations on the procedure for the selection of academic disciplines by applicants of the I (bachelor's) and II (master's) levels of higher education

Regulations on the introduction of a distance form of obtaining higher education

Regulations on the e-learning system on the MOODLE platform

Regulations on the preparation and defense of course and qualification papers

Regulations on the organization of the practice of applicants for higher education

PROCEDURE (updated) for the organization and system of evaluating the pedagogical practice (production) of applicants of the first (bachelor) level of higher education in the specialty 014 Secondary education (by subject specialties)

Regulations on the dual form of obtaining higher education at the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University"

Provisions on the organization of independent work of students of higher education

Regulations on the individual training schedule of applicants for higher education

Regulations on the organization of scientific work of applicants for higher education

Regulations on expulsion, interruption of studies, re-course, renewal and transfer of applicants for higher education

Regulations on the procedure for re-enrollment of academic disciplines and determination of academic difference

Regulations on the recognition of learning outcomes obtained in non-formal and informal education

Regulations on the assessment of residual knowledge of students in the form of comprehensive tests in academic disciplines

Regulations on the organization and conducting of surveys of participants in the educational process

Regulations on the implementation of draft programs of international cooperation and management of grant funds

Regulations on the implementation of collective research topics

Regulations on the rating of scientific activity of scientific and pedagogical staff, departments, faculties

Regulations on planning, accounting and control of working hours of scientific and pedagogical workers

Regulations on the procedure for transferring persons who study on a contractual basis at the expense of individuals, legal entities (under contract) to study at the expense of the state budget

Regulations on certification of pedagogical workers

Regulations on continuous professional development of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers

Regulations on documents on higher education of the state standard and appendices to them

Rules for awarding academic and social scholarships

Regulations on the competition commission for the selection of candidates to fill vacant positions

Regulations on the use of funds intended for the payment of scholarships, financial aid and bonuses to students, graduate students

Regulations on the procedure for ordering, production and issuance of duplicates of educational documents

Regulations on the procedure for accompanying (providing assistance) to persons with disabilities and other groups of the population with special needs

Regulations on the digital library

Regulations on the systematization and uploading of materials to the institutional repository

Regulations on the faculty

Regulations on the department

Regulations on the Academic Council

Regulations on the scientific and methodical council

Regulations on the academic council of the faculty

Regulations on the Youth Council scientists

Regulations on the Alumni Association

Regulations on the educational and methodical department

Regulations on the department of scientific work

Regulations on the higher education quality monitoring department

Pregulations on the primary trade union organization of the institute

Regulations on the department of organization of educational work with students

Regulations on the educational and scientific center of modern technologies for the formation of professional competence

Regulations on the Center for Psychological Support at the Department of Psychology of the State Institute of Medical Sciences

Regulations on resource centers

Regulations on the student dormitory

Rules of procedure in the student dormitory

Regulations on student self-government

Regulations on the administrative - economic part

Regulations on the Department of International Cooperation

Regulations on the office and archive

Regulations on the procedure for concluding contracts for employment

Regulations on the Department of Legal and Career Guidance

Regulations on the planning and finance department

Regulations on accounting and economic service

Regulations on employee bonuses  

Regulations on the personnel department

Regulations on the Social Advertising Competition of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the Donbas State Pedagogical University

The procedure for conducting the attestation exam and defense of qualification work using distance learning technology

The procedure for forming a rating of student achievement for the appointment of academic scholarships  

The procedure for holding a competition to replace the positions of research and teaching staff

Report on the work of the director of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Pedagogical University “DDPU” Belitskaya EM in 2014-2020

REPORT Director of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University" about the work in 2019

REPORT Director of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbass State Pedagogical University" about the work in 2018

REPORT Director of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbass State Pedagogical University" about the work in 2017

REPORT Director of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University" about the work in 2016

REPORT Director of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages on the implementation of the collective agreement in the 2015-16 academic year

40. About organization of work of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages in martial law

41. About conducting final control in martial law

64. About Catalog of disciplines of free choice of higher education students for the 2022-2023 academic year

65. About organization of free choice of academic disciplines by applicants for higher education in the 2022-2023 academic year

18. About modernization of educational programs at the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages

69. About tracking the career trajectories of stakeholder graduates.

6. Orders about formation of a culture of academic integrity in the educational environment of GIIM

Vladislav Wanda