№ s / n | Author, title, volume, part, issue | Place and year of publication |
1 | 2 | 3 |
1 | OI Kryzhanivska, History of the Ukrainian language (historical group) | Kyiv, "Academy", 2010 |
2 | OI Kryzhanivska History of the Ukrainian language (historical group) | Kyiv, "Academy", 2010 |
3 | SI Dyachenko. Ukrainian literature for foreign centuries. | Kyiv, "Academy", 2010 |
4 | MK Naenko. History of science and criticism | Kyiv, "Academy", 2010 |
5 | К.Ф.Шульжук.Синтаксисукр..мови | Kyiv, "Academy", 2010 |
6 | MU Karanska. Syntax of modern Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Lybid, 1995 |
7 | II Slinko. Historical syntax of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Higher School, 1973 |
8 | NM Ostapenko. Technology of modern native language lesson | Kyiv, "Academy", 2011 |
9 | G. Naenko. Historical morphology | Kyiv, KNU, 2010 |
10 | NA Moskalenko. Essay on the history of Ukrainian grammar | Kyiv, "Soviet School", 1959 |
11 | О.А.Дітель.Укр.правопись | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 1994 |
12 | О.К.Безпояско.Граматикаукр..мови | Kyiv, Lybid, 1994 |
13 | IP Yushchuk. Workshop on Ukrainian spelling | Kyiv, Education, 1997 |
14 | OO Dudka. Ukrainian language (reference book) | Kharkiv, "The World of Childhood", 2000 |
15 | LO Kadomtseva. Ukrainian language. Syntax of a simple sentence | Kyiv, Higher School, 1985 |
16 | M.Galle, Literatures de L'EuropeMedievale | Paris: Editions Gallimard, 1985 |
17 | KP BunyatyanAncient population of Ukraine | Kyiv, Lybid, 2003 |
18 | Knirsch, Billina Deutsch Horen & Sprechen A1, A2, B1 | Ismaning, Germany, 2010 |
19 | BohmPhonetikaktuell | Ismaning, Germany, 2010 |
20 | Zwischendurch mal… Horen | Ismaning, Germany, 2010 |
21 | Beuriot & Richelle, AmoursFragiles the last spring | Casterman, 2001 |
22 | Beuriot & Richelle, AmoursFragiles un ete a Paris | Casterman, 2006 |
23 | Beuriot & Richelle, AmoursFragiles Maria | Casterman, 2007 |
24 | Petit Robert, the new French language | Paris, 2008 |
25 | Petit Robert, dictionnareillustre des nomspropres | Canada, 1995 |
26 | MarjaneSatrapi, Fersepjlis | Paris, 2012 |
27 | A.Chassang, Recueil de texteslitterairesFrancais | Paris, 1970 |
28 | Florence Montreyanaud, Dictionnaire des proverbs et dictons | France, 2010 |
29 | Lucie Firound, Chronigues de Jerusalem Guy Delisle | Shampooing, 2011 |
30 | Grandsecrivains & GrandsPhotographes | Paris, 2014 |
31 | Patrick Guedon, Taxi! Methode de Francais, 1, pedagogigue guide | Paris, Hachette, 2003 |
32 | Guy Capelle, Taxi !, French method, 1 | Paris, Hachette, 2003 |
33 | Robert Meland, Taxi !, Francais method, 2 | Paris, Hachette, 2003 |
34 | Patrick Guedon, Taxi! Methode de Francais, 2, pedagogical guide | Paris, Hachette, 2003 |
35 | Laure Hutchings, Taxi !, Francais method, 2, caheird'exercices | Paris, Hachette, 2003 |
36 | Anne-Marie Jhonson, Taxi !, French method, 3, | Paris, Hachette, 2004 |
37 | BernardVilliot, Jouer, communiguer, apprendre | Paris, Hachette, 2002 |
38 | Philippe Liria, L'approcheactionnelledansI'enseignement des Iangues | Paris, Editionsmaison des langues, 2009 |
39 | D.Jamme, France | Paris, 2008 |
40 | Nicole Pellieux, Level A2 for the French and referential + cd audio | Paris, Didierr Editions, 2008 |
41 | Janine Courtillon, Elaborate a course of FLE | Paris, Hachette, 2003 |
42 | Jean-Pierre Robert, Faire clsse en FLE uneapprocheactionnelle et pragmatigue | Paris, Hachette, 2011 |
43 | Paris mythigue 100 photos of the legend | Paris, Parigramme, 2013 |
44 | RegineMerieux, Connexions, methodde francais, niveau1 | Paris, Editions Didier, 2004 |
45 | RegineMerieux, Connections 9uide pedagogigue, niveau1 | Paris, Editions Didier, 2004 |
46 | RegineMerieux, Connections Cahier d'exercices, CD audio | Paris, Editions Didier, 2004 |
47 | RegineMerieux, Connections, French method, level2 | Paris, Editions Didier, 2004 |
48 | RegineMerieux, Connections, French method, level 3 | Paris, Didier Editions, 2009 |
49 | RegineMerieux, Connexions, 3, Cahier d'exercices, CD audio | Paris, Didier Editions, 2009 |
50 | Beatrice Bouvier, Connections 9uide pedagogigue, level 2, | Paris, Editions Didier, 2004 |
51 | RegineMerieux, Connections 9uide pedagogigue, level 3, | Paris, Didier Editions, 2007 |
52 | Marcella di Giura, Alors Cahier d'exercices A1 | Paris, Didier Editions, 2007 |
53 | Marcella di Giura, AlorsMethode de Francais A1 fondesurl'approche par competences, CD audio | Paris, Didier Editions, 2007 |
54 | Marcella di Giura, AlorsMethode de Francais A2 fondesurl'approche par competences, CD audio | Paris, Didier Editions, 2008 |
55 | Marcella di Giura, Alors Cahier d'exercices A2 | Paris, Didier Editions, 2008 |
56 | Marcella di Giura, Alors, Guide pedagogigue, A1 | Paris, Didier Editions, 2008 |
57 | Marcella di Giura, Alors, Pedagogical Guide, A2 | Paris, Didier Editions, 2008 |
58 | Gilles Breton, Reussir le delf, B1, CD audio | Paris, Didier Editions, 2008 |
59 | Gilles Breton, Reussir le delf, B2, CD audio | Paris, Didier Editions, 2008 |
60 | AndrienPayet, Activitestheatrales en classe langue | Paris, CLE international, 2010 |
61 | Haydee Silva, Le jeu en classe de langue | Paris, CLE international, 2008 |
62 | NVByntman, Litteraturefrancaise 1990-2005 | Paris, Strategy, 2006 |
63 | Michel Boiron, L'espaceapprendre canal akademie (синенькая) | Paris, Canal Academie, 2009 |
64 | Michel Boiron, L'espaceapprendre canal akademie (зелененькая) | Paris, Canal Academie, 2009 |
65 | Michel Boiron, L'espaceapprendre canal akademie (orange) | Paris, Canal Academie, 2009 |
66 | C.Brillant, The news, B2, CD audio | Paris, Didier Editions, 2010 |
67 | E.Heu, The news, B1, CD audio | Paris, Didier Editions, 2013 |
68 | E.Heu, Le nouvelediito, B1, cahier d'exercices | Paris, Didier Editions, 2012 |
69 | EvelyneSirejols, Vocabulary in Dialogues | Paris, CLE international, 2007 |
70 | Bruno Wachs, Phonetique in dialogues | Paris, CLE international, 2007 |
71 | Odile Grand-Clement, Civilization in Dialogues | Paris, CLE international, 2007 |
72 | Odile Grand-Clement, Civilization in Dialogues | Paris, CLE international, 2008 |
73 | Marie-Louise Pariset, Activitespoule cadre europeencommun de reference, A1, CD audio | Paris, CLE international, 2005 |
74 | Marie-Louise Pariset, Activitespoule cadre europeencommun de reference, A2, CD audio | Paris, CLE international, 2005 |
75 | Marie-Louise Pariset, Activitespoule cadre europeencommun de reference, B2, CD audio | Paris, CLE international, 2007 |
76 | Marie-Louise Pariset, Activitespoule cadre europeencommun de reference, B1, CD audio | Paris, CLE international, 2006 |
77 | Corinne Kober-Kleinert, Activitespoule cadre europeencommun de reference, C1-C2, 2 CD audio | Paris, CLE international, 2007 |
78 | Marcella di Giura, Alors, method of francaisfondeesurl'approche by competencies, CD and DVD, D1 | Paris, CLE international, 2007 |
79 | MichaelMagne, Original version, A1, cahier d'exercices | Paris, Editionsmaison des langues, 2010 |
80 | PatrikModiano, Villa Triste | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 1975 |
81 | Nicholas Bouvier, L'usage du monde | Paris, Decouverte Editions, 1985,2014 |
82 | 1,2,3… bonheur! Le Bonheur in literature | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 2006 |
83 | Nicholas Bouvier, Le poisson-scorpion | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 1996 |
84 | Literature and friends by Montaigne, Albert Camus, Fred Uhlman…, Parceguec'etait, parceguec'etaitmoi | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 2004 |
85 | Daniel Pennac, Au Bonheur de lire | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 2004 |
86 | Roman Gary, La promesse del'aube | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 1980 |
87 | Roman Gary, La nuit sera calme | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 1974 |
88 | Roman Gary, Clair de femme | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 1977 |
89 | Christian Bobin, La manguante | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 1989 |
90 | AmanMaalouf, Les identities meurtrieres | Paris, Editions Grassent & Fasguelle, 1998 |
91 | Michel Pastoureau, Le petit livre des couleurs | Paris, Editions du Panama, 2005 |
92 | Jean Orizet, Les plus beaux poems d'amour de la langue Francaise | Paris, Le Cherche Midi, 2006 |
93 | Andrei Makine, Confession d'un porte-drapeaudechu | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 1992 |
94 | Albert Cohen, Belle du Seigneur | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 1968 |
95 | Mrivains et leurpereoncher Papa… Des ec | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 2007 |
96 | Leursjeux se rencontrerent… Les plus belles premiere rencontres de la liteterature | Paris, Editions Gallimard, 2003 |
97 | MonigueDenyer, Original version, 1, Bookcase, activities + CD 2.0 and DVD, A1 | Paris, Editions Maison des Langues, 2009 |
98 | LaetitieaPancrazi, Original version, 2, French methods, Cahier d'exercices, A2 | Paris, Editions Maison des Langues, 2009 |
99 | MonigueDenyer, Original version, 2, French methods, Living book, A2 | Paris, Editions Maison des Langues, 2009 |
100 | LaetitieaPancrazi, Original version, 3, French methods, Cahier d'exercices, B1 | Paris, Editions Maison des Langues, 2011 |
101 | MonigueDenyer, Original version, 3, French methods, Living book, B1 | Paris, Editions Maison des Langues, 2011 |
102 | FabriceBarthelemy, Original version, 4, French methods, Living book, B2 | Paris, Editions Maison des Langues, 2011 |
103 | LaetitieaPancrazi, Original version, 4, French methods, Cahier d'exercices, B2 | Paris, Editions Maison des Langues, 2009 |
104 | Philippe Liria, Les cahiers de GrammaireFrancaise, Niveausurvie, A2, CD inclus | Paris, Editions Maison des Langues, 2009 |
105 | DominigueChevallier-Wixler, Reussir le Dalf, levels C1 C2 du Cadre europeencommun de reference, 2 CD audio inclus | Paris, Didier Editions, 2007 |
106 | RegineMerieux, Latitudes 2, Methode de Francais A2, B1 | Paris, Didier Editions, 2009 |
107 | V. Kopychko, Psalms of divine motives | Kiev, "Youth", 2005 |
108 | OB Bigich, Workshop on methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures in secondary schools | Irpen, Published by Romanenko LL, 2016 |
109 | V. Kopychko, Kharkiv residents. A poem about the city in quotations from poetic works | Kharkiv, Slobozhanshchyna, 2007 |
110 | V. Kopychko, What are your songs about? | Kharkiv, NTMT, 2016 |
111 | VP Grigoriev, Russian-Spanish and Spanish-Russian dictionary | St. Petersburg, Victoria Plus, 2004 |
112 | Dominigue le Fur, Conjugez sans faute | Paris, Dictionnaires le Robert, 2009 |
113 | Albert Camus, Le mythe de Sisyphe | Paris, Callimard, 1985 |
113 | Natalia Yakovenko, Essay on the History of Modern and Early Modern Ukraine | Kyiv, Critique, 2006 |
114 | Albert Camus, Caligula le malentendu | Paris, Callimard, 1985 |
116 | Albert Camus, L'etranger | Paris, Callimard, 1985 |
115 | Top 1000 English | |
117 | Genevieve Calbris, ClesPourL'oral, B2, C1, DVD + Manual exploitation | France, Hachette Livre, 2011 |
118 | Marcella di Glura, Alors, A2 du cecr | Paris, Didier Editions, 2007 |
119 | Christine Andant, A'propos guide pedagogigue, A1 | France, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2009 |
120 | Viviane Buhler, Les coulers du Francais, CM2 | France, Hachette Livre, 1999 |
121 | Guillaume Bouerel, History, Geography, Tle S | France, Hatier, 2014 |
122 | Guillaume Bouerel, Histoire, Tle L \ Es \ S | France, Hachette Livre, 2014 |
123 | Marie-Jose Lopes, Ettou, Niveau 3, Cahier d'exercices | Paris, Didier Editions, 2008 |
124 | J / Girardet, Echo, French method, A1, A2, Fichier d'evaluation | France, CLE international, 2008 |
125 | J / Girardet, Echo, French method, A1, A2, Professor's book | France, CLE international, 2008 |
126 | Marion Mistichelli, Scenario, A2, B1, Cahier d'exercices | France, Hachette, 2008 |
127 | S.Truscott, LeFrancais a Grande Vitessecoursintensif | France, Hachette, 1994 |
128 | Herve-D / Bechade, Syntaxe francais modern et contemporain | France, Puf Fondamental, 1986 |
129 | C / Peyroutet, Expression, methods & techniques | Paris, Editions Nathan, 1992 |
130 | H.Auge, Method of French, Cahier d'exercices, 1, All invitations! | France, CLE international, 2005 |
131 | ClfireBarthomeuf, French Tools, Master's Guide, CD-Rom, CM2 | France, Magnard, 2013 |
132 | Annette Ciattoni, TleL | ES | S, Geographe | Paris, Editions Hathier, 1992 |
133 | Daniel Guerault, LeFrancais, AU CE 2 | France, Hachette, 1989 |
134 | C / Peyroutet, Les techgues du francais BTS | Paris, Nathan Editions, 1990 |
135 | SoadeCherifi, Travailler en francais en entreprise, A2 | B2 du CECR | Paris, Didier Editions, 2009 |
136 | AA Formozov, Archaeological Travels | Moscow, Publishing House "Science", 1974 |
137 | Yu. Makar, Kholm and Podlasie in the first half of the twentieth century | Lviv, 2003 |
138 | M. Braichevsky, Synopsis of the History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Knowledge, 1993 |
139 | O. Dergachev, The Ukrainian state in the twentieth century | Kyiv, Political Thought, 1996 |
140 | P. Lavriv, History of South-Eastern Ukraine | Kyiv, Ukrainian Publishing Thought, 1996 |
141 | PP Tolochko, Ancient History of Ukraine, book 1 | Kyiv, Lybid, 1994 |
142 | PP Tolochko, Ancient History of Ukraine, book 2 | Kyiv, Lybid, 1995 |
143 | PP Zalizniak, Primitive History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Higher School, 1999 |
144 | O. Shmozkun, Ukraine: the way of revival | Kyiv, Higher School, 1994 |
145 | VI Gusev, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Higher School, 2003 |
146 | KP Bunyatyan, Ancient population of Ukraine | Kyiv, Lybid, 2003 |
147 | OIGurzhiy, Known and heard in all parts of the world | Kyiv, Ukraine, 1993 |
148 | AG Slyusarenko, Ukraine in the twentieth century | Kyiv, Higher School, 2000 |
149 | V. Smoliy, Cossack Sich | Kyiv, Motor Sich printing house, 1998 |
150 | G. Nash, History of the Ukrainian people | Kyiv, Bogdana, 1993 |
151 | Yu.M. Nikolchenko, Culture of the population on burning of X-XIII centuries outside the chronicle dorogobuzh | Rivne, BGG, EVEN, 1998 |
152 | OV Gisem, History of Ukraine (reference book) | Ternopil, "Educational book Bogdan", 2003 |
153 | O. Subtelny, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Lybid, 1993 |
154 | Yu. Stetsyk, Historical local lore | Drogobich, 2010 |
155 | MP Kovalsky, Scientific records | Ostrog, 2004 |
156 | OV Alexandrov, History and modernity of Christianity | Odessa "Ostroprint", 2001 |
157 | OI Gurzhiy, History of Ukraine, vol.1 | Kyiv, Ukraine, 1995 |
158 | OI Gurzhiy, History of Ukraine, vol.2 | Kyiv, Ukraine, 1995 |
159 | V. Brekhunenko, Bohdan Khmelnytsky | Kyiv, 2007 |
160 | Yu. Mytsyk, Ivan Mazepa | Kyiv, 2007 |
161 | Taras Chukhlib, Philip Orlyk | Kyiv, 2008 |
162 | V. Pirko, Settlement of steppe Ukraine in the 16th-18th centuries | Donetsk, 1998 |
163 | BD Lanovyk, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Knowledge Press, 2003 |
164 | M. Nevydailo, Essays on the history of Ukraine - from ancient times to the present. | Uzhhorod, "Graphics", 2013 |
165 | V. Potocki, The Battle for Ukrainian Lands | Kyiv, School, 2010 |
166 | FG Turchenko, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Genesis, 2001 |
167 | AI Kornych, History of Ukraine from ancient times to the XXI century | Kharkiv, Odyssey, 2004 |
168 | P. Tolochko, Chronicles of Ukrainian Russia | Kyiv, Kyiv Academy of Eurobusiness, 1994 |
169 | RM Fedorov, Galician-Volyn Chronicle » | Lviv, Chervona Kalyna, 1994 |
170 | V. Sergiychuk, Unconsciousness of Ukraine | Kyiv, 2012 |
171 | BD Grekov, Kievan Rus | Moscow, 1949 |
172 | VF Soldatenko, Ukrainian Revolution | Kyiv, Prosvita, 1997 |
173 | GB Fedorov, In the footsteps of ancient cultures | Moscow, The Young Guard, 1953 |
174 | AG Alimzhanov, The Evil Word | Moscow, "Young Guard", 1986 |
175 | AV Ado, Historiography | Moscow, The Young Guard, 1977 |
176 | VA Rubel, New History of Asia and Africa. Post-medieval East (18th - second half of the 19th century) | Kyiv, Lybid, 2007 |
177 | VI Golovchenko, New History of Asia and Africa. Colonial East | Kyiv, Lybid, 2010 |
178 | NE Ovcharenko, New History 1871-1917 | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1981 |
179 | EE Yurovsky, New History of Europe and America (first period) | Moscow, Higher School, 1998 |
180 | EE Yurovsky, New History of Europe and America (second period) | Moscow, Higher School, 1998 |
181 | VG Sirotkin, Collection of documents on the history of modern times | Moscow, Higher School, 1990 |
182 | EE Yurovsky, New History of Europe and America (second period) | Moscow, Higher School, 1978 |
183 | Yu.N. Rozaliev, New and modern history of Asia and Africa | Moscow, Higher School, 1987 |
184 | EE Yurovskaya, Collection of documents on the history of modern times in Europe and America | Moscow, Higher School, 1990 |
185 | VP Gazin, Recent History of Europe and America (1945-2002) | Kyiv, Lybid, 2004 |
186 | VA Rubel, History of pre-Columbian American civilizations | Kyiv, Lybid, 2005 |
187 | LS Belousov, Modern History of European Europe | Moscow, Higher School, 1989 |
188 | AM Rodriguez, The Recent History of Asia and Africa in the Twentieth Century, Part 1 | Moscow, Higher School, 2001 |
189 | KS Rodzhiev, Recent History of European America in the twentieth century, part 1 | Moscow, Higher School, 2001 |
190 | V. Golovchenko, Diplomatic History of Ukraine (1923-1993) | Kyiv, Lybid, 2012 |
191 | O. Dychkovsky, Proceedings of the scientific conference | Stryi, 2012 |
192 | IP Dementiev, Historical Science in the twentieth century. Historiography of the history of modern and contemporary Europe and America | Moscow, Prostor, 2002 |
193 | NO Gavrilyuk, Dictionary-reference book on Archeology | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 1996 |
194 | VN Grabovsky, Descendants of the Holy Trinity | Kyiv, White Bird, 1992 |
195 | I. Monchak, Self-governing Kyiv Church | Lviv "Svichado", 1994 |
196 | L.Ye. Deshchynsky, International Relations of Ukraine | Lviv, Beskid Bit, 2002 |
197 | VA Potocki, Who is who in Ukrainian history | Kyiv, School, 2010 |
198 | Vienna. 1683. Cossacks and Kulchytsky | Vienna, 1983 |
199 | V. Borisenko, Candle of memory | Kyiv, Stylos, 2007 |
200 | P. Duzhiy, Stepan Bandera-symbol of the nation, part one | Galician Publishing Union, 1996 |
201 | V. Marochka, Chronicle 1932-1933 | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2008 |
202 | S. Bogunov, Declassified memory | Kyiv, Stylos, 2007 |
203 | MV Koval, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, "Rainbow", 1992 |
204 | V. Sergiychuk, Building Independent Ukraine | Kyiv, "Rainbow", 2005 |
205 | YV Bondar, The Holodomor in Ukraine in the twentieth century | Kyiv, "Rainbow", 2005 |
206/5 | V. Marochko, Genocide of Ukrainians 1932-1933 | Kyiv, "Rainbow", 2007 |
207 | IR Yukhnovsky, The Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine. | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2009 |
208 | R.Pirig, Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine. Documents and materials | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2007 |
209 | VA Rubel, History of the Medieval East | Kyiv, Lybid 2002 |
210 | VA Rubel, History of the Medieval East. Second edition | Kyiv, Lybid 2002 |
211 | OO Kryzhanovska, History of the Middle Ages | Kyiv, Lybid 2004 |
212 | VA Rubel, History of the Medieval East | Kyiv, Lybid 2000 |
213 | FM Atsamba, History of Asia and Africa in the Middle Ages, part 1 | Moscow, from Moscow University, 1987 |
214 | FM Atsamba, History of Asia and Africa in the Middle Ages, part 2 | Moscow, from Moscow University, 1987 |
215 | VI Kuzishchin, History of Ancient Rome (ed. 3) | Moscow, Higher School, 1982 |
216 | VI Kuzishchin, History of the Ancient East (ed.3) | Moscow, Higher School, 2002 |
217 | VI Kuzishchin, History of Ancient Greece (ed.3) | Moscow, Higher School, 2009 |
218 | VI Avdeev History of ancient Greece | Moscow, Higher School, 1972 |
219 | OP Kryzhanivsky, History of the Ancient East | Kyiv, Lybid, 1996 |
220 | V. Semenov, History of ancient centuries | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1961 |
221 | NF Kolesnitsky, History of the Middle Ages | Kyiv, Lybid 1997 |
222 | KP Bunyatyan, History of the Ancient World | Kyiv, Lybid 1997 |
223 | LV Skvortsov, The Millennium Experience | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1996 |
224 | IA Papush, History of the Byzantine Empire | Mariupol, 2209 |
225 | OV Pisem, World History | Kharkiv, "Morning", 2009 |
226 | FG Turchenko, Modern History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Genesis, 2007 |
227 | Yu.Yu. Svidersky, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Genesis, 2007 |
228 | OK Strukevych, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Genesis, 2008 |
229 | V. Vlasov, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Genesis, 2002 |
230 | FG Turchenko, Recent History of Ukraine Part 1 | Kyiv, Genesis, 2001 |
231 | SY Abramova, Textbook on the history of international relations issue 2 | Moscow, Higher School, 1972 |
232 | AM Sakharov, Historiography of the history of the USSR | Moscow, Higher School, 1972 |
233 | IS Galktn, Recent History 1918-1939 | Moscow, Higher School, 1974 |
234 | L. Zashkilnyak, History of Central and Eastern Europe | Lviv, 2001 |
235 | SV Kulchytsky, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, "Education", 1998 |
236 | MV Koval, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Education, 1991 |
237 | AITantsyura, History and Law | Kharkiv, Osnova, 2005 |
238 | JM Berdychevsky, World History 1945-1997 | Kiev, "ASK", 1998 |
239 | JM Berdichevsky, World History | Zaporozhye, 2000 |
240 | VI Bakhmin, Political History of Russia | Moscow, Higher School, 1996 |
241 | ND Erashvili, World History | Moscow, Higher School, 2001 |
242 | S. Pivovar, World History of the XX century | Kyiv, Lybid 1995 |
243 | YM Alekseev, World History of the twentieth century | Kyiv, Lybid 1994 |
244 | World History book..1 | Kyiv, Lybid 1995 |
245 | I. Krypyakevych, World History | Kyiv, Lybid 1995 |
246 | I. Krypyakevych, World History, book 3 | Kyiv, Lybid 1995 |
247 | AR Davletov, World History 1945-1997 | Zaporozhye, 1997 |
248 | VA Fedorov, History of Russia of the XIX-early XX century | Moscow, Higher School, 2002 |
249 | IA Zaichkin, Russian history | Moscow, "Thought", 1992 |
250 | Sh.M. Munchaev, History of Russia | Moscow, "Thought", 1998 |
251 | BF Porshnev, New History, vol.1 | Moscow, "Thought", 1964 |
252 | IF Kuras, Political History of Ukraine of the XX century, vol.1 | Kyiv, Genesis, 2002 |
253 | IF Kuras, Political History of Ukraine of the XX century, vol.2 | Kyiv, Genesis, 2003 |
254 | IF Kuras, Political History of Ukraine of the XX century, vol.3 | Kyiv, Genesis, 2002 |
255 | IF Kuras, Political History of Ukraine of the XX century, vol.4 | Kyiv, Genesis, 2002 |
256 | IF Kuras, Political History of Ukraine of the XX century, vol.5 | Kyiv, Genesis, 2002 |
257 | IF Kuras, Political History of Ukraine of the XX century, vol.6 | Kyiv, Genesis, 2002 |
258 | VF Panibudlaska, National Processes in Ukraine | Kyiv, Higher School, 1997 |
259 | VF Panibudlaska, National Processes in Ukraine | Kyiv, Higher School, 1997 |
260 | I. Nagaevsky, History of the Ukrainian state | Kyiv, Higher School, 1994 |
261 | A. Atamanenko, Ukrainian women in history | Kyiv, Lybid, 2010 |
262 | L. Kochubey, Essays on the history of publishing at the University of St. Vladimir in 1834-1917 | Kyiv, Lybid, 2009 |
263 | O. Kucheruk, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Histories | Kyiv, Flash, 1998 |
264 | O. Oliynikov, Ukrainians in the Crimean War | Odessa, Mayak, 2004 |
265 | V. Sergiychuk, Ukrainian Crimea | Vyshhorod, PE Sergiychuk, 2013 |
266 | O. Doniy, OUN in Donetsk region, vol.1 | Donetsk, 2014 |
267 | V. Kravchenko, East / West historical and cultural collection, | Kharkiv, NTMT, 2008 |
268 | LE Deshchynsky, International Relations of Ukraine. History and modernity | Lviv, Beskid, 2004 |
269 | S. Kot, The Fate and Legal Status of the Exhibits of the Mobile Exhibition of the State Russian Museum of 1941 in the Crimea, located in the Museums of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea | Kiev, 2010 |
270 | LD Yakubov, History of everyday life in its ethnic dimension: memories of a Greek communist | Kiev, 2008 |
271 | S.Bogunov, Roman Shukhevych in the documents of the Soviet state security bodies, vol.1 | Kyiv, 2007 |
272 | S.Bogunov, Roman Shukhevych in the documents of the Soviet state security bodies, vol.2 | Kyiv, 2007 |
273 | V. Sergiychuk, History of KoDus | Kyiv, 2008 |
274 | I . Malik, History of Ukrainian statehood | Lviv, Svit, 1995 |
275 | OD Boyko, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Academic Publishing House, 2007 |
276 | VM Dokashenko, Faces of History | Artemivsk, 2015 |
277 | J. Kalakura, Ukrainian historiography | Kyiv, Genesis, 2004 |
278 | VM Lytvyn, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, 2012 |
279 | JS Kalakura, Historical Source Studies | Kyiv, Lybid, 2003 |
280 | YA Gorban, History of the modern world | Kyiv, Vicar, 2003 |
281 | TV Orlova, History of the modern world 15-21 centuries. | Kyiv, Vicar, 2008 |
282 | TV Orlova, History of the modern world | Kyiv "Knowledge", 2007 |
283 | YA Gorban, History of the modern world | Kyiv, 2001 |
284 | G. Kasyanov, Ukraine 1992007 essays on modern history | Kyiv, 2007 |
285 | OK Romanchuk, Re-establishment of Ukraine | Lviv, "Universum", 2013 |
286 | SV Kulchytsky, a textbook on the history of Ukraine | Kyiv, "Education", 1998 |
287 | LR Vinar, Ukrainian historian | Kyiv, 1994 |
288 | Yu. Slovatsky, The Silver Myth of Ukraine | Lviv, Svit, 2005 |
289 | VMLytvyn, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine, vol.1 | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 2003 |
290 | VMLytvyn, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine, vol.2 | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 2004 |
291 | VMLytvyn, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine, vol.3 | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 2004 |
292 | VMLytvyn, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine, vol.4 | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 2004 |
293 | VMLytvyn, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine, vol.5 | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 2004 |
294 | VMLytvyn, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine, vol.6 | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 2004 |
295 | VMLytvyn, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine, vol.7 | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 2004 |
296 | VMLytvyn, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine, vol.8 | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 2004 |
297 | VMLytvyn, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine, vol.9 | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 2004 |
298 | VMLytvyn, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine, vol.10 | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 2004 |
299 | TM Tytarenko, The life world of the individual within and outside of everyday life | Kyiv, Lybid, 2003 |
300 | OM Tsapko, History of Ukrainian culture | Kyiv, Lybid, 2010 |
301 | VM Zotov, Ukrainian and foreign culture | Kyiv, Lybid, 2009 |
302 | TM Galyuk, Culture or imitation of culture? | Kyiv, Lybid, 2005 |
303 | V. Bokan, Culturology | Kyiv, Lybid, 2001 |
304 | VY Vilkov, Genesis of the concept of nation | Kyiv, Lybid, 20013 |
305 | V. Semenenko, Who are the Ukrainians? What is Ukraine? | Kyiv, School, 2010 |
306 | H. Vovk, Studies in Ukrainian Ethnography and Anthropology | Kyiv, Lybid, 2008 |
307 | ON Sagan, Ukraine is multiethnic | Kyiv, Lybid, 2008 |
308 | LM Gorbolis, Dominants of the spiritual world of Ukrainians | Sumy, 2010 |
309 | SA Tokareva, Fundamentals of Ethnography | Moscow, Higher School, 1968 |
310 | MM Zakovych, Ukrainian and foreign culture | Kyiv, Knowledge, 2000 |
311 | SD Abramovich, World and Ukrainian culture | Lviv, Svit, 2004 |
312 | S.O. Cherepanova, Ukrainian culture | Lviv, Svit, 1994 |
313 | V. Borysenko, Ukrainian ethnography | Kyiv, Lybid, 2007 |
314 | LT Levchuk, History of World Culture | Kyiv, Lybid, 2000 |
315 | NM Berezyuk, Library of Kharkiv National University named after Karazina for 200 years | Kharkiv, Timchenko, 2006 |
316 | New pages in the history of Donbass. Collection of articles, book 13-14 | Donetsk, 2007 |
317 | I. Zhuravlyova, Outstanding Poles of Kharkiv | Kharkiv, Maidan, 2012 |
318 | O. Subtelny, Mazepyntsi | Kyiv, Lybid, 1994 |
319 | Yu. Shapoval, Petro Shelest "The real court of history is still ahead" | Kyiv, Genesis, 2004 |
320 | S. Pavlenko, Death of Baturin November 2, 1708 | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy |
321 | ZG Likholobova, New pages of the history of Donbass. Collection of articles | Donetsk, 2006 |
322 | DI Yavornytsky, History of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. Vol.1 | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 1990 |
323 | NV Soiko, Z. Tulub, "Lyudolovi", vol.2 | Kyiv, Dnipro », 1992 |
324 | Z. Tulub, "Lyudolovi", vol | Kyiv, Dnipro », 1991 |
325 | VA Smoliy, At the turn | Kyiv, Ukraine, 1994 |
326 | S. Bohunov, Metropolitan Andriy Sheptynsky in the documents of the Soviet state security bodies | Kyiv, 2005 |
327 | DI Yavornytsky, History of the Zaporozhian Cossacks | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 1991 |
328 | IS Gritsenko, Mikhail Drahomanov. Autobiography | Kyiv, Lybid, 2009 |
329 | M. Hrushevsky, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, "Warta", 1993 |
330 | M. Hrushevsky, Illustrated History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Levada, 1997 |
331 | B. Paton, Mykhailo Hrushevsky | Lviv, Svit 2005 |
332 | B. Paton, Mykhailo Hrushevsky | Lviv, Svit 2005 |
333 | B. Paton, Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, vol. 4, book 1 | Lviv, Svit 2007 |
334 | B. Paton, Mykhailo Hrushevsky | Lviv, Svit 2004 |
335 | B. Paton, Mykhailo Hrushevsky | Lviv, Svit 2005 |
336 | B. Paton, Mykhailo Hrushevsky.t.8 | Lviv, Svit 2007 |
337 | B. Paton, Mykhailo Hrushevsky. Vol.9 | Lviv, Svit 2009 |
338 | B. Paton, Mykhailo Hrushevsky | Lviv, Svit 2008 |
339 | B. Paton, Mykhailo Hrushevsky | Lviv, Svit 2008 |
340 | B. Gavrilishyn, Towards effective societies. Directions to the future | Kyiv "Pulsars", 2013 |
341 | W. Vallee, The Legacy of James and Queen Anne: Protection of Inst..property in Time and Space | Lviv, Svit 2005 |
342 | V. Bugrym, Imageology and Migmaking | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2013 |
343 | MG Kapitonenko, Power factor in international relations | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2013 |
344 | LO Bakaev, Organization of production | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2013 |
345 | AV Negoda, Fundamentals of forecasting world markets | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2013 |
346 | T. Kotsko, State regulation of the economy | Drogobich, 2012 |
347 | AI Ignatiuk, Economics of industry markets | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2015 |
348 | OI Shnyrkov, Free Trade Zones at the beginning of the XXI century | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2015 |
349 | Anisimova, Fundamentals of International Finance | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2014 |
350 | VA Manzhola, International Systems and Global Development | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2008 |
351 | OV Snizhko, Financial development of transformational economies | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2009 |
352 | LI Fedulova, Innovative Economics | Kyiv, Lybid, 2006 |
353 | TS Shemet, Theory and practice of the exchange rate | Kyiv, Lybid, 2006 |
354 | SV Markov, The Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Podillya | Kyiv, 2003 |
355 | VM Antonov, Hybrid acmeological libraries of Ukraine | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2013 |
356 | VP Andrushchenko, Sociology | Kyiv, - Kharkiv "Unicorn", 1998 |
357 | L. Masenko, Essays on sociolinguistics | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2010 |
358 | MK Gorshakov, How to conduct a sociological study | Moscow, 1985 |
359 | VMPich, Sociology | Kyiv, Caravela, Lviv New World, 2002 |
360 | M.P. Lukashevich, Sociology | Kyiv, Caravela, 2006 |
361 | KK Zhol, Sociology | Kyiv, Lybid, 2005 |
362 | VP Andrushchenko, Social Philosophy | Kyiv - Kharkiv, 2002 |
363 | VI Gusev, Western philosophy of modern times | Kyiv, Lybid, 2000 |
364 | NG Shkuratyan, Modern Ukrainian Literary Language (modular course) | Kyiv, Higher School, 2007 |
365 | PP Kononenko, Ukrainian language (guide for university entrants) | Kyiv, Lybid, 1992 |
366 | AP Gryshchenko, LI Matsko, Modern Ukrainian literary language | Kyiv, Higher School, 1997 |
367 | NG Shkuratyan, SV Shevchuk, Modern Ukrainian literary language | Kyiv, Letters, 2000 |
368 | IP Yushchuk, Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Lybid, 2008 |
369 | TD Frolova, Ukrainian in 26 days for those who have not studied it | Kyiv, ASK, 2004 |
370 | O. Cherednechenko, On language and translation | Kyiv, Lybid, 2007 |
371 | SY Ermolenko, History of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Lybid, 1996 |
372 | Ya.Yu. Vakalyuk, Ukrainian language (collection of dictations) | Kyiv, Higher School, 1993 |
373 | LI Matsko, Ukrainian language (collection of dictations) | Kyiv, Lybid, 1995 |
374 | LI Kavun, Olympiad in Ukrainian language and literature: normative educational-methodical and theoretical aspects | Ternopil, Mandrivets, 2013 |
375 | L. Alekseenko, Morphology of the modern Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2014 |
376 | IP Yushchuk, Workshop on Ukrainian spelling | Kyiv, Education, 2000 |
377 | LI Matsko, Ukrainian language (texts for dictations) | Donetsk, 2000 |
378 | D. Terekhova, CYM Tasks (for first-year students) | Kyiv, KNAU Publishing Center, 2002 |
379 | DH Barannyk, Educational spelling dictionary of the Ukrainian language | Kharkiv, "Eye", 1997 |
380 | MM Fashchenko, Modern Ukrainian language. Phonetics. Phonology | Kyiv, Academy, 2010 |
381 | SI Doroshenko, Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Higher School, 1992 |
382 | AP Zagnitko, Ukrainian syntax | Kyiv, 1996 |
383 | Jean-Claude Chevalier, Grammare La rouse du Francas | Paris, 1960 |
384 | GL Arkushin, Volyn philological: text and context | Lutsk, Volyn National University named after L. Ukrainka, 2012 |
385 | IP Levchuk, Actual problems of modern linguistics | Lutsk, Volyn National University named after L. Ukrainka, 2012 |
386 | IM Shevchenko, Educational materials on the scientific style of speech | Sumy, SSU, 2014 |
387 | Yu.A. Zhulenko, We are studying the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Lybid, 1991 |
388 | LI Fedchuk, Methodical search for a teacher-vocabulary | Vinnytsia, VSPU, 2011 |
389 | MI Hnatyuk, Scientific Notes "Philological", issue..10 | Ostrog, Ostroh Academy, 2008 |
390 | MI Hnatyuk, Scientific Notes "Philological", issue 7 | Ostrog, Ostroh Academy, 2007 |
391 | MI Hnatyuk, Scientific Notes "Philological", issue 22 | Ostrog, Ostroh Academy, 2012 |
392 | MS Vashulenko, Education in 2 \ 3 class (native language) | Kyiv, Education, 2000 |
393 | GILisa, Modern Ukrainian Literary Language | Kyiv, KNLU, 2007 |
394 | L. Kudlasevich, Culture of the word | Kyiv, Institute of the Ukrainian Language, 1997 |
395 | AM Dyachenko, Tasks from the course "Modern Ukrainian literary language" | Kyiv, KNLU, 2003 |
396 | DI Terekhova,, Tasks on "Modern Ukrainian literary language" (for art..I course) | Kyiv, KNLU, 2002 |
397 | GILisa, Tasks for independent work on the course "Ukrainian dialectology" | Kyiv, KNLU, 2012 |
398 | GILisa, Tasks for independent work | Kyiv, KNLU, 2012 |
399 | MV Mirchenko, Selected works on categorical grammar and linguotextology | Lutsk, university, 2011 |
400 | VA Gorpynych, Russian-Ukrainian orthoepic dictionary (Russian) | Kyiv, "Education", 1992 |
401 | AR Gabidulina, Slavic Philology, №27 | Artemivsk, 2015 |
402 | MP Kochergan, General Linguistics (textbook) | Kyiv, Academy, 1999 |
403 | OG Romanova, Collection of dictations on the Ukrainian language | Donetsk, VKF "Bao", 1999 |
404 | GILysa, Modern Ukrainian literary language. Morphemes. Word formation. Muphology | Kyiv, KNLU, 2011 |
405 | A.Yu. Petrakovsky, New Ukrainian-Russian and Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary (60,000 words) | Kharkiv, Unicorn, 2001 |
406 | DI Ganich, Russian-Ukrainian dictionary | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1990 |
407 | LI Matsko, Russian-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Russian dictionary | Kyiv, Higher School, 1993 |
408 | AA Taranenko, Russian-Ukrainian dictionary (sphere of business communication) | Kyiv, "Native Language" 1996 |
409 | NO Batyuk, Phraseological Dictionary | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1966 |
410 | S.Ya. Ermolenko, Culture of the Ukrainian language (reference book) | Kyiv, Lybid, 1990 |
411 | E. Chuck, Are we right? | Kyiv, Education, 1997 |
412 | B. Antonenko-Davidovich, As we speak, 1991 | Kyiv, Academy, 1992 |
413 | B. Antonenko-Davidovich, As we speak, 1993 | Kyiv, Lybid, 1991 |
414 | VM Bilonozhenko, Phraseological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language, vol.2 | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 1993 |
415 | SV Muzychuk, Orthographic Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language | Donetsk, BAO, 2003 |
416 | VF Chukina, Grammar of the Ukrainian language in tables and diagrams | Kyiv, Logos, 2003 |
417 | Jiri Toman, The Art of Speaking | Kyiv, "Ukraine", 1996 |
418 | IM Zabiyaka, Russian-Ukrainian dictionary for schoolchildren. Phraseology. | Kyiv, ASK, 2005 |
419 | LMPolyuga, Dictionary of antonyms and phraseological antonyms | Kyiv, Dovira, 2004 |
420 | Modern spelling dictionary | Kharkiv, "Ray", 2009 |
421 | GM Udovychenko, Dictionary of Ukrainian idioms | Kyiv, Higher School, 1985 |
422 | AOSvashenko, Ukrainian orthographic dictionary | Kharkiv, "Flag", 1997 |
423 | V.Yaremko, New explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language vol.1 | Kyiv, Aconite, 1999 |
424 | V.Yaremko, New explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language vol.2 | Kyiv, Aconite, 1999 |
425 | V.Yaremko, New explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language vol.3 | Kyiv, Aconite, 1999 |
426 | V.Yaremko, New explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language vol.4 | Kyiv, Aconite, 1999 |
427 | O. Mokrovolsky, Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of business language | Kyiv, Ukrainian World, 1992 |
428 | M. Kochergan, Dictionary of Russian-Ukrainian interlanguage homonyms | Kyiv, Academy, 1997 |
429 | S. Karavansky, Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of complex vocabulary | Kyiv, CMU, 2006 |
430 | V. Stepaniuk, Syntactic parsing of sentences | Kyiv, KNLU, 2010 |
431 | NF Gladush, Language, education, culture in the context of European integration | Kyiv, Flash, 2004 |
432 | O. Tkachenko, Ukrainian language and language life of the world | Kyiv, "Education", 1992 |
433 | AG Galetova, Ukrainian language fact tour | Kyiv, "Education", 1992 |
434 | SV Shevchuk, Ukrainian language for professional purposes | Kyiv, Alerta, 2012 |
435 | MV Guts, Ukrainian language for professional orientation | Kyiv, CMU, 2004 |
436 | Z. Matsyuk, Ukrainian language of professional communication | Kyiv, Caravela, 2012 |
437 | AP Zagnitko, Ukrainian business broadcasting | Donetsk, BAO, 2005 |
438 | II Kolesnyk, Ukrainian historiography of the 18th-19th centuries | Kyiv, Genesis, 2000 |
439 | NL Ivanytska, Modern theories of categorical pragmatics in linguodidactics | Vinnytsia, VSPU, 2009 |
440 | YI Kovalev, Genre and style modifications in Ukrainian literature | Kyiv, CMU, 2012 |
441 | IM Kochan, Culture of the native language | Lviv, Svit, 1996 |
442 | O. Demska, Introduction to lexicography | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2010 |
443 | AK Moisienko, Word. Symbol. Text | Kyiv, CMU, 20016 |
444 | A. Glotov, Philological Essays | Ostrog, 2015 |
445 | GL Arkushin, West Polissya dialectology | Lutsk, university, 2012 |
446 | IV Gorofyanyuk, Philological Studies, issue 12, part II | Lutsk, university, 2012 |
447 | OG Romanova, Test tasks for 5-7 grades | Donetsk, BAO, 1998 |
448 | SP Bybyk, Business documents and legal papers | Kharkiv, Folio, 2006 |
449 | OB Oliynyk, Language of official documents | Kyiv, Institute of Postgraduate Education, 2006 |
450 | LM Palamar, Language of business papers (practical manual) | Kyiv, Lybid, 1998 |
451 | EI Naumenko, Ukrainian language lessons | Kharkiv, Osnova, 2005 |
452 | VP Olekseenko, Elective in the Ukrainian language | Kharkiv, Osnova, 2006 |
453 | RA Govorun, Odnabatkivshchyna and two do not happen | Artemivsk, 1996 |
454 | OM Chkhailo, The best competitive lessons | Kharkiv, Osnova, 2006 |
455 | L. Pavlenko, Ukrainian Classical Philology | Kyiv, CMU, 2014 |
456 | DA Kobtsev, Ukrainian language, dictations, tasks, exercises 7 class | Kharkiv, Torsing, 1998 |
457 | VV Rizun, Language, Society, Journalism | Kyiv, CMU, 2010 |
458 | TO Chernysh, Essays on Slavic comparative-historical lexicology and etymology | Kyiv, CMU, 2010 |
459 | LIPilipenko, Living Word, 7th grade | Donetsk, CPA, 2001 |
460 | GILisa, Tasks for independent work on the course "Ukrainian dialectology" | Kyiv, KNLU, 2012 |
461 | OIPotapenko, Collection of exercises and tasks in the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, "Education", 1992 |
462 | VI Tykhosha, Ukrainian language: a collection of texts for translations | Kyiv, KNLU, 2011 |
463 | OV Matvienko, Ukraine and the World: Dialogue of Languages and Cultures March 30-April 1, 2011 | Kyiv, KNLU, 2010 |
464 | OV Matvienko, Ukraine and the world: dialogue of languages and cultures 21-23.03.2012 | Kyiv, KNLU, 2012 |
465 | MI Kostomarov, Slavic mythology | Kyiv, KNLU, 2010 |
466 | V. Krasnopolska, Milestones of life | Kyiv, KNLU, 2010 |
467 | VG Pasynok, Fundamentals of speech culture | Kharkiv, Karazin Institute, 1996 |
468 | SV Semchinsky, General Linguistics | Kyiv, Oko, 1996 |
469 | SP Bevzenko, Introduction to Linguistics | Kyiv, Higher School, 2006 |
470 | A. Lyashchuk, Fundamentals of Public Broadcasting | Kirovograd, Avangard, 2011 |
471 | A. Lyashchuk, Fundamentals of Public Broadcasting | Kirovograd, Avangard, 2012 |
472 | Ya. Fedorov, Linguistic models of the discourse of public speeches | Kyiv, NaUKMA, 2010 |
473 | Denis Diderot, Nun | Moscow, Pravda, 1984 |
474 | AV Troyanovsky, Astrology | Chisinau, Press, 1995 |
475 | John Galsworthy, The Saga of the Forsyths, vol.1 | Moscow, Pravda, 1983 |
476 | VI Tikhosha, Optional classes in the native language at school | Kharkiv, Osnova, 2005 |
477 | TV Nikishina, Collection of dictations on the Ukrainian language 5-9 grades | Kharkiv, Osnova, 2006 |
478 | LI Matsko, How to write a translation from the Ukrainian language | Kharkiv, "Gymnasium", 1999 |
479 | O. Husar, Collection of control translations from the Ukrainian language | Ternopil, 1996 |
480 | DI Terekhova, Tasks in modern Ukrainian literary language (for 1st year students) | Kyiv, KNLU, 2005 |
481 | PP Kononenko, Ukrainian Studies | Kyiv, Academy, 2005 |
482 | P. Sokhan, Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies | Kyiv, Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography |
483/1-3 | KM Sokolovskaya, Workshop on Ukrainian Studies | Kyiv, Staff, 2011 |
484 | V. Drotenko, Ukrainian Studies | Drohobych, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2011 |
485 | LV Boyarskaya, Folklore | Kyiv, Shevchenko National University, 2011 |
486 | LI Morozova, Writer's epistolary: genre nature and differentiation of species | Horlivka, GIIM, 2011 |
487 | L. Romanenko, Phonetics and phonology | Mariupol, Moscow State University, 2004 |
488 | OD Gnidan, History of Ukrainian literature of the late 19th-early 20th centuries, book 1 | Kyiv, Lybid, 2005 |
489 | OD Gnidan, History of Ukrainian literature of the late 19th-early 20th centuries, book 2 | Kyiv, Lybid, 2006 |
490 | IO Golubovska, Actual problems of modern linguistics | Kyiv, Shevchenko National University, 2011 |
491 | D. Galsworthy, The Saga of Foresight, vol.3 | Moscow, Pravda, 1983 |
492 | D. Galsworthy, The Saga of Foresight, vol.2 | Moscow, Pravda, 1983 |
493 | IR Korolev, Fundamentals of linguistic knowledge | Kyiv, Shevchenko National University, 2013 |
494 | V. Shevchuk, Mykola Gogol, textbook, vol.1 | Kyiv, "Amulets", 2000 |
495 | V. Shevchuk, Mykola Gogol, textbook, vol.2 | Kyiv, "Amulets", 2000 |
496 | NI Dorofeeva, Foreign Literature of the XIX century (control tests and creative tasks) | Kyiv, Academy, 2003 |
497 | V. Kremin, History of Foreign Literature (Antiquity and the Middle Ages) | Drohobych, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2012 |
498 | VMShtogrin, Literary Dictionary-Reference | Kyiv, Academy, 1997 |
499 | OA Styshov, Language, Culture and Education in the Modern World | Kyiv, KNLU, 2008 |
500 | LM Zadorozhna, New word (textbook for the discipline "History of Ukrainian Literature", book 1) | Kyiv, Shevchenko National University, 2012 |
501 | Mark Twain, Collection of Repairs, vols. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 | Moscow, Khud.lit-ra, 1961 |
502 | M. Bulgakov, Collection of repairs, vols. 1,2,3,4,5 | Moscow, Khud.lit-ra, 1992 |
503 | NM Karazin, Collection of repairs, vol. 1,2 | Moscow, Khud.lit-ra, 1964 |
504 | AP Chekhov, Collection of repairs, vols. 1,2,3,4,5,6 | Moscow, Pravda, 1985 |
505 | N. Nekrasov, Poems and poems | Moscow, Khud.lit-ra, 1980 |
506 | M.Yu. Lermontov, vols. 1,2,1 | Moscow, Pravda, 1980-90 |
507 | YL Trofimov, Psychology | Kyiv, Lybid, 2001 |
508 | VG Krysko, General psychology in schemes and comments to them | Moscow, Flint, 1998 |
509 | RS Nemov, Psychology | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1990 |
510 | V.Lys, The Age of Jacob | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2016 |
511 | Nationalities The journal of Nationalims and Ethnicity, Volume 44, Number 6, November 2016 | USA, 2016 |
512 | G. Böll, Billiards at half past nine | Moscow, Astrel, 2011 |
513 | H. Naylor, When Summer Comes | New York Cambridge, 1999 |
514 | N. Lyubimova, From "Nibelungs to Rilke" | Moscow, March, 2000 |
515 | The Bible in German (Die Bibel) | Studgart, 1985 |
516 | C. Dickens, Domby and son | Kiev, Dnipro, 1991 |
517 | Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre | Kharkiv, Kharkiv News, 1993 |
518 | Imogine Forte, Easy To Make And Use, HOLIDAY & SEASONAL BULLETIN BOARDS | Nashville, 1986 |
519 | Imogine Forte, Mary Ann Pangle, Easy To Make And Use, READING BULLETIN BOARDS | Nashville, 1986 |
520 | Imogine Forte, Easy To Make And Use, SPRING BULLETIN BOARDS | Nashville, 1987 |
521 | Imogine Forte, Easy To Make And Use, FALL BULLETIN BOARDS | Nashville, 1987 |
522 | Imogine Forte, Easy To Make And Use, SCIENCE BULLETIN BOARDS | Nashville, 1986 |
523 | Imogine Forte, Easy To Make And Use, LIBRARY & REFERENCE BULLETIN BOARDS | Nashville, 1986 |
524 | Laura Duncan Choate, JoAnn King Okey, GRAPHING PRIMER | USA, 1989 |
525 | Karen P. Hall, Learn to Read, Fun & Fantasy Take-HomeBooks | |
526 | TURN-TO-LEARN, Word Family Wheels | USA, 2000 |
527 | COUNTING TO TEN, Enrichment Activities! Stickers! | USA, 1995 |
528 | Christine Boardman Moen, Better Than BOOK Reports | USA, 1992 |
529 | Claire Daniel, Short & Long Vowels | USA, 1997 |
530 | An International Journal, Corruption and Reform | Netherlands, 1993 |
531 | Harcourt Brace, Phonics Practice Book | USA, 2005 |
532 | Louise True, NUMBER MEN | USA, 1962 |
533 | Ruth Helen Yopp, Literature-Based Reading Activities | USA, 1992 |
534 | Richard A. Boning, Getting the Main Idea | USA, 1990 |
535 | Poplar E., Alien Face (Submarine U-137) | USA, 1991 |
536 | Rudenko M., Behind Bars. Poetry | Kyiv, 1980 |
537 | Eleventh essentials edition, WE THE PEOPLE, An introduction to American politics | USA, 2017 |
538 | J. David Cooper, LITERACY Helping Children Construct Meaning | USA, 1993 |
539 | Kenneth J. Gregory, THE EARTH'S LAND SURFACE | Great Britain, 2010 |
540 | Karen A. Mingst, Essentials of International Relations | Canada, 2017 |
541 | Walter Levine, How Can I Help You? The most important question in business and life | USA, 2010 |
542 | Shelley Harwayne, Lasting Impressions, Weaving Literature into the Writing Workshop | USA, 1992 |
543 | Daniel Gilbert, Stumbling on Happiness | USA, 2005 |
544 | T. Dreiser, The American Tragedy | Moscow, Fiction, 1981 |
545 | I. Arnold, Stylistics of modern English | Leningrad, Enlightenment, 1981 |
546 | T. Dreiser, Sister Kerry (in English) | Moscow, Higher School, 1968 |
547 | R. Aldington, Stories (in English) | Moscow, Progress, 1967 |
548 | Islands in the ocean (in English) | Moscow, military academy, 1975 |
549 | Saroyan, Selected Stories (in English) | Moscow, Progress, 1975 |
550 | J. Joyce, Dubliners. Portrait of an artist in his youth (in English) | Moscow, Progress, 1982 |
551 | J. London, The Call of the Jungle. White Fang (in English) | Moscow, Progress, 1976 |
552 | Hemingway, Fiesta (in English) | Moscow, International Relations, 1981 |
553 | Charles Dickens, Shop of Antiquities | Moscow, Hud-lit, 1978 |
554 | A book to read in English | Moscow, military academy, 1967 |
554 | VM Galuzinsky, Pedagogy: theory and history | Kyiv, Higher School, 1995 |
555 | W. Golding, Lord of the Flies. Pyramid. Ambassador Extraordinary (in English) | Moscow, Progress, 1982 |
556 | I. Turgenev, Rudin. Noble nest | Moscow, Hud-lit, 1975 |
557 | I. Kon, Dictionary of Ethics | Moscow, uzd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1975 |
559 | FS Fitzgerald, Selected Stories (in English) | Moscow, Progress, 1979 |
560 | W. Faulkner, Absalom, Absalom! (in English) | Moscow, Progress, 1982 |
561 | V. Zakrutkin, The Human Mother | Moscow, Young Guard, 1979 |
562 | M. Nadysev, Russian-English military-technical dictionary | Moscow, military academy, 1975 |
563 | M. Lermontov, Selected works | Moscow, Hud-lit, 1985 |
564 | T. Amelina, Textbook of English Literature (in English) | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1984 |
565 | K.Pritchard, Kunardu (in English) | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1975 |
566 | T. Dreiser, Jenny Gergardt (in English) | Moscow, Progress, 1979 |
567 | J. Aldridge, Sea Eagle (in English) | Kiev, Dnipro, 1973 |
568 | B. Khaimovich, Theoretical grammar of the English language | Moscow, Higher School, 1987 |
569 | J. Adamson, Born of Freedom; D. Wyndham, Choki (in English) | Leningrad, Enlightenment, 1980 |
570 | R. Aldin, Death of a Hero | Moscow, Hud lit-t, 1976 |
571 | I. Karpenko-Kary, Selected plays | Kyiv, Dnipro Publishing House of Fiction, 1976 |
572 | Bernard Shaw, Selected works | Foreign languages publishing house, Moscow, 1958 |
573 | Graham Greene, The quiet american | The higher school publishing house, Moscow, 1968 |
574 | Fletcher Knebel, Charles Bailey, Seven days in May | Progress publishers, Moscow, 1970 |
575 | Paul Beale, A Concise Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English | Macmillan Publishing Company, USA, 1990 |
576 | L. Hemingway, My brother Ernest Hemingway | Kyiv, Kyiv, Dnipro Fiction Publishing House, 1968 |
577 | IR Galperin, Stylistics | Higher School Publishing House, Moscow, 1971 |
578 | A. Rybakin, Dictionary of English surnames | Moscow, "Russian Language", 1986 |
579 | A. Babkin, V. Shendetsov, Dictionary of foreign expressions and words K - Z | Leningrad, Nauka Publishing House, 1987 |
580 | Yu. Smirnov-Nesvitsky, Vakhtangov | Leningrad, Art, 1987 |
581 | I.P. Иванова, В.В. Burlakova, GG Pocheptsov, Theoretical grammar of modern English | Moscow, Higher School, 1981 |
582 | Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | New York, Panther, 1999 |
583 | N. Dyakovskaya, “English Romantic Tale (in English) | Moscow, Progress, 1980 |
584 | P. Yershov. Nhe little Humpbacked (Ershov, Humpbacked Horse) | Moscow, Progress, 1980 |
585 | V. Veryha, In the service of the people… Prominent figures of the Ukrainian diaspora | Lviv-Toronto, 2007 |
586 | I .Kirpatiy, Zaporozhets overseas | Lviv-Toronto, 2007 |
587 | V. Dornik, Occupation of Ukraine in 1918 | Chernivtsi, Green Bukovyna, 2009 |
588 | Yu. Makar, Kholmshchyna and Podlasie in the first half of the XX century | Lviv, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 2003 |
589 | O. Gurzhiy, Ukrainian Cossack state in the second half of the 17th-18th centuries: borders, population, law | Kyiv, Osnovy, 1996 |
590 | V. Veryha, Essays on the History of Ukraine (late 18th-20th centuries) | Lviv, World, 1996 |
591 | Genocide of Ukraine in the twentieth century | Lviv, Polittech, 2010 |
592 | A. Tchaikovsky, At the Entrances | New York, 1962 |
593 | Yu. Shilova, Thieves | Moscow, Astrel, 2002 |
594 | T. Knyagynytska-Dushenko, Okrushiny, Poems | Toronto, 1975 |
595 | N. Troitsky, Tsarism under. by the court of the progressive public 1866-1895 | Moscow, "Thought", 1979 |
596 | G. Sirik, Voronezh and its environs | Toronto, 1989 |
597 | M. Ostromyr, At dawn | Argentina, Seredyak, 1969 |
598 | S. Sklyarenko, Vladimir | Kyiv, Hud-lit, 1962 |
599 | I.Franko, From the peaks and lowlands | Lviv, Lviv National University, 2004 |
600 | V. Adadurov, History of France | Lviv, published by the Ukrainian Catholic University. 2002 |
601 | M. Hrushevsky, Collection of scientific works… | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 1994 |
602 | Akathist | Lviv, Svichado, 2000 |
603 | Selected novels | Moscow, Reader's Digest, 2007 |
604 | F. Sagan, Hello sadness | Moscow, AKVO-INC, 1992 |
605 | V. Makeev, 100 days of captivity, or call sign 911 | Cherkasy, Alexander Tretyakov, 2015 |
606 | B.Yukhno, Retrograd | Cherkasy, Alexander Tretyakov, 2016 |
607 | O. Sokyrko, Knights of the second grade | Kyiv, Tempora, 2006 |
608 | V. Dergach, Zhorna. Essays, memoirs, documents | Cherkasy, "Sower", 1999 |
609 | O. Mayorov, Euphrosyne of Galicia | Bila Tserkva, Oleksandr Pshonkivsky, 2013 |
610 | Shevchenko's treasury. Proceedings of the 1st All-Ukrainian Congress of Museum Workers… | Cherkasy, Brama-Ukraine, 2012 |
611 | Yu. Mytsyk, History of Ukraine | Kyiv, Clio, 2015 |
612 | Yu. Mykhailyuk, Ancient and Medieval History of Ukraine | Cherkasy, B. Khmelnytsky National University, 2008 |
613 | V. Shpak, Ukraine: from "Russian Communism" - to European Integration | Cherkasy, Brama, 2003 |
614 | SA Bryzhytska, Taras Shevchenko and Mykhailo Hrushevsky: in search of a way to independent Ukraine | Kaniv, NDIU, 2017 |
615 | S. Bryzhytska, Life and word of a Ukrainian for Ukrainians | Kyiv, Zadruga, 2006 |
616 | M. Slaboshpytsky, a Ukrainian who refused to be poor | Kyiv, Rada, 1994 |
617 | VV Masnenko, Research Field of War, without ideological trenches… 2 | Cherkasy, "Vertical", 2010 |
618 | V. Cook, Act of Restoration of the Ukrainian State (June 30, 1941) | Kyiv-Lviv, 2006 |
619 | Ukrainian biographical dictionary: history and problems of creation | Lviv, Necropolis, 1997 |
620 | MG Shamrai, From the USSR to the CIS | Cherkasy, 2010 |
621 | VMMelnichenko, United by a common goal | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2015 |
622 | L. Voitovych, Galician-Volyn Etudes | Bila Tserkva, Oleksandr Pshonkivsky, 2011 |
623 | S. Kulchytsky, Three Hundred Years of Solitude: Ukrainian Donbass in Search of Meaning and Homeland | Kyiv, Clio, 2016 |
624 | Yu. Borets, For Ukraine, for its will | Lviv, "The World of Printing", 1998 |
625 | T. Chukhlib, Sword and plow Donbass-ancient land of Ukraine (in Russian) | Kyiv, Clio, 2015 |
626 | VG Sukhovershko, Spiritual heritage of Cherkasy region | Cherkasy, Brama, 2000 |
627 | O. Ogloblin, Ukrainian-Moscow Agreement of 1654 | Kyiv-Lviv, OSSU, 2005 |
628 | M. Vavrychyn, Reproduction of Ukraine | Lviv, IUAD, 2012 |
629 | SI Bilokon, Second All-Ukrainian Orthodox Church Council of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church | Kyiv, IUA, 2007 |
630 | Yu. Horlis-Horsky, We will be back! Memories, novel, poetry, documents, correspondence | Kyiv-Vinnytsia, "Cold Yar", 2012 |
631 | The law of God | Kyiv, UOCCP, 2003 |
632 | O. Stepanov, R. Dashkevych, Memoirs and essays | Lviv, IUAD, 2009 |
633 | Yu. Prysyazhniuk, What is modern patriotism in general and in Ukrainian | Cherkasy, "Vertical", 2009 |
634 | S. Bryzhytska, The event at Chernecha and the fate of people | Cherkasy, Olga Vovchok, 2013 |
635 | RK Zagorin, 70 years since the beginning of the Second World War. This should not happen again! | Cherkasy, Vovchok O.Yu., 2013 |
636 | V. Masnenko, Ukrainian House | Cherkasy, Brama, 2012 |
637 | A. Grechylo, Ukrainian Territorial Heraldry | Lviv, IUA, 2010 |
638 | From the Shevchenko Scientific Society to the Ukrainian Free University | Kyiv, IUA, 1992 |
639 | Ya. Fedoruk, Foreign Policy of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the Formation of His Political Program (1648-1649) | Lviv, Verkhovyna, 1993 |
640 | V. Gerasymchuk, Materials on the history of the Cossacks! 7th century | Lviv, IUA, 1994 |
641 | O. Vintonyak, Ukraine in the oases of Western European plantains of the second half of the 18th century | Lviv-Munich, "Dnieper Wave", 1995 |
642 | J. Dashkevych, Ukraine in the Past, Issue III | Kyiv-Lviv, "Chronicle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army", 1993 |
643 | J. Dashkevych, Ukraine in the Past, Issue 4 | Kyiv-Lviv, "Chronicle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army", 1993 |
644 | J. Dashkevych, Ukraine in the Past, Issue 5 | Kyiv-Lviv, "Chronicle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army", 1994 |
645 | J. Dashkevych, Ukraine in the Past, Issue III | Kyiv-Lviv, "Chronicle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army", 1996 |
646 | J. Dashkevych, Ukraine in the Past, Issue III | Kyiv-Lviv, "Chronicle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army", 1996 |
647 | V. Alexandrovich, King Danilo Romanovich | Bila Tserkva, Oleksandr Pshonkivsky, 2013 |
648 | B. Paton, Mykhailo Hrushevsky | Lviv, Svit 2003 |
649 | S. Mohylko, Quotes from the East. Collection of memories 2014-2015 | Cherkasy, Alexander Tretyakov, 2015 |
650 | V. Lazurenko, Ukrainian farming: ups and downs (1921-1929) | Cherkasy, ChSTU, 2013 |
651 | TG Bondarenko, Information legislation of Ukraine | Kyiv, 2008 |
652 | J. Dashkevych, Ivan Mazepa and Mazepa residents | Lviv, IUAD, 2011 |
653 | I. Gyrych, Collection of scientific works in honor of Yaroslav Dashkevych on the occasion of his 70th birthday | Lviv, Kots, 1996 |
654 | V. Stavysky, Kyiv and Kyiv Chronicles in the 13th Century | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2005 |
655 | Historiographical topography and sociotopography of Ukraine | Lviv, IUAD, 2006 |
656 | U. Kryshtalovych, Main Russian Council | Lviv, IUAD, 2002 |
657 | A. Kravets, General MOMOT: our myth | Cherkasy, Alexander Tretyakov, 2015 |
658 | F. Khmelkovsky, Lieutenant's Diary | Cherkasy, Alexander Tretyakov, 2016 |
659 | Yar Slavutych, Research and articles | Edmonton, Slavuta, 2006 |
660 | NDPolonska-Vasylenko, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Essay on history | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 1993 |
661 | Figurative word of Luhansk region | Luhansk, LNPU, 2003 |
662 | DI Doroshenko, Essay on the history of Ukraine | Lviv, Svit, 1991 |
663 | O. Ogloblin, Getoman Ivan Mazepa and his time | Toronto, OOCHSU, 1960 |
664 | The revolutionary process of 1917-1920: origins, content, significance | Cherkasy, Vertical, 2014 |
665 | D. Nalyvayko, Cossack Christian Republic | Kyiv, Dnipro, 1992 |
666 | V. Plotnytsky, The Last Shots of the Insurgents | Zhytomyr, Ruta, 2007 |
667 | K. Kachurovska, The Way of the Warrior. One for two | Kyiv, Feldman, 2016 |
668 | IA Fareniy, National Ukrainian Trust | Cherkasy, Vertical, 2014 |
669 | YM Kanygin, Milestones in the sacred history of Russia-Ukraine | Kyiv, Ukraine, 2001 |
670 | IA Fareniy, Cooperative movement in Dnieper Ukraine | Cherkasy, "Echo", 2008 |
671 | MI Bushina, History of Ukraine (textbook) | Cherkasy, Ukrainian Chronicle, 2016 |
672 | M. Hrushevsky, History of Ukraine-Russia. Geographical and ethnic indicator | Lviv, IUAD, 2010 |
673 | M. Hrushevsky, History of Ukraine-Russia. 14-16 centuries - political relations | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 1993 |
674 | Bulletin of Cherkasy National University. Historical Sciences Series, №39, 2013 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2013 |
675 | Bulletin of Cherkasy National University. Historical Sciences Series, 12212, 2011 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2012 |
676 | Bulletin of Cherkasy National University. Historical Sciences Series, -1160-161, 2009 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2009 |
677 | Bulletin of Cherkasy National University. Historical Sciences Series, 2202, 2011 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2011 |
678 | Bulletin of Cherkasy National University. Historical Sciences Series, №29, 2012 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2012 |
679 | Bulletin of Cherkasy National University. Historical Sciences Series, 3133-134, 2008 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2008 |
680 | Bulletin of Cherkasy National University. Historical Sciences Series, №35, 2013 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2013 |
682 | Bulletin of Cherkasy National University. Historical Sciences Series, №29, 2013 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2013 |
682 | Bulletin of Cherkasy National University. Philosophy Series, №31, 2013 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2013 |
683 | Current problems of natural sciences and humanities in the research of young scientists. History series. Philosophy | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2013 |
684 | Ukrainian Archaeological Yearbook. Issue 18 | Kyiv, Ukrainian writer, 2013 |
685 | M. Kapral, People of the Corporation: Lviv Shoemaker's Shop in the 17th-18th Centuries | Lviv, IUAD, 2012 |
686 | Fascism and right-wing radicalism in Eastern Europe | Kyiv, Criticism, 2013 |
687 | Yu. Horlis-Gorsky, Kholodny Yar | Kyiv, "Renaissance", 2006 |
688 | Cold Yar. Journal of the Cherkasy regional organization of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine, №3.2003 | Cherkasy, "Echo-Plus", 2003 |
689 | Cold Yar. Journal of the Cherkasy regional organization of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine, №3.2008 | Cherkasy, "Echo-Plus", 2008 |
690 | Cold Yar. Journal of the Cherkasy regional organization of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine, №4.2011 | Cherkasy, "Echo-Plus", 2011 |
691 | Cold Yar. Journal of the Cherkasy regional organization of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine, №2.2011 | Cherkasy, "Echo-Plus", 2011 |
692 | Cold Yar. Journal of the Cherkasy regional organization of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine, №1.2011 | Cherkasy, "Echo-Plus", 2011 |
693 | AP Irzhavska, Two destinies in the vortex of war. Memoirs | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2012 |
694 | VM Melnychenko, Cherkasy region during the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921. | Cherkasy, Vertical, 2016 |
695 | The image of Belarus in the historiography and historical memory of Ukrainians | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2015 |
696 | Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky-95: history and modernity | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2016 |
697 | I. Farion, Father Markiyan Shashkevych-Ukrainian linguist | Lviv, Svichado, 2007 |
698 | 6 Bogdanov readings. Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 145th Anniversary of B. Khmelnytsky's Birth | Cherkasy, Vertical, 2011 |
699 | Unknown Cherkasy region. Historical pages of the "New Age" | Cherkasy, "Echo", 2002 |
700 | MI Bushin, Rulers of Kievan Rus | Cherkasy, "Ukrainian Chronicle", 2015 |
701 | Ukrainian problems, №20, 2000, S.Kvit | Kyiv, Atlas, 2000 |
702 | 8 All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Actual Problems of Natural Sciences and Humanities in the Research of Young Scientists" April 21-22, 2016 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2016 |
703 | Igor Kolyada, Young historians-researchers. Educational and methodical manual on the history of Ukraine | Kyiv, ManU, 2015 |
704 | D. Beauvoir, Russian power and the Polish nobility in Ukraine 1793-1830 | Calvary-Lviv, 2007 |
705 | V. Sokolovsky, the Cossacks of Ukraine - the basis and effective reserve for ensuring the country's defense capabilities | Kyiv, "United Cossacks of Ukraine", 2016 |
706 | M. Verbytsky, Spiritual figures of Ukraine | Lviv, Logos, 2015 |
707 | Ukrainian Cossack state: origins and ways of historical development. Materials of the sixth All-Ukrainian historical readings, book 1 | Kyiv-Cherkasy, Institute of History of Ukraine, 1997 |
708 | 27 Scientific session of the Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society Center in Cherkasy | Cherkasy, NTSh, 2016 |
709 | V. Pakhanenko, Sketch of Shevchenko's ethics | Cherkasy, Brama, 2007 |
710 | Ukrainian Moses. To the 150th anniversary of the birth of Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Andriy Sheptytsky | Lviv, Logos, 2015 |
711 | Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky. History. Completion .Personality | Kyiv, "World of Success", 2009 |
712 | Collection of works of all-Ukrainian Maksymovych readings. (To the 200th anniversary of the birth of MO Maksimovich | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2005 |
713 | Chronicle of Cherkasy region (1954-2004) | Cherkasy, SAN, 2004 |
714 | 26 Scientific session of the branch of the Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society in Cherkasy | Cherkasy, NTSh, 2015 |
715 | 24 Scientific session of the branch of the Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society in Cherkasy | Cherkasy, NTSh, 2014 |
716 | Academic "History of Ukrainian literature in 10 volumes" | Kyiv, Phoenix, 2005 |
717 | B.Chervak, Olena Teliga Life and work | Kyiv, O. Teliga Publishing House, 1997 |
718 | L. Lukyanenko, Birth of a new era. Collection of articles | Dnipropetrovsk, ART-PRESS, 2008 |
719 | V. Sokolovsky, National and military-historical traditions of names of units and formations of the Ukrainian army | Kyiv, "Modernity", 2016 |
720 | PT Tronko, Local lore in the revival of spirituality and culture | Kyiv, Native Land, 1994 |
721 | Ukrainian Cossack state: origins and ways of historical development. Materials of the fifth All-Ukrainian historical readings | Kyiv-Cherkasy, Institute of History of Ukraine, 1995 |
722 | Maria Matios, Sweet Darussa. A drama for three lives | Lviv, "Pyramid", 2011 |
723 | O. Bilokin, Under the sign of Shevchenko's word | Cherkasy, Vertical, 2013 |
724 | MI Bushin, Shrine on the Dnieper | Cherkasy, Business Style, 2014 |
725 | Shevchenko's dictionary, vol.1 | Kyiv, URE, 1976 |
726 | Shevchenko's dictionary, vol.2 | Kyiv, URE, 1978 |
727 | Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of physical culture and sports | Kyiv, IZMN, 1997 |
728 | Russian-Ukrainian dictionary, vol.1 | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 1970 |
729 | Russian-Ukrainian dictionary, vol.2 | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 1970 |
730 | Russian-Ukrainian dictionary, vol.3 | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 1970 |
731 | DG Hrynchyshyn, Dictionary of paronyms of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1986 |
732 | Ukrainian-Russian and Russian-Ukrainian phraseological dictionary | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1978 |
733 | Spelling dictionary, compiled by SI Golovashchuk | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1980 |
734 | DI Hanych, Dictionary of Linguistic Terms | Kyiv, Higher School, 1985 |
735 | Spelling dictionary of the Ukrainian language. Compiled by SI Golovashchuk | Kyiv, Dovira, 1994 |
736 | The latest French-Russian, Russian-French dictionary | Kharkiv, Promin, 2003 |
737 | Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of synonyms | Kiev, "Education", 1995 |
738 | A. Buryachok, Russian-Ukrainian dictionary for servicemen | Kyiv, "Warta", 1995 |
739 | Dictionary of foreign words and expressions, ES Zenvich | Moscow, Olympus, 1998 |
740 | The latest Russian-Ukrainian dictionary | Kharkiv, "Flag", 1998 |
741 | Spelling dictionary of the modern Ukrainian language: 70,000 words. Compiled by SV Muzychuk | Donetsk, BAO, 3003 |
742 | A. Ivchenko, Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language | Kharkiv, Folio, 2003 |
743 | O. Selivanova, Essays on Ukrainian phraseology | Kyiv, Brama, 2004 |
744 | OD Ponomare, Modern Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Lybid, 1997 |
745 | MI Pentilyuk, Language Culture and Stylistics | Kyiv, The Tower, 1994 |
746 | S.Ya. Ermolenko, Ukrainian language. Short glossary of linguistic terms | Kyiv, Lybid, 2001 |
747 | M.Ya. Plyushch, Modern Ukrainian Literary Language. Workbook | Kyiv, Higher School, 1995 |
748 | M. Zubkov, Modern Ukrainian business language (textbook) | Kharkiv, TORSION, 2005 |
749 | Culture of the Ukrainian language (reference book). Emphasis. VM Rusanivsky | Kyiv, Lybid, 1990 |
750 | O. Ponomarev, Culture of speech. Linguistic advice | Kyiv, Lybid, 2008 |
751 | OO Selivanova, Current issues of modern linguistics (analytical review) | Kyiv, Phytosocial Center, 1999 |
752 | SV Shevchuk, Ukrainian business broadcasting | Kyiv, Higher School, 1997, 1998, 2000 |
753 | LM Palamar, Ukrainian business broadcasting | Kyiv, Lybid, 1997 |
754 | GF Rakshanova, Ukrainian language for professional purposes | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2015 |
755 | Explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language. Including DG Grinchishin | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1988 |
756 | SV Shevchuk, Workshop on Ukrainian business broadcasting | Kyiv, ATICA, 2005 |
757 | DD Hrynchyshyn, Dictionary-reference book on the culture of the Ukrainian language | Lviv, Phoenix, 1996 |
758 | Inverted frequency dictionary of modern Ukrainian fiction, incl. TO Gryaznukhina | Kyiv, Flash, 1998 |
759 | AA Buryachok, Dictionary of Synonyms of the Ukrainian Language | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 2001 |
760 | From the root to the crown. Ukrainian story of the IX-early XX centuries (up. PP Kononenko) | Kyiv, "Rainbow", 1993 |
761 | E. Chikalenko, Memories | Kyiv, Tempora, 2003 |
762 | O. Konysky, Taras Shevchenko-Hrushivsky chronicle of his life | Kyiv, Dnipro, 1991 |
763 | OI Nezhivy, Didactic material on ethnography in Ukrainian language lessons | Kyiv, Education, 1995 |
764 | Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky: figure and creativity. Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference September 25-28, 2008 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2008 |
765 | Y. Gedz, Humor. Satire | Chrkasy "Echo", 1997 |
766 | L. Krasna-Fil, Kulma Grebennik, touches to the portrait | Cherkasy, Gordienko EI, 2016 |
767 | B. Pedchenko Zagrava | Cherkasy, Tyasmin, 1999 |
768 | O. Sotnik, God's cross | Cherkasy, Vertical, 2014 |
769 | B. Ponomarenko, Wormwood taste of freedom | Kyiv, Reaper, 2016 |
770 | Bulletin of Cherkasy University. Pedagogical Sciences Series, Issue 54 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2004 |
771 | Mykhailo Starytsky as a creative person (collection of works of the scientific conference) May 11-12, 2010 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2010 |
772 | Nechuy poetic, Polishchuk VT | Cherkasy, 2008 |
773 | V. Stadnychenko, I follow Skovoroda | Kyiv, Krynytsia, 2002 |
774 | Collection of works of the Second Maksymovych readings on September 15-16, 2009 | Cherkasy, ChNU2010 |
775 | V. Panchenko, Rings on a tree | Kyiv, CLIO, 2015 |
776 | O. Lysyak, People like us | Toronto, Homin Ukrainy, 1960 |
777 | S. Horoshko, Bohdan Khmelnytsky | Zhazhkiv, SI Goroshko, 2008 |
778 | M. Andrushchenko, Parnassus is poetic | Kyiv, Ukrainian Book, 1999 |
779 | G. Klochek, The World of the Veles Book | Kirovograd, "Steppe Greece", 2001 |
780 | SP Pinchuk, A word about Igor's regiment. Critical essay | Kyiv, Higher School, 1973 |
781 | З.Тулуб. Poems of 1910-1917. | Kyiv, Reaper, 2010 |
782 | A. Kulminsky, Life paths of the Tulub family | Cherkasy, Chabanenko, 2010 |
783 | V. Polishchuk, From Hryhoriy Skovoroda to Raisa Troyanker | Cherkasy, Chabanenko, 2012 |
784 | V.Polishchuk, Return and Discovery | Cherkasy, Chabanenko, 2008 |
785 | Collection of works of the Fifth Ephraim readings | Cherkasy, Chabanenko, 2012 |
786 | Materials of the Fourth Ephraim Readings | Cherkasy, Chabanenko, 2007 |
787 | Z. Ruzhin, My dear land (recitatives) | Kyiv, Image-Print, 2009 |
788 | Melodies of the emerald soul | Cherkasy, Brama, 2005 |
789 | Raisa Trojanker. Poetry | Cherkasy, Chabanenko, 2009 |
790 | M. Slaboshpttsky, Poet from Hell (Todos Osmachka) | Kyiv, Yaroslaviv Val, 2011 |
791 | R. Kolisnyk, Around the World | Kyiv, Yaroslaviv Val, 2009 |
792 | G. Klochek, Historical novel "Marusya Churai" (textbook) | Kirovograd, "Steppe Greece", 1998 |
793 | G. Sukhoveshko, The Golden Pen of Vasily Symonenko | Cherkasy, "Vertical", 2010 |
794 | ES Tovstukha, Chary | Kyiv, AUNDP, 2001 |
795 | S. Kylymchuk, Ukrainian year in folk customs in historical light, book 1 | Kyiv, Amulets, 1994 |
796 | S. Kylymchuk, Ukrainian Year in Folk Customs in Historical Lighting, Book 2 | Kyiv, Amulets, 1994 |
797 | O. Voropay, Customs of our people. Ethnographic essay, vol.1 | Kyiv, Oberig, 1991 |
798 | O. Voropay, Customs of our people. Ethnographic essay, vol.2 | Kyiv, Oberig, 1991 |
799 | II Gerasimenko, You have to live for this | Cherkasy, IntroligaTor, 2014 |
800 | V. Trokhimenko, Because you are a man on earth | Cherkasy, Brama, 2006 |
801 | Pass to immortality. Anthology of humor of Cherkasy region. Compiled by A. Gorbivnenko | Cherkasy, Brama, 2005 |
802 | I. Kutsiy, Ukrainian scientific and historical thought of Galicia (1830-1894): reception of national history | Ternopil, Jura, 2006 |
803 | M. Korpanyuk, The Bell of Ancestor Glory | Kyiv, Korpanyuk, 2003 |
804 | Tarasova Svitlytsia | Cherkasy-Kaniv, Tretyakov, 2015 |
805 | Taras Shevchenko and folk culture. Proceedings of the International (35th) Shevchenko Conference (April 20-22, 2004) vol.2 | Cherkasy, Brama, 2004 |
806 | Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Conferences (1952-2002) | Cherkasy, Brama, 2002 |
807 | Latin American story. Emphasis. Ю.Покальчук | Kyiv, Dnipro, 1978 |
808 | O. Dyakiv-Hornovy, Idea and Act. Complete collection of works | New York, 1968 |
809 | NB Golub, Miracle World | Cherkasy, Brama, 1999 |
810 | V. Krasnopolsky, Milestones of life | Kyiv, Panmedia, 2010 |
811 | V. Burbela, Credo | Lviv, Institute of National Sciences, 1999 |
812 | V. Vinnichenko, vol.1 | Kyiv, Dnipro, 2000 |
813 | T. Snyder, Black Earth. The Holocaust as history and warnings | Kyiv, Medusa, 2017 |
814 | GM Perepelytsia, Foreign Policy of Ukraine. Strategic assessments, forecasts and priorities | Kyiv, Stylos, 2014 |
815 | Yu. Matsievsky, In the Trap of Hybridity: Zigzags of Transformations of the Political Regime in Ukraine (1991-2014) | Chernivtsi, "Books-XXI", 2016 |
816 | L. Johnson, What foreigners should know about America from a to z | Kyiv, Osnova, 2015 |
817 | R. Baylak, Bogunova tridoroga | Warsaw, Ukrainian Archive, 2004 |
818 | S. Zhurek, From the border. Essays on Polish-Jewish literature | Lublin, 2008 |
819 | M. Shkilnyk, Ukraine in the struggle for statehood | Toronto, 1971 |
820 | M. Dmitrenko, Stories | Kharkiv, Prosvita, 2003 |
821 | M. Marusyn, Archbishop Ivan Buchko | Lviv, Opillia, 2008 |
822 | Ukrainian literature of the 17th century | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 1987 |
823 | I. Isichenko, History of Ukrainian literature: the Baroque era of 17-18 centuries | Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Svyatohorets, 2011 |
824 | Theory of literature in Poland. Anthology of texts. The second half of the XX-beginning of the XXI century. Compiled by B. Bakula | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2008 |
825 | From theories to methods - new interpretive strategies in literary criticism and culturology | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2010 |
826 | AA Buryachok, Dictionary of Ukrainian Rome | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 1979 |
827 | Language: classical-modern-postmodern (collection of scientific articles, issue 1) | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2014 |
828 | OV Kovalenko, How to write dictation competently (textbook) | Kyiv, Academy, 2002 |
829 | S. Nakamura, Japanese and Russians. From the history of contacts | Moscow, Press, 1983 |
830 | O. Derkachova, Shop of Happiness | Brewster, "Discourse", 2016 |
831 | O. Zabuzhko, Chronicles from Fortinbras | Kyiv, Fakt, 2006 |
832 | O. Zabuzhko, Field research on Ukrainian sex | Kyiv, Fakt, 2007 |
833 | O. Zabuzhko, The second attempt | Kyiv, Fakt, 2005 |
834 | I. Karpa, Good and Evil | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2008 |
835 | O. Ulyanenko, Flowers of Sodom | Kharkiv, Folio, 2012 |
836 | Yu. Andrukhovych, The devil is hiding in cheese | Kyiv, Magazine, 2006 |
837 | Call Matthias, Requiem for November | Kyiv, Fakt, 2005 |
838 | D. Matiash, A novel about the homeland | Kyiv, Fakt, 2006 |
839 | Yu. Andrukhovych, Mystery | Kyiv, Magazine, 2007 |
840 | B. Chervak, Olena Teliga, Life and Creativity | Kyiv, published by O. Teliga, 1997 |
841 | B. Chervak, Forward Ukrainians | Kyiv, published by O. Teliga, 1994 |
842 | V. Haptar, The River of Love and Sorrow | Cherkasy, Brama, 2010 |
843 | Ukraine under the Protection. Apostrophe | Cherkasy, Introligator, 2015 |
844 | I. Zabudsky, My tomorrow | Cherkasy, Brama, 2003 |
845 | Deep silt. Chronicle of Nathan Hanover | Kyiv, Spirit and Letter, 2010 |
846 | V. Grechenko, History of world and Ukrainian culture | Kyiv, Litera, 2000 |
847 | SI. Gollovashchuk, Dictionary-reference book on Ukrainian literary word usage | Kyiv, "Native Language", 2000 |
848 | RB Kharchuk, Contemporary Ukrainian Prose. Postmodern period | Kyiv, Academy, 2008 |
849 | Culture of translation of Chinese and Japanese prose and poetry: worldview aspect | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2009 |
850 | S. Karavansky, Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of complex vocabulary | Lviv, Bak, 2006 |
851 | PM Derkach, Short dictionary of synonyms of the Ukrainian language | New York, 1975 |
852 | G. Bloom, Western canon. Books on a background of epochs | Kyiv, Fakt, 2007 |
853 | Yu. Andrukhovych, "Disorientation on the ground", | Ivano-Frankivsk, "Lily", 2006 |
854 | T. Gundorova, Kitsch and literature | Kyiv, Fakt, 2008 |
855 | V. Ageeva, Women's space. Feminist discourse of Ukrainian modernism | Kyiv, Fakt, 2008 |
856 | O. Demska, Text corpus: the idea of another form | Kyiv, NA UKMA, 2011 |
857 | SI Golovashchuk, Dictionary-reference book on Ukrainian word usage | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 2004 |
858 | A.Luchyk, Dictionary of word equivalents of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2008 |
859 | K.V. Lenets, LO Stavytska, A Short Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary of Contractive Vocabulary | Kyiv, Dovira, 2002 |
860 | Yu. Tarnavsky, Cognitive semantics | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2016 |
861 | L. Masenko, Surzhik between language and language | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2011 |
862 | D. Belgrade, Culture of spontaneity. Improvisation and art in post-war America | Kyiv, Fakt, 2008 |
863 | V. Morenets, Oxymoron. Literary articles, research, essays | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2010 |
864 | L. Masenko, Ukrainian language in the twentieth century: the history of linguocide | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2006 |
865 | N.Toma, Abstract vocabulary in the linguistic world of Petro Mohyla | Ternopil, Aston, 2014 |
866 | O. Dotsenko ,, Winter campaign 6.12.1919-6.05.1920 | Kyiv, published by O. Teliga, 2001 |
867 | T. Semigina, Dictionary of Social Policy | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2005 |
868 | L. Kiselyov, Poetics and ideology of the myth of Vasyl Gerasimyuk | Kyiv, At UKMA, 2016 |
869 | O. Pronkevich, Don Quixote. Roman.Myth.Good | Kyiv, At UKMA, 2012 |
870 | AD Sherik, Handbook of English, German and Ukrainian idioms and expressions | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2005 |
871 | AD Sherik, English prepositions for Ukrainians | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2005 |
872 | VD Litvinov, Latin elementary course | Kyiv, Academy, 1996 |
873 | V. Panchenko, The Sky of Levko Matsievich | Kyiv, Pulsars, 2009 |
874 | R. Ober de Clary, The Conquest of Constantinople | Moscow, Nauka, 1986 |
875 | Cooperation between the USSR and Germany in the interwar period and during the Second World War: causes and consequences | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2012 |
876 | A. Zhyvotko, History of the Ukrainian press | Kyiv, "Our Culture and Science", 1989 |
877 | A. Gradovsky, History of Literature of the East | Cherkasy, Chabanenko Yu.A., 2014 |
878 | Cold Yar, №1 2009, Magazine | Cherkasy, ChSPU, 2009 |
879 | N. Musienko, I breathe freely | Kyiv, Hus, 2015 |
880 | II Ogienko, History of Ukrainian printing | Kyiv, Lybid, 1994 |
881 | MV Nechkina, The function of the artistic image in the historical process | Moscow, Nauka, 1982 |
882 | VS Drachuk, Tells heraldry | Moscow, Nauka, 1977 |
883 | V. Paniotto, English-sociological dictionary | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2006 |
884 | SI Golovashchuk, Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of regular phrases | Kyiv, "Scientific Thought", 2001 |
885 | E. Toffler, The Third Wave | Kyiv, Universe, 2000 |
886 | Peace talks between the Ukrainian state and the RSFSR in 1918 | New York, 1999 |
887 | N. Makovska, Archives of Occupation 1941-1944 Vol.1 | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2008 |
888 | History of Europe. Ancient Europe, vol.1 | Moscow, Nauka, 1988 |
889 | L. Tolstoy, Anna Karenina | Chisinau, Lumina, 1975 |
890 | D. Elishtein, Public Man, Private Woman. Women in social and political thought | Kyiv, Alternatives, 2002 |
891 | European history and culture in Ukraine. Proceedings of the conference, Kyiv, September 2-5, 1996 | Kyiv, YUDAKI, 1997 |
892 | VF Yatchenko, On the development of the spirituality of the Ukrainian ethnos of the pre-Christian era | Kyiv, Yatchenko, 1998 |
893 | A.Bila, Ukrainian literary avant-garde: searches, stylistic directions | Kyiv, Torch, 2006 |
894 | DI Yavornytsky, History of the Zaporozhian Cossacks, vol.3 | Kyiv, Scientific Thought, 1991 |
895 | G. Belous, Seers of Truth and Freedom | Cherkasy, Chabanenko Yu.A., 2004 |
896 | O. Todiychuk, VB Antonovych My confession | Kyiv, Lybid, 1995 |
897 | Taras Shevchenko and European culture | Kyiv-Cherkasy, Brama, 2001 |
898 | A. Tocqueville, The Ancient Order and the Revolution | Kyiv, UNIVERSE, 2000 |
899 | I. Matyash, Essays on the history of archival affairs in Ukraine | Kyiv, Academy, 2002 |
900 | MG Yaroshevsky, History of Psychology | Moscow, "Thought", 1985 |
901 | S. Miller, A Brief History of the SPD 1848-1990 | Moscow, Thought », 1999 |
902 | Yu. Mytsyk, Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky | Kyiv, Academy, 2004 |
903 | Ukraine: man, society, nature | Kyiv, "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" January 22-23, 1998 |
904 | Correspondence of Yaroslav Dashkevych and Ivan Butych (1960-1986) | Lviv, Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies, 2012 |
905 | D. Beauvoir, Nobleman, serf, and auditor | Kyiv, INTEL, 1996 |
906 | MA Korostovtsev, A textbook on the history of the Ancient East | Moscow, Higher School, 1980 |
907 | Ivan Mazepa and his time (materials of the international scientific conference) | Kyiv, Tempora, 2008 |
908 | Kapranov Brothers, Enchanting Potion | Kyiv, Green Forest, 2004 |
909 | Tchaikovsky, her name is Shadow | Moscow, Armada, 2009 |
910 | Lyubko Deresh, A little darkness | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2015 |
911 | GM Bongard-Levin, Ancient Indian Civilization | Moscow, Nauka, 1980 |
912 | Marina, Serhiy Dyachenko, Ritual | Kyiv, "A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA", 2015 |
913 | J. Schumpeter, Theory of Economic Development | Kyiv, »Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» 2011 |
914 | T.Luty, Ideology: a matrix of illusions, discourses and power | Kyiv, NaUKMA, 2016 |
915 | L. Masenko, Essays on sociolinguistics | Kyiv, »Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» 2010 |
916 | Andrea Graziosi, War and Revolution in Europe, 1905-1956 | Kyiv, "Fundamentals", 2005 |
917 | History of the papacy | Moscow, Publishing House of Political Literature, 1986 |
918 | A..Tsarinsky, The Last Victim | Donetsk, Donetsk Region, 2005 |
919 | BB Shalaginov, Romantic Adventures of "Cat in Boots" | Kyiv, NaUKMA, 2014 |
920 | O. Marshtupenko, Ukrainian-French phrasebook | Kyiv, Pulsars, 2000 |
921 | L. Tarnashynska, Presumption of expediency. Outline of modern literary conceptualism | Kyiv, "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" 2008 |
922 | Russian-German dictionary of science | Berlin, 1984 |
923 | T. Chukhlib, Hetmans of Right-Bank Ukraine in the History of Central and Eastern Europe | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2004 |
924 | Philip Orlyk: life, politics, texts (materials of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Bender Constitution of 1710 | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2011 |
925 | M. Block, Feudal Society | Kyiv, Universe, 2002 |
926 | N. Schlichta, History of Soviet Society | Kyiv, »Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» 2010 |
927 | O. Gabovych, Ukrainian fundamental science and European values | Kyiv, »Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» 2016 |
928 | Larry Wolf, Invention of Eastern Europe | Kyiv, Critique, 2009 |
929 | V. Smoliy, Ukrainian National Revolution of the 17th century. (1648-1676) | Kyiv, »Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» 2009 |
930 | PN Tretyakov, East Slavic tribes | Moscow, Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1953 |
931 | VD Litvinov, Latin-Ukrainian dictionary of 500 winged expressions | Kyiv, Indo-Europe, 1993 |
932 | The problem of cultural identity in the literary and philosophical discourse of the XIX-early XXI century. Tertium non datur | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy 2014 |
933 | AR Gabidullina, Pedagogical Linguistics | Gorlovka, GIYA, 2012 |
934 | Luko Dashvar, District Center | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2012 |
935 | Luko Dashvar, Mother of all | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2011 |
936 | LP Skoryna, Latin-Ukrainian Ukrainian-Latin Dictionary | Kyiv, "Amulets", 2004 |
937 | New English-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-English dictionary (incl. VF Malyshev) | Kharkiv, "Unicorn", 2000 |
938 | TS Kudrina, Methods of research of motivation | Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko Institute of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv National University |
939 | VDArakin, Practical course of English, I course | Moscow, Higher School, 1985 |
940 | OM Mokra, Sentence syntax in French | Bakhmut, GIIM SHEI DDPU, 2017 |
941 | AS Pushkin, Essays, vol.2 | Moscow, Iz-vo hud. Lit., 1955 |
942 | Secret operations | Moscow, Publishing House of Political Literature, 1991 |
943 | GB Antrushina, Lexicology of the English language | Moscow, "Drofa", 1999 |
944 | VI Chervinsky, History of Ukraine. Source chronicle | Kyiv, KVIC, 2012 |
945 | N. Polonska-Vasylenkol, History of Ukraine to the middle of the 17th century, vol.1 | Kyiv, Lybid, 1992, 1993 |
946 | G. Konisky, History of Rus or Little Russia | Kyiv, Dzvin, 1991 |
947 | ZM Lyubimova, Textbook of non-native language for 1 year | Moscow, Higher School, 1965 |
948 | David Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover | Kyiv, KM-BOOKS, 2015 |
949 | F.Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby | Kyiv, KM-BOOKS, 2015 |
950 | Arthur Conan Doyle, Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes | Kyiv, KM-BOOKS, 2015 |
951 | F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night | Kyiv, KM-BOOKS, 2015 |
952 | Robert Louis Stevenson, The Black Arrow | Kyiv, KM-BOOKS, 2015 |
953 | Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol | Kyiv, KM-BOOKS, 2015 |
954 | Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre | Kyiv, KM-BOOKS, 2015 |
955 | Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer Abroad | London, Wordworth Editions Limited, 2009 |
956 | Rjsa-Maria Dallapiassa, Tangram Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch 1 B | Germany, 2005 |
957 | Rjsa-Maria Dallapiassa, Tangram Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch 1 A | Germany, 2005 |
958 | Tomi Yudt, A History of Europe Since 1945 | Europe, 2005 |
959 | L / .Tolstoy, War and Peace | USA, 1980 |
960 | E / Kostova. The Historian | USA2005 |
961 | Susan, The Landscape of Man | London, 1975 |
962 | Slavic Review, Summer 2016 | Europe, 2016 |
963 | Slavic Review, Winter, 2016 | Europe, 2016 |
964 | Y. Viesti, 18 the Golden Book Encyclopedia | America, 1987 |
965 | T. Yatsenko, Theory and practice of group psychocorrection | Kyiv, Higher School, 2004 |
966 | V. Pachovsky, Collected Works, vol. 1 Poetry | Toronto, 1984 |
967 | V. Pachovsky, Collected Works, vol. 2 Golden Gate | Toronto, 1985 |
968 | M. Rudnytska, Articles, letters, documents | Lviv, IID, 1998 |
969 | Ukrainian historian. Thirty years of the Ukrainian Historical Society 1965-1995 | New York, 1995 |
970 | Ukrainian historian. Mykhailo Hrushevsky life, activity, creativity | New York, 2002 |
971 | Ukrainian historian. Fortieth Anniversary of the Ukrainian Historical Society (1965-2005) | New York, 2005 |
972 | Almanac, The Young Nation, 454 45, 2007 | Kyiv, Torch, 2007 |
973 | Almanac "Young Nation" №51, 2011 | Kyiv, Torch, 2011 |
974 | P. Odarchenko, I am a hundred years old. Autobiography, memories, letters, anniversary | Kyiv, Torch, 2004 |
975 | Ivan Gel, Faces of Culture | Lviv, London, Ukrainian Publishing Union, 1993 |
976 | V. Ageeva, Anthology of Ukrainian literary-critical thought of the first half of the twentieth century | Kyiv, Torch, 2016 |
977 | B. Osadchuk, Ukraine Poland world selected reports | Kyiv, Torch, 2001 |
978 | Vasyl Stus, Selected Works | Kyiv, Torch, 2014 |
979 | Oleksa Slisarenko, Selected works | Kyiv, Torch, 2011 |
980 | O. Teliga, Selected works | Kyiv, Torch, 2014 |
981 | Mykhailo Semenko, Selected Works | Kyiv, Torch, 2010 |
982 | Geo Shkurupiy, Selected works | Kyiv, Torch, 2013 |
983 | M. Vingranovsky, Selected works | Kyiv, Torch, 2013 |
984 | N. Borisko, Self-teacher of the German language vol.1 | Kyiv, Logos, 2014 |
985 | N. Borysko, Self-taught German v.2 | Kyiv, Logos, 2014 |
986 | M / Mitchel, Vom Winde verweht | Hamburg, 1985 |
987 | E. Hemingway, To Whom the Bell Tolls (in English) | Moscow, Progress, 1981 |
988 | RM / Rilke, Mitten im Lessen schreib ich Dir | Germany, 1998 |
989 | E. Santzgaber, A Shared Heritage. The Historical Legacy of Sackets Habor and Madison Barrackcs | New York, Ithaca, October 3-4, 1992 |
990 | S. Bronte, Jane Eyre | Kyiv, VELMITE, 2014 |
991 | I. Hvozda, Annals of Lemkivshchyna part 3 | New York, 1982 |
992 | D. Hrynchyshyn, Dictionary of the Ukrainian language of the 16th first half of the 17th century (issues 2,3,4,5) | Lviv, National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ukrainian Studies. I. Krypyachevych, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998 |
993 | Ukrainian Moses. To the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Andrei Sheptytsky | Lviv, National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ukrainian Studies. I. Krypyachevych, 2015 |
994 | Materials and research on the archeology of Prykarpattia and Volyn (issue 8) | Lviv, National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ukrainian Studies. I. Krypyachevych, 2002 |
995 | V. Veriga, Word and Act (selected articles, reports, intelligence, biographies 1946-1988 | Lviv, National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ukrainian Studies. I. Krypyachevych, 2001 |
996 | From the Shevchenko Scientific Society to the Ukrainian Free University (Pryashchiv, Svydnyk, June 12-15, 1991) International Scientific Conference | Kyiv-Lviv-Toronto-Paris-Munich-Sydney, 1991 |
997 | Ukraine-Poland: historical heritage and public consciousness, issue 2, 3-4,5. Deportations 1944-1951 | Lviv, National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ukrainian Studies. I. Krypyachevych, 2007 |
998 | Princely era. History and culture, № 4 | Lviv, National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ukrainian Studies. I. Krypyachevych, 2011 |
999 | Paradigm. Collection of scientific works №6 | Lviv, National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ukrainian Studies. I. Krypyachevych, 2011 |
1000 | W. Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing | Macmillan, 2011 |
1001 | L.M. Черноватый Methods of teaching translation | New book, 2013 |
1002 | S. Junger The Perfect Storm | Macmillan, 2005 |
1003 | Ian Fleming The Man with the Golden Gun | Macmillan, 2013 |
1004 | Ph. Prowse LA Movie | Macmillan, 2005 |
1005 | W. Shakespeare Macbeth | Macmillan, 2010 |
1006 | W. Shakespeare Hamlet | Macmillan, 2009 |
1007 | Ceri Jones Crime Stories | Macmillan, 2011 |
1008 | Ceri Jones Science Fiction Stories | Macmillan, 2009 |
1009 | Daniel Barber Mystery Stories | Macmillan, 2013 |
1010 | Lesley Thompson American Stories | Macmillan, 2009 |
1011 | Lesley Thompson Travel Stories | Macmillan, 2011 |
1012 | Angela Llanas World Stories | Macmillan, 2013 |
1013 | Ceri Jones Horror Stories | Macmillan, 2009 |
1014 | Lesley Thompson Love Stories | Macmillan, 2009 |
1015 | Ezekiel Mphahlele Down Second Avenue | Macmillan, 2008 |
1016 | Helen Fielding Bridget Jones Edge of Reason | Macmillan, 2010 |
1017 | Helen Fielding Bridget Jones Edge of Reason | Macmillan, 2010 |
1018 | Herman Melville Moby Dick | Macmillan, 2008 |
1019 | John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men | Macmillan, 2009 |
1020 | William Thackeray Vanity Fair | Macmillan, 2007 |
1021 | Ian Fleming Goldfinger | Macmillan, 2005 |
1022 | Thomas Hardy Tess of the d'Urbevilles | Macmillan, 2005 |
1023 | Jennifer Gascoigne Australia | Macmillan, 2015 |
1024 | Charles Dickens Great Expectations | Macmillan, 2005 |
1025 | W. Shakespeare Othello | Macmillan, 2015 |
1026 | Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest | Macmillan, 2011 |
1027 | Charles Dickens David Copperfield | Macmillan, 2008 |
1028 | SAC Doyle The Sign of Four | Macmillan, 2005 |
1029 | SAC Doyle The Speckled Band | Macmillan, 2005 |
1030 | Daphne du Mourier Rebecca | Macmillan, 2005 |
1031 | Phillip Prowse Bristol Murder | Macmillan, 2005 |
1032 | Charles Dickens Oliver Twist | Macmillan, 2005 |
1033 | L. Chernovaty Intermediate English Course | Vinnytsia, New book, 2005 |
1034 | V. Karaban Translation of Ukrainian scientific and technical literature | Vinnytsia New book, 2004 |
1035 | D. Turchyn English for International Relations | Vinnytsia New book, 2011 |
1036 | D. Turchyn English for International Relations, Workbook | Vinnytsia New book, 2014 |
1037 | THAT. Nekreech Translation of works of art | Vinnytsia New book, 2008 |
1038 | L.P. Naumenko Practical Course of Translation from Eng. Into Ukr. | Vinnytsia New book, 2011 |
1039 | В. Карабан Translation from Ukrainian into English | Vinnytsia New book, 2003 |
1040 | ABOUT. Tarnopol Professional Basics | Vinnytsia New book, 2016 |
1041 | L. Chernovaty Practical English Course, Upper-intermediate | Vinnytsia New book, 2006 |
1042 | О.Р. Zaruma PCAM | Vinnytsia New book, 2008 |
1043 | L. Chernovaty Practical English Course, Advanced | Vinnytsia New book, 2008 |
1044 | О.В. Ribs Basics of translation cursive | Vinnytsia New book, 2012 |
1045 | N. Nestcrenko A Course in Interpreting and Translation | Vinnytsia New book, 2006 |
1046 | L.M. Черноватый Translation into English. Methods of intellectual property | Vinnytsia New book, 2011 |
1047 | L.M. Черноватый Translation into English of psychological literature | Vinnytsia New book, 2012 |
1048 | L.M. Black translation of technical literature | Vinnytsia New book, 2006 |
1049 | L.M. Black translation of socio-political literature | Vinnytsia New book, 2006 |
1050 | L.M. Blackish Legal Literature | Vinnytsia New book, 2017 |
1051 | L.M. Black translation of socio-political literature. EU | Vinnytsia New book, 2009 |
1052 | L.M. Black translation of economic literature | Vinnytsia New book, 2010 |
1053 | Helen Fielding Brigdet Jones's Diary | Macmillan, 2009 |
1054 | Anne Bronte Agnes Gray | Macmillan, 2015 |
1055 | Anne Bronte Agnes Gray | Macmillan, 2015 |
1056 | Robert Harris The Ghost | Macmillan, 2007 |
1057 | Robert Harris The Ghost | Macmillan, 2007 |
1058 | Ruth Rendell A New Lease of Death | Macmillan, 2012 |
1059 | Ira Levin A Kiss Before Dying | Macmillan, 2005 |
1060 | Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights | Macmillan, 2005 |
1061 | Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights | Macmillan, 2005 |
1062 | Philip Prowse The Woman who Dissapeared | Macmillan, 2005 |
1063 | Jane Austen Sense and Sensebility | Macmillan, 2005 |
1064 | J. Bell and N. Kenny Expert, Student's Book | Pevson, 2015 |
1065 | Michael Vince New Inter. Language Practice | Macmillan, 2003 |
1066 | Jane Shovd IELTS Grand Teacher's Book | Macmillan, 2007 |
1067 | A. and J. Preshouses IELTS Found Teacher's Book, 2nd addition | Macmillan, 2012 |
1068 | R. Robert, S. Gakonga IELTS Found Teacher's Book | Macmillan, 2004 |
1069 | Sam McCarter Direct to IELTS, Teacher's Book | Macmillan, 2013 |
1070 | Rawdon Wyatt Check your vocabulary for IELTS | Macmillan, 2014 |
1071 | Michael Vince Advanced Language Practice | Macmillan, 2009 |
1072 | Byan Stephens Direct to FCE, Teacher's Book | Macmillan, 2011 |
1073 | Michael Vince Advanced Language Practice | Macmillan, 2003 |
1074 | Nick Kenny New Proficiency Passkey, Student Book with keys | Macmillan, 2002 |
1075 | Nick Kenny New Proficiency Passkey, Work Book with keys | Macmillan, 2002 |
1076 | Guy Wellman The Heinemann IET English WordBuilder | Macmillan, 1998 |
1077 | DE Zemach, LA Rumisek Academic Writing | Macmillan, 2005 |
1078 | Jan Bell Advanced Expert Coursebook | Pearson Education, 2014 |
1079 | Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new edition Macmillan, 2007 | Macmillan, 2007 |
1080 | Frances Watkins Global Advanced Teacher's Book | Macmillan, 2012 |
1081 | Lindsey Clandfield Global Intermediate Teacher's Book | Macmillan, 2011 |
1082 | Amanda French CAE Testbuilder | Macmillan, 2003 |
1083 | Tim Bowen Open Mind Intermediate Teacher's Book, B1 + | Macmillan, 2014 |
1084 | Vinodini Murugesan Open Mind Advanced Teacher's Book, C1 | Macmillan, 2015 |
1085 | Michey Rogers Open Mind Upper-Intermediate Student's Book, B2 | Macmillan, 2015 |
1086 | Chris Valvona Open Mind, Workbook, Advanced with Answer Key | Macmillan, 2015 |
1087 | Peter Sunderland Ready for CAE Teacher's book | Macmillan, 2008 |
1088 | Lindsey Clandfield Global Advanced Coursebook | Macmillan, 2012 |
1089 | Anna Osborn Open Mind Upper-Intermediate Work Book, B2 | Macmillan, 2015 |
1090 | Robert Campbell Global Work Book Intermediate | Macmillan, 2011 |
1091 | Mickey Rogera Open Mind Intermediate Student's Book, pack | Macmillan, 2014 |
1092 | Stacey H. Hughes Skillful: Reading and Writing, Teacher's Book 4 | Macmillan, 2014 |
1093 | Mickey Rogera Open Mind Advanced Student Book | Macmillan, 2015 |
1094 | Lindsey Clandfield Upper-intermediate Global | Macmillan, 2011 |
1095 | Mark Harrison Proficiency Testbuilder, 4th Edition | Macmillan, 2013 |
1096 | Andrew Preshous IELTS Foundation, Student's Book, 2nd Edition | Macmillan, 2012 |
1097 | Mark Allen IELTS Gradation, Student's book | Macmillan, 2007 |
1098 | Amanda French Advanced Testbuilder, 3rd Edition | Macmillan, 2015 |
1099 | Mark Harrison First Testbuilder, 3rd Edition | Macmillan, 2014 |
1100 | Mark Harrison New Proficiency Testbuilder | Macmillan, 2002 |
1101 | Sam McCarter Direct to IELTS, Student's Book | Macmillan, 2013 |
1102 | Ingrid Wisniewska Open Mind Intermediate Work Book | Macmillan, 2014 |
1103 | Mike Boyle Skillful: Reading and Writing, Student's Book 4 | Macmillan, 2014 |
1104 | Mike Boyle Skillful: Listening and Speaking, Student's Book 3 | Macmillan, 2013 |
1105 | Lindsey Clandfield Skillful: Listening and Speaking, Student's Book 4 | Macmillan, 2014 |
1106 | Amanda French CAE Testbuilder New Edition | Macmillan, 2009 |
1107 | Mark Harrison FCE Testbuilder | Macmillan, 2010 |
1108 | Adrian Tennant Straighforward Intermediate, Teacher's Book, B1 + | Macmillan, 2012 |
1109 | Robert Campbell Global, Work Book Advanced | Macmillan, 2012 |
1110 | David Porter Academic English | Macmillan, 2008 |
1111 | Jennifer Bixby Skillful: Reading and Writing Student's Book, 3 | Macmillan, 2013 |
1112 | Roy Norris Ready for CAE Coursebook | Macmillan, 2008 |
1113 | Roy Norris Ready for CAE Workbook | Macmillan, 2008 |
1114 | Roy Norris Direct to FCE Student's Book | Macmillan, 2008 |
1115/4 | Lin Lougheed Direct to TOEFL IBT, Student's Book | Macmillan, 2011 |
1116/ | Charlie Martineau IELTS Graduation Study Skills | Macmillan, 2007 |
1117 | Barry Cusack Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking | Macmillan, 2007 |
1118 | Sam McCarter Reading Skills | Macmillan, 2007 |
1119 | Rachael Roberts IELTS Foundation, Student's Book | Macmillan, 2004 |
1120 | Philip Kerr Straighforward, Intermediate Student's Book | Macmillan, 2012 |
1121 | John Waterman Straighforward, Intermediate Work Book | Macmillan, 2012 |
1122 | Adrian Tennant Straightforward Teacher's Book, Upper-intermediate | Macmillan, 2012 |
1123 | Jim Scrivener Straightforward Teacher's Book, Advanced | Macmillan, 2013 |
1124 | Amanda Jeffries Straighforward, Advanced Work Book | Macmillan, 2013 |
1125 | Robert Campbell Global Upper-intermediate Work Book | Macmillan, 2011 |
1126 | Lindsey Clandfield Global Intermediate Coursebook | Macmillan, |
1127 | Robert Campbell Global Intermediate E Workbook + Coursebook | Macmillan, 2011 |
1128 | Roy Norris Straightforward Advanced Student's Book | Macmillan, 2013 |
1129 | Philip Kerr Straightforward Upperintermediate Student's Book 2nd Edition | Macmillan, 2012 |
1130 | Philip Kerr Straightforward Upperintermediate Work Book 2nd Edition | Macmillan, 2012 |
1131 | Almanac "Young Nation", №4 / 49/2008 | Kyiv, Torch, 2008 |
1131 | World History. History of Civilizations: Textbook. way. / Orlova TV | Kyiv, Genesis, 2012 |
1132 | South of Ukraine: ethnohistorical, linguistic, cultural and religious dimensions (Collection of scientific works) | Odessa, Odessa National University, 2017 |
1133 | Technology and technique of school lesson: Textbook. way. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science / Kuzminsky AI, Omelyanenko SV | Kyiv, 2010 |
1134 | OV Shevchenko, Development of trade documentation in Ukraine: documentary aspect (monograph) | Poltava, "Copy Center", 2016 |
1134 | History of Russia (from ancient times to the end of the eighteenth century): Textbook. way. / Mordvintsev VM | Kyiv 2013 |
1135 | Current issues of modern education and science in the context of European integration progress (Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference) | Lutsk, Lutsk Institute of Human Development, University of Ukraine, 2017 |
1136 | N.Yu.Maksimova, Fundamentals of psychology of deviant behavior | Kyiv, Kyiv University named after Shevchenko, 2008 |
1137 | Wolf Fedor. Studies in Ukrainian ethnography and anthropology: new edition / Fedir Vovk; foreword O. G. Taran; approx. OG Taran, SL Makhovskaya, YS Buyskykh; orderly OO Savchuk | Kharkiv: Publisher Savchuk OO, 2015 |
1138 | Troshchinsky VP, Shevchenko AA Ukraine through the ages. Volume 15. Ukrainians in the world. | Kyiv: Alternatives, 1998. |
1139 | Lytvyn V. Ukraine through the ages. Volume 14. Ukraine at the turn of the millennium. 1991-2000 | Kyiv: Alternatives, 1998 |
1140 | Rublev OS, Reyent OP Ukraine through the ages. Volume 10. Ukrainian liberation struggles of 1917-1921. | Kyiv: Alternatives, 1999 |
1141 | Kulchytsky SV Ukraine through the ages. Volume 11. Ukraine between the two wars (1921-1939). | Kyiv: Alternatives, 1999 |
1142 | Baran VD Ukraine through the ages. Volume 3. Ancient Slavs | Kyiv, Alternatives, 1998 |
1143 | Chernovaty LM, Practical English course, part 1 | Vinnytsia, New Book, 2004 |
1144 | Arakin VD, Practical course of English, 1 course | Moscow, Vlados, 2000 |
1145 | K.Ya. Kusko, German language for philologists; bachelors (in German) | Vinnytsia, New book, 2006 |
1146 | E. Zamyatin, Favorites | Moscow, Pravda, 1989 |
1147 | Mazen Oscar. Spanish America of the XVI-XVIII centuries | Moscow: Already, cop. 2015 |
1148 | Kuleshov SG General document science: textbook. manual | Kyiv, Ed. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy House, 2012 |
1149 | New approaches to historiography / order. Burke P. K | Nika Center, 2010. |
1150 | Shossand Damien. China in the XVIII century. The heyday of the Qing Empire | Moscow: Already, cop. 2016 |
1151 | Shevchuk VO Enlightened ruler [Text]: Ivan Mazepa as a builder of the Cossack state and as a literary hero | Kyiv: Lybid, 2006 |
1152 | History of the Middle Ages. Workshop. Part II: textbook. way. / В.В. Gordienko, G.M. Gordienko, II Crooked neck | Uman: VPC "Vizavi" (Publisher "Sochinsky"), 2016 |
1153 | Kareev N. History of Western Europe in modern times. Development of cultural and social relations. The transition from the Middle Ages to modern times | Academic Project, 2016 |
1154 | Yazov DT The Caribbean crisis. 50 years later [Text] / Dmitry Timofeevich Yazov | Moscow: Tsentrpoligrafmash, 2015 |
1155 | Gurzhiy OI History of the Cossacks. State - army - battles / OI Gurzhiy, TV Chukhlib | Kyiv: Arius, 2015 |
1156 | Tolochko P. Palace intrigues in Russia | SPb: Aleteyya, 200 |
1157 | Gel IA Challenge to the system: the Ukrainian liberation movement of the second half of the twentieth century | Lviv: Magazine, 2013. |
1158 | Bystrov J. Ukrainian culture in English interpretation. Discovering Ukrainian culture: issues in practice: a resource book for students | Vinnytsia, Nova Knyha, 2013 |
1159 | Balukh VO History of ancient civilization. T. 3 | Kyiv, Workshop, 2010 |
1160 | Lytvyn V. History of Ukraine. The new age | Kyiv, Academy, 2016 |
1161 | Gordienko Andrey. Illustrated story. The Middle Ages | Kharkiv, Harvest, 2006 |
1162 | Matyash IB Archival science. Methodological principles and history of development. | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2012 |
1163 | History of the United States / [ed. A. Kubatiev] | Moscow: Kolibri, 2016 |
1164 | Vyatrovych V. Ukraine. History with the stamp "Secret" / V. Vyatrovych | Kharkiv: Family Leisure Club, 2017 |
1165 | Vasiliev A. Byzantium and the Crusaders. The fall of Byzantium | Moscow, Lomonosov, 2014 |
1166 | Glebov AG England in the early Middle Ages / AG Glebov. - [2nd ed.] | Saint-Petersburg: Eurasia, 2007 |
1167 | Higher school pedagogy: Textbook. way. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science / Kozyar MM | Kyiv 2013 |
1168 | Mochalov M. Yu. Ancient Assyria | Moscow, Lomonosov, 2014 |
1169 | Leonov N. Raul Castro | Moscow, Young Guard, 2015 |
1170 | Not M. History of Ancient Israel; lane. with him. Yu. P. Vartanov. | St. Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanin, 2014. |
1171 | The contribution of E. The Age of Ambition: Wealth, Truth and Faith in the New China / Evan Oznos; lane. with English Maria Solntseva. | Moscow: AST Publishing House, cop. 2016 |
1172 | Guyonvarch K.-J., Leroy F. Celtic civilization | SPb .: Cultural Initiative, 2001 |
1173 | E. Hornowa, Problems Polskie w tworczosci Michala Drahomanowa | Warsaw, Nauk, 1978 |
1174 | Deopik DV, Nikitin AV Agrarian history of Vietnam (X - early XVI century). | Moscow, Nauka: Vostochnaya lit., 2015 |
1175 | A textbook on the history of Ukraine of the Lithuanian-Polish era / Uporyad. T. Goshko | Lviv, Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House, 2011 |
1176 | Lep'yavko SA Cossack wars of K. Kosinsky and S. Nalyvayko, 1591-1596 / S. Lep'yavko. | Kharkiv, Folio, 2011 |
1177 | Yakovenko N. Introduction to history [Text] / Natalia Yakovenko. | Kyiv, Critique, 2007 |
1178 | Lee Kuan Yew. From the third world to the first. History of Singapore 1965-2000 / Lee Kuan Yew; lane. with English Alexandra Bonya | Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013 |
1179 | Horseman Roman. "Pacification": Polish repressions of 1930 in Galicia. | Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House, 2012 |
1180 | Adaduro V. "Inscribing" Ukrainian history in the European context and its methodological principles | Lviv, UCU Publishing House, 2013. |
1181 | Pavlov V. Report: between facts and emotions. A practical guide for journalists. | Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House, 2015 |
1182 | Shevchenko Igor. Ukraine between East and West: Essays on the history of culture to the beginning of the 18th century / authorized translation. Maria Gablevych, science. ed. Andriy Yasinovsky, ed. 2nd, ed. and add, 5 cards. | Lviv, 2013. xxiii + 284 p. |
1183 | Seibt Ferdinand. The splendor and poverty of the Middle Ages. A story with a beginning and an end / perkl. from German H. Nazarkevich, science. ed. Rostislav Paranko | Lviv: UCU Publishing House, 2009 |
1184 | Yelensky Victor. The Great Return: Religion in Global Politics and International Relations in the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries | Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House 2013 |
1185 | Main Russian Council (1848 - 1851): minutes of meetings and a book of correspondence / ed. Oleg Turiya, ed. U. Kryshtalovych and I. Svarnyk | Lviv: Institute of Church History of the Ukrainian Catholic University, 2002 |
1186 | Gudziak Boris. Crisis and Reform: Kyiv Metropolis, Constantinople Patriarchate and the Genesis of the Brest Union / translated by Maria Gablevych, ed. Oleg Turiy | Lviv: Institute of Church History of the Lviv Theological Academy, 2000 |
1187 | Thomas H. The Golden Age of the Spanish Empire / Hugh Thomas; [trans. with English: V. Goncharova]. | Moscow: AST, cop. 2016 |
1188 | Introduction to literary criticism: textbook. manual for self. student work / PV Bilous, GD Levchenko | Kyiv: Academy, 2012 |
1189 | Glazova OP Language portfolio. Speech development workbook. 5th grade | Kyiv, Education, 2013 |
1190 | Cossack chivalry. Steppe and freedom - the Cossack fate / [cont. OM Ulishchenko; artist. Krutik OV]. | Kharkiv, Factor, 2013. |
1191 | Kovalenko LT Workbook on Ukrainian literature. 5th grade: [teaching. way. for general education. textbook zakl.] / LT Kovalenko | Kyiv: Education, 2013 |
1192 | History of Ukraine in tables and diagrams | Kharkiv: Torsing Plus, 2011 |
1193 | Semenyuk GF Ukrainian literature: a textbook for 11th grade (standard level, academic level) / GF Semenyuk [etc.]; head ed. GF Semenyuk. | Kyiv, Education, 2016. |
1194 | Geographical atlas “Ukraine. Outstanding compatriots | Kyiv, Map, 2014 |
1195 | Modern Ukraine "Fascism and right-wing radicalism in Eastern Europe" - № 20 | Kyiv, 2014 |
1196 | World history in tables and diagrams | Kharkiv: Torsing, 2011 |
1197 | Loza Yu. Small historical atlas of Ukraine. | Kyiv, Map, 2016 |
1198 | Ukrainian mythology and cultural heritage [Text]: ill. word-proof mythol. ideas, beliefs, rites, legends and their echoes in the folklore and later customs of Ukrainians, Slavic brothers, etc. peoples / ed.-order. Alexey Kononenko; [graphics and fig. | Kyiv, Map, 2016 |
1199 | Turchenko FG History of Ukraine. Grade 10 [Text]: textbook. for general education. textbook lock : prof. level / FG Turchenko | Kyiv, Genesis, 2011 |
1200 | Shulga Zenovia. To the crown. Ukrainian wedding ceremony. | Lviv, A priori, 2009. |
1201 | Balukh VO Workshop on the history of the Middle Ages: textbook. way. for university students | Chernivtsi, Our books, 2012 |
1202 | Vovk YY Ancient history of Ukraine. Illustrated history of Ukraine in artistic and historical images. Reader | Kyiv, Textbook - Bogdan, 2008 |
1203 | Flowers in a dark room: a modern Ukrainian short story / Uporyad., Foreword, lit. ed. V. Danilenko | Kyiv: Genesis, 1997 |
1204 | Volkotrub GY Practical stylistics of the modern Ukrainian language. The use of morphological means of speech [Text]: Textbook. manual / GJ Volkotrub | Kyiv, LDL, 1998 |
1205 | Ukrainian word. A textbook of Ukrainian literature and literary criticism. Vol.1. In order. V. Yaremenko, E. Fedorenko, Oksana Slipushko. | Kyiv, Russia, 1995 |
1206 | Chukhlib Taras. Hetmans of Ukraine - Russia. | Donetsk: TOB “VKF“ BAO ”, 2012 |
1207 | Ukrainian word. A textbook of Ukrainian literature and literary criticism.T 3. Order. V. Yaremenko, E. Fedorenko, Oksana Slipushko. | Kyiv, Russia, 1995 |
1208 | Kolpakova OV Central Asia. In the edge of deserts and snow peaks: [for middle school age] / Olga Kolpakova. - Москва: Белый город, 2010. - 47с. | Moscow: White City, 2010 |
1209 | Yakovenko N. Mirrors of identity. Research on the history of ideas in Ukraine in the XVI - early XVIII centuries [Text]: [selected. art.] / Natalia Yakovenko | Kyiv, Laurus, 2012 |
1210 | Ukrainian Helsinki Union (1988-1990) in photos and documents: [album] / Ukr. Inst. of Nat. memory; [order. Alexander Tkachuk; editor: Goryn Bogdan and others]. | Kyiv, Torch, 2009 |
1211 | Ukrainian identity and language issue in the Russian Empire: an attempt at state regulation (1847-1914): Coll. dock. and materials / NAS of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine, Gos. arch. Service of Ukraine, Center. state ist. archive of Ukraine; [resp. ed. G. Boryak; order: | Kyiv, DASU, |
1212 | Avramenko OM Workbook on Ukrainian literature of 5th grade students | Kyiv, Diploma, 2013 |
1213 | Kochergan MP Introduction to Linguistics. General questions of linguistics. Phonetics and graphics. Vocabulary and phraseology. Grammar. Linguistic Typology [Text]: Textbook. for students. philol. special higher lock education / MP Kochergan | Kyiv: Akademiya Publishing Center, 20 |
1214 | Danielyan A. Literary kaleidoscope. Extracurricular reading | Kiev: Genesis, 2014 |
1215 | Zabolotny VV Ukrainska mova: pidruchnyk dlya 7 klasu / OV Zabolotny, VV Zabolotny. | Kyiv: Genesis, 2015 |
1216 | Slyunina OV Ukrainian literature: summaries of lessons on Ukrainian literature for 5th grade (according to the textbook by LT Kovalenko). | Kyiv, Osnova, 2015 |
1217 | Slyunina OV Ukrainian literature: summaries of lessons on Ukrainian literature for 6th grade (according to the textbook by LT Kovalenko). | Kyiv, Osnova, 2015 |
1218 | Slyunina OV Ukrainian literature: summaries of lessons on Ukrainian literature for 7th grade | Kyiv, Osnova, 2015 |
1219 | Ukrainian word. A textbook of Ukrainian literature and literary criticism. Vol.2. In order. V. Yaremenko, E. Fedorenko, Oksana Slipushko. | Kyiv, Russia, 1995 |
1220 | Ukrainian word. A textbook of Ukrainian literature and literary criticism. Vol.4. In order. V. Yaremenko, E. Fedorenko, Oksana Slipushko. | Kyiv: Ros, 1995. |
1221 | Macedonia: a collection of documents and materials. | BAS, 1980 |
1222 | Golosovska GG Ukrainian language for all: a textbook / G.G. Golosovskaya | Kyiv: Academy, 2013 |
1223 | Modern Ukrainian language: Phonetics. Phonology. Orthoepy. Graphics. Workshop: textbook. way. / Ed. Maria Maximovna Fashchenko | Kyiv, VC "Academy", 2010 |
1224 | Luchik VV Introduction to Slavic philology: a textbook for universities / Vasyl Viktorovych Luchyk .. | Kyiv, Academy, 2008 |
1225 | Mustafin Alexey. The true story of the Early Modern period | Kharkiv, Folio, 2014 |
1226 | Thomas H. The Golden Age of the Spanish Empire / Hugh Thomas; [trans. with English: V. Goncharova] | Moscow: AST, cop. 2016 |
1227 | OO Karakoz, Censorship in Public Libraries of Ukraine 1017-1939 | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
1228 | Yakovenko N. Essay on the history of medieval and early modern Ukraine | Kyiv, Critique, 2009 |
1229 | Golubovsky P. Pechenegs | Moscow, Lomonosov, 2013 |
1230 | A short essay on the history of antiquity: textbook. allowance / AA Popov; ed. NI Petrov; SPbGUKI, Fak. world history. culture. | Saint-Petersburg: SPbGUKI, 2007 |
1231 | Ladichenko TV World History: a textbook for 11th grade. | Kyiv: ASK, 2002 |
1232 | Misyun AV, Bakanursky AG etc. A textbook on the history of world culture / Otv.red. Misyun AV | Kharkiv, Burun Book, 2009 |
1233 | Modern Ukrainian language: Syntax: Textbook. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science / Ed. A.K. Moisienko. | Kyiv, Genesis, 2013 |
1234 | Movchan RV Ukrainian literature: a textbook for 11th grade (standard level, academic level) / Raisa Movchan. | Kyiv, Genesis, 2015. |
1235 | Ukrainian literature. Grade 10. Reader: Acad. and profile. levels / [ed.-order. NI Chersunov]; Science. ed. Yeremenko Olena Volodymyrivna, Dr. Philol. Sciences, Prof. | Kharkiv, PET, 2014 |
1236 | Ukrainian literature. Grade 11. Reader: Acad. and profile. levels / [ed.-order. NI Chersunov]; Science. ed. Yeremenko Olena Volodymyrivna, Dr. Philol. Sciences, Prof. | Kharkiv, PET, 2014. |
1237 | Lytvyn MR Project "Ukraine". Galicia in the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 / Mykola Lytvyn. | Kharkiv, Folio, 2015 |
1238 | Educational and methodical workshop “History of Ukraine: Cossack-Hetman era (Second half of the 16th - end of the 18th century)” for students majoring in history / incl. Oyu Lillo | Lviv, Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House, 2015 |
1239 | Screamer Nicholas. Documents of the Commissioner's Court of the Podolsk Voivodeship of 1678–1679. | Lviv, Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House 2015 |
1240 | Adadurov V. History of France. The royal state and the creation of the nation (from the beginning to the end of the XVIII century). History of the World Series | Lviv, UCU Publishing House, 2002 |
1241 | World History. Grade 9: lessons developed "Modern master class" / O. Gisem, O. Martyniuk | Kharkiv: Ranok Publishing House, 2015 |
1242 | Introduction to history. Grade 5: lesson plans + CD to the textbook author A.V. Gisem, A.A. Martyniuk | Kharkiv, Morning, 2016 |
1243 | History of Ukraine. Grade 10. Profile level: development of lessons for the textbook author OV Gisem, OO Martyniuk | Kharkiv, Morning, 2016 |
1244 | History of Ukraine. Grade 11. Profile level: lesson development / author L.O. Arnautova | Kharkiv, Morning, 2016 |
1245 | World History 11th grade: development of lessons "Modern master class" / O. Gisem, O. Martyniuk | Kharkiv: Ranok Publishing House, 2015 |
1246 | Gisem OV, Martyniuk OO History of Ukraine: a textbook for 10th grade. | Kharkiv: Ranok Publishing House, 2015 |
1247 | Maletska TV Game learning technologies in lessons of history of Ukraine: teaching method. way. [Text] / TV Maletskaya. | Ternopil - Kharkiv, Morning, 2012 |
1248 | World History. Grade 8: development of lessons for the textbook author OV Gisem, OO Martyniuk | Kharkiv, Morning, 2016 |
1249 | Social sciences. Grades 5-11. Curricula, guidelines for the organization of the educational process in 2016/2017 academic year | Kharkiv, Ranok Publishing House, 2016 |
1250 | World History. Grade 7: development of lessons "Modern master class" / O. Gisem, O. Martyniuk | Kharkiv, Ranok Publishing House, 2015 |
1251 | World History. History of Ukraine (integrated course). Grade 6: lesson plans + CD to the textbook author OV Gisem, OO Martyniuk | Kharkiv, Morning, 2016 |
1254 | Gisem OV, Martyniuk OO World History: a textbook for 9th grade | Kharkiv: Ranok Publishing House, 2015 |
1255 | World History. Grade 8: development of lessons for the textbook author OV Gisem, OO Martyniuk | Kharkiv, Morning, 2016 |
1256 | History of Ukraine. Grade 8: development of lessons for the textbook author OV Gisem, OO Martyniuk | Kharkiv, Morning, 2016 |
1257 | History of post-Soviet countries: Textbook. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science / Orlova TV | Kyiv, Genesis, 2014 |
1258 | History of Central and Eastern Europe (late XX - early XXI century.): Textbook. way. - 3rd ed., Ed. and ext. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science / Krill MM | Kyiv, Genesis, 2013 |
1259 | Glazova OP Ukrainian language: a textbook for 5th grade | Kyiv: Education, 2011 |
1260 | Zabolotnyi OV Ukrainska mova: pidruchnyk dlya 11 klassu (riv standartanu) / OV Zabolotnyi, VV Zabolotnyi | Kyiv: Genesis, 2015 |
1261 | Glazova OP Ukrainian language: a textbook for 9th grade | Kyiv: Education, 2011 |
1262 | Kovalenko LT Ukrainian literature: a textbook for 7th grade / LT Kovalenko | Kyiv: VD “Osvita”, 2017 |
1263 | Mishchenko OI Ukrainian literature: a textbook for 7th grade / Olena Mishchenko | Kyiv, Genesis, 2016 |
1264 | Kovalenko LT Ukrainian literature: a textbook for 6th grade / LT Kovalenko. | Kyiv: Education, 2014 |
1265 | Glazova OP Ukrainian language: a textbook for 6th grade | Kyiv: Education, 2012 |
1266 | Szeged S. Anthropology, textbook | Kyiv, Lybid, 2001 |
1267 | Mishchenko OI Ukrainska literatura: pidruchnyk dlya 11 klasa (riv standartu) / OI Mishchenko; Science. ed. GF Semenyuko | Kyiv, Education, 2015 |
1268 | Kovalenko LT Ukrainian literature: a textbook for 8th grade / LT Kovalenko. | Kyiv: Orion, 2016 |
1269 | Kovalenko LT Ukrainian literature: a textbook for 5th grade / LT Kovalenko. | Kyiv: Education, 2013 |
1270 | Nazarenko NG Practicum on the spelling of the Ukrainian language [Text]: textbook / L.V. Glushchenko | Kyiv, Olympic Literature, 1999 |
1271 | History of Ukraine. Grade 9: lesson designer + CD / author Ohredko OE | Kharkiv: Ranok Publishing House, 2015 |
1272 | History of Ukraine. Grade 7: Lesson plans-summaries on a printed basis / IM Skyrda | Kharkiv: Ranok Publishing House, 2013 |
1273 | History of Ukrainian diplomacy: the first steps in the international arena (1917-1924): documents and materials / Uporyad. dock. Andrievska LV [etc.]; editor: KI Grishchenko (chairman) [etc.] | Kyiv: Humanities Publishing House. l-ri, 2010 |
1274 | Shulepova EA (Ed.) Fundamentals of museum studies | LIBROCOM Book House, 2015. |
1275 | Ukrainian culture in the European context / Bogutsky Yu.P., Andrushchenko VP | Kyiv, 2007 |
1276 | Profile History / Bondareno KP | Kyiv, Genesis, 2012 |
1277 | Modern political history of the world: Textbook. way. for students, graduate students, university teachers / Orlova TV | Kyiv, Genesis, 2013 |
1278 | International organizations: Textbook. way. - 2nd ed., Reworked. and ext. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science / Ed. O.S. Bitch. | Kyiv, Genesis, 2007 |
1279 | Ladychenko TV World History. Grade 10 [Text]: Textbook. Profile level / TV Ladychenko | Kyiv, ASK, 2005 |
1280 | Rubel VA Reader. History of the Medieval East. - Kyiv: Lybid, 2002. - 624 p. | Ternopil: Textbook - Bogdan, 2011 |
1281 | Levitsky G. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania | Lomonosov, 2014 |
1282 | Tabachnyk DV Ukrainian diplomacy. Essays on history. 1917-1990 [Text]: Textbook. way. for students. University / DV Tabachnik | Kyiv, Lybid, 2006 |
1283 | Savchenko VA Project "Ukraine". Free Odessa - Odessa Republic - South-Western Territory (1917-1919) [Text] / Victor Savchenko | Kharkiv, Folio, 2013 |
1284 | Yakovenko N. Mirrors of identity. Research on the history of ideas in Ukraine in the XVI - early XVIII centuries [Text]: [selected. art.] / Natalia Yakovenko. - К.: Laurus, 2012. - 470 с. | Kyiv, Staff, 2011 |
1285 | History of Ukraine of the XIX-XXI centuries: Workshop. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science / Ed. RV Lavretsky. | Kyiv, Genesis, 2015 |
1286 | The First World War of 1914-1918 and Ukraine. Ukrainian lands at the center of the crisis of civilization [Text] | Kyiv, Clio, 2015 |
1287 | National minorities of Ukraine: history and modernity [Text]: scientific reference. / order. I. Vynnychenko, R. Martsenyuk; Interregional Academy of Personnel Management | Kyiv, IAPM, 2006. - 252 p. |
1288 | Bugay AS Snake shafts [Text]: [col. materials n.-d. heritage] / AS Bugay; [arranged. and foreword. Alexander Bugay] | Kyiv, Staff, 2011 |
1289 | History of Ukraine of the XIX-XXI centuries: Workshop. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science / Ed. RV Lavretsky | Kyiv, 2015 |
1290 | A textbook on the history of the Western and Southern Slavs (Ancient, Middle Ages). / order. VI Yarovy, SM Mortuk, VP Shumylo and others; for order. VI Yarovoy | Kyiv, Lybid, 2016 |
1291 | Ukraine in Europe and the world: Textbook. way. + CD. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science / Galik VM | Kyiv, Lybid, 2013 |
1292 | Seredonin SM Historical geography: Scythians, Sarmatians, Goths, Huns, Khazars, Finns, Slavs | LENAND, 2016 |
1293 | Yuryev AI The modern history of Russia. February 1917 - the beginning of the XXI century | Hyperborea, 2010 |
1294 | Dandamaev MA Achaemenid Empire: socio-administrative structure and cultural achievements. | St. Petersburg Linguistic Society, 2013 |
1295 | Smoliy VA, Stepankov VS Ukraine through the ages. Volume 7. Ukrainian national revolution of the XVII century. (1648-1676) | Kyiv, Alternatives, 1998 |
1296 | Ur-Medan M. Carthage | The Whole World, 200 |
1297 | Kink H.A. The Eastern Mediterranean in ancient times | LIBROCOM Book House, 2013 |
1298 | Sokolov Yu.A. Empire and Christianity. The Roman world at the turn of the III-IV centuries. Recent Persecutions of Christians and the Edict of Milan, ed. holy K. Kostromina | SPb .: Izdatelstvo SPbPDA, 2014 |
1299 | Pechatnova LG Ancient Sparta and its heroes. г. - 288 с. | Lomonosov, 2016 |
1300 | Kormysheva E. Ancient Egypt | The Whole World, 2005 |
1302 | Rostovtsev M. Society and economy in the Roman Empire. In 2 volumes. Volume 2. | SPb., Nauka, 2000 |
1303 | Rung E.W. Greece and the Achaemenid power. History of diplomatic relations in VI - IV centuries. BC e. | St. Petersburg .: Faculty of Philology and Arts, St. Petersburg State University; Nestor-History, 2008 |
1304 | Antique policy. Course of lectures / Ed. V.V. Dementieva, IE Суриков | Moscow, Russian Foundation for Education and Science, 2010 |
1305 | Kustov V. The latest history of secret and closed societies of Ukraine II floor. XX - beginning XXI centuries. In facts, documents, photographs | Geoprint, 2013 |
1306 | Alandski PI History of Greece. - Izd.3, ispr | Moscow, URSS, 2010 |
1307 | Surikov IE Aristocracy and Demos: the political elite of archaic and classical Athens | Russian Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Science, 2009 |
1308 | Simon G. The Roman War in Spain. 154—133 BC e. / пер. with him., scientific. ed. and introduction. Art. AV Korolenkova | - СПб. : IC "Humanitarian Academy", 2008 |
1309 | War and myth. Unknown World War II. 1939-1945 [Text] / Ukrainian Institute of National Memory; ed .: O. Zinchenko, V. Vyatrovych, M. Mayorov | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2016 |
1310 | Dovnar-Zapolsky MV Primitive forms of marriage | Moscow: KRASAND, cop. 2010 |
1311 | Shifman I.Sh. Alexander the Great | St. Petersburg University Publishing House, 2007 |
1312 | History of Ukraine [Text]: textbook / Nat. acad. Nuk of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine; order. VM Litvin; [resp. ed. VA Smoliy | Kyiv: Scientific Opinion, 2013 |
1313 | Ancient civilization and barbarians / resp. ed. L.P. Маринович; Inst. Of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Moscow, Nauka, 2006 |
1314 | Preobrazhensky PF Ethnology course | Moscow, LKI, 2007 |
1315 | Khvostov MM History of Greece. Course of lectures. - Ed. 3rd, ed. - | Moscow, LKI Publishing House, 2007 |
1316 | Bernheim E. Introduction to historical science | Moscow, LIBROCOM Book House, 2011 |
1317 | Maksakovsky VP Historical geography of the world | Moscow, LENAND, 2016 |
1318 | History of Western and Southern Slavs (from ancient times to the XX century) Course of lectures. / Yarovy VI (supervisor), Rudyakov PM, Shumilo VP etc. 3rd edition, stereotypical | Kyiv: Lybid, 2016 |
1319 | Golovchenko VI New history of Asia and Africa: colonial East (end of the XIX-second third of the XX century): textbook / VI Golovchenko, VA Rubel. | Kyiv, Lybid, 2010 |
1320 | Koval A. Familiar strangers | Kyiv: Lybid, 2001 |
1321 | Ukrainian women in history: XX-XXI centuries | Kyiv, Lybid, 2012 |
1322 | Treaties and resolutions (Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk) | Kyiv: Lybid, 2010 |
1323 | The latest Cossacks. Troops of the Central Rada, March 1917 - April 1918. Yaroslav Tinchenko | Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House 2015 |
1324 | Brekhunenko VA "Strange and unspeakable courage…". Cossacks in the Khotyn War of 1621 | Kyiv, Tempora, 2013 |
1325 | Alexander and Natalia Rubleva. Ukraine and Poland 1920-1939: From the history of diplomatic relations of the USSR with the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: Documents and materials | Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House 2015 |
1326 | Ukrainian intelligentsia and power: Summary of the secret department of the DPU of the USSR in 1927-1929. Compiler VM Danilenko | Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House, 2015 |
1327 | Ferrero G. The greatness and fall of Rome. In 5 volumes. Book 1. Volumes 1, 2 | Science, 2016 |
1328 | Ferrero G. The greatness and fall of Rome. In 5 volumes. Book 2. Volumes 3-5 | Science, 2008 |
1329 | Krom MM Introduction to historical comparative studies. | European University in St. Petersburg, 2015 |
1330 | Kryzhanivsky. History of the Ancient East. Tutorial | Kyiv, Lybid, 2002 |
1331 | History of Central and Eastern Europe (late XX - early XXI century.): Textbook. way. - 3rd ed., Ed. and ext. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science / Krill MM | Kyiv 2013 |
1332 | Dandamaev MA Mesopotamia and Iran in the VII-IV centuries. BC Social institutions and ideology | Faculty of Philology and Arts, St. Petersburg State University, 2009 |
1333 | Пиотровский Б.Б. History and culture of Urartu | .– Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University, 2011 |
1334 | Surikov IE Ancient Greece: Politics in the Context of the Age. A year of strife | Moscow, Russian Foundation for Education and Science, 2011 |
1335 | Mayorov AV Greater Croatia: ethnogenesis and early history of the Slavs of the Carpathian region | St. Petersburg University Publishing House, 2006 |
1336 | Lappo-Danilevsky AS Methodology of history | Moscow, Territory of the Future, 2006 |
1337 | Turaev BA Ancient Egypt. | LENAND, 2015 |
1338 | Takhtarev KM Essays on the history of primitive culture. Primitive society | Krasand, 2010 |
1339 | Korotaev AV, Malkov S.Yu. (Ed.) History and synergetics. Research methodology | Librocom, 2010 |
1341 | Schurz Henry. History of primitive culture; lane. with him. E. K. Pimenova and MP Negreskul. - 2nd ed. T.3 | Moscow: URSS: KRASAND, 2010 |
1342 | Korotaev AV, Malinetsky GG (Ed.) Problems of mathematical history: Historical reconstruction, forecasting, methodology | LIBROCOM Book House, 2016 |
1343 | Zhebelev SA Alexander the Great | Moscow: LIBROCOM Book House, 2015 |
1344 | Levin-Dorsh A., Kunov G. Primitive technology. lane. with him. IN Yurovsky; under ed. DN Anuchina. - Ed. 2nd. - Sir. Academy of Basic Research: Ethnology. | Moscow, 2011 |
1345 | Mochalov M.Yu., Polezhaev D. State of the Sassanids. 224–652. | Lomonosov, 2016 |
1346 | Belchikov NF Theory of archeography | Moscow, LENAND, 2014 |
1347 | Kareev NI Introduction to the history of the ancient world: GREECE and ROME | Petersburg, LENAND., 2016 |
1348 | Maksimov AN What has been done about family history ?: An essay on the current state of the question of primitive forms of family and marriage | Moscow: LIBROCOM Book House, 2012 |
1349 | The Afro-Asian world: problems of civilizational analysis. Methodology, theory, history | Kyiv, INION RAS, 2004 |
1350 | Kagarov EG Past and present of Egyptology. From Champollion to Maspero | Librocom, 2011 |
1351 | Filevich IP The struggle of Poland and Lithuania-Russia for the Galician-Vladimir heritage: Historical essays.– | LENAND, 2015 |
1352 | Littre E. Barbarians and the Middle Ages: The Disintegration of the Empire and the Establishment of Christianity. Per. with fr. | LENAND, 2014 |
1353 | Yarovy VI Recent history of Central European and Balkan countries of the twentieth century. | Kyiv, Genesis, 2005 |
1354 | Atlas of biblical history / per.M. Klimchuk, T. Tsimbala | Kyiv, Publisher: Cartography, 2010 |
1355 | Atlas "Global Problems of the World" | DNVP, "Cartography", 2009 |
1356 | Pometun OI, Freiman GO Methods of beginning history at school. | Kyiv, Genesis, 2009 |
1357 | Vlasov VS History of Ukraine (introduction to history): a textbook for 5th grade | Kyiv: Genesis, 2013 |
1358 | Vlasov VS History of Ukraine (Introduction to history). Workbook for 5th grade | Kyiv: Genesis, 2013 |
1359 | Vlasov VS, Ostrovsky VV History of Ukraine (Introduction to History), 5th grade. A book for the teacher | Kyiv: Genesis, 2013 |
1360 | Bandrovsky OG, Vlasov VS World History. History of Ukraine textbook for 6th grade | Kyiv, Genesis, 2013 |
1361 | Vlasov VS World History. History of Ukraine, 6th grade. A workbook | Kyiv: Genesis, 2014 |
1362 | Vlasov VS World History. History of Ukraine, 6th grade. Notebook for thematic works | Kyiv: Genesis, 2014 |
1363 | Ostrovsky VV World History. History of Ukraine, 6th grade. A book for the teacher. | Kyiv, Genesis, 2014 |
1364 | Vlasov VS History of Ukraine: a textbook for 7th grade | Kyiv, Genesis, 2016 |
1365 | Podalak NG, Lukach IB, Ladychenko TV World History: a textbook for 7th grade. - | Kyiv, Genesis, 2015 |
1366 | Vlasov VS History of Ukraine, 7th grade. A workbook | Kyiv, Genesis, 2015 |
1367 | Ladychenko TV World History, Grade 7., Workbook | - Kyiv, Genesis, 2015 |
1368 | Vlasov VS History of Ukraine: a textbook for 8th grade | Kyiv: Genesis, 2011 |
1369 | Shvidko GK History of Ukraine: a textbook for 8th grade. | Kyiv, Genesis, 2008 |
1370 | Vlasov VS History of Ukraine, 8th grade. A workbook | Kyiv: Genesis, 2016 |
1371 | Vlasov VS History of Ukraine, 8th grade. Notebook for control and practical work | Kyiv: Genesis, 2016 |
1372 | Podalak NG World History: a textbook for 8th grade | Kyiv, Genesis, 2008 |
1373 | History of Ukraine. World History, 8th grade. Methodical and didactic support of educational activity. A book for the teacher | Kyiv: Genesis, 2016 |
1374 | Ladychenko TV World History, 8th grade. A workbook | Kyiv, Genesis, 2016 |
1375 | Ladychenko TV World History, 8th grade. Notebook for control and practical work. | Kyiv, Genesis, 2016 |
1376 | Balyuta EI, Kresan Zh.V. History of Ukraine. World History. Tasks for current and thematic control, 8th grade. Notebook for the student. (current program | Kyiv, Genesis, 2016 |
1377 | Kolesnyk II Ukrainian historiography. XVIII - early XX century | Kyiv, Genesis, 2000 |
1378 | Reyent O., Serdyuk O. The First World War and Ukraine. | Kyiv, Genesis, 2004 |
1379 | Kucher IV, Chernega PM Ukraine in the Second World War | Kyiv, Genesis, 2004 |
1380 | Kalakura Yaroslav. Ukrainian historiography. Course of lectures | Kyiv, Genesis, 2012 |
1381 | Hnatyuk IS, Golovashchuk SI, Zhayvoronok VV etc. Russian-Ukrainian dictionary. In 4 volumes. Volume 1. AJ. | Kyiv, Knowledge, 2011 |
1382 | Hnatyuk IS, Golovashchuk SI, Zhayvoronok VV etc. Russian-Ukrainian dictionary. In 4 volumes. Volume 2. K-O | Kyiv: Knowledge, 2011 |
1383 | Hnatyuk IS, Golovashchuk SI, Zhayvoronok VV etc. Russian-Ukrainian dictionary. In 4 volumes. Volume 3 | Kyiv: Knowledge, 2011 |
1384 | Hnatyuk IS, Golovashchuk SI, Zhayvoronok VV etc. Russian-Ukrainian dictionary in 4 volumes. Volume 4. S-I. | Kyiv: Knowledge, 2011 |
1385 | Kulchytsky S. Three hundred years of loneliness: Ukrainian Donbass in search of meanings and Motherland [Text] / Stanislav Kulchytsky, Larysa Yakubova. | Kyiv, Clio, 2016 |
1386 | Vynokur, IS Archeology of Ukraine | Ternopil, Textbook - Bogdan, 2004 |
1387 | Yushchuk IP Ukrainian language at school: methodical advice for teachers. | Ternopil, Educational book Bogdan, 2013 |
1388 | Kharitonov IK Comparative translations of poetry: textbook. way. to stylistics and translation courses / Ivan Kharitonov. | Ternopil, Textbook - Bogdan, 2012 |
1389 | Kursova robota z ukrainskoi movy [Text]: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk dlya studentiv-filologiv / OP Shton, VA Buda; ed. BE Budny. | Ternopil, Textbook - Bogdan, 2002 |
1390 | Melnychayko O. Educational and training exercises on the syntax of a complex sentence with occasional repetition of the syntax of a simple sentence, word structure and word formation: [manual] / OI Melnychayko, M. Y. Kryskiv. | Ternopil, Textbook - Bogdan, 2011 |
1391 | Grammatical tales in native language lessons [Text]: [manual. for teachers]: 5-8 classes. / EF Shevchenko | Ternopil: Textbook-Bogdan, 2000 |
1392 | Nikitina IP Organization of methodical association of teachers of social and humanitarian disciplines: method. way. / IP Nikitin, OV Galegova, YO Nikitin. | Ternopil, Textbook - Bogdan, 2011 |
1393 | Popova IN, French language (textbook for 1 course) | Kharkiv, Nestor Academic Publications, 2016 |
1394 | Popova IN, French language (Practical course, grammar) | Kharkiv, Nestor Academic Publications, 2014 |
1395 | Davydyuk ZY, Medicine is proud of their names (French language manual) | Moscow, Practical Medicine, 2007 |
1396 | Matviishin VG, Business course of French language | Moscow, Logos, 2011 |
1397 | VG Gak, Theory and practice of translation (French) | Moscow, Interdialect +, 1999, 2005 |
1398 | OP Samoilova, Practical grammar of the French language | Kyiv, In Jure, 2008 |
1399 | Ogui OD, Lexicology of the German language | Vinnytsia, New book, 2003 |
1400 | Dotsenko IV, O. Henry. Selected works. A guide for independent reading | Vinnytsia, New book, 2011 |
1401 | G. Bochko, Russian-Ukrainian-German phrasebook | Vinnytsia, New book, 2012 |
1402 | Bigich OG, Methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures: theory and practice | Kyiv, Lenvit, 2013 |
1403 | Petrova GV, Latin-Ukrainian word-formation dictionary | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2008 |
1404 | Savenkova OO, Latin language | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2016 |
1405 | Babichev NT, Dictionary of winged words | Moscow, Russian language, 1988 |
1406 | Marcelli AA, Latin | Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2008 |
1407 | Revak N., Latin language | Vinnytsia, New book, 2011 |
1408 | Goncharova NA, Latin language (integrated course) | Minsk, Higher School, 2006 |
1409 | Butler IH, Latin-Russian dictionary | Moscow, Russian language, 1976 |
1410 | Rodriguez-Danilevskaya EI, Textbook of Spanish | Moscow, Chero, 2013 |
1411 | Vinogradov VS, Collection of exercises in Spanish grammar | Moscow, KSU, 2013 |
1412 | Petrov L., Practical course of the Italian language | Moscow, Astrel, 2009 |
1413 | Guzhva T., English language (conversational topics) vol.1 | Kiev, Tandem, 1996 |
1414 | Gak VG, Theory and practice of translation | Moscow, URS, 2013 |
1415 | Yefimov LP, Stylistics of the English language | Vinnytsia, New book, 2011 |
1416 | Artemova AF, Great Britain. A book to read | Moscow, East-West, 2006 |
1417 | C.Carlo, Progressive Civilization of France | Paris, CLE, 2010 |
1418 | Yu.B. Golitsynsky, Regional Studies. United States | Kyiv, Arius, 2007 |
1419 | Yu.B. Golitsynsky, Regional Studies. United Kingdom | Kyiv, Arius, 2006 |
1420 | OV Ryabokon, Self-study of other languages (in English) | Vinnytsia, New Book, 2010 |
1421 | LM Chernovaty, Practical English language course. Book for teachers, part 1 | Vinnytsia, New book, 2006 |
1422 | LM Chernovaty, Practical English language course. Book for teachers, part 2 | Vinnytsia, New book, 2007 |
1423 | LM Chernovaty, Practical English language course. Book for teachers, part 3 | Vinnytsia, New book, 2007 |
1424 | LM Chernovaty, Practical English language course. Book for teachers, part 4 | Vinnytsia, New book, 2008 |
1425 | OM Konstantinova, Meet the United Kingdom (in English) | Kyiv, Institute of Modern Textbook, 2010 |
1426 | T. Wenkel, Improve your spoken English | Chernivtsi, Storozhynets, 2003 |
1427 | LV Sinko, American English | Kiev, Express, 1992 |
1428 | O.Tarasova, Develor your reading skills | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium, 2009 |
1429 | AG Nikolenko, Lexicology of the English language-theory and practice | Vinnytsia, New book, 2007 |
1430 | Odire Grand, Civilization in Dialogues | France, CLE, 2008 |
1431 | W. Somerset Maugham, Theater (in English) | Vinnytsia, New book, 2006 |
1432 | Z. Dantlova, Fundamentals of Management (in English) | Ternopil, Aston, 2004 |
1433 | E. Mednikova, English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases | Moscow, Russian language, 1990 |
1434 | L. Chernovaty, Translation of English-language economic literature | Vinnytsia, New book, 2010 |
1435 | O. Rebriy, Translation of English socio-political literature | Vinnytsia, New book, 2009 |
1436 | L. Chernovaty, Practical English grammar with exercises. Basic course | Vinnytsia, New book, 2006 |
1437 | L. Chernovaty, Practical grammar of English with exercises, vol.1 | Vinnytsia, New book, 2006 |
1438 | L. Chernovaty, Practical English grammar with exercises, vol.2 | Vinnytsia, New book, 2006 |
1439 | Gordeeva A, Morphology. Personal and non-personal verb forms (in English) | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
1440 | Gordeeva A., Syntax of the English language. Simple sentence (in English) | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
1441 | L. Kaluska, Outstanding Ukrainian teachers | Ternopil, Mandrivets, 2010 |
1442 | I. Zaichenko, Pedagogical concept of SF Rusova | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2016 |
1443 | I. Zaichenko, Pedagogy and methods of teaching in higher school | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
1444 | V. Teslyuk, Fundamentals of pedagogical skills of a high school teacher | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2018 |
1445 | L. Kalinichenko, Formation of creative thinking of junior schoolchildren | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
1446 | I. Zaichenko, Fundamentals of pedagogical skills and ethics of a high school teacher | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2018 |
1447 | A. Dedukhno, Performatives in language and speech | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
1448 | D. Chernilevsky, Higher School Pedagogy | Vinnytsia, AMSKP, 2010 |
1449 | M. Bilyanska, Organization of ecological and pedagogical activity | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
1450 | V. Teslyuk, Formation of pedagogical skill of the future teacher: theoretical and methodical aspect | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2018 |
1451 | N. Dyachenko, Pedagogical tasks in professional training of future teachers | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
1452 | I. Divakova, Interactive learning technologies in primary school | Ternopil, Mandrivets, 2013 |
1453 | I. Yakimanskaya, Fundamentals of personality-oriented education | Moscow, BINOM, 2011 |
1454 | A. Kiseleva, Productive communication. Linguistics of performance | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2016 |
1455 | V. Koltsova, Socio-psychological and spiritual-moral aspects of family and family upbringing in the modern world | Moscow, SP RAS, 2013 |
1456 | I. Baeva, Ensuring psychological security in an educational institution | St. Petersburg, Speech, 2006 |
1457 | P. Prybudko, Conflictology | Kyiv, CST, 2011 |
1458 | L. Skibitska, Conflictology | Kyiv, Condor, 2009 |
1459 | V. Bochelyuk, Gerontopsychology | Kyiv, CST, 2014 |
1460 | T. Nekryach, Iceberg in the Ocean of Translation: Reproduction of Ernest Hemingway's Idiostyle in Ukrainian and Russian Translations | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2014 |
1461 | P. Mirchuk, Ukrainian Insurgent Army 1942-1952 | Lviv-Munich, 1991 |
1462 | M. Kovalchuk, The Battle of Two Revolutions, vol.1 | Kyiv, Stylus, 2015 |
1463 | V. Brekhunenko, War for Consciousness | Kyiv, Brekhunenko, 2017 |
1464 | R. Mlynovetsky, Essays on the history of Ukrainian liberation struggles | Ternopil, Jura, 2014 |
1465 | M. Medvedev, Fundamentals of Scientific Research | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
1466 | K. Disa, History with witches | Kyiv, Critique, 2008 |
1467 | Z. Norkus, The Undeclared Empire | Kyiv, Criticism, 2016 |
1468 | V.Vysyn, Ukraine Project. Galicia Volhynia as part of interwar Poland | Kharkiv, Folio, 2017 |
1469 | PR Magochiy, Formation of national self-consciousness: Subcarpathian Russia (1848-1948) | Uzhhorod, Carpathian region, 1994 |
1470 | V. Severenyuk, Cossack Ukraine | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
1471 | O. Veremiychyk, The Second Winter Campaign, or the November Raid | Kyiv, O. Telihy, 2006 |
1472 | Ya. Tynchenko, Troops of the Central Rada | Kyiv, Tempora, 2010 |
1473 | S. Klimovsky, Ukraine: Lithuanian period 1320-1569 | Kyiv, New Print, 2003 |
1474 | I. Kachurovsky, Generics and Architectonics | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2008 |
1475 | O. Androschuk, History of the Ukrainian peasantry, vol.1 | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 2006 |
1476 | O. Androschuk, History of the Ukrainian peasantry, vol.2 | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 2006 |
1477 | K. Klimov, Fundamentals of culture and techniques of speech | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2007 |
1478 | G. Kovalenko, Methods of analysis and synthesis of aphorisms and their application | Sumy, University Book, 2017 |
1479 | V. Shinkaruk, Categories of mode and dictum in sentence structure | Chernivtsi, Ruta, 2002 |
1480 | I. Babiy, Modern Ukrainian literary language. Morphemics. Word formation | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2001 |
1481 | Yu. Zakharova, Applied Phonetics | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2018 |
1482 | G. Melnikov, Methodology of Linguistics | Moscow, LENAND, 2015 |
1483 | Ya. Chornenky, Business Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Professional, 2006 |
1484 | Woodpecker, Ukrainian right | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 2005 |
1485 | Selected stories of English and American writers (in English) | St. Petersburg, Caro, 2015 |
1486 | James Henry, Daisy Miller. A book to read in English | St. Petersburg, Caro, 2015 |
1487 | A. Schukin, History of teaching Russian as a foreign language in essays and extracts | Moscow, Filomatis, 2005 |
1488 | Yu. Stepanov, Fundamentals of General Linguistics | Moscow, LENAND, 2015 |
1489 | M. Peterson, The system of Russian spelling | Moscow, LENAND, 2015 |
1490 | M. Aksenova, Adjustment course | Moscow, Russian language, 1986 |
1491 | D. Rosenthal, Manual on the Russian language with exercises | Moscow, Peace and Education, 2018 |
1492 | Yu. Levitsky, General Linguistics | Moscow, LENAND, 2016 |
1493 | A. Budnikov, Full course of public speaking | Moscow, Omega-L, 2017 |
1494 | L. Vasiliev, Modern linguistic semantics | Moscow, LENAND, 2015 |
1495 | O. Gaibaryan, All the rules of the Russian language | Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2017 |
1496 | Jerome, Jerome Klapka, Mr. Milbury's Surprise and other short stories: a book to read in English | St. Petersburg, Caro, 2015 |
1497 | GA Kotiy, Samples of business correspondence in English and Russian | Moscow, INFRA-M, 1995 |
1498 | D. Bell, English | Moscow, Sigma-Press, 1996 |
1499 | OV Sokolovskaya, Practical grammar of the English language | Minsk, AUPRB, 2004 |
1500 | New Inside Out Pre-Interm ediate WB | Macmillan, 2008 |
1501 | Sue Kay, New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate SB | Macmillan, 2008 |
1502 | Sue Kay, New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate TB | Macmillan, 2008 |
1503 | Diana Lea, Oxford Learner's Treasures | Oxford, 2008 |
1504 | Oxford Wordpower Dictionary | Oxford, 2012 |
1505 | Rod Bolitho Discover English LAfT | Macmillan, 2005 |
1506 | Philip Kerr, New Inside Out Upper Intermediate WB | Macmillan, 2009 |
1507 | Sue Kay, New Inside Out Upper Intermediate SB | Macmillan, 2009 |
1508 | Jim Screvener Learning Teaching TEGtELT | Macmillan, 2011 |
1509 | Jim Screvene Teaching English Grammar | Macmillan, 2010 |
1510 | David Seymour 700 Classsrom Activities | Macmillan, 2005 |
1511 | Dorothy E. Zemach Writing Paragraphs SB | Macmillan, 2011 |
1512 | Dorothy E. Zemach Writing Research Papers SB | Macmillan, 2011 |
1513 | New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate WB | Macmillan, 2008 |
1514 | Dorothy E. Zemach Writing Series Teacher's Guide | Macmillan, 2011 |
1515 | Dorothy E. Zemach Writing Essays SB | Macmillan, 2011 |
1516 | Philip Kerr New Inside Out Intermediate WB | Macmillan, 2009 |
1517 | Sue Kay New Inside Out Intermediate SB | Macmillan, 2009 |
1518 | Michael Vince Macmillan English Grammar in Context Advanced | Macmillan, 2008 |
1519 | Michael Vince, Macmillan English Grammar in Context Intermediate | Macmillan, 2008 |
1520 | Jon Hird, New Inside Out Intermediate TB | Macmillan, 2009 |
1521 | Ceri Jones, New Inside Out Advanced SB | Macmillan, 2010 |
1522 | Ceri Jones, New Inside Out Advanced WB | Macmillan, 2010 |
1523 | Sue Kay, New Inside Out Advanced TB | Macmillan, 2010 |
1524 | Mark Irvine, Adventure Stories | Macmillan, 2011 |
1525 | Mark Irvine, 20th Cetury Stories | Macmillan, 2011 |
1526 | Jennifer Gascoigne, Hotel China | Macmillan, 2014 |
1527 | Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Weep Not, Child | Macmillan, 2005 |
1528 | Peter Abrahams, Mine Boy | Macmillan, 2005 |
1529 | Rachel Bladon, England | Macmillan, 2013 |
1530 | Erica J. Williams, Presentation in English | Macmillan, 2008 |
1531 | Barney Barrett, Networking in English | Macmillan, 2008 |
1532 | Scott Thornbury, An AZ of ELT | Macmillan, 2006 |
1533 | Roger Gower, Teaching Practice | Macmillan, 2005 |
1534 | Pete Sharma, 400 Ideas for Interactive Whiteboards | Macmillan, 2011 |
1535 | Marta Rosinska, Get 200! Book 1 | Macmillan, 2016 |
1536 | Marta Rosinska, Get 200! Book 2 | Macmillan, 2016 |
1537 | John Hughes, Telephone English | Macmillan, 2006 |
1538 | Maurice Waite, Oxford Paperback Thesaurus | Oxford, 2006 |
1539 | Marcus Wheeler, Oxford Russian Dictionary | Oxford, 2007 |
1540 | Roy Norris, Ready for Advanced WB | Macmillan, 2014 |
1541 | Zoltan Rezmuves, Ready for Advanced TB | Macmillan, 2014 |
1542 | Roy Norris, Ready for Advanced CB with eBook and Key | Macmillan, 2014 |
1543 | Roy Norris, Ready for First WB with Key | Macmillan, 2013 |
1544 | Roy Norris, Ready for First CB with eBook and Key | Macmillan, 2013 |
1545 | Alice Lockyer, Ready for First TB with SB eBook | Macmillan, 2013 |
1546 | William Thackeray, Vanity Fair | Macmillan, 2007 |
1547 | Colin Dexter, The Juewel That Was Ours | Macmillan, 2005 |
1548 | Coleen Degnan- Veness, The United States of America | Macmillan, 2013 |
1549 | DC Meyer, Clès pour la france | Hachette livre, France, 2010 |
1550 | Yu.M. Klimenko, French language: ed. For 10 classes. general education. educational institution (ninth year of study) | Kyiv, Genesis, 2010 |
1551 | EA Solomarskaya, Textbook of the French language | Kiev, Higher School, 1978 |
1552 | M. Wilmet, Gramaire critique du français | Hachette Supérieur, France, 1997 |
1553 | D. Mongin, Les 50 discours qui ont marquè la 2e World war | André Versaille editor, 2010 |
1554 | H.A. Serillo, Organization of interactive reading (theory and practice of formation of speech competence in reading of students of 2-5 courses of the Faculty of Spanish) | Kyiv, KNLU Publishing Center, 2005 |
1555 | JP. Sartre, Huis clos suivi de Les mouches | Gallimard, 1992 |
1556 | P. Miquel, Histoire lycèe | Cité, 1998 |
1557 | The orthograph of all the days | Paris, Honoré champion editor, 1994 |
1558 | A.Jouette, Method of Orthography | Vuibert, 1998 |
1559 | GV Tcherniyenko, Qui bien commence vite avance | University of Kyiv, 2014 |
1560 | R. Barthes, Critique et vérité | Editions of Seoul, Paris |
1561 | Guséynova, Co, entario lingùistico del texto literario: material didàctico | University of Kyiv, 2008 |
1562 | O. Solomarska, Linguistique du texte poetique | University of Kyiv, 2015 |
1563 | O. Solomarska, Dialectologie française | University of Kyiv, 2013 |
1564 | Ukrainian-French phrasebook | Donetsk, BAO, 2010 |
1565 | French-Russian dictionary using grammar | Moscow, Veche, 1999 |
1566 | French-Ukrainian dictionary | Kyiv, Irpin, 2010 |
1567 | Educational French-Russian phraseological dictionary | Moscow, Astrel, 2006 |
1568 | French-Ukrainian Ukrainian-French dictionary | Irpen Perun, 1994 |
1569 | MM Popovych, Theoretical grammar of the French language. Morphology | Chernivtsi, Bookrek, 2010 |
1570 | OV Dmutruk, Problems of the modern world through the prism of English-language communication strategies | Kyiv, KNU, 2013 |
1571 | V. Shinkaruk, English verbs in poems and drawings. Box with cheat sheets | Kyiv, Ukraine, 2012 |
1572 | TV Baranovska, Grammar of the English language. Workbook | Kyiv, Logos, 2002 |
1573 | D. Fowles, Magi | Moscow, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 1993 |
1574 | LL Shoiko, Tales and legends of the peoples of the world (in English) | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1983 |
1575 | G. Itkis, He traveled with Magellan (English) | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1984 |
1576 | L. Thys, Legal Aspects of Scientific Publication | Brussels, 2009 |
1577 | JP. Revel, Total Tentation | Editions Robert Laffont |
1578 | D. Chagnollaud, La Ve Republic | Flammarion, 2000 |
1579 | S. Cohen. Last combat | Editions after the moon, 2006 |
1580 | L. Fetis. Industrial romance | Editions after the moon, 2006 |
1581 | Mr. Burdeau, Democracy | Seoul editions |
1582 | A.Bajomée, Elements d'anthropologie culturallle | Cephal, 2012 |
1583 | Seeds of wisdom. Proverbs | Spirit and Lyre, 2009 |
1584 | The monts of the XXIe siecle | Ellipses, 2002 |
1585 | M. Grevisse, Le Français correct | Club France Loisirs, 1986 |
1586 | V.Yu. Krushinsky, Foreign Policy of Great Britain 1997-2007 | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2015 |
1587 | V.Dyagilev, Histiry of Ukrainian Culture | Kharov, Collegium, 2014 |
1588 | In Our own Image. An African American History | America, New York |
1589 | History of the United States. Sketch | USA, 1988 |
1590 | L. Zvonska, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Classical Languages | Kyiv, KNU, 2015 |
1591 | AG Kachkareva, Ancient Wisdom - for students | Moscow, AATNI KMK, 2009 |
1592 | H. Gandev, The April Uprising of 1876 | Sofia, Science and Art, 1976 |
1593 | A.Z. Manfred, Napoleon Bonapard | Sukhumi, Alashara, 1989 |
1594 | T. Snyder, Bloody Lands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin | Kiev, Dulybi, 2015 |
1595 | Filatov, History of Fascism in Western Europe | Moscow, Nauka, 1978 |
1596 | Plutarch, Vol. 1, Comparative biographies | St. Petersburg, Crystal, 2001 |
1597 | Plutarch, Vol.2, Comparative biographies | St. Petersburg, Crystal, 2001 |
1598 | Plutarch, Vol.3, Comparative biographies | St. Petersburg, Crystal, 2001 |
1599 | VI Spring, Recent History | Kyiv, Lybid, 1997 |
1600 | VI Yarovy, History of Western and Southern Slavs | Kyiv, Lybid, 1996 |
1601 | Oscar Wilde. Collection of repairs. Volume 1 | Moscow "Terra Book Book", 2003 |
1602 | Albert Camus. Favorites | Minsk, 1989 |
1603 | John Galsworthy | Moscow: Pravda, 1990 |
1604 | Room with tapestries. English Gothic prose | Moscow: Pravda, 1991 |
1605 | W. Wolf. Mrs. Dalloway | St. Petersburg, 1993 |
1606 | Radiant phoenix. Foreign writers | Moscow: "Book", 1979 |
1607 | Hermann Hesse. Pearl game | Moscow, 1992 |
1608 | T. Dreiser. The American tragedy part 2 | Baku, 1988 |
1609 | R. Aldington Death of a Hero | Moscow, 1976 |
1610 | A. Dumas. Ange Pete | Khmelnytsky "Podillya" 1993 |
1611 | A. Dumas. Women's war | Chisinau 1991 |
1612 | The artistic world of E. Hoffman | Moscow: Nauka, 1982 |
1613 | G. Miller Time of the Killers | Moscow, 2004 |
1614 | John Gay. The beggar's opera. Polly | Moscow: Art, 1977 |
1615 | Mika Valtari The Secret of the Kingdom | Kiev: Fita, 1995 |
1616 | R. Sabatini.R.L. Stevenson | Moscow: Pravda, 1987 |
1617 | C. Dickens. The Adventures of O. Twist | Moscow: Hood. Lit., 1986 |
1618 | M. Twain Stories | Moscow: Hood. Lit., 1978 |
1619 | E. Hoffman Novella | Moscow: Hood. Lit., 1978 |
1620 | EM Remarque Black Obelisk | Moscow, 1992 |
1621 | W. Badge Egyptian religion | Moscow: Aleteya, 2000 |
1622 | D. Jerome Three in one boat | Moscow: Hood. Lit., 1977 |
1623 | Agatha Christie. Essays Vol.3 | Moscow, 1990 |
1624 | Agatha Christie. Death in the clouds | Moscow, 1990 |
1625 | John Fowles. The love of the French lei | St. Petersburg, 1993 |
1626 | John Fowles. Worm | Moscow, 1999 |
1627 | David Lawrence Sons Lovers | Moscow Press, 1993 |
1628 | John Fowles Collector | Moscow, 1996 |
1629 | John Fowles Collector | St. Petersburg, 1993 |
1630 | W. Faulkner. Mansion | Baku, 1988 |
1631 | W. Shakespeare. Hamlet | Moscow "Truth", 1978 |
1632 | F. Grosskurt. Byron | Rostov "Phoenix", 1998 |
1633 | Air ship. Literary ballads | Moscow "Truth", 1986 |
1634 | D. Eliot. Middlemarch | Moscow "Truth", 1988 |
1635 | Е.Маймин. Pushkin. Life and creativity | Moscow "Science", 1981 |
1636 | Н.Бонк. English textbook | Moscow, 1991 |
1637 | S. Zweig Conscience against violence | Kiev, 1989 |
1638 | John Updike. Rabbit, run | Moscow Pravda, 1990 |
1639 | W. Shakespeare. Hamlet. King Lear | Minsk "People's Education", 1974 |
1640 | Andre Morua. The life of Hugo | Moscow "Truth", 1987 |
1641 | Charles Baudelaire. Flowers of evil | Moscow, 1998 |
1642 | Hermann Hesse. A game of beads | Kyiv "Dnipro", 1978 |
1643 | Strategic marketing for educational institutions | Kyiv, 2011 |
1644 | Truskavets mineral waters | Moscow "Nedra", 1978 |
1645 | А.Пузиков. Portraits of French writers | Moscow: Hood. Lit., 1981 |
1646 | I. Stebun. A story of one secret love | Donetsk "Swan", 1999 |
1647 | A. Remizov. The fire of things | Moscow, 1989 |
1648 | LE Belozerskaya-Bulgakova. Memories | Moscow: Hood. Lit., 1990 |
1649 | А.Ким.Поселок кентавров | Moscow, 1993 |
1650 | O. Forsch Crazy ship | Leningrad, 1988 |
1651 | I. KarpovProse of Ivan Bunin | Moscow, 1999 |
1652 | N. Leskov The charming wanderer | Moscow, 1981 |
1653 | V. Garshin Favorites | Moscow "Truth", 1985 |
1654 | V. Garshin Essays | Moscow, 1984 |
1655 | World Encyclopedia. Philosophy of the 20th century | Moscow, 2002 |
1656 | Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary | Moscow "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1990 |
1657 | R. Giovannoli Spartacus | Ordzhonikidze, 1980 |
1658 | Prosper Merimee. Favorites | Minsk, 1983 |
1659 | D. Fowles Daniel Martin | Moscow, 2003 |
1660 | D. Fowles. Mole holes | Moscow, 2002 |
1661 | Black orchids | Moscow "SKS", 1991 |
1662 | C. Dickens Great hopes | Moscow: Hood. Lit., 1987 |
1663 | Russian fiction of the XIX-early XX century | Moscow Pravda, 1989 |
1664 | Linguistic Bulletin Issue 4 | Artemivsk, 2015 |
1665 | D. Fowles Mantissa | Moscow "Mahaon", 2000 |
1666 | I. Schaefer. Spanish language | Moscow, 1991 |
1667 | Proceedings. Literary Studies Series Issue 3 | Kharkiv, 2002 |
1668 | American research. Yearbook | Minsk, 2004 |
1669 | G. Belle Favorites | Moscow "Truth", 1987 |
1670 | V. Bukatov Mystery of "Nonsense" in Pushkin's poetry | Moscow, 1999 |
1671 | Knut Hamsun Collection of repairs. Volume 2 | Moscow: Hood. Lit., 1991 |
1672 | Knut Hamsun Collection of repairs. Volume 1 | Moscow: Hood. Lit., 1991 |
1673 | Danny Diderot. Nun | Kiev, 1986 |
1674 | Mikhail Kuzmin. Poems and prose | Moscow Sovremennik, 1989 |
1675 | Stories about Pushkin | Kyiv "Soviet School", 1986 |
1676 | A guide to laboratory classes in general and age physiology | Moscow "Enlightenment", 1990 |
1677 | D. Fowles. Ebony tower | Kyiv "Dnipro", 1986 |
1678 | В.Порудоминский. A story about an explanatory dictionary | Moscow "Book", 1981 |
1679 | V. Molchanov, Donbass in the system of socio-demographic and economic processes (19th-early 20th centuries) | Kyiv, IIU, 2015 |
1680 | V.V. Chernysh, Methods of formation of future teachers of professionally oriented English-speaking competence in speaking | Kyiv, Lenvit, 2013 |
1681 | T. Chukhlib, Ukrainian historical collection 2017. Issue 19 | Kyiv, Lenvit, 2017 |
1682 | V. Andreev, Light and Shadows of Ukrainian Soviet Historiography | Kyiv, Institute of History, 2015 |
1683 | V. Smoliy, Regional History of Ukraine. Issue 9. 2015 | Kyiv, Institute of History, 2015 |
1684 | V. Smoliy, Regional History of Ukraine. Issue 9 2012 | Kyiv, Institute of History, 2012 |
1685 | Z. Slynyk, I did not shy away from the word that my mother sang | New York "Freedom", 1989 |
1686 | Princes of Chortory: documents and materials of 16 -17 centuries. | Kyiv, 2016 |
1687 | F. Turchenko The Novorossiya Project and the Recent Russian-Ukrainian War | Kyiv, 2015 |
1688 | Oath of the Myrhorod Regiment of 1718 | Kyiv, 2012 |
1689 | Ukrainian historical collection 2013 | Kyiv 2013 |
1690 | V. Marochko The Holodomor of 1232-1933 in the Donbass | Kyiv, 2015 |
1691 | III International Scientific Conference. Abstracts | Kyiv 2013 |
1692 | S. Kulchytsky Industrialization in the Donbass: 1926-1938 | Kyiv, 2015 |
1693 | S. Kulchytsky Industrialization in the Donbass: 1926-1938 | Kyiv, 2015 |
1694 | В.Шандра. Donetsk region: administrative-territorial and departmental division (late 18th - early 20th centuries) | Kyiv, 2015 |
1695 | Я.Верменич. Southern Ukraine | Kyiv, 2015 |
1696 | The unity of Ukraine: the historical context and challenges of today | Kyiv, 2015 |
1697 | O. Gonchar. Mykola Kostomarov | Kyiv, 2017 |
1698 | L. Kovpak Environmental Policy in Ukraine (1991 -2015) | Kyiv, 2016 |
1699 | Ya. Vermenych Search for models of consolidation of the Ukrainian nation | Kyiv, 2016 |
1700 | O. Reyent Essays on the life of Lityn region 1917-1921 | Kyiv, 2017 |
1701 | Ukrainian historical collection. Issue 15 | Kyiv, 2012 |
1702 | Studies in the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania | Kyiv, 2017 |
1703 | Cultural values of Crimea and Donbass during the war and occupation | Kyiv, 2016 |
1704 | Regional history of Ukraine. Issue 1 | Kyiv, 2007 |
1705 | Regional history of Ukraine. Issue 11 | Kyiv, 2017 |
1706 | Regional history of Ukraine. Issue 2 | Kyiv, 2008 |
1707 | Regional history of Ukraine. Issue 5 | Kyiv, 2011 |
1708 | T. Chukhlib Donetsk and Luhansk Cossack lands of Ukraine | NAS of Ukraine, 2017 |
1709 | Socio-economic transformations in Ukraine and Belarus | Kyiv, 3016 |
1710 | 126 effective exercises to develop your memory | Moscow "Eidos", 1994 |
1711 | O. Motkov Psychology of personality self-knowledge | Moscow, 1993 |
1712 | N.D. Tvorogova, General and Social Psychology: Workshop | Moscow, MIA, 1997 |
1713 | I.S. Con, Love of heavenly color | St. Petersburg, Continuation of Life, 2001 |
1714 | I.V. Dubrovina, Working book school psychologist | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1991 |
1715 | W. James, Psychology | Moscow, Pedagogy, 1991 |
1716 | L. Carroll, Logic Game | Moscow, Nike, 1991 |
1717 | NN Arsentieva, Russian and foreign literature of the late XIX-early XX century: The main trends | Eagle, 1998 |
1718 | Textbook of pedagogical psychology. Study guide for students | Moscow, International Pedagogical Academy, 1995 |
1719 | MM, Armless, Do you know your student? | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1991 |
1720 | A.I. Shchebetenko, Tests for business people and for everyone. | Perm, Algos-Press, 1995 |
1721 | Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting. (part 1) student manual | Donetsk, School of Leaders, 1999 |
1722 | R.R. Kashapov, Course in Practical Psychology, or How to Learn to Work and Succeed: A Tutorial for Senior Management | Izhevsk, Udmurtia University Press, 1996 |
1723 | Encyclopedia of psychological tests for children | Moscow, Arnadia, 1998 |
1724 | E. Bern, Games that people play: Psychology of human relationships; People who play games: Psychology of human destiny | Moscow, Liszt-New, 1997 |
1725 | A. Pease, The language of body movements. How to read the thoughts of others by their gestures. | Nizhny Novgorod, IQ, 1992 |
1726 | Psychological correction of students' mental development: a guide for school psychologists | State Advertising and Commercial Enterprise "Olympic", 1990 |
1727 | E. Samuels, Critical Dictionary of Analytical Psychology K. Jung | Moscow, Essie, 1994 |
1728 | U.S. Krizhanskaya, Grammar of communication | Leningrad, Leningrad University Press, 1990 |
1729 | V.D. Konovalov, Psychological tests - I | Moscow, Svetoton, 1996 |
1730 | I.A. Winter, Psychology of teaching foreign languages at school | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1991 |
1731 | A.N. Efimova, Psychological tests for men: Himself a gentleman. | Kyiv, Tair LLC, 1997 |
1732 | SY Nikolaev, Methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools | Kyiv, Lenvit, 2002 |
1733 | SY Nikolaev, Methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools | Kyiv, Lenvit, 1999 |
1734 | SY Tatarinov, Activity of zemstvo in Donbass | Kharkiv, Machulin, 2015 |
1735 | SY Tatarinov, Essays on the history of Orthodoxy in Donetsk region | Bakhmut, Ruban, 2017 |
1736 | N. Zemzyulin, Actual problems of modern education and science in the context of European integration progress | Lutsk, LIROL, 2016 |
1737 | Ya. Isaevych, Ukraine. Cultural heritage, national consciousness, statehood | Lviv, 2009 |
1738 | M. Pavliuk, Ukrainian dialects of Romania | Lviv, Robchuk, 2003 |
1739 | Church in the Ruin | Canada, St. Sophia, 1987 |
1740 | G. Verba, Handbook of English grammar | Kyiv, Education, 1995 |
1741 | L. Kulish, Accelerated English course | Kyiv, Higher School, 1995 |
1742 | O. Tarnopolsky, Methods of teaching English for business communication | Kiev, Lenvit, 2004 |
1743 | KS Lebedinskaya, Diagnosis of early childhood autism | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1991 |
1744 | L. Sobchik, Methods of psychological diagnostics | Moscow, MCC, 1990 |
1745 | A. Miars, To submit or to open? | St. Petersburg, Peter, 1997 |
1746 | Rodion, Humans and Demons | St. Petersburg, 1991 |
1747 | L.Alekseeva, Psychodiagnostic methods of studying cognitive processes and emotional-volitional sphere of personality | Tomsk, TSPU, 1995 |
1748 | Human Rights in Ukraine | Kiev-Kherkiv, 1995 |
1749 | L. Sobchik, Methods of psychological diagnostics part 2 | Moscow, MCC, 1990 |
1750 | Polish thought is political | Poland, 175 |
1751 | Holzer, Mozika polityczna drugiej rzeczy- pospolitej | Poland, Warsaw, 1974 |
1752 | A History jf God | New York, Gramercy Books, 1993 |
1753 | Wereszycki, Historia Poityczna Polski 1864-1918 | Paris, Libella, 1979 |
1754 | Lopusznski, Stowarzyaszenie ludu Polskiego | Krakow, 1975 |
1755 | Walichnowski, U zrodel walk z podziemiem reakcyjnym w Polsce | Poland, Warsaw, 1975 |
1756 | K. Grunberg, Polskie koncepcje federalistyczne 1864-1918 | Poland, Warsaw, 1971 |
1757 | Einenkiel, Parliamentarism II rzeczypollspolitej | Poland, Warsaw, 1975 |
1758 | G. Heine, Germany. A winter fairy tale. A. Troll, A Midsummer Night's Dream | Leningrad, Enlightenment, 1974 |
1759 | Wells, The invisible man | Kyiv, KM-BOOKS, 2015 |
1760 | O. Wide, Letters | Moscow, GRAF, 1997 |
1761 | O. Wilde, In Russia | Mokva, RUDOMINO, 2000 |
1762 | OV Chernyakova, OV Hrytsuk, Cross-Cultural Psychology | Slavyansk, DSPU, 2018 |
1763 | V. Hnatyuk, National Revival of Austro-Hungarian Ukrainians (1772-1880) | Lviv, Shashkevych Library, 2006 |
1764 | Ukrainian statehood | Kyiv, Political Thought, 1996 |
1765 | M. Prots, Theory and methods of native speech development | Drohobych, DSPU and. Franca, 2014 |
1766 | A. Lyashuk, Fundamentals of Public Broadcasting | Kirovograd, Avangard, 2011 |
1767 | O. Vertiy, Finding out folk sources of the writer's work at school | Poltava, Printing Workshop, 2009 |
1768 | G.Sivachenko, US Literature: Reflections, Essays, Intelligence. Vip. 3 | Kyiv, IL of the Shevchenko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2006 |
1769 | A. Makarov, Light of the Ukrainian Baroque | Kyiv, Art, 1994 |
1780/1 | O. Litvinova, History of Philosophy, vol.1 | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2007 |
1781 | O. Litvinova, History of Philosophy, vol.2 | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2007 |
1782 | O. Litvinova, History of Philosophy, vol.3 | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2008 |
1783 | P. Kralyuk, History of Philosophy of Ukraine | Ostrog, Ostroh Academy, 2013 |
1784 | L. Gubersky, Philosophy. Reader. From the origins to the present | Kyiv, Knowledge, 2009 |
1785 | T. Chukhlib, Ukrainian historical collection 2017. Issue. 19 | Kyiv, Institute of History of Ukraine, 2017 |
1786 | Abstracts | Kyiv, Institute of History of Ukraine, 2017 |
1787 | Department of History of Ukraine of the XIX-early XX century | Kyiv, Institute of History of Ukraine, 2017 |
1788 | Historical Shevchenko Games | Kyiv, Institute of History of Ukraine, 2016 |
1789 | P. Kralyuk, Ostroh Academy in the Philosophical Culture of Ukraine | Ostrog, Ostroh Academy, 2014 |
1790 | D. Prokopov, German philosophy of modern times: enlightenment, edging and reception of criticism | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2013 |
1791 | D. Prokopov, History of Philosophy. German philosophy of modern times Vol.4 | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2013 |
1792 | D. Prokopov, History of Philosophy. Modern world philosophy v.6 | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2013 |
1793 | VN Yarkho, Latin language | Moscow, Higher School, 1998 |
1794 | Universal English and Russian dictionary with illustrations | Moscow, UNVES, 1996 |
1795 | Honore de Balzac, The Shine and Poverty of Courtesans | Krasnoyarsk, Grotesque, 1992 |
1796 | Questions of the interaction of the literatures of Western Europe and America | Nizhny Novgorod, NNU, 1998 |
1797 | V. Rozanov, Apocalypse of our time | Moscow, CPI, 1990 |
1798 | K. Dushenko, Thoughts, aphorisms and jokes of famous men | Moscow, EKMO-Press, 2002 |
1799 | Selected novels | Moscow, Digest, 2008 |
1800 | D. Arakin, Methods of working on a practical English language course | Moscow, Higher School, 1984 |
1801 | C. Dickns, Domby and son | Kiev, Dnipro, 1978 |
1802 | N. Chistyakova, History of Ancient Literature | Lengrad, ILU, 1963 |
1803 | L. Freiberg, Ancient Greek Literary Criticism | Moscow, Nauka, 1975 |
1804 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies, vol.1 | Lviv, Young Life, 1993 |
1805 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies, vol.2 | Lviv, Young Life, 1993 |
1806 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies, vol.3 | Lviv, Young Life, 1994 |
1807 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies, vol.4 | Lviv, Young Life, 1994 |
1808 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies, vol.5 | Lviv, Young Life, 1996 |
1809 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies, vol.6 | Lviv, Young Life, 1996 |
1810 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies, vol.7 | Lviv, Young Life, 1998 |
1811 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies, vol.8 | Lviv, Young Life, 2000 |
1812 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies, vol.9 | Lviv, Young Life, 2000 |
1813 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies, vol.10 | Lviv, Young Life, 2000 |
1814 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies, vol.11 | Lviv, Young Life, 2009 |
1815 | D. Gooding, Man and his worldview for what we live and what is our place in the world vol.1 | Kyiv, Ukrainian Bible Society, 2007 |
1816 | D. Gooding, Man and his worldview in search of truth and reality v.3 | Kyiv, Ukrainian Bible Society, 2007 |
1817 | The sword is spiritual | Moscow, The Ark, 2003 |
1818 | Jacek Orr, Decalogue. Christian spirituality | Kyiv, Kairis |
1819 | The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments | New York, American Bible Society |
1820 | O. Kuz, Religious Studies | Kharkiv, INZHEK, 2003 |
1821 | I. Kalinets, St. George's Cathedral, January 22, 1989 | Lviv, Typographic Kunshty, 2011 |
1822 | Dobryl's Gospel of 1164 | Lviv, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 2012 |
1823 | L. Yakobchuk, One hundred answers to one hundred questions | Ostrog, Ostroh Academy, 2010 |
1824 | M. Hrushevsky, Diary. 1886-1894 | Kyiv, IUAD, 1997 |
1825 | Bulletin of Chernihiv National Pedagogical University. Issue 134 №11 | Chernihiv, ChNPU, 2015 |
1826 | Local lore. ¾. 2016 | Kyiv, NSU, 2016 |
1827 | Ukraine-Estonia: history, culture, economy. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference | Kyiv, Vynnychenko, 2014 |
1828 | Scientific potential of Slavic studies: historical achievements and development trends | Kyiv, NBU B, 2015 |
1829 | Ukrainian source studies and special historical disciplines on the threshold of the XXI century. | Lviv, IUAD, 2013 |
1830 | Special historical disciplines: questions, theories and methods | Kyiv, IIU, 2007 |
1831 | Cities and towns in coats of arms, flags and seals | Lviv, IIU, 2003 |
1832 | OG Perekrest, Historical chronology | Cherkasy, Echo, 1999 |
1833 | Along clios ways… Topical problems of modern Historical science. Nr. 1/2016 | Krakow, Koper, 2016 |
1834 | Faces of history. Collection of scientific works, issue.2 | Gorlovka, GDPSH, 2009 |
1835 | Faces of history. Collection of scientific works, issue 6 | Gorlovka, GDPSH, 2013 |
1836 | Faces of history. Collection of scientific works, issue 7 | Gorlovka, GIIM SHEI DDPU, 2014 |
1837 | Faces of history. Collection of scientific works, issue 8 | Artemovsk, GIIM SHEI DDPU, 2015 |
1838 | Bakhmut antiquity: local lore research. Collection of scientific articles | Slavyansk, GIIM, Bakhmut Museum, 2017 |
1839 | MF Kotlyar, Money circulation on the territory of Ukraine in the era of Feudalism | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 1971 |
1840 | T. Shcherbyna, Areology of the Middle Dnieper frontier | Cherkasy, Androschuk, 2009 |
1841 | Release | Lviv, Svichado, 2012 |
1842 | Bulletin of Mariupol State University. Series: Istria, political science. Issue 13-14 | Mariupol, Moscow State University, 2015 |
1843 | A. Grechylo, Emblems and banners of cities and villages of Ukraine part I. | Lviv, Typographic Kunshty, 2004 |
1844 | Orthodoxy in Ukraine | Kyiv, KPBA, 2016 |
1845 | Scientific Bulletin of the Lesia Ukrainka East European National University. 21, 2013 | Lutsk, SNO, 2013 |
1846 | S. Ripetsky, Ukrainian Sich Rifle | Lviv, Shevchenko, 1994 |
1847 | E.Bazen, Rezo Family | Moscow, Fiction, 1988 |
1848 | J. Byron, Favorites | Moscow, Khud.lit, 1984 |
1849 | V. Podolinsky, A word of caution 1848 | Lviv, University of Ukraine, 2001 |
1850 | D. Hiddebrandt, Ethics | Lviv, UCU, 2002 |
1851 | R. Skakun, Pacification of the Polish repressions of 1930 in Galicia | Lviv, UCU, 2012 |
1852 | T. Galaychak, Cultural life in Ukraine. Western lands. T.3 1966-1971 | Lviv, NASU, 2006 |
1853 | Second International Congress of Ukrainians | Lviv, NASU, 1994 |
1854 | T. Yastremska, Traditional Hutsul Shepherding | Lviv, NASU, 2008 |
1855 | Christians, Media Ethics. Practical cases and moral considerations | Lviv, NASU, 2014 |
1856 | V. Trembitsky, Ukraine is not dead yet | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2003 |
1857 | Cultural life in Ukraine. Western lands, v.2 | Lviv, 1996 |
1858 | VD Kozlitin, Countries of Europe and North America in 1944-1974. | Kyiv, Juice of groups Ukraine, 2016 |
1859 | V. Cherepkov, Death Chamber | Kyiv, Rada, 2016 |
1860 | … And each of them is a memory. Memories of former Ostarbeiters | Artemovsk, Bakhmat, 2011 |
1861 | O. Pisareva, Relocated | Bakhmut, Pisareva, 2016 |
1862 | VS Shah-Nazarova, We are learning to speak English | Moscow, Svetoton, 1995 |
1863 | Christie, Nhe Laboure of Hercules | London, Harper, 2001 |
1864 | Davidson. M., Convictions of Heart | Arisana, Tucson, 1988 |
1865 | Mr. Sand, La Petite Fadette | France, Librio, 1998 |
1866 | Graziosi, After the Holodomor | Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2013 |
1867 | J. Fowles, Mantissa | Great Britain, Picador, 1982 |
1868 | V. Nabokov, Nabokov's Dosen | Great Britain, Penguin Books, 1972 |
1869 | Works by popular and great American writers | Kharkiv, Denisov, 2001 |
1870 | Cultural development of the Bulgarian state at the end of the XXII-XIV centuries | Sofia, "Cyril and Methodius", 1985 |
1871 | D. Lekov, Problems of Bulgarian Fiction during the Revival | Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1970 |
1872 | E. Burroughs, Tarzan-monkey | Moscow, Prometheus, 1990 |
1873 | 25th Anniversary of the Fulbright Program in Ukraine | Kyiv, ADEF-Ukraine, 2017 |
1874 | S. Yevseenko, History of Horlivka from ancient times to 1017 | Bakhmut, Evseenko, 2016 |
1875 | M. Kozlov, 400 questions and answers about faith, church and Christian life | Kramatorsk, Mgarsky Monastery, 2001 |
1876 | E. Hoffman. The elixir of Satan | Stavropol: "Caucasian Territory", 1992 |
1877 | D. Pendleton. Slaughterhouse in Miami | Moscow: Interdigest, 1993 |
1878 | M. Kundera. The unbearable lightness of being | S. Petersburg: "Kult-inform-press", 1996 |
1879 | В.Кухаренко. Theory and practice of blended learning | Kharkiv: NTU "KhPI", 2016 |
1880 | В.Кухаренко. Content curator | Kharkiv: NTU "KhPI", 2016 |
1881 | Folk dream book. "Folklore" | Kyiv: Dmytrenko, 2010 |
1882 | Greetings, wishes, toasts. Folk Art Series | Kyiv: Dmytrenko, 2010 |
1883 | Ukrainian Orthodox prayer book | Winnpeg, Manitoba, 1952 |
1884 | Order. Folk Art Series | Kyiv: Dmytrenko, 2004 |
1885 | Pocket Serbo-Croatian-Russian dictionary | Moscow: GIINS, 1963 |
1886 | Folk riddles. Folk Art Series | Kyiv: "Ethnology", 2003 |
1887 | Folk tales. Folk Art Series | Kyiv: "Ethnology", 2003 |
1888 | Ukrainian folk tales. | Kyiv: Dmytrenko, 2004 |
1889 | Z. Donchuk. Abyss. | Chicago: Mykola Denysiuk Publishing House, 1959 |
1890 | Alexander De. Prophet | London: The Seagull, 1972 |
1891 | Second International Congress of Ukrainians. Literary Studies | Lviv: "Renaissance", 1994 |
1892 | Second International Congress of Ukrainians. Historiography. Ethnology | Lviv: "Renaissance", 1994 |
1893 | Second International Congress of Ukrainians. History. 1 part | Lviv: "Renaissance", 1994 |
1894 | Second International Congress of Ukrainians. History. Part 2 | Lviv: "Renaissance", 1994 |
1895 | E. M. Remarque Arc de Triomphe | Moscow: Pravda, 1982 |
1896 | FM Dostoevsky. Crime and punishment | Moscow: Pravda, 1988 |
1897 | Paulo Coelho I sat on the bank of the Rio Piedra and cried | Kyiv: Sofia, 2004 |
1898 | MV Gamezo. Age psychology | Moscow: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2001 |
1899 | Modern explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language 100,000 words | VD "School", 2008 |
1900 | Correspondence of Taras Shevchenko | Cherkasy: "Gate - Ukraine", 2013 |
1901 | R. Kharchuk Modern Ukrainian prose | Kyiv: Akademiya Publishing Center, 2011 |
1902 | Publication of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1921-2007) | Kyiv: Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2008 |
1903 | OA Halych Introduction to Literary Studies | Luansk: Taras Shevchenko Lviv National University, 2010 |
1904 | Linguodidactic competence of the future teacher-vocabulary: theoretical and practical aspect | Cherkasy: Author's texts, 2016 |
1905 | O. Ponomarev. The culture of the word. Linguistic stylistic advice | Kyiv: Lybid, 2008 |
1906 | Literary dictionary-reference book | Kyiv: Publishing Center Academy, 1997 |
1907 | Ukrainian Archaeographic Yearbook. Issue 7 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies. M. Hrushevsky, 2002 |
1908 | Ukrainian Archaeographic Yearbook. Issue 8/9 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies. M. Hrushevsky, 2004 |
1909 | Ukrainian Archaeographic Yearbook. Issue 12 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies. M. Hrushevsky, 2007 |
1910 | Ukrainian Archaeographic Yearbook. Issue 13/14 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies. M. Hrushevsky, 2009 |
1911 | Ukrainian Archaeographic Yearbook. Issue 15 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies. M. Hrushevsky, 2010 |
1912 | Ukrainian Archaeographic Yearbook. Issue 5/6 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies. M. Hrushevsky, 2001 |
1913 | V. Lubsky. History of religions. Volume 1 | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2008 |
1914 | V. Lubsky. History of religions. Volume 2 | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2008 |
1915 | The Adventure Bibie | Michgan TZ Corportion, 1989 |
1916 | History of religions in Ukraine: a scientific collection | Lviv: Logos, 2015 |
1917 | History of religions in Ukraine: a scientific collection | Lviv: Logos, 2014 |
1918 | History of religions in Ukraine: a scientific collection | Lviv: Logos, 2016 |
1919 | S. Gorin Monasteries of Lutsk - Ostroh diocese of the end of the 15th - middle of the 17th century. | Kyiv: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2012 |
1920 | "The experience of Christian holiness in the educational space: past and future" | Poltava: Poltava Missionary Theological Seminary, 2013 |
1921 | Proceedings. Series "Historical Religious Studies". Issue 7 | Ostrog: National University "Ostroh Academy", 2012 |
1922 | Joseph the Blind. Memories | Lviv - Rome: UCU Publishing House, 2014 |
1923 | An atheist's desk book | Moscow: Politizdat, 1987 |
1924 | L.Yakobchuk. From darkness to light | Ostrog: National University "Ostroh Academy", 2012 |
1925 | Law and religion. Collection of materials and regulations | Kyiv: Institute of Legislative Acts and Legal Expertise |
1926 | O. Kuzminets History of the state and law of Ukraine | Kyiv: Ukraine, 2002 |
1927 | Constitution of Ukraine | Kharkiv PPF "Polygraphist", 2013 |
1928 | VMShapoval. Constitutional law of foreign countries | Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter, 2006 |
1929 | R. Lashchenko. Lectures on the history of Ukrainian law | Kyiv: Ukraine Publishing House, 1998 |
1930 | LMSinyova. Legal regulation of social protection of victims of Nazi persecution | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2014 |
1931 | OP Ivanovskaya. Customary law in Ukraine. Ethno-creative aspect | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2014 |
1932 | D. Koretsky. Operas nicknamed the old man | Moscow: Exmo, 1997 |
1933 | B. Akunin "Leviathan" | Moscow: Zakharov, 2002 |
1934 | B. Akunin. Jade rosaries | Moscow: Zakharov, 2007 |
1935 | B. Akunin. Pelageya. Red rooster part 2 | Kharkiv "Folio", 2004 |
1936 | B. Akunin. Pelageya. White bulldog | Kharkiv "Folio", 2003 |
1937 | B. Akunin. Pelageya. Red rooster part 1 | Kharkiv "Folio", 2004 |
1938 | А.Маринина. The bright face of death | Moscow: Exmo, 1998 |
1939 | T. Ustinova Five steps on clouds | Moscow: Exmo, 2008 |
1940 | NG Gerasymchuk History of Ukrainian journalism. Formation and development of the feuilleton | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2014 |
1941 | MS Nikitchenko Theory of programming in examples and problems | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2015 |
1942 | Theory and methods of native speech development: speech development of preschoolers by means of folklore | Drohobych: Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2011 |
1943 | S. Girnyak. Modern typification of Ukrainian language and reading lessons: methodical recommendations for conducting practical classes | Drohobych: Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2012 |
1944 | General linguistics in tests for bachelors | Drohobych: Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2013 |
1945 | L. Luzhetska. Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language in schools with Russian-speaking regime: materials for practical classes and independent work | Drohobych: Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2014 |
1946 | S. Girnyak. Modern typification of lessons in the Ukrainian language and reading guidelines: to perform independent work | Drohobych: Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2014 |
1947 | Scientific notes of Kharkiv State Pedagogical University named after GS Skovoroda | Kharkiv: G. Skovoroda KhDPU, 2002 |
1948 | "II Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Readings". Abstracts | Kyiv: National Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies and World History, 2014 |
1949 | History of Russian literature. Modern literary process | Moscow "Science", 1999 |
1950 | History of foreign discipline. Discipline programs | Moscow "Science", 1999 |
1951 | М.Дмитренко. Story | Kharkiv "Enlightenment", 2003 |
1952 | Ю.ГордерVita brevis | Lviv "Chronicle", 2009 |
1953 | I. Kuras. Ethnopolitical science | Kyiv "Genesis", 2004 |
1954 | Г.Сенкевич. Crusaders | Kyiv "Dnipro", 1965 |
1955 | Almanac of the Ukrainian People's Union | New York "Freedom", 1982 |
1956 | С.Скляренко. Svyatoslav | Kyiv: Derzhlitvydav, 1962 |
1957 | O. Poppy God of fire | Munich "Ukrainian Publishing House", 1955 |
1958 | Japanese classical poetry | Kharkiv "Folio" 2007 |
1959 | P. Kraliuk Ostroh Academy in the Philosophical Culture of Ukraine | Ostrog: Ostroh Academy, 2014 |
1960 | School course of English language and methods of its teaching | Drohobych: Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2012 |
1961 | Modern research in foreign philology and methods of teaching foreign languages | Drohobych: Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2012 |
1962 | О.Хомищак. Methods of modernization of the educational process in English in primary school: a workshop | Drohobych: Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2013 |
1963 | Methodical education of the future teacher of a foreign language of primary school | Kyiv: Ed. KNLU Center, 2004 |
1964 | All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference. Abstracts | Horlivka: GDPPM, 2005 |
1965 | S. Adventures. American romanticism. Polycriticism | Kyiv "Lybid", 2006 |
1966 | Ukrainian historical and dialectal vocabulary. Issue 4 | Lviv Institute of Ukrainian Studies named after I. Krypyakevych, 2003 |
1967 | E.M. Remarque. On the western front without change | Moscow Olma-Press, 2002 |
1968 | M. Kuzmin Underground streams | St. Petersburg "North-West" 1994 |
1969 | D. Austin. Pride and prejudice | Moscow Pravda, 1989 |
1970 | L.Ukrainka Forest song | Moscow "Fiction", 1988 |
1971 | E. Goloborodko. Russian language lessons | Kiev "Soviet School", 1986 |
1972 | Pedagogical discourse: new strategies for training foreign language teachers | Moscow: Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2016 |
1973 | V. Erofeev Russian beauty | Moscow JV "All Moscow", 1990 |
1974 | G. Ivanikhin. History of English literature | Moscow Higher School, 1975 |
1975 | K.David Franz Kafka | Kharkiv "Folio", 1998 |
1976 | Francesco Petrarch. Favorites | Moscow "Truth", 1984 |
1977 | F. Fitzgerald. Selected stories | Moscow "Progress", 1979 |
1978 | B. Khomenko. Podolsk trails of Mikhail Kotsyubynsky | Vinnytsia LLC "Mercury-Podillya", 2015 |
1979 | I. Kalinets. The fire was burning. Poetry | UV "Torch", 1975 |
1980 | A.P. Chekhov, Favorites | Moscow, education, 1984 |
1981 | A.P. Chekhov, Stories and short stories | Dnepropetrovsk, Promin, 1984 |
1982 | N.S. Leskov, The Enchanted Wanderer: Stories and short stories | Moscow, fiction, 1983 |
1983 | N.V. Gogol, Stories. 2nd edition | Moscow, Children's Literature, 1977 |
1984 | R. Kipling, The jungle book | Spain, 2003 |
1985 | A. Zgorzh, One against destiny. The story. | Moscow, Pravda, 1987 |
1986 | V. Hugo, The Forsaken: Novel: In 2 vols. Vol. 20 | Moscow, Fiction, 1987 |
1987 | W. Hugo, Notre Dame de Paris | Kyiv, Mediator, 1993 |
1988 | O. Balzac, Gobsek. Eugenia Grande | Minsk, Nardnaya Osveta, 1975 |
1989 | G.E. Ionkis, Honore Balzac | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1988 |
1990 | D. Boccaccio, Decameron | Kharkiv, Flag, 1991 |
1991 | G. Flaubert, Madame Bovary: A Novel; Take; Lexicon of capital truths | Moscow, Fiction, 1989 |
1992 | S. Yesenin, Collection of repairs in three volumes. Volume 3 | Moscow, Pravda, 1970 |
1993 | S. Yesenin, Collection of repairs in three volumes. Volume 2 | Moscow, Pravda, 1970 |
1994 | I.A. Bunin, Stories and Tale | Magadan Book Publishing House, 1984 |
1995 | N.V. Gogol, Selected Essays. In 2 volumes. Volume 2 | Moscow, Fiction, 1984 |
1996 | NV Gogol, Dead Ears | Moscow, Fiction, 1981 |
1997 | O. Balzac, Collection of Essays. In 10 volumes. T.10. Philosophical studies | Moscow, Fiction, 1987 |
1998 | O. Balzac, Scenes of provincial life | Moscow, Pravda, 1988 |
1999 | T. Mann, Buddenbrook: The story of the death of one family | Moscow, "Finance and Statistics", 1982 |
2000 | T. Mann, Buddenbrook | Moscow, Pravda, 1985 |
2001 | Maupassant Guy de, Collection essay: Volume 1 | Moscow, Sretenie, 1992 |
2002 | Maupassant Guy de, Mont Oriol | Moscow, Pravda, 1984 |
2003 | Stendhal, Italian Chronicles. The life of Napoleon | Moscow, Pravda, 1988 |
2004 | Stendhal, Red and black | Moscow, Pravda, 1977 |
2005 | P. Verlaine, In Tears My Soul: Poems | Moscow, Exmo Press, 1999 |
2006 | Maine Reed, White Chief. Quarteron | Moscow, Pravda, 1990 |
2007 | W. Hugo, The Forsaken, vol.1 | Moscow, Hood. Lit, 1987 |
2008 | J. London, Favorites | Kiev, Higher School, 1986 |
2009 | J. London, Little Mistress of a Big House. Hearts of three | Minsk, Science and Technology, 1987 |
2010 | S. Barkhudarova, Orthographic Dictionary of the Russian Language | Moscow, Soviet Encyclopedia, 1965 |
2011 | T. Sluzhevskaya, Lessons of Russian literature | St. Petersburg, Tuscarora, 1999 |
2012 | N. Mikhailichenko, Rhetoric | Moscow, New School, 1994 |
2013 | V. Pikul, Unclean Force, vol.1 | Moscow, Interprint, 1991 |
2014 | V. Pikul, Unclean Force, vol.2 | Moscow, Interprint, 1991 |
2015 | D. Rosenthal, A Practical Guide to the Russian Language | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1990 |
2016 | Maine Reed, The Path of War. Sliders on the rocks | Moscow, Around the World, 1992 |
2017 | Yu. Lermontov, Favorites | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1984 |
2018 | N. Klymenko, Modern Greek-Ukrainian Dictionary | Kyiv, Ukrainian Encyclopedia, 2005 |
2019 | N. Pashkovskaya, Linguo-didactic bases of teaching the Russian language | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1990 |
2020 | V. Kuleshov, History of Russian literature of the 19th century 70-90 years | Moscow, Higher School, 1983 |
2021 | F. Kelina, Spanish-Russian dictionary | Moscow, Soviet Encyclopaedia, 1966 |
2022 | F. Kelina, Spanish-Russian dictionary | Moscow, Soviet Encyclopaedia, 1964 |
2023 | L. Friedman, Teacher's Psychological Handbook | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1991 |
2024 | A. Kuznetsova, Dictionary of morphemes of the Russian language | Moscow, Russian language, 1986 |
2025 | L. Voinova, Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language | Moscow, Russian language, 1986 |
2026 | D. Rosenthal, Dictionary of Difficulties of the Russian Language | Moscow, Russian language, 1976 |
2027 | G. Tsyganenko, Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1970 |
2028 | Russian language in a multicultural world. 2009 | Kyiv, Shevchenko National University, 2010 |
2029 | S. Rosovetsky, Russian folklore | Kyiv, Shevchenko National University, 2013 |
2030 | L. Dyadechko, "Winged words sound", or Russian eptology | Kyiv, Shevchenko National University, 2006 |
2031 | L. Kudryavtseva, Russian language and literature: problems of study and teaching | Kyiv, Shevchenko National University, 2009 |
2032 | L. Kudryavtseva, Russian language and literature. Problems of study and teaching in Ukraine | Kyiv, Shevchenko National University, 2006 |
2033 | L. Kudryavtseva, Russian language and literature: problems of study and teaching | Kiev, 2011 |
2034 | E. Snitko, Russian language as an activity of modern directions of scientific description | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2013 |
2035 | S. Averintsev, Unfinished Disputes. Literary controversy | Moscow, Young Guard, 1990 |
2036 | M. Fassner, Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language | Moscow, Progress, 1964 |
2037 | NF Talyzina, Pedagogical Psychology | Moscow, Academy, 1998 |
2038 | V. Nabokov, The American Period. Collection of repairs in 5 volumes. Volume 3 | St. Petersburg, Symposium, 1999 |
2039 | V. Nabokov, The American Period. Collection of repairs in 5 volumes. Volume 5 | St. Petersburg, Symposium, 1999 |
2040 | V. Nabokov, The American Period. Collection of repairs in 5 volumes. Volume 1 | St. Petersburg, Symposium, 1999 |
2041 | V. Nabokov, The American Period. Collection of repairs in 5 volumes. Volume 2 | St. Petersburg, Symposium, 1999 |
2042 | V. Nabokov, Collection of repairs in four volumes, volume 4 | Moscow, Pravda, 1990 |
2043 | V. Nabokov, Collection of repairs in four volumes, volume 2 | Moscow, Pravda, 1990 |
2044 | V. Nabokov, Collection of repairs in four volumes, volume 3 | Moscow, Pravda, 1990 |
2045 | V. Nabokov, Collection of repairs in four volumes, volume 1 | Moscow, Pravda, 1990 |
2046 | V. Nabokov, Ada or Erotiada: Family Chronicle | Moscow, Ast, 1999 |
2047 | E.A. By, Stories | Grozny, Chechen-Ingush Book Publishing House, 1988 |
2048 | E.A. By, The Fall of the House of Asher: Stories | Moscow, Legal Literature, 1990 |
2049 | B. Shaw, Plays | Moscow, Pravda, 1982 |
2050 | M. Antonovych, Identity and Memory in Post-Soviet Ukraine | Kyiv, Spirit and Letter, 2009 |
2051 | V. Pavlov, S. Shishko album | Kyiv, Art, 1977 |
2052 | L. Chechevitsyna, Economic Analysis | Rostov, Phoenix, 2003 |
2053 | O. Mamedov, Modern Economics | Rostov, Phoenix, 2003 |
2054 | G. Alder, NLP modern psychotechnologies | Moscow, Peter, 2003 |
2055 | Conrad, Art Treasures of Asia and Africa | Moscow, will depict. Art, 1975 |
2056 | M. Dolinsky, Triumph of Music | Moscow, Soviet artist, 1979 |
2057 | E. Mednikova, English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases | Moscow, Russian language, 1986 |
2058 | W. Mueller, English-Russian Dictionary | Moscow, Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970 |
2059 | J. Sand, Mopra. Indiana | Tashkent, Iz-vo khud.lit, 1986 |
2060 | Guillaume Apollinaire, Lyrics. Letters to his wife | Moscow, Ekmo-press, 1999 |
2061 | M. Druon, Strong of this world | St. Petersburg, Bibliopolis, 1992 |
2062 | L. Vasilieva, Kremlin wives | Kharkiv, Barkar, 1993 |
2063 | S. Barkhudarov, Orthographic Dictionary of the Russian Language | Moscow, Russian language, 1974 |
2064 | A. Kunin, English-Russian phraseological dictionary | Moscow, State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1955 |
2065 | SI Ozhegov, Dictionary of the Russian language | Moscow, Russian language, 1987 |
2066 | R. Avanesov, Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language | Moscow, Russian language, 1985 |
2067 | VG Kulish, Self-taught English | Donetsk, BAO, 2005 |
2068 | Melnychuk, Dictionary of foreign words | Kyiv, GRUGE, 1985 |
2069 | OI Leuta, Old Slavonic language | Kyiv, INCOS, 2007 |
2070 | T. Cherednyk, Profession - teacher of literature | Ternopil Mandrivets, 2009 |
2071 | Princely era | Lviv, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 2013 |
2072 | S. Lutska, Strange Circle | Rivne, Azalea, 1999 |
2073 | DBFradin, The Virginia Colony | Childrens press, Chicago |
2074 | National Geographic, one hundred years, index 1888- 1988 | |
2075 | B. Ivy, Getting to know… Nature's Children, | USA, 1985 |
2076 | C.Ricks, Tte Faber book of America | Faber and Faber, Inc. 1992 |
2077 | S. Adwards, When the World's on fire | Coward, McCann & Geoghen, Inc., 1972 |
2078 | TL Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive tree | Anchor books, USA, 2000 |
2079 | M. Hoeye, Time stop for no mouse | GP Putnam's Sons, NY, 2002 |
2080 | BB Hiller, Rent a third garden | Scolastic Inc., 19888 |
2081 | WW Johnson, Life world library: The Andean Republics: Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru | Time incorporated, Canada, 1965 |
2082 | J. McCarthy, Life world library: Ireland | Time incorporated, Canada, 1963 |
2083 | WW Johnson, Life world library: Maxico | Time incorporated, Canada, 1963 |
2084 | R. Coughlan, Life world library: Tropical Africa | Time incorporated, Canada, 1963 |
2085 | A.Eliot, Life world library: Greece | Time incorporated, Canada, 1963 |
2086 | E. Bishop, Life world library: Brazil | Time incorporated, Canada, 1963 |
2087 | G. Blunden, Life world library: Eastern Europe: Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland | Time incorporated, Canada, 1965 |
2088 | H. Thomas, Life world library: Spain | Time incorporated, Canada, 1966 |
2089 | P. O'Donovan, Life world library: The United States | Time incorporated, Canada, 1965 |
2090 | B. Moore, Life world library: Canada | Time incorporated, Canada, 1963 |
2091 | J. Osborne, Life world library: Britain | Time incorporated, Canada, 1963 |
2092 | CW Thayer, Life world library: Russia | Time incorporated, Canada, 1963 |
2093 | D. Stewart, Life world library: Turkey | Time incorporated, Canada, 1965 |
2094 | E. Seidensticker, Life world library: Japan | Time incorporated, Canada, 1964 |
2095 | H. Kubly, Life world library: Italy | Time incorporated, Canada, 1964 |
2096 | DW Brogan, Life world library: France | Time incorporated, Canada, 1963 |
2097 | G. MacEoin, Life world library: Colombia and Venezuela | Time incorporated, Canada, 1965 |
2098 | H. Kubly, Life world library: Switzerland | Time incorporated, Canada, 1964 |
2099 | C. MacInnes, Life world library: Australia and New Zealand | Time incorporated, Canada, 1964 |
2100 | JH Ferguson, Life world library: The River Plate Republics: Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay | Time incorporated, Canada, 1965 |
2101 | T. Hopkinson, Life world library: South Africa | Time incorporated, Canada, 1964 |
2102 | C. Harman, Life world library: The West Indies | Time incorporated, Canada, 1963 |
2103 | H. Lavine, Life world library: Central Anerica | Time incorporated, Canada, 1964 |
2104 | M. Bochevska, Duma of Ukraine - female | Kyiv, "Resurrection", 1993 |
2105 | Ukrainian proverbs and sayings | Kyiv: Dnipro, 1984 |
2106 | Ukrainian romantic poets of the 20-40s of the XX century. | Kyiv: Dnipro, 1968 |
2107 | Kushnir MP Harmony of mind and soul | Ostrog: Ostroh Academy, 2009 |
2108 | Peshchak MM Development of ancient Russian and Old Ukrainian scientific text | Kyiv: Ukrainoznavstvo, 1994 |
2109 | Anthology of Ukrainian poetry in 4 volumes, volume 1 | Kyiv: "Fiction", 1958 |
2110 | Anthology of Ukrainian poetry in 4 volumes, volume 2 | Kyiv: "Fiction", 1957 |
2111 | Anthology of Ukrainian poetry in 4 volumes, volume 3 | Kyiv: "Fiction", 1958 |
2112 | Anthology of Ukrainian poetry in 4 volumes, volume 4 | Kyiv: "Fiction", 1958 |
2113 | Dunaevskaya LF Ukrainian folk prose (legend, fairy tale): the evolution of epic traditions: a monograph. | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2009 |
2114 | S. Efremov. History of Ukrainian literature | Kyiv: Femina, 1995 |
2115 | J. Kiselyov. Playwrights of Ukraine | Kyiv: Dnipro, 1957 |
2116 | J. Berdychevsky. Book signs of Taras Shevchenko's contemporaries | Kyiv: "Spirit and Letter", 2007 |
2117 | SI Dyachenko. Ukrainian literature | Kyiv: "Academy", 2010 |
2118 | A textbook of Ukrainian literature of the twentieth century | New York: UCCA School Board Publishing House, 2010 |
2119 | History of Ukrainian literature of the twentieth century. Book one | Kyiv: Lybid, 1993 |
2120 | History of Ukrainian literature of the XIX century. In two books. Book two | Kyiv: LYBID, 2006 |
2121 | Romanov, Modern German-Russian Dictionary | Donetsk, BAO, 2006 |
2122 | Russian-German dictionary | Moscow, Gos. From abroad. And national dictionaries, 1963 |
2123 | Ukrainian-German dictionary of current vocabulary | Kyiv, Ukrainian World, 1994 |
2124 | German-Russian dictionary (main) | Moscow, Russian language, 1995 |
2125 | Large German-Russian dictionary, t2 | Moscow, Russian language, 1980 |
2126 | Large German-Russian dictionary, vol.1 | Moscow, Russian language, 1980 |
2127 | Large German-Russian dictionary | Moscow, House of the Slavic Book, 2009 |
2128 | Ukrainian-Russian-English-German dictionary | Kyiv, Flash », 1996 |
2129 | Yu. Apresyan, English-Russian synonymous dictionary | Moscow, "Russian language", 1979 |
2130 | V. Arakin, Practical English Language Course, Course 1 | Moscow, Vlados, 2000 |
2131 | V. Arakin, Practical English Language Course, Course 1 | Moscow, Vlados, 2001 |
2132 | V. Arakin, Practical English Language Course, Course 1 | Moscow, Vlados, 1998 |
2133 | V. Arakin, Practical English Language Course, Course 2 | Moscow, Vlados, 1999 |
2134 | V. Arakin, Practical English Language Course, Course 3 | Moscow, Vlados, 1999 |
2135 | V. Arakin, Practical English language course, course 4 | Moscow, Vlados, 1999 |
2136 | V. Arakin, Practical English Language Course, Course 5 | Moscow, Vlados, 1999 |
2137 | LI Baisara, English language through multiple forms of intelligence | Dnipropetrovsk RVV DNU, 2011 |
2138 | I. Oliynyk, Ukrainian-Russian and Russian-Ukrainian phraseological dictionary | Kyiv, Higher School, 1971 |
2139 | I. Rakhmanova, German-Russian dictionary | Moscow, "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1968 |
2140 | A.Serczyk, Histiriny | Krakow, 1979 |
2141 | W /. Vollmann, Poor People | Canada, 1995 |
2142 | W. Cathtr, Three Novels / O Pioneers! The Song of tbe Lark My Antnia | New York, 1998 |
2143 | One Hundred and Fifty Years of Czech-Ukrainian Literary Relations 1814-1964 (title in Czech) | Prague, 1968 |
2144 | Salman the Moor's Last Sigh a Novel Rushdie | London.1995 |
2145 | n + 1 №26 | USA, Brooklyn, NY 2016 |
2146 | n + 1 №27 | USA, Brooklyn, NY 2017 |
2147 | R. Littell, The Stalin Epigram | USA, 2009 |
2148 | A.Roy, The god of small things | USA, 1997 |
2149 | A.Christie, The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding | Great Britain, 2002 |
2150 | GG Grabowicz, EL Keenan, Harvard Ukrainian Students | USA, 1997 |
2151 | P. Starr, The Creation of the Media | USA, 2004 |
2152 | H. Wiencek, An Imperfect God, George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America | USA, 2003 |
2153 | Zimmerman MG, A Short Guide to Translating Scientific and Technical Texts from Russian into English | Moscow, 1961 |
2154 | WK Durr, J. Pescosolido, GA Hayward, Diversity | USA, 1974 |
2155 | Arakin VD, Essays on the history of the English language, A guide for teachers | Moscow, 1955 |
2156 | Korunets IV Theory and practice of translation (aspect translation). Textbook | Vinnytsia, 2003 |
2157 | C. McFadden, Robert E. Yager, Science Plus, Level Red | USA, 1993 |
2158 | Kulish L. Yu., Accelerated English language course | Kyiv, 1995 |
2159 | Vyborova GE, Advanced English, Textbook of English, For senior courses of humanities faculties of higher educational institutions | Moscow, 2000 |
2160 | Vasylenko IV, Shvydka GO, English Grammar Practice | Kyiv, 2002 |
2161 | C.Matthews, Business Interactions | USA, 1987 |
2162 | OI Selivanova, Mastering the English language and culture | Kyiv, Lenvit, 2008 |
2163 | A. Gaponiv, Linguistics | Vinnytsia, "New Book", 2005 |
2164 | Nakalyuzhny VV, Teaching English by the method of "Translator" | Donetsk, Nakalyuzhny V., 2008 |
2165 | If yoy nj study in the united states, Book 2 | USA, Education, 1999 |
2166 | If yoy nj study in the united states, Book, 3 | USA, Education, 1999 |
2167 | If yoy nj study in the united states, Book, 4 | USA, Education, 2000 |
2168 | A Social History of American Technology Ruth Schwarz Cowan | New York, Oxford, 1997 |
2169 | P.Carol, The Free and the Unfree | USA, Penguin Book, 1998 |
2170 | S / I / Goldelman: a Portrait of a Politician and Educator (1885-1974) | New York, 1980 |
2171 | G / Gajecry, The Cossack of the Hetmanate | Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1978 |
2172 | M. Borovik, Readings in Geography of the USA | Moscow, 1971 |
2173 | G. Bardin, Discovering America | Moscow, Iris Press, 2006 |
2174 | The nerves of a chain of 25 essays on freedom | Lviv, Lexicon, 2003 |
2175 | BA Lapidus, Russian-English dictionary for foreigners studying Russian | Moscow, "Russian language", 1977 |
2176 | M. Podvezko, Ukrainian-English dictionary | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1952 |
2177 | I.G. Anokhina, English-Russian commercial dictionary-reference book | Moscow, 1992 |
2179 | V. Gorbachuk, Colors of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Academy, 1997 |
2180 | Nitchenko, Letters of writers | Melbourne-Nizhyn, 1998 |
2181 | Zhadan, Voroshilovgrad | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2016 |
2182 | Bolkhovitinov, Istria USA vol.1 | Moscow, Nauka, 1983 |
2183 | Bolkhovitinov, Istria USA vol.2 | Moscow, Nauka, 1985 |
2184 | Bolkhovitinov, Istria USA v.3 | Moscow, Nauka, 1985 |
2185 | Bolkhovitinov, Istria USA vol.4 | Moscow, Nauka, 1987 |
2186 | Shevchenko, Ukraine and Concise Encyclopaedia | Toronto press, 1971 |
2187 | Oxford Advanced Learners Encyclopedic Dictionary | Oxford, 1992 |
2188 | Vollmann, Europe Central | Germany, Penguin Book, 2005 |
2189 | Bradley, Outhline of American Geography | USA, 1992 |
2190 | Dreiser, Sister Carrie | Moscow, 1968 |
2191 | Chesterton, Selected Stories | Moscow, 1971 |
2192 | N. Kovalska, Gorobina | Donbass Magazine, National Union of Writers of Ukraine, 2012 |
2193 | Lapidus B. A, Shevtsova SV, The Leaners Russian-English Dictionary. | Moscow, Russian Language Publishers, 1977 |
2194 | Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary | Boston, USA, 1996 |
2195 | Medvedeva LM, English-Ukrainian-Russian dictionary of established expressions | Kyiv-Ternopil, "Ukrainian Encyclopedia" named after MP Bazhana, 1992 |
2196 | Edwin B. Williams, The Bantam New College Revised Spanish & English Dictionary | NY, USA, 1991 |
2197 | Jessie Coulson, The Pocket Oxford Russian Dictionary | NY, 1994 |
2198 | Lina Kostenko, Notes of the Ukrainian samashedsho | Kyiv, XXI century, 2011 |
2199 | F. Kellerman, Straigt into Darkness | New York, Boston, 2005 |
2200 | R. Torzeski, Kwestia ukrainska w polityce III Rzeszy 1933-1945 | Warsaw, Prague, 1972 |
2201 | B. O * Reilly, Culture Warrior | New York, Broadway Book, 2006 |
2202 | A.Milton Runyon, Around the World in 1000 Pictures | New York, Broadway Book, 1954 |
2203 | Ann M. Martin, The Secret life of Mary Anne spier | New York, Broadway Book, 1997 |
2204 | New York, Broadway Book P. Maas, The terrible Hours | New York, Broadway Book, 1999 |
2205 | A day in the Life of the United States Armed Forces | New York, Broadway Book |
2206 | R.House, Who shot the President. The Death of John F. Kennedy | New York, Broadway Book |
2207 | M. Houghton, Quest | New York, Broadway Book |
2208 | T. Morrison, Kiss, Bow, or shake Hands | New York, Broadway Book, 2006 |
2209 | B. Rollin, Last Wish | New York, 1985 |
2210 | James Redheld, The Celestine Prophecy | New York, Warner Book, 1994 |
2211 | Jim Kjelgaard, Big Red | USA 1992 |
2212 | SWBeckhorn, The Kingfisher * s Gift | New York, Philomel Book, 2002 |
2213 | E. Buchanan, Spelling for Whole Lnguage Classrooms | Canada, 1992 |
2214 | J.Well, Advanced Expert teachers pesource Book | England, Logman, 2004 |
2215 | J. Barnes, Advanced Expert cae students pesource Book | England, Logman, 2005 |
2216 | E. Tarle, Napoleon | Minsk, Belarus, 1992 |
2217 | O. Romanenko, Two tones of the best young poetry | Kyiv, Mauser, 2007 |
2218 | O. Romanenko, Crime and Punishment | Kyiv, Hopak, 2004 |
2219 | D.Fharni, An Outline History of Swinzerland | Swinzerland, 1997 |
2220 | AP Minyar-Belorucheva, English: 14 texts about the United States | Moscow, Moscow Lyceum, 1996 |
2221 | J. Gippenreiter, Psychology of attention | Moscow, CheRo, 2001 |
2222 | E. Zola, Germinal | Donetsk, Donbass, 1989 |
2223 | Yu. Tynyanov, Pushkin | Moscow, Khud.lit, 1987 |
2224 | Stendhal, Parma monastery | Moscow, Pravda, 1981 |
2225 | V. Sergiychuk, The Holodomor of 1932-1933 as a genocide of Ukrainians | Vyshhorod, Serhiychuk, 2015 |
2226 | K. Roth, Beyond Understanding. Theologians and philosophers about the Holocaust | Kyiv, Spirit and Letter, 2009 |
2227 | Yu. Slyvka, Deportations, vol.3 | Lviv, 2002 |
2228 | B. Khrystynych, On the way to freedom | Lviv, 2004 |
2229 | A. Chichanovsky The Great Stonemason | Kyiv, Diploma, 2003 |
2230 | LM Zadorozhna, Shevchenko's reminiscences in Shchogolev's poetic worldview | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2014 |
2231 | Shevchenko's spring | Kyiv, 2008 |
2232 | Kunin AV, English-Russian phraseological dictionary | Moscow, "Russian language", 1984 |
2233 | Chernukhin AE, Russian-English technical dictionary | Moscow, Military Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense, 1971 |
2234 | Galperina IR, Addition to a large English-Russian dictionary | Moscow, Russian Language Publishing House, 1981 |
2235 | Shevchenko VE, English-Ukrainian explanatory dictionary of editorial and publishing computer terminology | Kyiv, Lybid, 2006 |
2236 | Kuzmina IS, Russian-English dictionary of everyday lectures | Moscow, from "International Relations", 1969 |
2237 | Walsh IA, Berkov VP, Russian-English dictionary of winged words | Moscow, "Russian language", 1984 |
2238 | I.I. Ubin, Dictionary of amplifying phrases of Russian and English | Moscow, "Russian language", 1987 |
2239 | Rodionova ZV, Filatov VP, Russian-English dictionary of social and political vocabulary | Moscow, "Russian language", 1987 |
2240 | Botyakova VV, Russian-English dictionary school-pedagogical dictionary | Yaroslavl Book Publishing House, 1950 |
2241 | JB Hilton, Dictionary of Typical English Errors | Moscow, "Russian language", 1991 |
2242 | SG Karpenyuk, Theory and methods of education | Kyiv, Higher School, 1997 |
2243 | IA Zazyugina, Pedagogical skills | Kyiv, Higher School, 1997 |
2244 | B. Likhachev, Pedagogy | Moscow, Prometheus, 1998 |
2245 | V. Yagupov, Pedagogy | Kyiv, Lybid, 2003 |
2246 | M. Sidorenko, Fundamentals of Jurisprudence | Kyiv, Ukraine, 2005 |
2247 | V. Doroshenko, Shevchenko's well | Kyiv, Krynytsia, 2003 |
2248 | G. Andreeva, Foreign social psychology of the twentieth century | |
2249 | IA Zazyun, Pedagogical skills (textbook) | Kyiv, SPD Bogdanova, 2008 |
2250 | IA Zazyun, Pedagogical skills (textbook) | Kyiv, SPD Bogdanova, 2008 |
2251 | Zaitseva IV, Solving problems through discussion | Kyiv, Lenvit, 2014 |
2252 | Бережная О.А. 300. New topics in English | Donetsk, BAO, 2005 |
2253 | II Kitrosskaya, Modern English for Advanced Leaners | Moscow, Higher School, 1978 |
2254 | Kubarkov GL Modern topics of the English language | Donetsk, BAO, 2006 |
2255 | Guzhva T., English language, conversational topics: for applicants, course participants, students of philological faculties. Volume 1 | Kiev, Tandem, 1996 |
2256 | Guzhva T., English language, conversational topics: for applicants, course participants, students of philological faculties. Volume 2 | Kiev, Tandem, 1996 |
2257 | Guzhva T., English conversational topics: for entrants and students of secondary schools, colleges and colleges | Kiev, Tandem, 1997 |
2258 | Skulte VI, English for children | Moscow, ONYX IRIS, 1995 |
2259 | Shelkova TG, How to have a conversation on the phone. A practical guide to spoken English | Moscow, Higher School, 1989 |
2260 | Dershowitz, Chutzpan | Toronto, 1991 |
2261 | Peirce, The Mid-Atlantic States of America | New York, 1977 |
2262 | Panfilova, Game therapy of communication | Moscow, 2002 |
2263 | Rogov EI, Desktop book of a practical psychologist in education | Moscow, Vlados, 1996 |
2264 | W. Skulte, English for children | Moscow, Iris, 1997 |
2265 | SS Zanyuk, Psychology of motivation | Kyiv, Lybid, 2002 |
2266 | Zazyun IA, Pedagogical skills | Kyiv, Higher School, 1997 |
2267 | Karaban V., Theory and practice of translation from Ukrainian into English | Vinnytsia, New book, 2003 |
2268 | Orban-Lembrik LE, Social Psychology, book 1 | Kyiv, Lybid, 2004 |
2269 | Sukhova AN, Applied social psychology | Moscow-Voronezh, 1998 |
2270 | Compass, Edward M. Kennedy | New York. 2009 |
2271 | Leveles, The Artis way for Parents | New York. 2000 |
2272 | Hurwitz, Aldo Applesauce | New York. 1999 |
2273 | Korinetz, There, Far Beyond the River | Chicago, 1971 |
2274 | Hillary, Lizard meets Svana the Terribie | New York. 1999 |
2275 | Paulsen, The River | New York. 1999 |
2276 | Blair, An outline History of World Literature | Chicago |
2277 | Gardner, The Story of Engineering | Chicago |
2278 | Travel, The World we Live in and the People we Live With | Chicago |
2279 | Klein, The Truth About Hillary | America, 2005 |
2280 | Kuralts, American Moments | America, 1998 |
2281 | Gray III, In Nixons Web | America, 2008 |
2282 | Coontz, A Strange Strring | America |
2283 | Mckern, The Many Faces of Man | New York, 1972 |
2284 | Michener, Alaska | New York |
2285 | Grimm, Howto recognize flowering wild plants | New York, 1968 |
2286 | Paper, Websters new Collegiate Dictionary | USA 1958 |
2287 | I. Kovalev, Journeys to Rysokhvoshcha | Toronto, Word, 1987 |
2288 | Pasternak, Cool Caree for Giris mith Animals | American, 1999 |
2289 | Michelangelo | Italy, Roma, 1963 |
2290 | Switzer, Natures Childeren Lynx | USA, 1985 |
2291 | Schlesinger, The Presidency | New York, 1988 |
2292 | Morrison, The Coast Mappers | Boston, 2004 |
2293 | Court, The Colorful British Isles | Britan, 1962 |
2294 | Tutankhamun. The Last Journey text and Photographs by | London, 1972 |
2295 | Horizon spring, 1964 | America, 1964 |
2296 | Horizon, autumn, 1966 | America, 1966 |
2297 | Horizon, summer 1964 | America, 1964 |
2298 | Horizon, winter 1966 | America, 1966 |
2299 | Horizon, autumn 1964 | America, 1964 |
2300 | Horizon, winter 1965 | America, 1965 |
2301 | Horizon, spring 1967 | America, 1967 |
2302 | Horizon, spring 1966 | America, 1966 |
2303 | AS Pushkin, Dramatic works. Prose | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1984 |
2304 | Skiba VY, Introduction to Political Science | Kyiv, Osnovy, 1996 |
2305 | Dickens, David Copperfield | Oxford Press, 2008 |
2306 | NO Goncharova, Methods of teaching history in high school | Kharkiv-Izmail, 2009 |
2307 | Bradbury R., Cold, warm wind | |
2308 | Edwin B. Williams, The Bantam new college Spanish & English Dictoinary | USA, Bantam Books, 1991 |
2309 | A.A. Pozdnyakov, English-Russian Dictionary of Construction and New Construction Technologies | Moscow, Russian language media, 2005 |
2310 | OI Lesyuk, Short Ukrainian-Russian-English-German Dictionary of Economics and Management | Kyiv, Flash LTD, 1996 |
2311 | A.A. Chernykh, English-Russian thematic dictionary | Stalker, 1997 |
2312 | New Webster's Dictionary and Roget's Thesaurus | USA, Paradise press, 1994 |
2313 | A.B. Borkovsky, Programming Dictionary (English, Russian, German, English) | Moscow, "Russian language", 1991 |
2314 | West M., Deskbook of correct English, A Dictionary of Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and Usage | Leningrad, 1963 |
2315 | VV Belousov, English-Russian dictionary with pictures for children | Moscow, Irius, 1992 |
2316 | Universal Decimal Classification (Alphabetical Index) (consolidated) | Kyiv, “Book Chamber of Ukraine, 2017 |
2317 | Universal decimal classification (Auxiliary and main tables) (as of 2011) | Kyiv, “Book Chamber of Ukraine, 2017 |
2318 | O. Gurzhiy, Ruin (second half of the 17th century) | Kyiv, Ukraine, 1996 |
2319 | VI Kovalenko, Political History of Russia | Moscow, Press, 1996 |
2320 | LV Kolomiets, Ukrainian literary translation and translators of the 1920s and 1930s | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2013 |
2321 | N. Yakovenko, Latin language | Lviv, Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House, 2002 |
2322 | N. Yakovenko, Latin language | Kyiv, Knowledge, 2005 |
2323 | N. Yakovenko, Latin language | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2009 |
2324 | LL Zvonskaya, Latin language | Kyiv, The Book, 2003 |
2325 | B. Bonveich, Epoch. Cultures. People | Kharkiv, 2004 |
2326 | R. Anderson, JM Brinnin, J. Leggett, Elements of Literature. First course | USA, 1993 |
2327 | R. Anderson, JM Brinnin, J. Leggett, Elements of Literature. Second course | USA, 1993 |
2328 | McDougal, Littell, English. Red level | USA, McDougal, Littell & Company |
2329 | ASHRAE English-Russian Glossary of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Cooling | Moscow, Avok Press, 2002 |
2330 | I. Karpa, Practical English course: modal verbs: teaching aid | Drohobych, 2014 |
2331 | NK Ryazanova, Direct and Indirect Speech in English: A Collection of Exercises for High School High School Students | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1981 |
2332 | E.Ya. Morokhovskaya, Fundamentals of English grammar. Theory and practice | Kyiv, Higher School, 1993 |
2333 | ON. Kobrin, Grammar of the English language, syntax | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1986 |
2334 | K.N. Kachalova, Practical English grammar with exercises and keys | Moscow, UNVES, 2002 |
2335 | Shevchenko, Kobzar | Kyiv, Dnipro, 1985 |
2336 | Zasekina LV, Structural and functional organization of intelligence | Ostrog, Ostroh Academy, 2005 |
2337 | V. Lukyanov, Chasov Yar | Chasov Yar, 2005 |
2338 | T. Bilan, School course of art culture and methods of its teaching | Drogobich, Slavuta, 2009 |
2339 | M. Demidenko, In the footsteps of the SS in Tibet | St. Petersburg, North-West, 1996 |
2340 | N. Nikitenko, Sophia of Kyiv National Reserve | Kyiv, Art, 2004 |
2341 | V. Karpov, Military symbols of the state | Kyiv, Lybid, 2007 |
2342 | T. Kara-Vasilyeva, Decorative art of Ukraine of the XX century | Kyiv, Lybid, 2005 |
2343 | A. Kolesnik, History of the native land | Donetsk, Cardinal, 1998 |
2344 | K. Batyushkov, Poems | Moscow, Khud.lit, 1987 |
2345 | L. Zvonska, History of the Greek language | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2011 |
2346 | O. Kalustova, Translation course. Spanish | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2012 |
2347 | I. Magushinets, Introduction to Rhetoric (Spanish) | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2004 |
2348 | Z. Hetman, Theory and practice of translation from Spanish into Ukrainian | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2010 |
2349 | O. Merzlikina, Home reading (Spanish) | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2011 |
2350 | O. Orlichenko, Contemporary works of Spanish writers (Spanish) | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2012 |
2351 | O. Shlyakhtenko, Culture and traditions of Spanish-speaking countries through the prism of religious worldview | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2006 |
2352 | A / Moty, The Holodomor Reader a Sourbook on the Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine | Toronto, 2012 |
2353 | The Random House Disctionary jf the English Language | New York, 1964 |
2354 | Encyclopedia of Ukraine. Volume II GK | Toronto Press, 1988 |
2355 | V. Sakhno, Dictionary Spanish-Ukrainian Ukrainian-Spanish | Irpin, Perun, 1997 |
2356 | Henri la Fontaine, Prix Nobel de la Paix in 1913 | Paris, 2012 |
2357 | I. Grabovska, Transformations of Ukrainian society | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2013 |
2358 | L. Gubersky, Ukrainian Diplomatic Encyclopedia, Volume II | Kyiv, knowledge of Ukraine, 2004 |
2359 | O. Kuznetsova, How English works. A training Course on the Functions of English Grammar | Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 2015 |
2360 | OK. Kurdish, A guide to Better Grammar (English grammar workshop) | Kyiv National University named after T.G. Shevchenko, 2013 |
2361 | R.A. Close, A Grammar Handbook for English Learners: A Teacher's Guide | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1979 |
2362 | NN Raevskaya, Essays on the stylistic grammar of modern English | From the University of Kiev, 1973 |
2363 | L.L. Iofik, A Textbook on Theoretical Grammar of the English Language (in English) | Leningrad, from the Enlightenment, 1972 |
2364 | V.L. Kaushanskaya, Grammar of the English language | Moscow, Strat firm, 2007 |
2365 | ON. Bonk, English Textbook, Part II | Minsk, “Higher School, 1992 |
2366 | І.В. Zapototska, Practical English course: grammatical aspect: educational - methodical manual | Drogobich, 2012 |
2367 | U.Yu. Zhirik, Practical Grammar: Article. Training exercises | Drogobich, 2013 |
2368 | I.S. Bachov, Workshop on English grammar. English grammar Practice. Teaching method development | Kyiv, 20012 |
2369 | L.M. Volkova, Theoretical grammar of the English language: a modern approach. | Kyiv, "Education of Ukraine", 2009 |
2370 | G.I. Artemchuk, Tests for all who study foreign languages | Kyiv, Lenvit, 2003 |
2371 | O.O. Kolominova, English language tests for entrants: A guide | Kyiv, Lenvit, 2007 |
2372 | І.В. Vasilenko, English Grammar Practice: Manual. From the grammar of English. languages. | Kyiv, KM Academy Publishing House, 2002 |
2373 | L.M. Blackish, Practical English grammar with exercises. Volume 2: a guide for students of higher educational institutions | Vinnytsia, "New Book", 2005 |
2374 | L.M. Chernovaty, Practical English Grammar with Exercises: A Guide for Students of Higher Education. Volume 1. | Vinnytsia, "New Book", 2005 |
2375 | E. Walker, Grammar Practice for elementary Students. With key | Longman |
2376 | E. Walker, Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students. With key | Longman |
2377 | W. Strunk, The elements of style | USA, The Macmillan Company 1959 |
2378 | V.H. Collins, Book of English Idioms | Leningrad, State Educational Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR Leningrad Branch, 1960 |
2379 | J. Priestley, Inspector's Visit, in English | Moscow, Higher School, 1965 |
2380 | L.L. Iofik, Structural Syntax of the English Language. Manual on theoretical grammar | From Leningrad University, 1972 |
2381 | L.S. Barkhudarov, The structure of a simple sentence of modern English | Moscow, Higher School, 1966 |
2382 | V.V. Burlakova, Fundamentals of word structure in modern English | From Leningrad University, 1975 |
2383 | GM Kovalenko, Lexicology of the English Language: tutorial | Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 2011 |
2384 | I.R. Halperin, Stylistics of the English Language | Moscow, Higher School, 1970 |
2385 | T.V. Babenko, Concise course of English syntax: textbook. The method. | Kyiv National University named after T.G. Shevchenko, 2015 |
2386 | L.M. Bloodless, A Way From Analytical Reading To Analytical Writing | Kyiv, "Treasures", 2004 |
2387 | O.Yu. Dubenko, Comparative Stylistics of English and Ukrainian Languages. | Vinnytsia, "New Book", 2011 |
2388 | I.V. Arnold, Stylistics of Modern English | Leningrad, Enlightenment, 1973 |
2389 | O.I. Denisov, Works by three popular and two great American writers | Kharkiv, 2001 |
2390 | L.M. Medvedev, English grammar in proverbs, sayings, idioms and sayings. | From near Kiev. University, 1990 |
2391 | N. Boychuk, Practical grammar: infinitive (training exercises for independent work of students) | Drogobich, 2013 |
2392 | IM Babiy, Syntax of the modern Ukrainian language. Independent and individual work | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2012 |
2393 | GP Koval, Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2010 |
2394 | NMAstapenko, Technology of modern native language lesson | Kyiv, Academy, 2012 |
2395 | GV Semerenko, Modern Ukrainian literary language. Collection of exercises and tests on morphology | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2012 |
2396 | S. Panzo, Ukrainian dialectology. Workshop | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2013 |
2397 | AP Kanishchenko, Technologies for studying the field "Language and Literature" | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2016 |
2398 | IM Babiy, Official parts of speech in the Ukrainian language | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2011 |
2399 | TK Monzhaley, Introduction to Linguistics | Sumy, University Book, 2017 |
2400 | MP Kochergan, General Studies | Kyiv, Academy, 2010 |
2401 | YP Karpenko, Introduction to Linguistics | Kyiv, Academy, 2009 |
2402 | MP Kochergan, Introduction to Linguistics | Kyiv, Academy, 2014 |
2403 | L.A. Aleksienko, Modern Ukrainian language: Morphology: a textbook | Kyiv, Knowledge, 2013 |
2404 | A.K. Moisienko, Modern Ukrainian language: Lexicology. Phonetics: a textbook | Kyiv, Knowledge, 2013 |
2405 | A.K. Moisienko, Modern Ukrainian language: Syntax: textbook | Kyiv, Knowledge, 2013 |
2406 | І.М. Kochan, Ukrainian scientific vocabulary: international components in terminology: textbook | Kyiv, Knowledge, 2013 |
2407 | L. Struganets, Language culture: from theory to practice: monograph | Ternopil, Textbook - Bogdan, 2015 |
2408 | R. Katsavets, Business language: modern dimension (textbook) | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2409 | VM Boyko, Grammar of the Ukrainian language. Mrfemika. Word formation. Morphology | Kyiv, Academy, 2014 |
2410 | TR Kiyar, Theory and practice of translation. German | Vinnytsia, New book, 2006 |
2411 | S. Abramovich, Speech communication | Kyiv, Burago, 2013 |
2412 | GS Onufrienko, Rhetoric | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2016 |
2413 | AM Rudenko, Fundamentals of Rhetoric | Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2016 |
2414 | Lalayan NS, Comparative grammar of German and Ukrainian languages. Comprehensive grammar | Vinnytsia, New book, 2013 |
2415 | Japanese literature. Course of lectures. Part three: literature of the modern period | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2016 |
2416 | History of modern foreign literature | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2417 | LG Methods of teaching Ukrainian literature in high school | Kyiv, Academy, 2013 |
2418 | V. Marko, Analysis of a work of art | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2015 |
2419 | PV Belous, History of Ukrainian literature of the XI-18 centuries | Kyiv, Academy, 2012 |
2420 | O. Kudina, German-speaking countries. Die Lander, wo man deutsch spricht | Vinnytsia, New book, 2017 |
2421 | GR Peredriy, Linguistic Analysis | Kyiv, Academy, 2013 |
2422 | FS Batsevich, Introduction to Linguistic Pragmatics | Kyiv, Academy, 2011 |
2423 | VV Lutsyk, Introduction to Slavic Philology | Kyiv, Academy, 2013 |
2424 | FS Batsevich, Philosophy of Language. History of linguistic and philosophical students | Kyiv, Academy, 2011 |
2425 | OI Steriopolo, Theoretical principles of phonetics of the German language | Vinnytsia, New Book, 2004 |
2426 | TO Dekhtyareva, Teaching materials for the elementary course of the Ukrainian language | Sumy, Sumy State University, 2017 |
2427 | IS Vitenko, Aries of general and medical psychology | Ternopil, Ukrmedknyha, 2003 |
2428 | GM Vokalchuk, Modern Ukrainian literary language. Exercises. Tasks based on the works of Taras Shevchenko | Kyiv, Academy, 2016 |
2429 | MI Pentilyuk, Business communication and speech | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2430 | OO Shipnivska, Interpartum morphological homonymy of the modern Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2431 | N. Borisko, "Du" part I. | Vinnytsia, New book, 2009 |
2432 | N. Borisko, "Du" part II | Vinnytsia, New book, 2011 |
2433 | N. Borisko, "Du" part III | Vinnytsia, New book, 2013 |
2334 | PS Dudyk, Modern Ukrainian language. Tasks and exercises | Kyiv, Academy, 2009 |
2435 | VA Glushchenko, Language as a system | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2436 | OI Kryzhanivska, History of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Academy, 2010 |
2437 | AG Goodmanyan, Introduction to Translation Studies | Vinnytsia, New book, 2017 |
2438 | IO Golubovska, Introduction to Linguistics | Kyiv, Academy, 2016 |
2439 | I. Dychkivska, Innovative pedagogical technologies | Kyiv, Academy, 2015 |
2440 | PS Dudyk, Syntax of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Academy, 2010 |
2441 | KF Shulzhuk, Syntax of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Academy, 2010 |
2442 | VP Ivanyshyn, Essays on the theory of literature | Kyiv, Academy, 2010 |
2443 | DA Evgenenko, Practical grammar of the German language. Grammar | Vinnytsia, New book, 2013 |
2444 | ZI Kucher, Translation practice. German | Vinnytsia, New book, 2017 |
2445 | VV Levitsky, Fundamentals of German Studies | Vinnytsia, New book, 2008 |
2446 | EI Lysenko, German-Ukrainian Ukrainian-German Dictionary | Vinnytsia, New book, 2012 |
2447 | M. Popil, Fundamentals of clinical psychology | Drogobich, 2012 |
2448 | N.Ialayan, Business correspondence. Business correspondence | Vinnytsia, New book, 2013 |
2449 | Stars dugin language school Deutsch. Self-taught for 34 lessons | Sumy, University Book, 2017 |
2450 | OM Volkova, Introductory course in the Ukrainian language for foreign students | Sumy, University Book, 2017 |
2451 | Ukrainian folk tales and legends | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2452 | IM Plotnytska, Business Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2453 | YV Gromyk, Ukrainian spelling | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2454 | J. Selezhan, Fundamentals of national education. Ukrainian Studies: Ritual and Mythological Culture of Ukrainians | Chernivtsi, Books-XXI, 2007 |
2455 | J. Selezhan, Fundamentals of National Education (Ukrainian Studies: Historical Philosophical and Religious Aspects) | Chernivtsi, Books-XXI, 2006 |
2456 | I. Chibor, Slavic mythology in Ukrainian phraseology | Kyiv, O. Filyuk, 2016 |
2457 | LP Bilozerska, Terminology and translation | Vinnytsia, New book, 2010 |
2458 | OG Barchuk, Ukrainian for foreigners | Sumy, University Book, 2018 |
2459 | TP Matviychuk, Ukrainian language. Theory, exercises, tests | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
2460 | VV Dubravin, Ritual songs of Slobozhanshchyna (Sumy region) | Sumy, University Book, 2005 |
2461 | O. Sklyarenko, Doll in the culture of Ukrainians | Kyiv, O. Filyuk, 2017 |
2462 | IM Babiy, Modern Ukrainian literary language. Morphemics. Word formation | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2013 |
2463 | YI Kovalev, Literary Encyclopedia. Vol.1 | Kyiv, Academy, 2007 |
2464 | YI Kovalev, Literary Encyclopedia. Vol.2 | Kyiv, Academy, 2007 |
2465 | MP Kochergan, Fundamentals of Comparative Linguistics | Kyiv, Academy, 2006 |
2466 | IM Shevchenko, Educational materials on the scientific style of speech. For foreign students of the preparatory department (technical profile) | Sumy, Sumy State University, 2017 |
2467 | OA Kucheruk, Pedagogical rhetoric: history, theory, practice | Kyiv, CST, 2016 |
2468 | GM Shipitsyna, Didactic materials for in-depth study of the Russian language | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1997 |
2469 | NO Volkova, Verbal notebook | Sumy, Uzhhorod State Medical University, 2017 |
2470 | II Pakhnenko, Methods of teaching linguistic disciplines in higher education | Sumy, University Book, 2017 |
2471 | LV Bidenko, Fundamentals of Russian phonetics in tables, comments, exercises | Sumy, University Book, 2017 |
2472 | ON Volkova, Types of linguistic analysis in images and comments | Sumy, University Book, 2016 |
2473 | TO Dekhtyarev, Introductory Russian language course for foreign students of the preparatory department | Sumy, University Book, 2017 |
2474 | S. Thatcher, Methods of text analysis and discourse | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2017 |
2475 | S.D. Maksymenko, General Psychology. Textbook / in English | Vinnytsia, "New Book", 2005 |
2476 | A. Gryzun, Poetry of multivalued subtexts (Ukrainian suggestive lyrics of the XX century): monograph | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2477 | MA. Zaitseva, Lexico-grammatical organization of English scientific discourse: A textbook for senior students, graduate students and researchers | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2478 | І.І. Krivosheya, History of Great Britain: Textbook. Handbook for students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages full-time and part-time | Kyiv, CST, 2017 |
2479 | A.L. Yudina, Grammar for business communication in English (modular-competence campaign): Textbook. allowance | Kyiv, Svarog, 2017 |
2480 | S.P. Dugin, English: Grammar. Just about the hardest | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2481 | І.В. Lyashenko, English: Practice Abroad: English language textbook for the course of advanced and intensive study of foreign languages | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2482 | O.A. Porytska, Spiritual Culture of Ukrainians: Folk Demonology in the All-Slavic Context (XIX - XX centuries) | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
2483 | S.P. Dugin, English: learn English by reading. Reading book (beginner course) | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2484 | S.P. Dugin, English: learn English by reading. Reading book (basic course) | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2485 | S.P. Dugin, English: from article to six grammatical tenses. 25 mini lessons (beginner course) | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2486 | SI. Odarchuk, English for psychologists = Textbook. The method. For students of higher education institutions that study deputy special. "Psychology" | Kyiv, IAPM, 2006 |
2487 | .G.Nikolenko, Thematic dictionary of phrasal verbs of modern English | Kyiv, Condor, 2008 |
2488 | YV Pinchuk, Rhetoric, culture and speech technique of a collection teacher | Kyiv, CST, 2015 |
2489 | VA Nischeta, Methods of teaching rhetoric at school | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2490 | II Braga, From sound to text. Analysis of language units of different levels | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2491 | A. Gryzun, Poetry of conceptual thought | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2492 | MK Naenko, History of Ukrainian Literary Studies and Criticism | Kyiv, Academy, 2010 |
2493 | Ancient Ukrainian literature | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2494 | VPSydorenko, History of Ukrainian literature of the XX century and methods of its teaching | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2495 | MM Fitsula, Pedagogy | Kyiv, Academy, 2009 |
2496 | A. Ratsul, Pedagogy: informative presentation | Kyiv, CST, 2015 |
2497 | B. Belous, Ancient Ukrainian Literature. Dictionary-reference | Kyiv, Academy, 2015 |
2498 | P. Belous, Introduction to Literary Studies | Kyiv, Academy, 2012 |
2499 | P. Belous, Introduction to Literary Studies | Kyiv, Academy, 2011 |
2500 | P. Belous, Psychology of literary creativity | Kyiv, Academy, 2014 |
2501 | P. Belous, Theory of Literature | Kyiv, Academy, 2013 |
2502 | GY Davydenko, History of foreign literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2503 | GY Davydenko, History of Foreign Literature of the 17th-18th Centuries | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2504 | GY Davydenko, History of foreign literature of the 19th - early 20th centuries | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2505 | TD Egorova, Practical course of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2506 | GS Onufrienko, Scientific style of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2507 | OV Bezpalko, Social pedagogy. Schemes, tables, comments | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2508 | AY Kapskaya, Social pedagogy | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2509 | FM Steinbuk, Methods of teaching foreign literature at school | Kyiv, Condor, 2007 |
2510 | IE Rusnak, Ukrainian folklore | Kyiv, Academy, 2012 |
2511 | SS Palchevsky, Social pedagogy | Kyiv, Condor, 2009 |
2512 | Yu. Kovalev, History of Ukrainian Literature, the end of the 19th-beginning of the 21st century, vol. In search of immanent meaning | Kyiv, Academy, 2013 |
2513 | Yu. Kovalev, History of Ukrainian Literature, the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 21st century, vol. 2. In search of immanent meaning | Kyiv, Academy, 2013 |
2514 | Yu. Kovalev, History of Ukrainian Literature end of the 19th - beginning of the 21st century, vol. 3. In hopes and tragic breaks | Kyiv, Academy, 2013 |
2515 | Yu. Kovalev, History of Ukrainian Literature, end of the 19th - beginning of the 21st century, vol. 4. In hopes and tragic breaks | Kyiv, Academy, 2017 |
2516 | Yu. Kovalev, History of Ukrainian Literature end of the 19th - beginning of the 21st century, vol. 5. In hopes and tragic breaks | Kyiv, Academy, 2017 |
2517 | VI Kuzmenko, History of Ukrainian Literature 20-beg. 21 st., T.3 | Kyiv, Academy, 2017 |
2518 | MM Pedagogy of higher school | Kyiv, Academy, 2014 |
2519 | LLKhorunzha, Ethical development of a teacher | Kyiv, Academy, 2012 |
2520 | ZMShevtsiv, Professional training of future primary school teachers to work in an inclusive environment of a secondary school | Kyiv, Training Center, 2017 |
2521 | RA Shuligina, Pedagogy | Sumy, University Book, 2017 |
2522 | V. Haydenko, Gender pedagogy. Reader | Sumy, University Book, 2017 |
2523 | NP Volkova, Professional and pedagogical communication | Kyiv, Academy, 2006 |
2524 | NV Bordovskaya, Pedagogy | St. Petersburg, Peter, 2003-2004 |
2525 | OO Karakoz, History of the book. Workshop | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
2526 | OO Karakoz, Bibliography. Workshop | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
2527 | VP Avenarius, Cornflowers and Ears | Kharkiv, Litera nova, 2011 |
2528 | LA Kudryasheva, Pedagogy and Psychology | Kiev, Svarog, 2016 |
2529 | І.І.Дахно, Translation, translation… | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2016 |
2530 | L. Phillips, Discourse. Analysis. Theory and method | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2008 |
2531 | IV Korunets, Introduction to Translation Studies | Vinnytsia, New book, 2008 |
2532 | AV Mamrak, Introduction to the theory of translation | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2533 | J. Cameron, Conversational Discourse. Interpretations and practices | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2015 |
2534 | BI Ginka, Lexicology of the German language. Lectures and seminars | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2010 |
2535 | VV Levitsky, History of the German language (German) | Vinnytsia, New book, 2010 |
2536 | AG Nikolenko, Workshop on English | Kyiv, Condor, 2005 |
2537 | OM Semenog, Culture of scientific literary language | Kyiv, Academy, 2012 |
2538 | IM Babiy, Modern Ukrainian literary language. Mrfemika. Word formation | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2013 |
2539 | FS Batsevich, Fundamentals of communicative linguistics | Kyiv, Academy, 2009 |
2540 | LI Matsko, Culture of the Ukrainian professional language | Kyiv, Academy, 2007 |
2541 | OA Semenyuk, Fundamentals of the theory of language communication | Kyiv, Academy, 2010 |
2542 | О.В. Bogatska, Literature of England: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions (in English) | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2543 | D. Shum, Psychological testing and assessment | Oxford university press, 2007 |
2544 | M.M. Dudchenko, Check yourself: A collection of texts from the English language: a textbook | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2545 | S.D. Borodina, English for graduate students [text]. Textbook | Kiev, "From the Center for Educational Literature", 2017 |
2546 | S.P. Dugin, All English for 42 lessons: teacher | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2547 | AI. Gordeeva, Morphology. Finite and Non-Finite Forms of the Verb (Morphology. Personal and non-personal verb forms): a guide | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
2548 | I.A. Moryakina, Welcome to the English Speaking Word: Textbook | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
2549 | M.M. Dudchenko, Literature of Great Britain and the United States: a textbook (in English) | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2550 | OE Smolinska, Theoretical and methodological bases of organization of cultural and educational space of pedagogical universities of Ukraine: monograph | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2551 | S.P. Dugin, English: verb tenses (beginner course) | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2552 | S.P. Dugin, English: everyone should know this | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2553 | S.V. Dorda, English for Business Communication: a textbook | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2554 | Z.M. Shevtsiv, Fundamentals of inclusive pedagogy: a textbook | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2555 | OV Bas-Kononenko, Ukrainian language. Theory, tasks, tests | Kyiv, Knowledge, 2014 |
2556 | G. Chernienko, A good start is half the battle | Kyiv, CST, 2003 |
2557 | OV Kubryak, Ethics of business and everyday communication | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2558 | LA Pashko, The Return of the Little Prince | Kyiv, CST, 2004 |
2559 | S. Dugin, French for 26 lessons. Self-taught | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2560 | IM Vlasenko, Pedagogical practice in art culture in secondary school | Kyiv, CST, 2015 |
2561 | DI Chizhevsky, History of Ukrainian Literature | Kyiv, Academy, 2008 |
2562 | AZ Samsonov, Handbook of French grammar | Kyiv, Condor, 2006 |
2563 | T. Chukhlib, Donetsk and Luhansk regions - Cossack lands of Ukraine | Kyiv, O. Filyuk, 2017 |
2564 | AY Gordeeva, English for Psychologists (in English) | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
2565 | OY Pavlova, History of Ukrainian culture | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2566 | RA Shuligina, Pedagogy | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2567 | TI Pustovit, Hello, world! (In French) | Kyiv, CST, 2004 |
2568 | SS Palchevsky, Suggestopedagogy: the latest technologies | Kyiv, Condor, 2005 |
2569 | OV Kolyshkin, Correctional Education. Introduction to | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2570 | TM Dekhtyarenko, Speech and sensory systems and their violations | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2571 | OP Khyzhna, Artistic and pedagogical training of primary school teachers: theory and practice | Kyiv, CST, 2015 |
2572 | VA Mosiyashenko, History of pedagogy of Ukraine in persons | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2573 | LP Zagorodnya, Pedagogical skill of a preschool teacher | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2574 | P. Kraliuk, Cossacks in the context of Ukrainian-Polish relations | Kyiv, CST, 2015 |
2575 | V. Kaplinsky, 100 difficult situations in class and out of class: looking for a solution | Kyiv, CST, 2017 |
2576 | AS Litvinov, Pedagogical provision of innovations in education | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2577 | OMIvaniy, Formation of legal competence of the future teacher | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2578 | NV Kochubey, Synergetic worldview | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2579 | Yu.D. Boychuk, Ecological and valeological culture of the future teacher | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2580 | VA Mosiyashenko, Ukrainian ethnopedagogy | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2581 | D. Chizhevsky, History of Russian literature of the XIX century. Romanticism | Kyiv, Academy, 2009 |
2582 | II Pakhnenko, Methods of teaching Russian in primary school with Ukrainian as the language of instruction (test and individual assignments) | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2583 | II Pakhnenko, Methods of teaching Russian in primary school with Ukrainian as the language of instruction | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2584 | A. Fink, Conductive pedagogy A. Pete | Moscow, Academy, 2003 |
2585 | EV Grebenkin, School conflictology for editors and parents | Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2013 |
2586 | EL Babicheva, Speeches of the left-bank Polesie frontier (agricultural vocabulary) | Sumy, "University Book", 2016 |
2587 | EL Babicheva, Agricultural vocabulary of Chernihiv-Sumy woodland | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2588 | EL Babicheva, Word-forming structure of agricultural vocabulary of northeastern woodland | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2589 | Y. Bort, Eurythmy in medical pedagogy | Moscow, KMK, 2011 |
2590 | M. Nesteleev, On the Boundary. Suicidal Discourse of Ukrainian Modernism | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2013 |
2591 | O. Pylypyuk, Poetological paradigms: East-West | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2012 |
2592 | P. Belous, The Gravity of the Holy Land. Ukrainian pilgrimage prose | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2013 |
2593 | L. Kravets, Dynamics of Metaphor in Ukrainian Poetry of the 20th Century | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2012 |
2594 | P. Ivanyshyn, Ukrainian Literary Studies of the Postcolonial Period | Kyiv, Academy, 2013 |
2595 | O. Yurchuk, In the shadow of the empire. Ukrainian literature in the world of postcolonial theory | Kyiv, Academy, 2013 |
2596 | F. Batsevych, Spiritual synergetics of the native language. Linguistic and philosophical essays | Kyiv, Academy, 2009 |
2597 | P. Ivanyshyn, Criticism and megacriticism as a comprehension of literature | Kyiv, Academy, 2012 |
2598 | Ya. Polishchuk, Reactivate literature | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2016 |
2599 | M. Yuriychuk, Family customs and rites of the south-western division | Kyiv, CST, 2016 |
2600 | O. Smorzhevska, Postmodern Visions of Religiosity: Contemporary Paganism in Urban Culture (Ukraine in the European Context) | Kyiv, Filyuk, 2017 |
2601 | G.V. Tymoshenko, Working with the body in psychotherapy: A practical guide | Moscow, "Psychotherapy", 2006 |
2602 | M.V. Savchin, Age psychology: textbook. way. | Kyiv, Academy, 2017 |
2603 | N.P. Fetiskin, Socio-psychological diagnosis of personality development and small groups | Moscow, from the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2005 |
2604 | O.N. Istratova, Handbook of primary school psychologists | Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2008 |
2605 | V.M. Pomogaibo, Anatomy and evolution of the nervous system: textbook. way. | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2013 |
2606 | ON. Miroshnikov, Entertaining literary dictionary | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2015 |
2607 | YOU. Rozov, Psychology of extreme situations: adaptability to stress and psychological support: a scientific and practical guide | Kyiv, CST Summit Book, 2017 |
2608 | W. Kagan, Autyata. To parents about autism. | Chekhov, Peter, 2015 |
2609 | Z. Freud, Introduction to psychoanalysis | Kharkiv, "family leisure club", 2012 |
2610 | B.P. Yakovlev, Autoaggression: modern problems and trends: textbook. allowance | Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2006 |
2611 | ABOUT. Stolyarenko, Psychology of personality. Teaching. way | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2612 | We develop intuition - Rorschach tests | Moscow, AST Publishing House, 2017 |
2613 | OG Humeniuk, Fundamentals of General and Legal Psychology | Kyiv, CST, 2012 |
2614 | VY Bochelyuk, Psychology of a person with disabilities | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2016 |
2615 | TO Hetman, Problems of pedagogical psychology: textbook | Kyiv, CST, 2016 |
2616 | OV Shvachko, Social psychology | Kyiv, Higher School, 2002 |
2617 | VI Rozov, Adaptive anti-stress psychotechnologies | Kyiv, Condor, 2005 |
2618 | VMPolishchuk, Crisis of 13 years. Phenomenology, problems | Sumy, "University Book", 2006 |
2619 | YP Nikonenko, Clinical Psychology | Kyiv, CST, 2016 |
2620 | Yu.P. Nikolenko, Fundamentals of psychological education and prevention | Kyiv, CST, 2017 |
2621 | M. Savchyn, Methodologists of Psychology | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2013 |
2622 | V. Polishchuk, Psychology of pedagogical everyday life: reality and myths | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2623 | TM Zelinska, Psychology of personal ambivalence in adolescence | Sumy, "University Book", 2017 |
2624 | VI Podshivalkina, Socio-psychological workshop | Kyiv, CST, 2015 |
2625 | VY Bochelyuk, Psychology of sexuality | Kyiv, Scythian, 2012 |
2626 | VF Doroz, Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language in secondary schools | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2627 | LE Orban-Lembrick, Psychology of Management | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2010 |
2628 | VM Rudenko, Mathematical methods in psychology | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2009 |
2629 | OM Stepanov, Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2012 |
2630 | SI Kuranova, Fundamentals of psycholinguistics | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2012 |
2631 | OM Pedagogical psychology | Kyiv, Akademvydav, 2011 |
2632 | TV Dutkevych, Theory and practice of developmental and correctional work of a psychologist | Kyiv, CST, 2017 |
2633 | TO Hetman, Problems of age psychology: textbook | Kyiv, CST, 2016 |
2634 | L.E. Orban-Lembrik, Psychology of professional communication, | Chernivtsi, XXI, 2010 |
2635 | EP Illin, Motivation and motives, | Ternopil, Bogdan, 2013 |
2636 | LE Orban-Lembrik, Social Psychology, book 1 | Kyiv, XXI, 2010 |
2637 | LE Orban-Lembrik, Social Psychology, book 2 | Kyiv, XXI, 2010 |
2638 | A. Urbina, Psychological test | Moscow, Peter, 2009 |
2639 | A. Maslow, Motivacic and personality | Moscow, Peter, 2008 |
2640 | VN Karandashev, Methods of teaching psychology | Moscow, Peter, 2005 |
2641 | VL Vasiliev, Legal Psychology | Moscow, Peter, 2010 |
2642 | LF Burlachuk, Psychotherapy | Moscow, Peter, 2012 |
2643 | D. Berry, Cross-Cultural Psychology | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2007 |
2644 | D. Gebert, Organizational Psychology | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2006 |
2645 | NP Lokalova, School failure: causes, psychocorrection, psychoprophylaxis | Moscow, Peter, 2009 |
2646 | GV Lozhkin, Psychology of sport | Kyiv, Education of Ukraine, 2011 |
2647 | Medvedev, Physiology and psychophysiology | Moscow, Medical Information Agency, 2013 |
2648 | NS Minaeva, Methods of social psychology | Moscow, Academic Project, 2007 |
2649 | EB Starovoitenko, Subject and method of psychology | Moscow, Academic Project, 2005 |
2650 | GS Abramova, General Psychology | Moscow, Academic Project, 2003 |
2651 | ME Breno, Therapy with creative self-expression | Moscow, Academic project, 2012 |
2652 | M. Hunt, History of Psychology | Moscow, AST, 2009 |
2653 | OP Eliseev, Workshop on personality psychologists | Moscow, Peter, 2008 |
2654 | TV Kornilova, Methodological bases of psychology | Moscow, Peter, 2008 |
2655 | AG Smirnov, Workshop on General Psychology | Moscow, Iz-vo Institute of Psychotherapy, 2005 |
2657 | K. Rogers, Counseling and psychotherapy | Moscow, Institute of Psychotherapy, 2008 |
2658 | AV Minchenkov, Methods of structural psychosomatics | St. Petersburg, JUVENTA, 2002 |
2659 | AV Gordiets, The child's readiness for school. Medical and psychological criteria | Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2006 |
2660 | I. Arkhipova, Diagnosis of mental development of a child | St. Petersburg, NiN, 2008 |
2661 | E. Byrne, Games in which people play | Moscow, EXMO, 2014 |
2662 | W. Frankl, Theory and therapy of neuroses | Zaporozhye, B-Press, 2012 |
2663 | SP Bocharova, Psychology of memory | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2016 |
2664 | E.V. Zaika, Experimental studies of memory | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2013 |
2665 | GV Sukhodolsky, Mathematical methods in psychology | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2008 |
2666 | VGBazhenov, Psychological mechanisms of correction of deviant behavior of schoolchildren | Rostv-na-Donu, Phoenix, 2007 |
2667 | LG Serova, Tests for personnel selection | Rostv-na-Donu, Phoenix, 2003 |
2668 | L. Carrol, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass | Great Britain, Wordsworth, 2001 |
2669 | K&D Cool, Htr Human Aura. How to Activate and Energize Your Aura and Chakras | India, Health Harmony, 2006 |
2670 | G. Hesse, The Steppe Wolf: A Book to Read in German | St. Petersburg, Caro, 2005 |
2671 | G. Böll, And did not say a single word = Und sagte kein einzigen Wort | Moscow, Iris Press, 2004 |
2672 | G. Grass, The Tin Drum: A Book to Read in German | St. Petersburg, Caro, 2005 |
2673 | H. Murakami, Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman | UK, Vintage, 2007 |
2674 | W. Smith, Elephant song | England, Guild Publishing, 1991 |
2675 | CW Menzel, Pieter der Drollige | GDR, 1969 |
2676 | T.M. Guzhva, English conversational topics: 67 topics: Textbook for students of faculty .. foreign. philology | Kharkiv, Folio, 2005 |
2677 | Robin Hood = Robin Hood | Moscow, Iris Press Rolf, 2002 |
2678 | E. Kinder, Die verbotene Frucht | GDR, 1972 |
2679 | A. Firouz, In the walled gardens | USA, 2003 |
2680 | JM Barrie, Peter Pan [= Peter Pan / J. Barry] | Moscow, Iris Press, 2006 |
2681 | I. Shaw, The Night Receptionist: A Book to Read in English | St. Petersburg, Caro, 2008 |
2682 | JD Carr, The Emperror's snuff-box | NY, “Carroll & Graf Publishers, inc.” 1995 |
2683 | JL Burke, Feast Day of Fools | UK, Phoenix, 2012 |
2684 | A.V. Kunin, English-Russian phraseological dictionary | Moscow, State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1956 |
2685 | S.D. Zaitseva, England in the distant past: a book to read in 7th grade. with the teaching of a number of subjects in English. | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1981 |
2686 | EP Chernogrudova, Fundamentals of speech communication | Moscow, Exam, 2008 |
2687 | N.V. Career guidance training for high school students "your choice" | St. Petersburg, Rech, 2007 |
2688 | Z. Freud, Psychopathology of everyday life | St. Petersburg, Alphabet, 2014 |
2689 | R. Bayard, your restless teenager | Moscow, Family and School, 1995 |
2690 | BS Volkov, Preparing a child for school | Moscow, Peter, 2008 |
2691 | E. Fromm, Escape from Freedom | Moscow, Progress, 1990 |
2692 | ND Lakosina, Textbook of medical psychology | Moscow, Medicine, 1976 |
2693 | J. Zavyalovo, The way of the coach | St. Petersburg, Rech, 2006 |
2694 | J. Kleiberg, Workshop on devianthology | St. Petersburg, Rech, 2007 |
2695 | D. Mathison, Media Discourse | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2017 |
2696 | L. Bellak, Projective Psychology | Moscow, Psychotherapy, 2010 |
2697 | R. Ulmer, Effective Crisis Communication | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2011 |
2698 | A. Kiseleva, The construction of subjective reality | Kharkiv, Humanitarian Center, 2010 |
2699 | V. Romanko, Statistical analysis of data in psychology | Moscow, BINOM, 2009 |
2700 | Yu. Sokolova, Tests for intellectual development of a child of five or six years | Moscow, Exmo, 2008 |
2701 | B. Ovchinnikov, Technologies for preserving and strengthening mental health | S._Petersburg, SpetsLit, 2010 |
2702 | A.Serdyuk, Psychohygiene of children and adolescents suffering from chronic somatic diseases | Vinnytsia, New book, 2012 |
2703 | L. Regush, Psychology of modern adolescents | St. Petersburg, Rech, 2005 |
2704 | A. Prikhzhan, Psychology of anxiety. Preschool and school age | S._Petersburg, Peter, 2007 |
2705 | E. Byrne, People who play games | Moscow, ECMO, 2007 |
2706 | T. Bauer, Mental development of the baby | Moscow, Progress, 1985 |
2707 | WE. Chistyakova, Psychogymnastics | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1990 |
2708 | YAWL. Kolominsky, Man: psychology: Book. For students of Art. classes | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1986 |
2709 | I.S. Cohn, Psychology of Early Adolescence: Book. For the teacher | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1989 |
2710 | Z. Freud, Psychology of the Unconscious: Sb. works | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1989 |
2711 | Almanac of psychological tests. Drawing tests | Moscow, from KSP, 1997 |
2712 | A.T. Filatov, Autogenic training | Kiev, "Health", 1979 |
2713 | AHEM. Nischuk, Psychology of children with mental disorders and disorders: A textbook on the course of psychology and defectology: Textbook. Part 2 | Vinnytsia, 2008 |
2714 | AHEM. Nischuk, Psychology of children with mental disorders and disorders: A textbook on the course of psychology and defectology: Textbook. Part 1 | Vinnytsia, 2008 |
2715 | I.A. Slobodyanyuk, Basics of client-centered therapy. Tutorial | Kyiv, Training and Methodological Center "Consortium for Improving Management Education in Ukraine", 2012 |
2716 | L.P. Sergienko, Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Psychology: Qualification and Thesis. Tutorial | Kyiv, Professional, 2009 |
2717 | O. Vlasova, Pedagogical psychology | Kyiv, Lybid, 2005 |
2718 | VP Moskalets, Psychology of personality: a textbook | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2017 |
2719 | A.V. Batarshev, Diagnosis of the ability to communicate | St. Petersburg, Peter, 2006 |
2720 | E.E. Kalba, School psychologist: the action potential of a high school student | Kyiv, "School World", 2010 |
2721 | Yu.I. Palekha, Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy | Kyiv, University of the European University, 2005 |
2722 | Z. Freud, Interpretation of dreams | Obninsk, "Title", 1992 |
2723 | V.V. Kozlov, Working with a crisis personality | Moscow, "Psychotherapy", 2007 |
2724 | R.D. Trigger, Psychological features of socialization of children with mental retardation | St. Petersburg, Peter Press, 2008 |
2725 | Yu.B. Gippenreiter, What to do to children… Questions and answers | Moscow, AST, 2015 |
2726 | I.K. Shatz, Psychological support of a seriously ill child. Monograph. | St. Petersburg, "Speech", 2010 |
2727 | O.N. Istratova, Psychological tests for high school students | Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2007 |
2728 | L.L. Razdorkina, Dance for health! Dance and game trainings | Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2007 |
2729 | E. Bono, A Textbook for Critical Decision Making | Minsk, "Potpourri", 2014 |
2730 | E.I. Golovakha, Psychology of human understanding. | Kiev, politizdat of Ukraine, 1989 |
2731 | B.V. Zeigarnik, Pathopsychology | Publishing House, Moscow University, 1986 |
2732 | O. Mashtal, The program of development of abilities of the child. 200 tasks, exercises and games (+ CD). | St. Petersburg, "Science and Technology", 2007 |
2733 | A.L. Zhuravleva, Psychological research: Issue 6 | Moscow, Publishing House "Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences", 2012 |
2734 | S.K. Nartova-Bochaver, The Sovereign Man: A Psychological Study of the Subject in His Being | SPb, "Peter", 2008 |
2735 | V. Kruglov, Tests for preparing children for school | Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", St. Petersburg "North-West", 2008 |
2736 | L.G. Nurieva, Speech development in autistic children. Methodical developments | Moscow, Terevinf, 2017 |
2737 | L.G. Nurieva, Speech development in autistic children. Visual materials | Moscow, Terevinf, 2017 |
2738 | M. Streletskaya, 100 best tests on the computer | Moscow, PETER, 2007 |
2739 | O. Vertiy, "We must learn to hear ourselves as Ukrainians" | Sumy, University Book, 2017 |
2740 | V. Danylenko, Lumberjack in the desert. Ptsmennik and the literary process | Kyiv, Academy, 2008 |
2741 | AI. Gordeeva, Syntax of the English language. Simple sentence. (English) | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
2742 | L.Frizman, Ivan Franko: a look at the literature | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2017 |
2743 | N. Kolosova, Artifacts | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2013 |
2744 | N. Kolsova, Riddle-answer. About the literature and culture of 1920-1940 | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2011 |
2745 | S. Burago, The invasion of paganism at the turn of the century | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2015 |
2746 | Z. Friedman, On the night of the seventh of November | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2017 |
2747 | A. Kairzhanov, Byzantium and the mentality of Kievan Rus. Meditations on the steppe road | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2012 |
2748 | G. Alyaeva, "Cultural border" by Lev Shestov | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2016 |
2749 | N. Nikitenko, from Constantinople to Kiev. Anna Porphyrogenitus… Wise or damned? | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2012 |
2750 | R. Warren, On Dissidents and Madness: From Leonid Brezhnev's Soviet Union to Vladimir Putin's Soviet Union | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2012 |
2751 | S. Abramovich, The Bible and the formation of the sacred space of European artistic culture | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2011 |
2752 | I. Bondarenko, Japanese poetics. Reader | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2013 |
2753 | I. Bondarenko, Japanese literature. Course of lectures. Part 1: ancient and classical periods | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2014 |
2754 | I. Bondarenko, Japanese literature. Course of lectures. Part 2: the period of shogunates | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2015 |
2755 | I. Bondarenko, Japanese literature. Course of lectures. Part 3: literature of the latest period | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2016 |
2756 | I. Ryabchun, Essays on the history of Greek music | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2017 |
2757 | S. Kryvoruchko, Literary works of Simone de Beauvoir: the evolution of artistic images | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2017 |
2758 | I. Megel, Eidos of literary discourse | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2016 |
2759 | I. Megel, Literature of the European Middle Ages | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2016 |
2760 | N. Skvira, Problems of Poetics of the Second Volume of M. Gogol's "Dead Souls" | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2010 |
2761 | I. Smushchynska, French lexicology | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2015 |
2762 | A.Kairzhanov, Palaeoturcica: Sign and semantics. Myth and culture | Kyiv, Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2017 |
2763 | Yu. Yusyp-Yakymovych, Old Slavic language | Kyiv, Knowledge, 2009 |
2764 | I. Susov, Introduction to Linguistics | Moscow, East-West, 2007 |
2765 | Internet communication in the activities of security sector institutions: theoretical and applied aspect. Monograph | Kyiv, National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, 2013 |
2766 | LF Kompantseva, Internet linguistics cognitive-pragmatic and linguocultural approaches | Luhansk, Knowledge, 2008 |
2767 | Oxford Russian-English dictionary | Simferopol, Renome, 2001 |
2768 | T. Guzhva, English conversational topics for entrants and students of high schools, colleges and colleges | Kiev, TANDEM, 1997 |
2769 | Test tasks for entrants. German | Lutsk, Tower, 2003 |
2770 | T. Baranovska, Grammar of the English language. Workbook | Kyiv, Logos, 2006 |
2771 | V. Meshcheryakov, University format of speech exercises. Didactic potential of reflection | Sumy, University Book, 2017 |
2772 | S. Walter, Cosmetics for Adam & Eve | Berlin, 1982 |
2773 | P. Auster, Invisible | NY, Picador, 2010 |
2774 | J. Reed, Yehn tage die die welt erschütterten | Berlin, 1958 |
2775 | PL Berger, Modernity, Pluralism and the Crisis of Meaning: the orientation of Modern Man | NY, 1995 |
2776 | G. Mairink, Walpurgis Night: A Book to Read in German | St. Petersburg, Caro, 2005 |
2777 | K. Steiniger, Rausch | GDR, 1987 |
2778 | AS Rossi, The feminist papers | Boston, Northeastern University Press, 1973 |
2779 | F. Wolf, Dramen | GDR, 1973 |
2780 | F. Wolf, Dramen and millet | GDR, 1973 |
2781 | S. de Beauvoir, The second sex | USA, 1989 |
2782 | J. Brězan, Krabat od Die Verwandlung der Welt | Berlin, 1976 |
2783 | T. Mann, Episches werk weltanshauung liben | Berlin, 1975 |
2784 | W. Faulkner, Absalom, Absalom! | Moscow, Progress, 1982 |
2785 | M. Buckley, The sisters Grimm: Once upon a crime | USA, Amulet books, 2007 |
2786 | R. Riordan, Percy Jackson and the battle of the labyrinth | England, Puffin, 2008 |
2787 | R. Riordan, Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters | England, Puffin, 2006 |
2788 | R. Riordan, Percy Jackson and the lightning thief | England, Puffin, 2005 |
2789 | SPIROU 302e album | Dupuis, 2008 |
2790 | SPIROU 254e album | 2000 |
2791 | SPIROU 306e album | Dupuis, 2008 |
2792 | Mérimée, La Vénus d'ille | Hachette livre, 2005 |
2793 | J. Wyndham, The chrysalids | England, Penguin Books, 1958 |
2794 | D. Pennac, Au bonheur des ogres | Gallimard, 1985 |
2795 | LH Anderson, Speak | USA, Penguin Group, 2006 |
2796 | R. Dahl, Tames and the Giant Peach | USA, Puffin Books, 2007 |
2797 | K. Noll, Disney club penguin. Big book of activities | Penguin books, 2010 |
2798 | ||
2799 | E. Colfer, And another thing | Canada, Penguin, 2009 |
2800 | VA Romenets, History of psychology of the twentieth century | Kyiv, Lybid, 2003, 1998 |
2801 | VA Romenets, History of psychology of the 17th century. Age of Enlightenment | Kyiv, Lybid, 2006 |
2802 | VA Romenets, History of psychology of the 17th century. Ancient world. Middle Ages. Renaissance | Kyiv, Lybid, 2005 |
2803 | L. Karamushka, Psychology of educational management | Kyiv, Lybid, 2004 |
2804 | J. Hrytsak, Contemporary Discussions on the Second World War | Lviv ZUKC, 2012 |
2805 | I. Shevandrin, Social psychology in education | Moscow, VLADS, 1995 |
2806 | A. Kovalenko, Psychology of interpersonal mutual understanding | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2010 |
2807 | S. Didenko, Psychology of sexuality | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2008 |
2808 | OIPredko, Psychology of religion | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2014 |
2809 | N. Zaitsev, Poetics and psychology of verbal creativity | Donetsk, Swan, 2007 |
2810 | T. Kyrylenko, Psychology: the emotional sphere of personality | Kyiv, Lybid, 2007 |
2811 | EN Levchenko, Fundamentals of Suggestopedia | Slavyansk, Printing yard, 2003 |
2812 | NV Slukhai, Suggestion and Communication: Linguistic Programming of Human Behavior | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2012 |
2813 | E. Glyva, Introduction to psychotherapy | Strict, Ostrog Academy, 2004 |
2814 | EO Pomitkin, Psychology of spiritual development of personality | Kyiv, Our Time, 2005 |
2815 | L. Zasekina, Psychological Perspectives, issue 24, 2014 | Lutsk, Lesia Ukrainka East European National University, 2014 |
2816 | W. Jelali, Psychology of Conflict Resolution | Kyiv, RIF, 2006 |
2817 | N.Slukhai, Cognitology and Conceptology in Linguistic Lighting | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2011 |
2818 | O. Bogucharova, Personal health in a psychological perspective | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2012 |
2819 | N. Shchurkova, Class leadership: game techniques | Moscow, Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2002 |
2820 | I. Kulagina, Age Psychology | Moscow, Creative Center, 2001 |
2821 | NV Mayer, Business French for distance learning | Kyiv, Ukraine, 2005 |
2822 | NV Mayer, French (textbook) | Kyiv, Ukraine, 2004 |
2823 | Maxipoche Larouse Dictionary 2012 | Paris, 2012 |
2824 | The new Retit Robert | Paris, 2008 |
2825 | A. Sancier-Chateau, Introduction to the Language of the XVIIe siecle | Paris, Nathan, 1993 |
2826 | M- M. Fragonard, Introduction to the Language of the XVIe siecle | Paris, Nathan, 1994 |
2827 | R. Martin, Appoche de la literatura latine tardive et protomédiévale | Paris, Nathan, 1994 |
2828 | D. Delas, Literature of the French languages | Paris, Nathan, 1999 |
2829 | J.-P. Watbled, Les mots de l'anglais | Paris, Nathan, 1998 |
2830 | B. Laurioux, La civilization du moyen age en france | Paris, Nathan, 1998 |
2831 | ON. Mostova, the 21st century encourages learning. A textbook in French. Languages for students. Senior. Courses of language faculties of higher educational establishments. | Kyiv, KNLU Publishing Center. 2010 |
2832 | Y. Durand, La france dance la Deuxiéme Guerre mondiale 1939-1945 | Paris, Armand Colin, 2001 |
2833 | O. Costa, Who are the French deputies? | France, 2007 |
2834 | F. Carades, Raymond Queneau a poet | Gallimard, 1982 |
2835 | D. Adad. Standing professor | France, 2008 |
2836 | O. Solomarska, Dialectologie française: manuel | University of Kyiv, 2013 |
2837 | History of Ukrainian literature of the XIX century. In two books. Book 1 | Kyiv: Higher School, 2003 |
2838 | History of Ukrainian literature of the twentieth century. In two books. Book 2 | Kyiv: Lybid, 1998 |
2839 | History of Ukrainian literature of the twentieth century. In two books. Book 1 | Kyiv: Lybid, 1998 |
2840 | History of Ukrainian literature of the twentieth century | Kyiv: Lybid, 1998 |
2841 | S. Galchak. Ukrainian Prometheus Taras Shevchenko and Vinnytsia | Vinnytsia: "Mercury-Podillya", 2013 |
2842 | Taras Shevchenko and St. Vladimir's University. Memories of contemporaries. | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2014 |
2843 | P. Zaitsev. The life of Taras Shevchenko | Kyiv: Amulets, 2004 |
2844 | L. Khinkulov. Taras Shevchenko | Moscow: "Fiction", 1960 |
2845 | VL Smilyanska. "The Holy Word of Fire…" | Kyiv: Dnipro, |
2846 | A. Kostenko. Lesya Ukrainka | Kyiv: Youth, 1971 |
2847 | Literature of the heroic day | Kyiv: "Scientific Thought, 1978 |
2848 | Builder of Ukrainian statehood. Textbook of political science articles by Ivan Franko | Kyiv: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2006 |
2849 | O. Slipushko. The spiritual state of Taras Shevchenko. Monograph | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2013 |
2850 | O. Kutsevol Studying the life and work of the great Kobzar through the artistic reception of literary Shevchenko | Vinnytsia: Console LLC, 2013 |
2851 | V. Sergiychuk. Taras Shevchenko | Vyshhorod: PPSergiychuk MI, 2014 |
2852 | V. Pakharenko. School Shevchenko studies | Bila Tserkva: "Gate - Ukraine", 2007 |
2853 | Lesya Ukrainka summarizes life in illustrations. Photobook. | Kyiv: Flash, 2001 |
2854 | Т.Шевченко. Catherine | Cherkasy: BRAMA-Ukraine, 2009 |
2855 | Н.Слухай. The world of Taras Shevchenko's sacred word | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2014 |
2856 | S. Rosovetsky. Taras Shevchenko and folklore | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2011 |
2857 | O. Slipushko. The spiritual state of Taras Shevchenko. Monograph. | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2013 |
2858 | Т.Шевченко. Take | Kiev: "Rainbow", 1984 |
2859 | A. Moisienko. The word in the system of Shevchenko's text | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2013 |
2860 | Z. Husar. In the space of Ivan Franko: studies, essays, sketches | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University, 2010 |
2861 | Taras Shevchenko and St. Vladimir's University. Memories of contemporaries | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2014 |
2862 | Z. Husar. Paths of life and work of Ivan Franko | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University, 2004 |
2863 | V. Smilyanska. Biographical Shevchenko (1861 - 1981) | Kyiv: "Scientific Thought", 1984 |
2864 | I. Dziuba. Taras Shevchenko | Kyiv: Alternatives, 2005 |
2865 | Shevchenko studies in the modern world. Monograph. | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2014 |
2866 | R. Rémond, History of France. The XXe year from 1918 to 1995 | Arthéme Fayard Book, 1996 |
2867 | M.Leon, exercices systématiques de prononciation française | Librairies Hachette et Larousse, 1976 |
2868 | R. Galisson, Vocabulary systematic review | Librairies Hachette et Larousse, 1970 |
2869 | GV Tcherniyenko, Que bien commence vite avance. French annual | University of Kyiv, 2014 |
2870 | I.V. Ivlieva, Oral Topics in French. Series "Textbooks and manuals" | Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2002 |
2871 | Th. Lemperiére, Psychiatrie de l'adulte | Paris, Masson, 1996 |
2872 | D. Chagnollaud, La Ve Republic | Arthéme Fayard Book, 1996 |
2873 | G.G. Kryuchkov, Advanced course of French: Textbook | Kyiv, Higher School, 2000 |
2874 | I. Ovcharenko. He has to live in the ages (Mikhail Petrenko) | Slavyansk, 1997 |
2875 | SL Koba. Alexander Dovzhenko. Life and work | Kyiv: Dnipro, 1979 |
2876 | Donetsk region - 75 years. Literary native land. Collection of materials | Donetsk: TsPTO, 2007 |
2877 | Volyn philological: text context. Portrait of the Department of Ukrainian Literature in Time | Lutsk: Volyn National University. L.Ukrainky, 2012 |
2878 | MK Naenko. Romantic epic | Kyiv: "Scientific Thought", 1988 |
2879 | А.Давидов. Healing stone | Kyiv: Youth, 1991 |
2880 | М.Невидайло. The offerings of the troubled times. Selected works | Uzhhorod: "Graphics", 2012 |
2881 | Todos Osmachka Selected Poetry | Cherkasy: "Sower", 1994 |
2882 | A. Bortnyak. Well, it would seem, words. Conversations about the culture of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv: "Ukrainian Writer", 1994 |
2883 | V. Korniychuk. Reflections on theater, music, literature | Ktiv: Phoenix, 2007 |
2884 | Spirituality of personality: methodology, theory, practice. Collection of scientific works | Luhansk: East Ukrainian National University. V.Dalya, 2009 |
2885 | Yarovy Valery Ivanovich. Bibliographic index | Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2006 |
2886 | Yuriy Drohobych. Prophecies and reflections | Drohobych: "Measurement", 2001 |
2887 | Spirituality of personality: methodology, theory, practice. Collection of scientific works | Luhansk: East Ukrainian National University. V.Dalya, 2009 |
2888 | Yuri Klen's works and the interwar period in Ukrainian literature | Vinnytsia: LLC "Firm Planer", 2012 |
2889 | History of Ukrainian literature of the twentieth century. Book one | Kyiv: Lybid, 1998 |
2890 | History of Ukrainian literature of the twentieth century. Book two | Kyiv: Lybid, 1998 |
2891 | M. Sirobaba. Return to consciousness. Poetry | Slavyansk: PE "Chancellor", 2004 |
2892 | Yevshan. Literary and cultural journal № 10 | Slavyansk: Matorin, 2006 |
2893 | Twentieth century: from modernity to tradition. Collection of scientific works. Issue 1 | Vinnytsia: LLC "Firm Planer", 2010 |
2894 | R.Ya.Pirig. life of Mykhailo Hrushevsky | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1993 |
2895 | Vasily Barka The Yellow Prince. Volumes I and II | New York - Kharkiv: Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences in the USA, 2008 |
2896 | Collection of materials of the all-Ukrainian scientific-practical seminar | Donetsk: NMC VET, 2005 |
2897 | SG Tarasenko Miracle World | Kyiv: MPP Center "Kyiv", 1995 |
2898 | Current problems of metalinguistics. Scientific collection part 2 | Cherkasy: ChDU, 2001 |
2899 | Bulletin of Cherkasy University. Issue 54 | Cherkasy: Cherkasy National University named after B. Khmelnytsky, 2004 |
2900 | Literary studies, folklore, culturology. Issue 21-22 | Cherkasy: Cherkasy National University named after B. Khmelnytsky, 2015 |
2901 | Bulletin of Cherkasy University. Series of philological sciences. Issue 158 | Cherkasy: Cherkasy National University named after B. Khmelnytsky, 2009 |
2902 | G. Grabovych In search of great literature | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography, 1993 |
2903 | B. Hrinchenko-M. Drahomanov. Dialogues on the Ukrainian national cause. Issue 1 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography, 1994 |
2904 | Hunting for "Waldschnep". Declassified Mykola Khvylovy | Kyiv: Tempora, 2009 |
2905 | Dialogue number 7-8 | Canada Toronto, 1982 |
2906 | Ukrainian literature 11th grade. Textbook | Kyiv: Irpin, 2001 |
2907 | Ukrainian literature 7th grade. Textbook | Kyiv: Genesis, 2007 |
2908 | Lessons of Ukrainian literature | Kharkiv: Osnova, 2005 |
2909 | Elective course programs and electives in Ukrainian literature | Kyiv: "Diploma", 2011 |
2910 | Methodical recommendations for the course "Methods of teaching Ukrainian literature" | Mariupol: MGI, 2004 |
2911 | L. Vinar Mykhailo Hrushevsky and the Scientific Society named after Shevchenko 1892-1934 | New York, Drohobych, Lviv: Ukrainian Historical Society, 2006 |
2912 | Mega collection of the latest student works 5-11 (12) classes | Kharkiv: VD "School", 2009 |
2913 | Thematic development of lessons on Ukrainian literature 10th grade | Kyiv: "Education", 2002 |
2914 | Spiritual wells part 2. Textbook for 10th grade | Kyiv "Schoolboy", 2004 |
2915 | G. Klochek From studies on literary education. Collection of articles and materials | Ternopil: textbook "Bogdan" |
2916 | Archive of the New Zaporozhian Sich. Case description 1713-1776 | Kyiv: "Scientific Thought", 1994 |
2917 | From the Shevchenko Scientific Society to the Ukrainian Free University. International scientific conference. Materials | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography, 1992 |
2918 | OI Zhurba. Kyiv Archaeographic Commission 1843-1921. Essay on history and activities | Kyiv: "scientific thought", 1993 |
2919 | Ukrainian literature 10-11 grades | Kharkiv: "Morning", 2005 |
2920 | Biographical necropolis in the context of modern historical science. Proceedings. Volume 9 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography, 2002 |
2921 | Proceedings. Volume 16 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies, 2008 |
2922 | M. Naenko History of Ukrainian Literary Studies and Criticism | Kyiv "Academy", 2010 |
2923 | M. Mukhina Humility by hunger. Collection of documents | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography, 1993 |
2924 | P. Sokhan M. Hrushevsky and Academia | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography, 1993 |
2925 | Scientific notes Collection of works of young scientists and graduate students volume 11 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies, 2005 |
2926 | Scientific notes Collection of works of young scientists and graduate students volume 10 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies, 2005 |
2927 | AS Kichenko, Pushkin Studies of YM Lotman 1970-1980…. | Cherkasy, Kichenko, 2012 |
292 | OV Vertiporokh, How to write a scientific paper on literature | Cherkasy, Vetipolokh, 2014 |
2929 | NPIvanova, History of Ancient Russian Literature | Cherkasy, Ivanova, 2014 |
2930 | AV Kozlov, Methods of teaching Ukrainian studies at school | Kyiv, Twim Inter, 2010 |
2931 | Language and culture, issue 16, vol.3 | Kyiv, Dmytro Burago, 2013 |
2932 | MS Vaskiv, Study of a lyrical work in the graduating class of secondary schools and universities | Kamianets-Podilskyi, Medobory, 2010 |
2933 | M. Vaskiv, Ukrainian emigration novel of 1930-50s | Kamianets-Podilskyi, Medobory, 2011 |
2934 | M. Vaskiv, Ukrainian novel of the 1920s-early 1930s: generics and architectonics | Kamianets-Podilskyi, Buynytskyi, 2007 |
2935 | T. Bereza, Practical English-Ukrainian Dictionary of Phraseological Synonyms | Lviv, Bak, 2011 |
2936 | Foreign languages in the context of culture v.1 | Perm, PU, 2010 |
2937 | Foreign languages in the context of culture v.2 | Perm, PU, 2010 |
2938 | A. Gradovsky, Literature lesson in the paradigm of modern technologies | Cherkasy, Gradovsky, 2015 |
2939 | .Romov, The Image of the Middle Ages. Essays on the French historical novel | Cherkasy, Romova, 2014 |
2940 | S. Kovpik, Thematic dictionary-reference book on Ukrainian studies | Kyiv, Accent, 2007 |
2941 | PP Kononenko, Ukrainian Studies in High School | Kyiv, Accent, 2007 |
2942 | L. Sydorenko, Normativeness of postpositive derivation of technical terms | Cherkasy, Sidorenko, 2014 |
2943 | M. Vardanyan, "Children's Literature": guidelines for independent work | Krivoy Rog, Vardanyan, 2015 |
2944 | Methodical materials for seminars on the course "Introduction to Literary Studies" | Horlivka, GIIM, 2012 |
2945 | I. Korolev, Fundamentals of linguistic knowledge | Kyiv, KNU, 2013 |
2946/1 | Materials for seminars on the course "Introduction to Linguistics" | Gorlovka, 2012 |
2947 | Methodical, materials for seminars on the course "Analysis of artistic text" | Horlivka, 2012 |
2948 | A.Hamon, Grammare Francaise | Paris, Hachette, 1960 |
2949 | C.Baylon, Systematic grammar of French lalangue | Paris, Nathan, 1978 |
2950 | J. Leyens, Sommes-nous tous racists | Mardaga, 2012 |
2951 | Pratigues de L'intime | Brussels, 2012 |
2952 | F. Caestercker, Migrants for a Diploma | Paris, Academia, 2013 |
2953 | S. Farandiis, Texts et propos sur la francophonie | Paris, Editions, 1984 |
2954 | L. Thiry, The virus and men | Paris, Coeleur livres, 2012 |
2955 | B, Deprez, Marguerite Yourrcenar et les Etats-Unis | Paris, Racine, 2012 |
2956 | M. Arrive, Bescherelle la conjugaison pour tous | Canada, Hatier, 1977 |
2957 | Le Robert, Etymologiguer du Francais | Paris, Racine, 2009 |
2958 | Maes, Psychologie de L'adaptation | Paris, de boeck, 2012 |
2959 | N. Vivier, Dictionnaire de la France du 19 siecle | Paris, Hachette, 2002 |
2960 | N. Kobrin, Short French-Russian educational dictionary | Moscow, Russian language, 1978 |
2961 | J. Backes, La europeenne literature | Paris, Editions, 1996 |
2962 | M. Merieux, Latitudes 1, A1 / A2 | Paris, Didier, 2008 |
2963 | R. Schmitt, Langue Francaise Ce 2 | Paris, Nathan, 1987 |
2964 | Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference | Dnipropetrovsk, Kirkovskaya, 2015 |
2965 | C.Miguel, Grammaire tn dialogues | Paris, international, 2013 |
2966 | J. Joubert, La Poesie | Paris, Colin, 1988 |
2967 | Vincent van Cogh Lettres a son frère Theo | Paris, Grasset, 1990 |
2968 | Linguistic initiation | Paris, Nathan, 1990 |
2969 | Henry, Dictionnaire des Experes sions nees de l'histore | Paris, Tallandier, 1992 |
2970 | J. Leconte, Dictionnare des Synonymes et des Equivalences | Francaise, Poche, 1993 |
2971 | A. Gasquez, Grammare et Expression Ecrite 4/3 | Paris, Nathan, 1992 |
2972 | French art collection | Paris, Bordas, 1992 |
2973 | E. Roy-Reverzy, Le roman au XIX siecle | Sedes, 1998 |
2974 | Latituredes 1, Metode de Francais | Paris, Didir, 2011 |
2975 | Corneeille, The mentor, comedy | Paris, Larousse |
2976 | Corneille, Polyeucte | Francaise, Poche, 2003 |
2977 | R. Tarrach, Dieu et la science | Matanel, Propos |
2978 | S. Frreud, Three Essays on Sexual Theory | Gallimard, 1987 |
2979 | S. Frreud, Le malaise dans la culture | France, 1995 |
2980 | W. Hugo, Notre Dame de Paris | Syktyvkar, Komi, 1983 |
2981 | A. Conan Doyle, vol.2 | Moscow, Ogiz, 1993 |
2982 | A. Conan Doyle, vol.3 | Moscow, Ogiz, 1993 |
2983 | T. Mann, Buddenbrook | Moscow, Finance and Statistics, 1982 |
2984 | Rue Ludlam, Matlock Paper | Donetsk, Search, 1994 |
2985 | Economic quadriling vocabulary by Francois Labreucbe, Gilles Mazerau and Micbel Tirard | France, Puf, 2000 |
2986 | New Headway English Course. Student Book | Oxford, Press, 1996 |
2987 | New Headway English Course. Teacher's Book | Oxford, Press, 1996 |
2988 | R. Galisson, Dictionnaire de Didactique des langues | Hachette, 1976 |
2989 | Berger, Psychologie du developpement | Paris, De boeck, 2012 |
2990 | Modern English Teacher | Gambridge, Press, 1993 |
2991 | Hotline intermediate | Oxford, Press, 1996 |
2992 | Hotline strter | Oxford, Press, 1996 |
2993 | Barron's, How ot Prepare for Ap English | Barron's, America, 1997 |
2994 | Reward Pre-intermediate Student's Book | English, Hienemann, 1994 |
2995 | H. Auge, Methode de Francais Livre de L'eleve 2 | CLE international, 2005 |
2996/1 | The Standy Book | Cambridge, Handbook, 1997 |
2997 | Guide Pratique du Francais d'aujourd'hui | Paris, Selection, 1997 |
2998 | N. Guibert, Le journal de la Comedie-Francaise 1787-1799 | Sides, Empreintes, 1989 |
2999 | Dubenko OY, Anglo-American proverbs and sayings | Vinnytsia, New Book, 2004 |
3000/2 | VI Fesenko, The French Novel 1945-2000. The alchemy of the word | Kyiv, Promin, 2005 |
3001 | L. Kopets, Classical experiments in psychology | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2010 |
3002 | Bulletin of Cherkasy University issue..54 | Cherkasy, ChNU, 2004 |
3003 | KA Guzeeva, English language | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1992 |
3004 | Philosophy of politics. Reader. Volume 2 | Kyiv, "Knowledge of Ukraine", 2003 |
3005 | Practical philosophy. Scientific journal | Nizhyn, Aspect-Polygraph, 2007 |
3006 | L. Lyubimov Art of Western Europe | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1976 |
3007 | Dresden Art Gallery. Old masters | Dresden, 1967 |
3008 | E. Golubeva Conversations about Russian artists | Leningrad, Enlightenment, 1960 |
3009 | Novels. D. Sita. Private investigation | |
3010 | J. Verne Volume 5. Twenty thousand lire under. with water | |
3011 | I. Stone Thirst for life | |
3012 | M. Ilyin Research and essays | |
3013 | D. Sarabyanov Russian painting of the 19th century among European schools | |
3014 | Essays on the history of Russian culture 9-17 centuries. A book for the teacher | |
3015 | Culture and art of 19th century Russia. Collection of articles | |
3016 | N. Gulyanitsky History of architecture | |
3017 | Drawing and painting Volume 1 | |
3018 | G. Starodubets Genesis of the Ukrainian insurgent garrison | |
3019 | I. Filipchak For Xiang! | |
3020 | M. Tsukanova On the verge of two worlds | |
3021 | S.Kvit Freedom of style | |
3022 | O. Kishko-Lutsyshyna Conscious night. Poetry | |
3023 | Yu.Redko Dictionary of modern Ukrainian surnames in 2 volumes Volume 1 AM | |
3024 | Yu.Redko Dictionary of modern Ukrainian surnames in 2 volumes Volume 2 Н-Я | |
3025 | Annals of the Lemko region part 4 | |
3026 | V. Uvarov Murder in the intermission | |
3027 | K. Kizi Over the cuckoo's nest | |
3028 | P. Kolisnyk Mission of Kyiv | |
3029 | Anthology Book of Judas | |
3030 | General psychology under. ed .. A.Petrovsky | |
3031 | I. Kon Psychology of early adolescence | |
3032 | F. Furman Blood and coal | |
3033 | P. Polovetsky Tsar the wise Sarivon | |
3034 | B. Rainov Mr. Nobody | |
3035 | P. Gurinenko Alpine aster | |
3036 | R. Rakhmanny Fire and ashes: rush and break of Ivan Dziuba | |
3037 | 3037 I. Krypyakevych Galicia-Volyn principality | |
3038 | Paradigm Collection of scientific works Issue 3 | |
3039 | Voices from there | |
3040 | J. Zapasko Hunting manuscripts of Ukraine | |
3041 | M.Bogachevska-Hamster White in white | |
3042 | R. Furdui The charm of mystery | |
3043 | V. Shevchuk City of days | |
3044 | V. Bozhok Immortal thunders. Poetry | |
3045 | V. Kovalik Freemasonry is a ruin of faith and peoples | |
3046 | A. Amalric Dissident's Notes | |
3047 | V.Symonenko The shore is minted | |
3048 | A. Shifrin The fourth dimension | |
3049 | M. Rudenko Behind bars | |
3050 | T. Erem Soviet aquarium | |
3051 | L.Ukrainka Dramatic works | |
3052 | Kiev Encyclopedic reference book | |
3053 | V. Karpenko Time to collect stones | |
3054 | V. Lytvyn Ukraine in the Second World War (1939-1945) | |
3055 | P. Movchan Salt of Poetry | |
3056 | I. Bagryany Tiger Hunters | |
3057 | M. Pankiv Theophilia: about Theophilia Bzova-Fedoriv-Stakhiv | |
3058 | V. Neborak Flying head | |
3059 | M. Kotlyar Danylo Halytsky | |
3060 | Prohasko Lexicon of secret knowledge | |
3061 | Poetry Kostenko, Oles, Symonenko | |
3062 | Prayer of the Exile Collection | |
3063 | S. Alexandrovich Cathedral of St. George in Lviv | |
3064 | Paradigm Collection of scientific works Issue 4 | |
3065 | O. Kyrychuk Yosyp Slipiy: Rector - Metropolitan Prisoner - Cardinal and Patriarch | |
3066 | 3067Catalogue of Ukrainian money from 1917 | |
3067 | I am Melnyk and the last part of the road… Ivan Franko in 1914-1916 | |
3068 | Z. Terlak Dictionary of the language of Ivan Franko's poetry collection "My Emerald" part 1 AM | |
3069 | Z. Terlak Dictionary of the language of Ivan Franko's poetry collection "My Emerald" part 2 H-I | |
3070 | Fourth International Congress of Ukrainians History part 2 of the twentieth century | |
3071 | Deportations Documents, materials, memoirs | |
3072 | Ukrainian classical plays | |
3073 | J. Benzoni Marianna. A star for Napoleon | |
3074 | The alchemy of profit | |
3075 | S. Zhadan Dynamo Kharkiv | |
3076 | V. Oliynyk Laying of life | |
3077 | M. Khvylovy Blue sketches | |
3078 | M. Mathios Nation | |
3079 | L. Deresh The Last Love of Asura Maharaja | |
3080 | M. Bumblebee The source of truth | |
3081 | M. Kiyanovska Something everyday | |
3082 | Yu. Lavrinenko Shot revival | |
3083 | S. Grabovsky The mess of Joseph Stalin | |
3084 | I. Franko Zvershin and lowlands | Lviv, Lviv National University named after I. Franko, 2004 |
3085 | L. Denisenko Corporation of Idiots | Kyiv, Nora-Druk, 2012 |
3086 | D. Korniy Honykhmarnyk | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2010 |
3087 | V. Kuzmenko The World of Truth and Beauty Literary-critical essay | Kyiv, CCU, 2007 |
3088 | M. Kotsyubynsky Volume 1 | Kyiv, Dnipro, 1979 |
3089 | T. Sirochuk Guillaume Apollinaire Essay on poetics and stylistics | Lviv, NT, 2004 named after Shevchenko |
3090 | Ms. Kotsyubynsky Fata morgana | Kharkiv, Folio, 2013 |
3091 | I. Salo The mind will win | Sumy, Cossack Wall, 2002 |
3092 | We are. There were. And we will. Training manual | Kyiv, Lenvit, 2003 |
3093 | School calendar: ethnographic holidays | Kharkiv, Osnova, 2006 |
3094 | A. Vinnychuk "Heroism must have an award", Monograph | Vinnytsia, Planer Firm LLC, 2010 |
3095 | G.Pivtorak Ukrainians: where we come from and our language | Kyiv, Nukova Dumka, 1993 |
3096 | А.Болабольченко. Life as it will be | Kyiv, "Cheek", 2009 |
3097 | O. Zabuzhko A fairy tale about a viburnum flute | Kyiv, Komora, 2013 |
3098 | M. Vaskiv Materials on history, literary criticism and genealogy for independent work of students | Kamianets-Podilskyi, PE "Medobory", 2010 |
3098 | A. Glotov Two epochs. Monograph | Ostrog, SPD Svinarchuk R., 2015 |
3099 | D. Palychko Nostalgia, poetry | Kyiv, Osnovy, 1998 |
3100 | O. Nikolenko Romanticism in poetry | Kharkiv, Ranok, 2003 |
3101 | G. Shambrovsky Post Omnes Leopolis: film newspaper | Lviv, Magazine, 2013 |
3102 | O. Ordinary Myrhorod Fair | Ostrog, Ostroh Academy, 2015 |
3103 | I. Patryliak Victory or death | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2015 |
3104 | M. and S. Dyachenko Ritual | Kyiv, Globus, 2015 |
3105 | All lessons of Ukrainian literature in the 11th grade | Kharkiv, "Osnova", 2011 |
3106 | M. Matviyiv-Melnyk Works | Lviv, NT named after Shevchenko, 1995 |
3107 | T. Yakovenko Ukrainian postmodern poetry | Vinnytsia, Planer Firm LLC, 2012 |
3108 | New works and names in the program of Ukrainian literature grades 7-11 | Ternopil, Textbook-Bogdan, 2006 |
3109 | Yu. Andrukhovich Two novels | Ivano-Frankivsk, "Lily-NV", 2014 |
3110 | L. Kononovich Shackles for the oligarch | Lviv, Calvary, 2001 |
3111 | G. Danilevsky Princess Tarakanova | Kyiv, Dnipro, 1987 |
3112 | N. Hobzey Hutsul mythology | Lviv, Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2002 |
3113 | S. Duhamel, Le guide de la cuisine etudiante | Paris, Jeunes, 2000 |
3113 | O. Semenova Communicative strategies (French, second (master's) level of higher education | Bakhmut, GIIM, 2018 |
3114 | Labiche, Leyare de Monsieur Perrichon | Librairie Generale Francaise, 1987 |
3114 | Collssns Everyday English usage | London. And Glasgov. 1960 |
3115 | A. Gide, Thesee | New York, Gallimard, 2008 |
3115 | Albert Camus L'etranger | Paris. A Saint-Amand. 1995 |
3116 | N. Machiavel, Le Prince | Paris, Libvio, 1997 |
3116 | Maupassant Contes (1880-1890) | Paris. Edition. 1981 |
3117 | Labiche, Un Chapeau de Paille D'Italie | Paris, Larousse, 1987 |
3117 | Balzac Champagne medicine | Canada. Bookstore. 1972 |
3118 | Ukrainian language part II | Kyiv, Higher School, 1977 |
3118 | S. Kinsella, Confessions of a Shopaholic | London, SWD, 2000 |
3119 | Reel, Aurelien | New York, Gallimard, 1988 |
3119 | M. Ivy Ukrainian language. Directory | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1990 |
3120 | J.Verne, Le rayon vert | Paris, Larousse, 1968 |
3120 | V. Hmyryanska English textbook | Kyiv, Higher School, 1982 |
3121 | The Oxford Russian Dictionary | Oxford-Moscow. 1999 |
3122 | English for Banking English language guide for banking students | Moscow, "Manager", 2000 |
3123 | English for university entrants written exam. Tests with answers | Moscow, Glossa-Press, 2009 |
3124 | M.Vozna English for senior courses. Tutorial | Kyiv, Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2012 |
3125 | L. Kulish Accelerated English language course | Kyiv, Higher School, 1995 |
3126 | G. Kozachuk Ukrainian language Workshop | Kyiv, Higher School, 1991 |
3127 | E. Muncie 100 conversational topics in English. Texts, vocabulary, tasks | Kyiv, ASK, 2006 |
3128 | P. Bech English language textbook for university entrants | Kikhv, "Lybid", 1992 |
3129 | G. Pristai Practical English course: the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine | Drohobych, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2012 |
3130 | M. Kekosh English language: music in our life | Drohobych, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2013 |
3131 | O. Selivanova Mastering the English language and culture. Tutorial part 1 | Kyiv, Lenvit, 2008 |
3132 | V. Shitov With an open visor | Rostov-on-Don, Prof-Press, 1994 |
3133 | E. McBain 87th Poltsei Precinct | Moscow, Text-RIF, 1992 |
3134 | E. Stanley Gardner Collection of Fixes Volume 1 | Minsk, Eridan, 1995 |
3135 | V. Butenko Practical English language course: texts for home reading | Drohobych, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2012 |
3136 | N. Kishik Practical course of English language: methodical recommendations on the organization of reading instruction | Drohobych, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2014 |
3137 | G. Gutbrod Successful communication in business and education | Kyiv, Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2006 |
3138 | I. Bogatsky Business course of English language | Kiev, Logos, 2001 |
3139 | O. Pavlishak Business English: texts and tasks for independent work | Drohobych, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2014 |
3140 | O. Pavlishak Business English: business correspondence | Drohobych, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2012 |
3141 | A collection of exercises to prepare Ikurs students to perform modular tests in English | Kyiv, KNLU, 2007 |
3142 | N.Pozhidayeva Practical tasks for independent work to the video course. Oral and written practice (English) | Kharkiv, Fedorko, 2015 |
3143 | R. Melnyk English for international marketing. Tutorial | Kyiv, Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2013 |
3144 | O. Pinska We read the press in English | Kyiv, Knowledge, 1998 |
3145 | M. Kravtsiv Practice of oral and written speech | Drohobych, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2014 |
3146 | L. Pamukhina Business English. English textbook part 3 | Moscow, Veche, 2000 |
3147 | S. Sheveleva Business English student. Accelerated course | Moscow, Unity, 2001 |
3148 | O. Kravets Test tasks for control of the level of formation of linguistic and communicative competence of part-time students (3rd year) | Drohobych, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2012 |
3149 | S. Zaostrovska Pragmalinguistics. A textbook for students of higher educational institutions | Lutsk, L. Ukrainka East European National University, 2013 |
3150 | A. Schweizer Literary English in the United States and England | Moscow, Higher School, 1971 |
3151 | A. Schweizer Literary English in the United States and England | Moscow, Higher School, 1971 |
3152 | G.Vyborova Textbook of English for the humanities faculties of universities (stage 2) | Moscow, Nauka, 1997 |
3153 | P. Zelensky English for university entrants | Kyiv, Higher School, 1987 |
3154 | Luko Dashvar The village is not people | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club |
3155 | M. Ilnytsky Drama without catharsis. Book 2 | Lviv, I. Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 2003 |
3156 | Umberto Eco The name of the Rose. Novel | Moscow, Book Chamber, 1989 |
3157 | M. Bulgakov Volume 1 | Kiev, Dnipro, 1989 |
3158 | M. Bulgakov Volume 2 | Kiev, Dnipro, 1989 |
3159 | M. Bulgakov Selected works | Kyiv, Dnipro, 1990 |
3160 | Laboratory exercises exercises for work in a language laboratory 1 course | Leningrad, Enlightenment, 1977 |
3161 | Spoken English | Moscow, Novina LLP, 1995 |
3162 | 1000 oral topics in English | Moscow, Astrel, 1999 |
3163 | Martin Keane Bad dog | Moscow, Rippol Classic, 2012 |
3164 | Nicolas Vanier Stay alive | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2011 |
3165 | N.Bonk English course for beginners | Kyiv, Higher School, 1986 |
3166 | New English-Russian dictionary of 160 thousand words and phrases | Moscow, "Russian language", 1998 |
3167 | Dictionary of foreign words | Moscow, "Russian language", 1989 |
3168 | N. Severin Before the defeat | Simferopol "Business Inform", 1995 |
3169 | Olivia Wadsley no matter what. novel | Kharkiv, Grif, 1995 |
3170 | A. Haley Hotel novel | Kharkiv, "Flag", 1994 |
3171 | Ross MacDonald. Everyone is suspected of murder. novel | Moscow, Ada, 1994 |
3172 | Return with honor Captain scott o'grady | New York. Copyright. 1995 |
3173 | Abelle mason Ports of Entpy Ethnic Impressions | Toponto. Hapcourt Brace Iovanovich. 1984 |
3174 | Neighbop Law | By Attorney Cora gordan.2006 |
3175 | Nonviolent struggle50 crucial points | Serbia. Beigrade. 2006 |
3176 | G, Boblyk Computer technologies | Kyiv, Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2013 |
3177 | O. Vashtalova English language Textbook for part-time students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics | Kyiv, Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2013 |
3178 | T. Kosarevska English as a language of science | Kyiv, Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2013 |
3179 | The Womens Guide to Legal Issues | Los Angeles. Renaissance Books.2005 |
3180 | S. Gaevsky Frankiv "Moses" | Lviv, Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences, 1996 |
3181 | History of Ukrainian literature of the late 19th - early 20th century in two books. Book 2 part two (1960-1990). Edited by V. Donchik | Kyiv, Lybid, 1995 |
3182 | History of Ukrainian literature of the late 19th - early 20th century, edited by P. Snoring | Kyiv, Higher School, 1991 |
3183 | V. Karatash At the barricades of Kangaroo | Kyiv, Ukrainian Priority, 2014 |
3184 | M. Hrushevsky History of Ukrainian Literature Volume 1 | Kyiv, Lybid, 1993 |
3185 | M. Hrushevsky History of Ukrainian Literature Volume 3 | Kyiv, Lybid, 1993 |
3186 | M. Hrushevsky History of Ukrainian Literature Volume 5 Book 2 | Kyiv, Lybid, 1995 |
3187 | M. Hrushevsky History of Ukrainian Literature Volume 4 Book 2 | Kyiv, Lybid, 1996 |
3188 | M. Hrushevsky History of Ukrainian Literature Volume 5 Book 1 | Kyiv, Lybid, 1994 |
3189 | M. Hrushevsky History of Ukrainian Literature Volume 4 Book 1 | Kyiv, Lybid, 1994 |
3190 | A. Zhurakovsky Satellites | Kharkiv, Folio, 2008 |
3191 | M. Ryapolova Buretsvit | Lviv, Calvary, 2010 |
3192 | Yu. Pokalchuk Color melodies | Kyiv, Soviet writer, 1984 |
3193 | O. Tarnavsky Literary Lviv 1939-1944 | Lviv, Prosvita, 1995 |
3194 | O. Ordinary Myrhorod Fair | Ostrog, Ostroh Academy, 2015 |
3195 | M. Nevydailo Man to man - a wolf | Uzhhorod "Graphics", 2013 |
3196 | M. Nevidailo Dinosaurs | Uzhhorod "Graphics", 2013 |
3197 | P. Gayovsky In unity is hope | Kyiv, Pulsary University, 2010 |
3198 | Izdrik Double Leon | Ivano-Frankivsk, "Lily-NV", 2000 |
3199 | I. Rozdobudko Reformulation | Kyiv, Nora-print, 2007 |
3200 | F. Argod-Dutard, La linguistique littéraire | Paris, Armand Colin, 1998 |
3201 | E. Naya, Le vocabulaire des sceptiques | Ellipses edition marketing SA, 2002 |
3202 | V. Laurand, Le vocabulaire des stoїciens | Ellipses edition marketing SA, 2002 |
3203 | M. Detienne, The national identity, an enigma | Gallimard, 2010 |
3204 | E. Balibar, Race, nation, class | Poche, 1966 |
3205 | JC. Caron, La nation, the state and democracy in France from 1789 to 1914 | Paris, Armand Colin, 1995 |
3206 | M. Duverger, The Political Parties | Paris, Armand Colin, 1976 |
3207 | A.Finkielkraut, La querelle de l'école | Editions Stock, 2007 |
3208 | T. Gautier, Arria Marcella | The book book, 1994 |
3209 | P. de Ronsard, Les Amours | Gallimard, 1964 |
3210 | О.В. Romanenko, Pedagogical Education in France: Formation of professional competence of future teachers: Textbook | Dnepropetrovsk, Thresholds, 2006 |
3211 | B. Conter, The European Strategy for Employment: Enthusiasm for Effect | CRISP, 2012 |
3212 | A. Pohu, JusticeS transitionnelleS Oser a model burundias | Brussels, 2013 |
3213 | B. Degache, Revista de rede eyropeia sobre interco, preensào, Investigaçao sobre, etodologia de ensino da interco, preensao | Alpiarça, |
3214 | F. Kafka, La Métamorphose | The book |
3215 | Voltaire, The Princess of Babylon | The book |
3216 | Rimbaud, Le bateau ivre et autres poemes | Paris, 1994 |
3217 | Moliére, Les Précieuses ridicules | Classics illustrated Hachette, 1969 |
3218 | A. Lesot, The Invention of Invention | Paris, Hatier, 2002 |
3219 | JP Santiago, African American Practitioners | L'Harmattan, 2006 |
3220 | B.Olivi, L'Europe difficile | Gallimard, 1998 |
3221 | N.V. Mayer, French. Basic course | Kyiv, Ukraine University, 2004 |
3222 | O. Khmil, French-Ukrainian phraseological dictionary: textbook | Drohobych, Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko, 2012 |
3223 | A.Historical morphology of French verbs | Paris, Honorary Champion Editor, 1995 |
3224 | A.Preiss, The Literary Dissertation | Paris, Ar, and Colin éditeur, 1989 |
3225 | M. Ya. Demyanenko, Activation of oral speech | Kyiv, Main Publishing House of the Higher School Publishing Association, 1987 |
3226 | J. D'Agata, Yucca Mountain | Sensitive zones, 2012 |
3227 | F. Kafka, La Métamorphose | Flammarion, 1988 |
3228 | G.Simenon, Maigret S'a, use | Presses de la cité, 1967 |
3229 | F. Bon, Prison | Verdier, 1997 |
3230 | H.A. Serillo, Textbook "Organization of interactive reading (theory and practice of formation of speech competence in reading for students of 2-5 courses of the Faculty of Spanish)" | Kyiv, KNLU, 2005 |
3231 | G.Flaubert, Trois contes | Librarie Larousse, 1973 |
3232 | J.Giono, Deux cavaliers de l'orage | Gallimard, 1965 |
3233 | J. Bénazéraf, The School of Women. Moliere | Nathan, 1989 |
3234 | M. Genevoix, Bestiares sans oubli | Plon, 1971 |
3235 | B.de Saint-Pierre, Paul et Virginie | Librarie Larousse, 1972 |
3236 | N.V. Mayer, Business French | Kyiv, Ukraine University, 2005 |
3237 | A.Collard, Referential | Universitaires de namur, 2013 |
3238 | B.Pochet, Writing and Writing Scientific Literature | La agronomiques de Gembloux, 2012 |
3239 | M. Molilié, Démarches portfolio in didactics of languages and cultures | University of Cergy-Pontoise, 2011 |
3240 | VI Melnik, Typical French Language Program for Universities and Institutes (five-year course) | Kyiv, KNLU, 2004 |
3241 | V.G. Matviishin, Business course of the French language: Textbook. allowance | Moscow, Iris Press, 2004 |
3242 | R.Baniol, A novel of the apprenticeship of the XIXe seat: Le Pére Goriot | Paris, Belin, 1995 |
3243 | GH Riviera, Les couleurs de la France. Houses and beaches | Paris, CEP edition, 1982 |
3244 | G.G. Kryuchkov, French: level B2 | Kyiv, Kyiv University, 2012 |
3245 | S. Lindstromberg, Language Activities for Teenagers | Cambrige university press, 2004 |
3246 | R. Petitjean, De la lecture a l'écriture. The transformation of the text | CEDIC, 1984 |
3247 | A. Dieckhoff, La nation dans tous ses Etats | Flammarion, 2000 |
3248 | J. Moreau, The French Socialists and the Revolutionary Myth | Hachette, 2003 |
3249 | F. Guirand, Loachi, du Bellay Oeuvres Choissies | Librairie larousse, 1938 |
3250 | F. Guirand, Mme of famous letters choisies | Librairie larousse, 1965 |
3251 | M. Verdelhan, Méthode de français, cahier d'exercices | CLE international, 2004 |
3252 | E. Oughlissi, Vocabulaire tests CLE | CLE International, 2003 |
3253 | R. Mérieux, Latitudes 1, Méthode de français A1 / Qé | Didier |
3254 | E. D'Orgeix, Modern Architectures, the Patriotic Heritage | Mardaga |
3255 | Y. Bonnefoy, Assentiments et patages | Willia, blake & co, 2005 |
3256 | P. Mary, Enjeux contemporains de la prison | Brussels, 2013 |
3257 | H. Hi, all right! 2 French method. Cahier d 'exercices | CLE, International, 2005 |
3258 | J. Girardet, Panorama de la langue française 1, Méthode de franéçais | CLE, International, 1996 |
3259 | .. Blanc, Escales 1, Method of French | CLE International, 2001 |
3260 | .. Blanc, Escales 1, Cahier d 'exercices, Method of French | CLE International, 2001 |
3261 | .. Blanc, Escales 2, Cahier d 'exercices, Method of French | CLE International, 2001 |
3262 | D. Abry, Ici, Method of French | CLE International, 2008 |
3263 | D .Berger. Accord. French method, level2 | Didier, 2000 |
3264 | J. Girardet, Panorama de la langue française 2, Méthode de franéçais | CLE Internqtional, 1996 |
3265 | A. M. Johnson, Taxi! 3 Method of French cahier d'exercices | Hachette livre, 2007 |
3266 | A. M. Jhonson, Taxi !, French method, 3 | Hachette, 2004 |
3267 | L.Hutchings, Taxi 2 Cathier d'exercices, French method | Hachette, 2009 |
3268 | R. Mérieux, level 2, Connections, method of fraçais | Didier, 2004 |
3269 | R. Mérieux, Latitudes 1, Méthode de français A1 / A2 | Didier, 2008 |
3270 | MH Lopes, Level 3, Ettoi? French method | Didier, 2008 |
3271 | H.Augé, All right! 1 Method of French. Bookcase | CLE International, 2004 |
3272 | A.Campa, Forum méthode de français é | Hachette, 2001 |
3273 | C.Baylon, Forum 2, French method | Hachette; 2000 |
3274 | M.Caylat, Pépites Français CM2 | Magnard, 2013 |
3275 | J .Labascoule, Rond - Point 1, French method of swimming on the taches | PUG, 2005 |
3276 | E.Siréjols, Gramaire niveau avancé 450 nouveaux exercices | CLE, 2002 |
3277 | B.Chevalier, Bien lire a l'école. Level 1 | Nathan, 1987 |
3278 | R.Dascotte, Les chemins de l'expression CE1 | Hatchette, 1975 |
3279 | J.Girardet, Panorama 3, Method of French | CLE, 1996 |
3280 | All right! Method of French, Book of Lives 2 | CLE, 2005 |
3281 | C.Flumian, Round point 2 | PUG, 2004 |
3282 | R. Mérieux, Connexions. Level 2, Method of French | Didier, 2004 |
3283 | R. Mérieux, Connexions. Level 2, Cahier d'exercices | Didier, 2004 |
3284 | M.Aguilar, Dilf 1.1 150 activities | CLE, 2008 |
3285 | R. Menand, the new TAXI! 2 methods of French | Hachette, 2009 |
3286 | J. Blanc, Escales, French method | CLE, 2001 |
3287 | N.V. Lyubchuk, Comparative Grammar of German and Ukrainian Languages. Morphology: Textbook. | Kyiv University, 2011 |
3288 | J .Fastres, Les Roms. Chronicles of an integrated integration | Free color, 2012 |
3289 | JJ Julaud, Le français correct pour les nuls | First, 2004 |
3290 | Semiotics, phenomenology, discourses | L'Harmattan, 1996 |
3291 | A.Skrypnyk. French morphology: manual | University of Kiev, 2011 |
3292 | J. Dubois, General Rhetoric | Librairie larousse, 1970 |
3293 | JL Tritter, History of the French Language | Ellipses, 1999 |
3294 | J. Galsworthy, A modern comedy. Book 3 | Progress, 1976 |
3295 | A.Mqurel, La critique | Hachette, 1994 |
3296 | A.Adam, Ecrire et manager on communication Web | Edi.pro, 2008 |
3297 | F.Mauriac, Political Memoirs | Bernard Grasset, 1967 |
3298 | Voltaire, Correspondance I 1704 - 1738 | Gallimard, 1963 |
3299 | O.Soutet, The French Syntax | Presses Universitaires de France |
3300 | History of factories and plants Karl Marx Mine | Donetsk, Donbass, 1975 |
3301 | Victor Hugo Les contemplations | Paris, by Les Editions, 1971 |
3302 | Francois Villion Poesies choisies | Paris, by Les Editions, 1973 |
3303 | Corneille Theater | Paris, by Les Editions, 1970 |
3304 | La Dynamite is a good forest | Paris, by Les Editions, 1959 |
3305 | Diderot La Religieuse | Paris, by Les Editions, 1993 |
3306 | Muriel Barbery The elegance of herisson | Paris, by Les Editions, 2007 |
3307 | Moliere Les Fourberies de Scapin. | Paris, by Les Editions, 1969 |
3308 | Larousse Les Fourberies de Scapin. Moliere | Paris, Editions Larousse, 2007 |
3309 | Georges Simenon Antoine et Iulie | Paris, by Les Editions, 1969 |
3310 | Moliere L'Avare | Paris, by Les Editions, 1968 |
3311 | Moliere Tarnuffe | Paris, by Les Editions, 1965 |
3312 | Maurice Maeterlnck La Princesse Maleine | Paris, by Les Editions, 1998 |
3313 | Le Bourgeols Gentilhomme | Paris, by Les Editions, 1992 |
3314 | Dick Francis Wild Horses | USA, Education, 1989 |
3315 | L'Ecole des femmes Moliere | Paris, by Les Editions, 2003 |
3316 | Beaumarhals Le Mariage de Figaro | Paris, by Les Editions, 1985 |
3317 | Guy de Maupassnt Pierre et Iean | Paris, by Les Editions, 1984 |
3318 | Rene Bariavel The night of time | Paris, by Les Editions, 1968 |
3319 | Georges Simenon L'homme au petit Chien | Paris, by Les Editions, 1964 |
3320 | Women of Central and Eastern Europe | Kyiv, Art Book, 2015 |
3321 | Stoupky The fourth dimension 1881 - 2018 | Kramatorsk, "Printing House", 2018 |
3322 | Revelation in the cafe "Pegasus" | Kyiv, Yaroslaviv Val, 2010 |
3323 | Fred Kupferman Laval | Paris, Viollet Collection, 1988 |
3324 | Honore de Baizac Le Pere Griot | Paris, by Les Editions, 1998 |
3325 | Tracks A novel by Louise Erdicb | USA, Education, 1989 |
3326 | Victor Hugo Hernani | Canada, Larousse, 1971 |
3327 | Dictionnaire Analogigue | Canada, Larousse, 1989 |
3328 | Socialism Todfy and Tomorrow | USA, Education, 1981 |
3329 | Emile Zola Pot - Bouille | Paris, by Les Editions, 1957 |
3330 | W. Somerset Caes and Ale or the Skeleton in the Cupboard | Moscow, from "Manager", 2000 |
3331 | Le Misanthrope comedy | Paris, by Les Editions, 1971 |
3332 | Flauber Madame Bovary | Paris, by Les Editions, 1999 |
3333 | Zola Le Reve | Paris, by Les Editions, 1985 |
3334 | Le Neveu de Rameau | Paris, by Les Editions, 2001 |
3335 | Diderot Supplement au Voyage de Bougainville | Paris, by Les Editions, 1995 |
3336 | Platon Menon | Paris, by Les Editions, 1993 |
3337 | Eugene Ionesco Rhisnoceros | Paris, by Les Editions, 1959 |
3338 | Regis Debray Vie et mort de I'image | Paris, by Les Editions, 1992 |
3339 | Guybde Mauppassant Le Hora | Paris, by Les Editions, 1995 |
3340 | Michel Butor L'empli Du Temps | Paris, by Les Editions, 1995 |
3341 | Maurice Maeterlinck Early Drama | Kyiv, Rainbow, 2015 |
3342 | V. Shevchuk Son of freedom | Kyiv, Dnipro, 1989 |
3343 | G. Vashchenko Fundamentals of aesthetic education | Munich, Avangard, 1957 |
3344 | L. Dashkov Commercial contract: from conclusion to transaction | Moscow, IPC "Marketing", 1996 |
3345 | B. Ostrovsky Conversational topics | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1982 |
334 | Scientific linguistic discourse: the addressee factor | Slovyansk, GIIM SHEI DDPU, 2018 |
3347 | Hermann Hesse Steppe wolf | Moscow, Exmo-Press, 2000 |
3348 | N. Berdyaev Self-knowledge | Moscow, book, 1991 |
3349 | Viktor Datskevich The green Island | Moscow, Progress, 1975 |
3350 | N.Nosov Visting Grandira | Moscow, Progress, 1975 |
3351 | Я.Кротовская Textbook of the Polish language | Moscow, Higher School, 1974 |
3352 | Taras Shevchenko Documents and materials for biography (1814-1861) | Kyiv, Higher School, 1975 |
3353 | A.Petrovsky Social psychology of the team | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1978 |
3354 | A. Gadasina Fruits of prohibitions | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1991 |
3355 | I. Milovanov Under the wing of a celestial lion or business in "Tianshi" | Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2004 |
3356 | Iean-Claude Buhrer L'onu contre Ies drjots | Paris, Hatier Litterature Generale, 2002 |
3357 | Olivier Beyeler Zero politigue | Paris, Hatier Litterature Generale, 2002 |
3358 | Andree Chedid L'Enfant multiple | Flammarion, 1989 |
3359 | Pierre-Andre Taguieff La nouvelle | Paris, Hatier Litterature Generale, 2001 |
3360 | Pierre-Andre Taguieff Resister au bougism | Paris, Hatier Litterature Generale, 2001 |
3361 | Andre Le Gall Eugene Ionesco | Flammarion, 2009 |
3362 | Voltaire Candide ou L'optimisme | Paris, Hatier Liteterature Generale, 1995 |
3363 | Bernard Cerguiglini. Le Roman de L'orthographe | Paris, Hatier Litterature Generale, 1996 |
3364 | B. Pesis From the XIX to the XX century Tradition and innovation in French literature | Moscow, Soviet writer, 1979 |
3365 | R. Debre Intellectual power in France | Kyiv, Spirit and Letter, 2008 |
3366 | Ecno of the Green Mountains | Kiev Dnipro, 1988 |
3367 | Multiple Skills series | USA, Education, 1990 |
3368 | Building Literacy | USA, Education, 1992 |
3369 | The Best Teacher's Helper Phonics - Level I | USA, Education, 1998 |
3370 | Who says you can't teach science | USA, Education, 1985 |
3371 | Easy Ideas for Busy Teachers | USA, Education, 1996 |
3372 | Excerpt from the German book | Germany, Leipzig, 1974 |
3373 | Everything drin | Germany, Flein Printed, 2005 |
3374 | Horfelder | Germany, Leipzig, 1997 |
3375 | Eva Finke Description in text | VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2007 |
3376 | German Grammar | Germany, Leipzig, 1975 |
3377 | Mnemotechnikn im Fremdsprachenerwrb | Germany, Munich, 1997 |
3378 | The moderation method in school and teaching | Germany, Hamburg, 1997 |
3379 | Ubungstypologie zum kommunikatiiven Deutschunterricht | Berlin, Langenscheidt, 1981 |
3380 | Systematic grammatical translation and language processing | Berlin, Langenscheidt, 1984 |
3381 | Meeting Metzler Gegenwrtsdeutsch- deutsch | Germany, Weimar, 1997 |
3382 | I. Kulagina Age psychology | Moscow, Creative Center "Sphere", 2001 |
3383 | World regional Geography | New York, Education, 2011 |
3384 | Random house webster's college | New York, Random house, 1991 |
3385 | American Business English volume 4 | USA, Education, 1987 |
3386 | American Business English volume 3 | USA, Education, 1987 |
3387 | American Business English volume 1 | USA, Education, 1987 |
3388 | American Business English volume 2 | USA, Education, 1987 |
3389 | Spotligbt on the USA | Oxford University Press, 1993 |
3390 | A.Zelenskaya Artists and Arts | Lviv, Lviv University Press, 1973 |
3391 | If you want to study in the united states, Book 1 | USA, Education, 1999 |
3392 | J. Toman Don Juan | Moscow, "Fiction", 1973 |
3391 | RL StevensonShipwrecked | Odessa, "Lighthouse", 1987 |
3392 | V. Golovchenko From "independent Ukraine" to the union of liberation of Ukraine: essays on the history of Ukrainian social democracy in the early twentieth century. | Kharkiv, Maidan, 1996 |
3393 | A.Kos From under the sign of Sagittarius: Olena Stepanov-Dashkevych in photos, documents and memoirs | Lviv, Institute of National Memory, 2012 |
3394 | Horizon, winter | American, Convetions, 1967 |
3395 | Horizon, autum | American, Convetions, 1971 |
3396 | Horizon, summer | American, Convetions, 1965 |
3397 | Horizon, spring | American, Convetions, 1965 |
3398 | Working with Words | Cambridge. University press. 2007 |
3399 | Discussions that Work | Cambridge. University press. 2007 |
3400 | ||
3401 | Scientific notes Collection of works of young scientists and graduate students volume 2 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies, 1997 |
3402 | Scientific notes Collection of works of young scientists and graduate students volume 3 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies, 1999 |
3403 | The Reformation era and modern Ukraine. Collection of scientific works | Poltava: PNPU them. V. Korolenko, 2017 |
3404 | Yu. Rubinsky The French at home | Moscow: The Young Guard, 1989 |
3405 | V.Kremen Philosophy of anthropocentrism in the strategies of educational space | Kyiv: "Pedagogical Thought", 2009 |
3406 | South of Ukraine: ethnohistorical, linguistic, cultural and religious dimensions. Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference | Odessa: ONU, 2015 |
3407 | The third Cherevanov readings. Collection of scientific articles based on the materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference | Poltava: PNPU them. V. Korolenko, 2016 |
3408 | V. Skotny Philosophy of education: the existence of the irrational in the rational | Drohobych: "Measurement", 2004 |
3409 | Chronicle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army Volume 1 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies, 1995 |
3410 | Chronicle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army Volume 1 | Kyiv: Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies, 1999 |
3411 | Philosophical dictionary of social terms | Kharkiv: RIF, 2005 |
3412 | I. Grabovska Transformations of Ukrainian society. Philosophical and ideological analysis | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2013 |
3413 | E. Sulima Political philosophy. Textbook | Kyiv: Knowledge, 2006 |
3414 | V. Prykhodko Fundamentals of theoretical philosophy | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2015 |
3415 | Literature of the world: poetics, mentality and spirituality. Collection of scientific works | Kryvyi Rih: Kryvyi Rih National University, 2015 |
3416 | V. Andrushchenko Modern social philosophy. Course of lectures. Volume 2 | Kyiv: Genesis, 1993 |
3417 | R. Martin The desire to know God | Lviv: Stream, 1994 |
3418 | V.Halyk Integration of European countries within the European Union | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University, 2012 |
3419 | Science of Ukraine in the light information space issue 11 | Kyiv: Akademperiodika, 2015 |
3420 | Bulletin of Kharkiv National University. V. Karazin History № 852 | Kharkiv: Kharkiv National University named after V. Karazin, 2009 |
3421 | G. Artemchuk Methods of organization of research work Textbook for students and teachers of higher educational institutions | Kyiv: Forum, 2000 |
3422 | E. Spitsyn Methods of organizing research work of students in higher education | Kyiv: Ed. Center of KNLU, 2003 |
3423 | L. Kostyuk Ethnography of Ukraine. A textbook for students | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2012 |
3424 | V. Bodak Religion as a phenomenon of the universe of culture | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2014 |
3425 | A. Protsenko Religious Studies | Kharkiv: Kharkiv National University named after V. Karazin, 2002 |
3426 | Journal of Ukrainian Studies | Canada: Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1986 |
3427 | V. Strizhko A short word about philosophy for a leader | Kiev: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2002 |
3428 | Philosophy. The world of man. Course of lectures | Kyiv: Lybid, 2004 |
3429 | Fundamentals of ethno-state studies. Textbook | Kyiv: Lybid, 1997 |
3430 | Ukrainian state formation Dictionary-reference book | Kyiv: Lybid, 1997 |
3431 | Essays on the history of Ukrainian diplomacy | Kyiv: Alternative Publishing House, 2001 |
3432 | Diplomatic Ukraine Issue ХІІ | Kyiv: Press of Ukraine, 2011 |
3433 | A short philosophical dictionary | Kyiv: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1952 |
3434 | T. Yashchuk Philosophy of history Course of lectures | Kyiv: Lybid, 2004 |
3435 | A. Bury History of Ukrainian philosophy. Methodical materials for independent work | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2012 |
3436 | Anthropological dimensions of esoteric philosophy | Slovyansk: SDPU, 2005 |
3437 | Scientific notes series "Philosophy" issue 10 | Ostrog: Ostroh Academy, 2012 |
3438 | Ethical Thought 1988 | Moscow: Politizdat, 1988 |
3439 | E. Sokolov thirteen dialogues on psychology | Moscow: "Sense", 1997 |
3440 | B. Pugach Dynamics of scientific knowledge volume 1 | Kharkiv: Globus, 2013 |
3441 | Economic Code of Ukraine | Kharkiv: Odyssey, 2004 |
3442 | P. Kralyuk History of Philosophy of Ukraine Textbook | Ostrog: Ostroh Academy, 2013 |
3443 | Psychology Dictionary | Moscow: Publishing House of Political Literature, 1990 |
3444 | HIV / AIDS and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Tutorial | Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2013 |
3445 | L. Orban-Lembrick Social Psychology and two books. Book 2 | Kyiv: Lybid, 2006 |
3446 | K. Jung Conflicts of the child's soul | Moscow: Canon, 1995 |
3447 | Z. Freud "I and It" Book 1 | Tbilisi: Merani, 1991 |
3448 | Persuasion Jane Austen | Editions du Seuil, 1984 |
3449 | Z. Freud Psychoanalysis and Russian thought | Moscow: Respublika, 1994 |
3450 | General psychology (course of lectures) | Moscow: Vlados, 1995 |
3451 | General Psychology Textbook | Moscow: Enlightenment, 1973 |
3452 | K. Jung Psychology of the unconscious | Moscow: Canon, 1994 |
3453 | R. Nemov Psychology in three books. Book 3 | Moscow Vlados Enlightenment, 1995 |
3454 | R. Tarnas History of Western thinking | Moscow: Kron-Press, 1995 |
3455 | Japanese-Ukrainian dictionary | Kyiv: Dmytro Burago Publishing House, 2012 |
3456 | V. Gusev History of Western European philosophy of 15-17 centuries. Course of lectures | Kyiv: Lybid, 1994 |
3457 | V. Malakhov Ethics of communication | Kyiv: Lybid, 2006 |
3458 | A short dictionary of aesthetics | Moscow: Enlightenment, 1983 |
3459 | E. Yakovlev Aesthetics Textbook | Moscow: Gardariki, 2000 |
3460 | Literature USA Window to the world | Kyiv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1999 |
3461 | J. Oliynyk Fundamentals of Ecology Pfdruchnyk | Kyiv: Knowledge, 2012 |
3462 | M.Flyak Ethics of social and pedagogical activity: society | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2012 |
3463 | Yu.Krak Control theory for computer scientists | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2015 |
3464 | A. Bakanursky Anti-clerical traditions of Ukrainian folklore | Kyiv: "Knowledge", 1988 |
3465 | Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies | Moscow: "Academy", 1998 |
3466 | K. Weiss Evaluation Research Methods and Policies | Kyiv: "Fundamentals", 2000 |
3467 | A. Kuzminsky Pedagogy Textbook | Kyiv: Knowledge, 2007 |
3468 | Dictionary of ethics | Moscow: Politizdat, 1975 |
3469 | L. Levchuk Aesthetics | Kyiv: Higher School, 2006 |
3470 | Ethics Textbook | Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter, 2007 |
3471 | V. Movchan History and theory of Ethics | Drogobich: Kolo, 2003 |
3472 | N. Dudnyk Pedagogical ethics | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2012 |
3473 | Aesthetics Textbook | Kiev: Higher School, 1991 |
3474 | V. Zamkova Artemovsky literary shop | Artemovsk, 1993 |
3475 | S. Zadorozhna Ukrainian literature, questions and answers | Kyiv: Ukraine, 1996 |
3476 | Yesyun Hamaguchi What is a Japanese model | Kyiv: KM Academy |
3477 | Yu. Kuznetsov Impressionism in Ukrainian prose of the late XIX-early XX century | |
3478 | M.Vozna English for translators and philologists II year | Vinnytsia: "New Book", 2006 |
3479 | AS Makarenko Pedagogical poem | Kharkiv: "Flag", 1978 |
3480 | Yu. Kovalev Literary Hermeneutics Monograph | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2008 |
3481 | G. Semenyuk Literary skill of the writer | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2012 |
3482 | D. Vakulenko Alexander Korniychuk | Kyiv: Dnipro, 1985 |
3483 | Dnieper wave | Kyiv: Soviet School, 1989 |
3484 | Problems of pedagogical technologies Issue 4 | Lutsk: "Volyn Academic House", 1999 |
3485 | A. Moskalenko History of national literature | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2015 |
3486 | O.Olikh Modern computer technologies principles of construction of computer networks | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2015 |
3487 | V.Galuzyak Peagogy Textbook | Vinnytsia: "Glider", 2012 |
3488 | T. Logvinenko Social pedagogy | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2012 |
3489 | L. Necheporenko Pedagogy | Kharkiv: KhNU, 2006 |
3490 | Pedagogical skills | Kyiv: Higher School, 2004 |
3491 | I.Pidlasy How to prepare an effective lesson | Kyiv: Soviet School, 1989 |
3492 | I. Galyan Self-regulation of teacher's evaluative attitudes in pedagogical interaction | Drohobych: "Renaissance", 1998 |
3493 | M. Shchetinin Notes of the teacher | Moscow: "Pedagogy", 1986 |
3494 | L. Artemova History of pedagogy of Ukraine Textbook | Kyiv: Lybid, 2006 |
3495 | J. Comenius Pedagogical heritage | Moscow: "Pedagogy", 1987 |
3496 | V. Bondar Didactics | Kyiv: Lybid, 2005 |
3497 | B. Wolson Comparative pedagogy | Moscow: MODEK, 1996 |
3498 | I. Bekh Education of personality | Kyiv: Lybid, 2003 |
3499 | Family upbringing textbook | Moscow: "Academy", 2001 |
3500 | G. Dryden Revolution in learning | Lviv: "Chronicle", 2005 |
3501 | School Board 1953-2003 | New York: UCCA, 2003 |
3502 | History of the Ukrainian school and pedagogy Reader | Kyiv: Knowledge, 2005 |
3503 | B. Wolfson Comparative pedagogy | Moscow: MODEK, 1996 |
3504 | M. Panfilova Game therapy of communication | Moscow: GNOME & D, 2001 |
3505 | Pedagogy under. edited by P. Pidkasisty | Moscow: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 1998 |
3506 | A. Bogush Pedagogical dimensions of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky in the modern educational space Monograph | Kyiv: Slovo, 2008 |
3507 | O. Lyubar History of Ukrainian school and pedagogy Textbook | Kyiv: "Manual", 2006 |
3508 | Pedagogical skills Reader | Kyiv: Higher School, 2006 |
3509 | Choice of teaching methods in high school | Moscow: "Pedagogy", 1981 |
3510 | E. Sermyazhko To the trainee teacher | Minsk: "People's Ascetic", 1985 |
3511 | In creative porsk (from the experience of Kopychyn secondary school) | Kiev: "Soviet School", 1979 |
3512 | L. Mnatsakanyan Personality and assessment abilities of high school students | Moscow: Enlightenment, 1991 |
3513 | G. Gorskaya Organization of the educational process at school | Moscow: Enlightenment, 1986 |
3514 | V. Onishchuk Types, structure and methods of lessons at school | Kiev: "Soviet School", 1976 |
3515 | N. Yakovlev Methods and techniques of the lesson at school | Moscow: Enlightenment, 1985 |
3516 | It all starts with the teacher | Moscow: Enlightenment, 1983 |
3517 | A. Kondratenkov The work and talent of a teacher | Moscow: Enlightenment, 1989 |
3518 | V. Onishchuk A lesson in a modern school | Moscow: Enlightenment, 1981 |
3519 | L. Dodon Tasks in pedagogy | Moscow: Enlightenment, 1968 |
3520 | D. Rumyantseva The school teaches and educates | Kiev: "Soviet School", 1987 |
3521 | Sofia Rusova Selected pedagogical works | Kyiv: Lybid, 1997 |
3522 | Oriented plan of educational work of the class teacher I semester 5-11 classes | Ternopil "Aston", 2008 |
3523 | R. Shakurov Director of the school and the microclimate of the teaching staff | Moscow: "Knowledge", 1979 |
3524 | R. Belanova Humanization and humanization of education in classical universities Ukraine -USA | Kyiv: Pulsars, 2002 |
3525 | Companion of the class teacher Collection | Sevastopol: "Akhtiar", 1994 |
3526 | E. Zelenov Theoretical bases of planetary education of student's youth | Luhansk: Knowledge, 2008 |
3527 | Humanization of the educational process scientific and methodical collection | Slavyansk: SDPU, 2000 |
3528 | A. Makarenko Pedagogical poem | Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Book Publishing House, 1971 |
3529 | A. Makarenko Education of a citizen | Moscow: "Forgiveness", 1988 |
3530 | N. Mashenko The use of music in literature lessons | Moscow: "Forgiveness", 1978 |
3531 | I. Cheredov Forms of educational work in high school | Moscow: "Forgiveness", 1988 |
3532 | M. Krasovatsky From pedagogical science to practice | Kiev: "Soviet School", 1990 |
3533 | I. Sinitsa Where does pedagogical skill begin? | Kiev: "Soviet School", 1972 |
3534 | V. Sukhomlinsky How to bring up a real person | Moscow: "Pedagogy", 1990 |
3535 | Polishchuk Methodical reference book on psychodiagnostics | Kyiv "Academy", 2009 |
3536 | E. Bondarchuk Fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy | Kyiv "Academy", 2001 |
3537 | To the young teacher. A book for the teacher | Moscow: "Forgiveness", 1986 |
3538 | L. Pressman Methods of application of technical means of training | Moscow: "Forgiveness", 1986 |
3539 | Pedagogical skills Reader | Kyiv: Higher School, 2006 |
3540 | Conflict in pedagogical communication. Methodical recommendations | Horlivka: GDPIIM, 2009 |
3541 | E. Ilyin The birth of the lesson | Moscow: Pedagogy, 1986 |
3542 | R. Govorun One homeland and two do not happen | Artemivsk, 1997 |
3543 | N. Morozov To the Teacher about the cognitive | Moscow: "Knowledge", 1979 |
3544 | The art of the teacher owning a class. Methodical recommendations | Dnepropetrovsk: UNV, 1978 |
3545 | A. Azarov The skill of an educator | Moscow: "Forgiveness", 1971 |
3546 | I. Palasevych Education and upbringing of children of different age groups | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2013 |
3547 | Questions of school science | Moscow: "Forgiveness", 1982 |
3548 | E. Bereznyak Management of a modern school | Kiev: "Soviet School", 1972 |
3549 | W. Drews Lesson organization. Grades and marks | Moscow: "Forgiveness", 1982 |
3550 | N. Kopylova After lessons | Moscow: "Forgiveness", 1982 |
3551 | S. Soloveychik Hour of apprenticeship | Moscow: "Children's Literature", 1972 |
3552 | Enzo Bianchi Lexicon of inner life | Kiev: "Spirit and Letter", 1999 |
3553 | V. Bondar Management activity of the school principal: didactic aspect | Kiev: "Soviet School", 1987 |
3554 | S. Egorov KD Ushinsky | Moscow: Enlightenment, 1977 |
3555 | Sh. Amonashvili The truth of the school | Artemovsk: Laboratory of Humane Pedagogy, 2008 |
3556 | The main guidelines for the education of students in grades 1-12 of secondary schools | Ternopil: "Educational book Bogdan", 2008 |
3557 | V. Belinsky, A. Herzen Pedagogical heritage | Moscow: "Pedagogy", 1988 |
3558 | A. Zagnitko Ukrainian practical morphology. Training manual for independent work | Donetsk: BAO, 2006 |
3559 | Z. Kalmykova Psychological principles of developmental learning | Moscow: "Knowledge", 1979 |
3560 | A.Zagnitko Theoretical grammar of the modern Ukrainian language Morphology-Syntax | Donetsk: BAO, 2011 |
3561 | Voltaire The Princess of Babylon | Zibrio texte integral, 2000 |
3562 | A.Zagnitko Ukrainian practical syntax | Donetsk: BAO, 2004 |
3563 | O. Bezpoyasko Grammar of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv: Lybid, 1993 |
3564 | I. Vykhovanets Grammar of the Ukrainian language Syntakis | Kyiv: Lybid, 1993 |
3565 | A. Moskalenko Mass communication | Kyiv: Lybid, 1997 |
3566 | M. Wozniak Ukrainian legends | Kyiv: Abris, 1993 |
3567 | V.Vynnytskyi Modern Ukrainian literary language. Program | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2010 |
3568 | Scientific organization of independent work Methodical manual for students and undergraduates | Slovyansk SDPU, 2007 |
3569 | R. Vyshnivsky Practice of oral and written speech: materials for independent work | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2014 |
3570 | T. Hrybinchenko Collection of dictations of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv: Lybid, 1998 |
3571 | M. Demsky Ukrainian phrasemes and features of their creation | Lviv, Prosvita, 1994 |
3572 | Ukrainian historical and dialectal vocabulary. Collection of scientific works. Issue 5 | Lviv, I. Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 2007 |
3573 | Classical languages and modern linguistics | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2015 |
3574 | Yu. Isichenko Self-teacher of the Ukrainian language | Kiev: Higher School, 1989 |
3575 | Course of modern Ukrainian literary language Volume II Syntax | Kyiv: Soviet School, 1951 |
3576 | Modern Ukrainian textbook | Kyiv "Lybid", 1991 |
3577 | G.Lysa Modern Ukrainian literary language Workshop | Kyiv, KNLU, 2011 |
3578 | L.Cheshko Russian language for preparatory departments of universities | Moscow, Higher School, 1990 |
3579 | N.Valgina Modern Russian language | Moscow, Higher School, 1964 |
3580 | M. Bokova Russian literature in the 9th grade | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1984 |
3581 | Extracurricular work on the Russian language | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1984 |
3582 | N. Chernousova Dictionary work in Russian language lessons in grades 4-8 | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1983 |
3583 | G. Ivanitskaya Lessons in the development of coherent speech | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1990 |
3584 | G. Tsyganenko Word structure and word-education in Russian | Kiev, Soviet school, 1978 |
3585 | P. Lekant Collection of exercises on the syntax of modern Russian | Moscow, Higher School, 1989 |
3586 | K. Gorshkova Historical grammar of the Russian language | Moscow, Higher School, 1981 |
3587 | G. Abramovich Introduction to literary criticism | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1975 |
3588 | L. Popova Dictations on the Russian language for grades 5-9 | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1990 |
3589 | Methods of speech development in Russian language lessons | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1980 |
3590 | N. Ippolitova Exercises in grammatical stylistics in the study of parts of speech | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1980 |
3591 | Z. Ulchenko Dictations with text change | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1982 |
3592 | D. Rosenthal Collection of exercises in Russian | Moscow, Higher School, 1982 |
3593 | M. Lviv Dictionary-reference book on the methodology of the Russian language | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1988 |
3594 | Repetition and generalization in preparation for exams in Russian | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1984 |
3595 | D. Rosenthal Practical stylistics of the Russian language | Moscow, Higher School, 1968 |
3596 | Printed works of the teaching staff: (2000-2008) Bibliographic index | Horlivka, GDPIIM, 2009 |
3597 | German phraseology: a brief overview | Slovyansk, DSPU, 2015 |
3598 | A. Gabidulina Pedagogical linguistics textbook | Gorlovka, GDPIIM, 2012 |
3599 | S. Komarov Genre of feuilleton in Russian Soviet literature of the 1920s and early 1930s Monograph | Mariupol, GII GVUZ "DPU", 2015 |
3600 | Literary Comparative Studies Issue III Part II | Kyiv, Stylus, 2008 |
3601 | I. Blynova Linguistic personality of the writer in the interaction of compositional and speech forms | Dnipropetrovsk, Lithograph, 2016 |
3602 | Bulletin of the Student Scientific Society of the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages Issue 15 | Horlivka, GDPIIM, 2009 |
3603 | Structural and logical schemes and reference notes on pedagogy | Horlivka, GDPIIM, 2008 |
3604 | A. Tkachenko The Art of the Word (Introduction to Literary Studies) | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2003 |
3605 | A. Tkachenko The Art of the Word (Introduction to Literary Studies) | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 1998 |
3606 | S. Efremov History of Ukrainian literature | Kyiv, Femina, 1995 |
3607 | V. Arakin Practical English course 3rd year | Moscow, Vlados, 2003 |
3608 | V. Arakin Practical English language course 5th year | Moscow, Vlados, 2006 |
3609 | V. Maslov Introduction to cognitive linguistics | Moscow, Nauka, 2011 |
3610 | L. Suprun General Linguistics Practical classes, independent work | Kyiv, Knowledge, 2012 |
3611 | V. Pavlenko General and applied ethnopsychology | Moscow: T-in scientific buildings of KMK, 2005 |
3612 | Religious Studies Dictionary under. ed .. E. Elbakyan | Moscow, Academic Project, 2007 |
3613 | Religions of the world Textbook Edited by M. Shakhnovich | St. Petersburg, SPGU, 2006 |
3614 | Religious Studies A textbook for independent study of the discipline | Kyiv, KNEU, 2001 |
3615 | O. Yurchuk In the shadow of the empire Ukrainian literature in the light of postcolonial theory | Kyiv: Academy, 2013 |
3616 | V. Voitovych Myths and legends of ancient Ukraine | Ternopil, NK - Bogdan, 2014 |
3617 | M. Skryhonyuk Thorny Ukrainian Flower poem | Kyiv, Lira-K, 2017 |
3618 | L. Skoryna Analysis of a work of art Textbook for students of humanities | Ternopil, NK - Bogdan, 2013 |
3619 | L. Tarnashinska Presumption of expediency Outline of modern literary conceptology | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2008 |
3620 | Contemporary literary comparative studies: strategies and methods Anthology | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2009 |
3621 | Dictionary of religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam / Edited by V. Zuber | St. Petersburg, Peter, 2008 |
3622 | J.Chornenky Culturology: theoretical and practical course Training manual | Kyiv, VD "Professional", 2007 |
3623 | T. Hrytsenko Culturology. Tutorial | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2007 |
3624 | V. Budnyi Comparative Literature Textbook | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2008 |
3625 | Ukrainian folk poetry Soviet period | Kyiv: Soviet School, 1955 |
3626 | O. Voropay Customs of our people Ethnographic essay | Kyiv "Amulet", 1993 |
3627 | D. Ulitska Literature. Theory. Methodology | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2008 |
3628 | O. Guz From myth to postmodernism | Ternopil, Mandrivets, 2009 |
3629 | dPerkins Is the history of literature possible | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2005 |
3630 | Pedagogical design of a multimedia lesson of world literature: theory and practice. Materials for teachers | Ternopil, Mandrivets, 2014 |
3631 | B. Chumachenko Introduction to the culturology of antiquity | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2009 |
3632 | B. Shalaginov Classics and Romantics Studies in the History of German Literature of the 18th-19th Centuries | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2013 |
3633 | T. Denisova History of American literature of the twentieth century | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2012 |
3634 | V. Gladyshev Contextual study of stories in middle and senior classes | Ternopil, Mandrivets, 2007 |
3635 | D. Nalyvayko Foreign literature of the twentieth century The era of romanticism Textbook | Ternopil, NK - Bogdan, 2008 |
3636 | Translation of English psychological literature A book for teachers | Vinnytsia, New book, 2013 |
3637 | I. Lysy Philosophical and artistic culture | Kyiv, KM Academy, 2004 |
3638 | O. Ivashina General theory of literature | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2012 |
3639 | A.Karmin Culturology examination answers for university students | St. Petersburg, Peter, 2007 |
3640 | There is a Podolsk Culturology Textbook | Kyiv, Center for Educational Literature, 2005 |
3641 | O. Konevych Culturology Textbook | Ternopil, NK - Bogdan, 2014 |
3642 | Literary Studies Dictionary of basic concepts | Ternopil, NK - Bogdan, 2008 |
3643 | N. Kalenichenko Ukrainian literature of the XIX century. | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 1977 |
3644 | D. Doroshenko The Slavic world in its past and present | Kyiv, Tempora, 2010 |
3645 | V. Krivchik Old Slavonic language | Minsk, Higher School, 1974 |
3646 | N. Bonk English textbook | Moscow, Higher School, 1984 |
3647 | Language and culture in the philological university. Current problems of study and teaching | Moscow, Filomatis, 2006 |
3648 | D. Drozdovsky World Literature Collection of test tasks | Ternopil, NK - Bogdan, 2014 |
3649 | Modern Kipling - new accents of interpretation of conference materials | Ternopil, NK - Bogdan, 2014 |
3650 | L.Yarets World Literature Teacher's Guide 5th grade | Ternopil, NK - Bogdan, 2013 |
3651 | L.Yarets World Literature teacher's guide 6th grade | Ternopil, NK - Bogdan, 2014 |
3652 | Practical course of English 1 course Ed. В.Аракина | Moscow, Higher School, 1985 |
3653 | V.Arakin Practical English language course for 3 courses | Moscow, Higher School, 1989 |
3654 | I. Krylova Practical grammar of the English language | Moscow, Chero, 1997 |
3655 | E. Chuck Complex cases of Ukrainian word usage | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1969 |
3656 | A.Luchyk Russian-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Russian dictionary of word equivalents | Kyiv, Dovira, 2003 |
3657 | Modern dictionary, a minimum of foreign words | Kyiv, Dovira, 1999 |
3658 | L. Polyuga Complete dictionary of antonyms of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv, Dovira, 2006 |
3659 | Modern dictionary, a minimum of foreign words | Kyiv, Dovira, 1999 |
3660 | O. Tkachenko Ukrainian language and language life of the world | Kyiv, Outbreak 2004 |
3661 | Journalism and the Art of the Word Collection of Scientific Articles Issue 4 | Vinnytsia, M. Kotsyubynsky State Pedagogical University, 2012 |
3662 | O. Yasynetska Basics of text analysis. Textbook in English | Slovyansk, DSPU Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages, 2015 |
3663 | V. Andrushchenko Typology of text connectivity Monograph | Dnipropetrovsk, Lithograph, 2016 |
3664 | O. Yasynetska Basics of text analysis. | Horlivka, GDPIIM, 2006 |
3665 | E. Kolesnichenko Paradox in MM Zhvanetsky's idiosyncrasy | Artemivsk, DSPU Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, 2015 |
3666 | Practical Latin course | Horlivka, Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, 2012 |
3667 | S. Varava Friend Russian for beginners Introductory course | Kharkiv, Kharkiv National University, 2009 |
3668 | S. Varava Friend (Russian for beginners) textbook for foreign students Part 2 | Kharkiv, Kharkiv National University, 2011 |
3669 | Proceedings of the 5th All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Novelists Structural-Semantic and Cognitive-Discursive Paradigms of Modern Linguistics | Odessa, Odessa National University, 2015 |
3670 | S. Varava Friend (Russian for beginners) textbook for foreign students Basic course Part 1 | Kharkiv, Kharkiv National University, 2011 |
3671 | S. Varava Friend (Russian for beginners) textbook for foreign students Basic course Part 1 | Kharkiv, Kharkiv National University, 2012 |
3672 | E. Kolesnichenko Practicum on Russian language Spelling Part 1 | Artemivsk, DSPU Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, 2015 |
3673 | N. Evreinov The Secret of Rasputin | Leningrad, "The Past", 1989 |
3674 | S. Girnyak Methods of teaching Russian in primary school | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2012 |
3675 | T. Beletskaya Collection of dictations on the Russian language | Kharkiv, Ranok, 1999 |
3676 | L. Uspensky A word about words | Kiev, Veselka, 1987 |
3677 | Spelling dictionary of the Russian language | Moscow, "Russian Language", 1974 |
3678 | I. Klenitskaya Collection of presentations | Moscow, New School, 1997 |
3679 | O. Akhmanov Dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language | Moscow, Soviet Encyclopedia, 1974 |
3680 | Approximate amount of knowledge and skills of schoolchildren of different age groups on issues of hygiene and health care | Moscow, TsNIISPMZ, 1978 |
3681 | O. Izyumov Practical Russian-Ukrainian dictionary | Kyiv, Technical University of Knowledge, 1992 |
3682 | Grammar of modern Russian literary language | Moscow, Nauka, 1970 |
3683 | A. Tikhonov School word-formation dictionary of the Russian language | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1978 |
3684 | A. Dudnik Russian language student for secondary special educational institutions | Moscow, Higher School, 1977 |
3685 | Yu. Karpenko Introduction to Linguistics | Kyiv, Lybid, 1991 |
3686 | F. Berezin General Linguistics | Moscow, Forgiveness, 1979 |
3687 | K. Lebedev Educational Pashto-Russian-dictionary | Moscow, Russian Language Publishing House, 1982 |
3688 | E. Akhunzyanov General Linguistics | Kazan, Kazan University, 1981 |
3689 | Dictionary of literary terms | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1974 |
3690 | V. Kodukhov Introduction to linguistics | Moscow, Forgiveness, 1987 |
3691 | I. Prelovskaya Lessons of literature | Moscow, Forgiveness, 1981 |
3692 | S. Semchinsky General Linguistics | Kyiv, Higher School, 1988 |
3693 | V. Kovalev Pocket Russian-Italian dictionary | Moscow, Russian language, 1993 |
3694 | English-Russian dictionary of programming and computer science | Moscow, Russian language, 1989 |
3695 | V. Lyashenko Everyday life of a linguist | Moscow, Forgiveness, 1984 |
3696 | O. Izyumov Practical Russian-Ukrainian dictionary | Kyiv, Technical University of Knowledge, 1992 |
3696 | E. Rodriguez-Danilevskaya Textbook of the Spanish language | Moscow, Yurayt, 2001 |
3697 | N. Korbozerova Practical grammar of the Spanish language | Kyiv, Education of Ukraine, 2007 |
3698 | Spanish-Russian dictionary | Kyiv, VTF "Ferun", 1996 |
3699 | Spanish-Russian educational dictionary | Moscow, State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1963 |
3700 | I. Shalagin Pocket Portuguese-Russian Dictionary | Moscow, "Russian language", 1987 |
3701 | K. Nunes Pocket Portuguese-Russian Dictionary | Moscow, "Russian language", 1987 |
3702 | P. Vyazemsky Aesthetics and literary criticism | Moscow, Art, 1984 |
3703 | A. Tikhonov School word-educational dictionary of the Russian language | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1991 |
3704 | V. Odintsov School dictionary of foreign words | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1983 |
3705 | Dictionary of literary terms | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1972 |
3706 | Grammar of the modern Russian language | Moscow, Nauka, 1970 |
3707 | Russian-Italian educational dictionary | Moscow, "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1966 |
3707 | Spanish-Russian, Russian-Spanish dictionary | Moscow, "Russian language", 1992 |
3708 | Ukrainian-Polish dictionary and Polish-Ukrainian dictionary | Lviv, "World", 2004 |
3709 | Fundamentals of Russian phonetics in tables, comments, exercises | Sumy, Sumy State University, 2014 |
3710 | B. Golovin Introduction to Linguistics | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1977 |
3711 | Russian writers Bibliographic writers | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1990 |
3712 | History of foreign literature of the 18th century in Europe and the United States | Moscow, Moscow University Press, 1984 |
3713 | A. Sokolov History of Russian literature of the end of 19 | Moscow, Higher School, 1984 |
3714 | S. Artamonov History of foreign literature of 17-18 centuries. | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1978 |
3715 | Russian-English-French-Spanish phrasebook | Moscow, "Russian language", 1991 |
3716 | Dictionary of foreign words | Kyiv, URE Main Editorial Office, 1974 |
3717 | Russian-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Russian dictionary | Kyiv, Soviet School, 1984 |
3718 | M. Lvov Dictionary-reference book on the methodology of the Russian language | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1988 |
3719 | K. Martsishevskaya Pocket Spanish-Russian dictionary | Moscow, "Russian language", 1981 |
3720 | S. Vorobyova Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of socio-economic vocabulary | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 1966 |
3721 | Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of scientific terminology Social sciences | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 1994 |
3722 | Z. Kotsyuba Reflection of everyday consciousness in a multilingual test space | Lviv: Ukrpol Publishing House, 2010 |
3723 | A short explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language | Kyiv: Soviet School, 1978 |
3724 | D. Hanych Russian-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Russian dictionary | Kyiv: Soviet School, 1991 |
3725 | V. Shevchenko English-Ukrainian editorial and publishing computer terminology | Kyiv: Lybid, 2006 |
3726 | German-Ukrainian, Ukrainian-German dictionary for schoolchildren | Kyiv, ASK, 2005 |
3727 | History of Russian literature of the XIX century | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1973 |
History of Russian literature of the twentieth century Pre-October period | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1987 | |
3728 | A. Danyliuk Museum in Shevchenko grove | Lviv: Gai Publishing House, 1993 |
3729 | V. Voitovych Anthology of the Ukrainian myth of the Otherworld Volume 3 | Ternopil, textbook "Bogdan", 2007 |
3730 | V. Voitovych Anthology of Ukrainian myth Totemic myths Volume 2 | Ternopil, textbook "Bogdan", 2007 |
3731 | V. Voitovych Anthology of Ukrainian myth. Etiological, cosmogonic, calendar, historical myths. Volume 1 | Ternopil, textbook "Bogdan", 2006 |
3732 | S. Morozov Clinical psychology. Part 1 | Kyiv: IPO KU im.T.Shevchenko, 2001 |
3733 | M. Stankin Psychology of communication (lecture course) | Moscow, APSN, 1996 |
3734 | A. Kovalenko Psychology of interpersonal mutual understanding Textbook | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2010 |
3735 | M. Panfilova Game therapy of communication | Moscow: Gnome & D Publishing House, 2001 |
3736 | I.Shakhova Workshop on laboratory work of the course "Age Psychology" | Moscow-Voronezh, MODEK, 2002 |
3737 | Psychology of education under. ed .. V.Petrovsky | Moscow, Aspect-Press, 1995 |
3738 | M. Gamezo Senior preschooler and junior preschooler: psychodiagnostics and correction of development | Moscow-Voronezh, MODEK, 1998 |
3739 | M. Ermolaeva Psychological and pedagogical practice in the education system | Moscow-Voronezh, MODEK, 1998 |
3740 | V. Sonin Psychological workshop: tasks, studies, solutions | Moscow: Flint Publishing House, 1998 |
3741 | B. Hoton The great mysteries and riddles of history | Kharkiv-Belgorod, Book Club, 2010 |
3742 | G. Dolukhanov 1000 famous miracles and mysteries of history | Kharkiv-Belgorod, Family Leisure Club, 2012 |
3743 | V. Bulavin Mysteries of history. Third Reich | Kharkiv, Folio, 2013 |
3744 | A. Bogdanovich The last three autocrats | Moscow, News, 1990 |
3745 | S. Shvydky Folk medicine of Southern Slobozhanshchyna | Slavyansk, SDPI, 2000 |
3746 | Historical topography and sociotopography of Ukraine. Collection of scientific works | Lviv, Pyramid Literary Agency, 2006 |
3747 | Princely era. History and culture. Issue 1 | Lviv, Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2007 |
3748 | Princely era. History and culture. Issue 2 | Lviv, Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2008 |
3749 | Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies named after MS Hrushevsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1991-2011) | Kyiv, Ukrainian writer, 2011 |
3750 | O. Medvid History of the Ukrainian army. Seminar plans and methodical recommendations | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2011 |
3751 | O. Marinich. Life in the service of people | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2015 |
3752 | О. Субтельний. Mazepintsi. Ukrainian separatism in the early XYIII | Kyiv, Lybid, 1994 |
3753 | B. Krupnytsky Hetman Mazepa and his time | Kyiv, Ukraine Publishing House, 2003 |
3754 | T. Batyuk. History of Ukraine. Methodical materials for students | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2014 |
3755 | I. Sadness. Historical geography. Seminar plans | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2010 |
3756 | S. Bila Methods of teaching history in higher education. Methodical materials for independent work of students | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2013 |
3757 | T. Batyuk. History of Ukraine. Methodical materials for students of non-historical specialties | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2010 |
3758 | T. Batyuk. History of Ukraine (part II: Kievan Rus). Methodical materials for seminars | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2013 |
3759 | Yu. Stetsyk Methods of teaching computers in teaching history. Texts of lectures | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2013 |
3760 | T. Batyuk. History of Ukraine . Seminar plans and methodical recommendations from the course | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2010 |
3761 | O. Medvid History of Ukraine: methodical advice on preparation for modular tests | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2014 |
3762 | V. Halyk Ukraine in Europe and in the world. Training manual | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2010 |
3763 | Register of the Zaporozhian army of 1756 | Krasnodar, "Soviet Kuban", 1997 |
3764 | S. Shudlo Fundamentals of sociology | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2011 |
3765 | Ukrainian Cossack state: origins and ways of historical development. Materials of the eighth all-Ukrainian historical readings | Cherkasy, BSU named after B. Khmelnytsky, 2001 |
3766 | O. Guagnini "Chronicle of the Tatar land" | Zaporozhye, RA "Tandem-U", 200 |
3767 | П Кралюк. Essays on the history of philosophy of the ancient world | Ostrog, Academy, 2004 |
3768 | M. Senkiv History of Ukraine (XIX-early XX centuries) | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2009 |
3769 | M. Gladkevych Organization of educational practice by the method of projects | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2012 |
3770 | M. Senkiv History of Ukraine (XIX-early XX centuries) Methodical manual for independent work of students | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2010 |
3771 | R. Popp History of Ukraine (1921-2010) | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2011 |
3772 | L. Lazurko Sources on the history of Ukraine. Methodical materials for independent work of students | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2013 |
3773 | M. Hrushevsky History of Ukraine-Rus (years 1654-1657) | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 1997 |
3774 | M. Hrushevsky History of Ukraine-Rus volume 7 Cossack times before 1625 | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 1995 |
3775 | M. Galiv History of Ukraine. Seminar plans and methodical recommendations from the course | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2010 |
3776 | I. Luchakivska History of Ukraine. Seminar plans and methodical recommendations from the course | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2010 |
3777 | J. Yankovska Teaching manual for the course "Culture of Kievan Rus" | Ostrog, Ostroh Academy, 2001 |
3778 | M. Hrushevsky History of Ukraine-Russia volume I. To the beginning of the XI century | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 1994 |
3779 | V. Bazhenko History of Ukraine. Manual | Kyiv, Union, 2004 |
3780 | S. Tatarinov History of the Bakhmut region | Artemovsk, MP "Selena", 1990 |
3781 | M. Krill History of Slavic peoples (XX-beginning of XXI century) | Drohobych: State Pedagogical University. I. Franko, 2012 |
3782 | Ya. Malik History of Ukrainian statehood | Lviv, Svit, 1995 |
3783 | E. Sverstyuk Prodigal Sons of Ukraine | Kyiv, Sights of Ukraine, 1993 |
3784 | N. Polonska-Vasylenko Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Essay on history | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 1993 |
3785 | N. Yakovenko Ukrainian nobility | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 1993 |
3786 | T. Tairov-Yakovlev Ivan Mazepa and the Russian Empire | Kyiv, Clio, 2013 |
3787 | Haydamatsky movement in Ukraine in the eighteenth century. Collection of documents | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 1970 |
3788 | History of Ukraine bibliographic index 1993 | Kyiv-Lviv, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1997 |
3789 | Atlas of the history of Ukraine | Kyiv, DNP "Cartography", 2012 |
3790 | I. Rybalka History of Ukraine part 2 From the beginning of the XIX century to February 1917 | Kharkiv, Osnova, 1997 |
3791 | Ukraine: the second half of the twentieth century. Essays on history | Kyiv, Lybid, 1997 |
3792 | N. Polonska-Vasylenko History of Ukraine Volume 2 | Kyiv, Lybid, 1993 |
3793 | Theory and practice of translation (French): textbook / compiler Cand. Philol .. sciences N. Need | Bakhmut, B. Matorin Publishing House, 2018 |
3794 | From stylistics to discourse: vectors of development and perspectives. Collective monograph | Bakhmut, B. Matorin Publishing House, 2018 |
3795 | Modern perspectives of education | Slovyansk, B. Matorin Publishing House, 2016 |
3796 | A. Shalaginova History of the ancient world 6th grade | Kyiv, Pedagogical Press, 2006 |
3797 | Historical myths and stereotypes and interethnic relations in modern Ukraine | Lviv, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 2009 |
3798 | S. Svitlenko The world of modern Ukraine in the late 19th and early 20th centuries | Dnipropetrovsk, Gerda, 2007 |
3799 | History of Ukrainian political thought. Tutorial | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2013 |
3800 | Geopolitics and Eastern Europe | Kyiv, "Spirit and Letter", 2010 |
3801 | V. Korolko Public Relations | Kyiv, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2013 |
3802 | A. Kotsur Modern youth movement in Ukraine (1980-2011) Historiography | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2013 |
3803 | K. Herbert Understand traumatic experience | Lviv, Svichado, 2015 |
3804 | V.Kremen Ukraine: the way to yourself Problems of social transformation | Kyiv, Druk, 1998 |
3805 | O. Udovychenko Ukraine in the war for statehood | Kyiv, Ukraine Publishing House, 1995 |
3806 | B. Nolde Autonomy of Ukraine from a historical point of view | Kyiv, Ukraine Publishing House, 1995 |
38071 | M Shapoval Sociology of the Ukrainian revival | Kyiv, Ukraine Publishing House, 1994 |
3808 | R. Service Comrade.and Communism: world history | Tempora, 2012 |
3809 | Resistance movement in Ukraine 1960-1990 Encyclopedic reference book | Kyiv, Torch, 2012 |
3810 | O. Lenartovych Ukrainian national liberation movement in Volyn during the Second World War. Monograph | Lutsk, L.Ukrainka University, 2011 |
3811 | A. Panin The war also had a female face | Kharkiv: MTK-book, 2005 |
3812 | P. Englund The rapture and pain of the First World War in 211 episodes | Kharkiv, Folio, 2016 |
3813 | O. Panfilov Anti-Soviet stories | Ternopil, Mandrivets, 2016 |
3814 | The Great War of 1914-1918. and Ukraine Book 1 Historical Essays | Kyiv, Clio, 2014 |
3815 | The First and Second World Wars in the history of mankind | Kyiv, SE "NEC Priorities", 2014 |
3816 | Essays on the history of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921. Book 1 | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 2011 |
3817 | Essays on the history of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921. Book 2 | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 2012 |
3819 | The political system of modern Ukraine: features of formation, development trends | Kyiv, Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1998 |
3820 | D. Gubin Entertaining political science | Kharkiv, Folio, 2008 |
3821 | P. Shlyakhtun Political Science | Kyiv, Lybid, 2005 |
3822 | Political science educational dictionary-guide for students | Kyiv, Caravela, 2001 |
3823 | I. Kuras Ethnopolitics the first steps of formation | Kyiv, Genesis, 2004 |
3824 | Comparative policy | Kharkiv, V. Karazin KhNU, 2005 |
3825 | P. Shlyakhtun Political Science, History and Theory | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2010 |
3826 | Political science in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Reader | Lviv, Svit, 1996 |
3827 | Workshop on political science | Kyiv, Computers, 2003 |
3828 | D. Pogoriliy Political Science credit-module course | Kyiv, Incos, 2008 |
3829 | About Anatoly Fedya and yoga time | Kramatorsk, Central Printing House "Printing House" Yu 2016 |
3830 | A. Fed Eve of Aquarius | Kaniv, "Glass of Time", 2013 |
3831 | A. Fed Real and metaphysical worlds of Mr. Gray | Kaniv, "Glass of Time", 2013 |
3832 | A. Fed And the soul speaks with the soul | Slavyansk, B. Matorin Publishing House, 2014 |
3833 | A. Fed Aesthetic world of a teacher | Slovyansk, B. Matorin Publishing House, 2013 |
3834 | A. Fed Two colors of time | Slavyansk, B. Matorin Publishing House, 2014 |
3835 | A. Fed Education: aesthetics and mathematics; aesthetics of behavior and life; selected articles | Kaniv, "Glass of Time", 2015 |
3836 | A. Fed The modernity of the eternal | Kyiv, Alterpress, 2015 |
3837 | J. Holoborodko Elysium Incorporation of stratogems | Kharkiv, Folio, 2009 |
3838 | J. Goloborodko Pentaplex | Kherson, Aitlant, 2016 |
3839 | D. Rozovyk Ukrainian cultural revival in the years of the nation | Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2002 |
3840 | O. Kuts Language policy in the state-building processes of Ukraine | Kharkiv, V. Karazin KhNU, 2004 |
3841 | E. Kestner Emil and detectives | Kyiv, Veselka, 1997 |
3842 | Yu. Zakharovich Rostov-Papa | Donetsk, Donetsk Region, 2002 |
3843 | V. Ezhov The white sun of the desert | Moscow, Ast-Press, 1993 |
3844 | S. Covey 7 habits of extremely effective people. Powerful tools for personal development | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2012 |
3845 | B. Tracy Day, money, money | Moscow, SmartBook, 2008 |
3846 | I. Kolisnyk White acacia Poems | Artemovsk, Bistro, 2006 |
3847 | M. Bulgakov Master and Margarita | Moscow, Higher School, 1989 |
3848 | O. Kozlovsky Discover genius in yourself | Donetsk, LLC PKF "Bao", 2005 |
3849 | V. Sorokin Blue fat | Moscow, "Hell Margin", 2002 |
3850 | S. Digtyar History of Ukrainian literature (first half of the XIX century) | Kyiv, Higher School, 1980 |
3851 | Handbook on the history of Ukraine AZ | Kyiv, Genesis, 2001 |
3852 | Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary Volume 1 | Kyiv, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1966 |
3853 | Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary Volume 2 | Kyiv, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1966 |
3854 | Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary Volume 3 | Kyiv, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1966 |
3855 | Gregory Frying Pan Volume 1 | Kyiv, Scientific Opinion, 1972 |
3856 | V. Gergel Gamazeevsky stream | Slavyansk, Printing House, 2004 |
3857 | P. Grout The book of unlimited abilities | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2013 |
3858 | D. Rubino 7 steps to create a network company for $ 1 million | Moscow, Grand Fair, 2006 |
3859 | G. Kovalenko Lexcicology of the English language | Kyiv: Ukrainian Orthodox Church "Kyiv University", 2011 |
3860 | Works by 3 popular and 2 great American writers | Kharkiv, KhNU named after V. Karazina, 2001 |
3861 | Tests in englishb. Thematic vocabulary | Kiev, "Knowledge", 2002 |
3862 | Vocabulary Fondations for the College Student | New York, Hudson Snreet, 1981 |
3863 | Teahing contemporary literature, conference papers | Kyiv, Mohyla academy, 1994 |
3862 | Research strategies of modern literary criticism | Bakhmut, GIIM, 2018 |
3863 | English George Orwell | St. Petersburg "Caro", 2004 |
3864 | Guy de Maupassant Pyshka Novella | Moscow, Fiction ", 1987 |
3865 | Louis Bergeron The Napoleonic Episode | Editions du Seuil, 1972 |
3866 | Patricia Cornwell Red Mist | Editions du Seuil, 2011 |
3867 | Patricia Cornwell Art Risk | Editions du Seuil, 2006 |
3868 | The first steps of a teacher in school. A book to read in English for 3-4 year students | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1984 |
3869 | Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte | Editions du Seuil, 1984 |
3870 | Alice's Adventures in Wondrland Lewis Carroll | Editions du Seuil, 1994 |
3871 | Grimms' Fairy Tales | Editions du Seuil, 1984 |
3872 | Boy on the Rum by Bianca BradBury | Editions du Seuil, 1975 |
3873 | James Hadley Chase Cade | Moscow, Iris Press, 2007 |
3874 | Lire Ie drama | Dunod, Paris, 1999 |
3875 | Ouoi sert la Grammaire | Dunod, Paris, 2000 |
3876 | Claude Hagege Contre la Pensee Unioue | Dunod, Paris, 2000 |
3877 | Honore de Balzac La Femme de trente ans | Editions du Seuil, 1977 |
3878 | Vaugelas Remargues sur La Langue francaise | Dunod, Paris, 1989 |
3879 | Places and addictions fans Les socetes marchandes | Editions du Seuil, 2008 |
3880 | Victor Hugo The last day of a condom | Dunod, Paris, 1989 |
3881 | Paul Delsalle vogabulaire historioue de la france moderne | Dunod, Paris, 19996 |
3882 | Sense and sensibility | Editions du Seuil, 2000 |
3883 | Corneille L'IIIusion comigue | Editions du Seuil, 2000 |
3884 | Au fer a cbeval | Dunod, Paris, 1979 |
3885 | Marivau [La Double Inconstance | Dunod, Paris, 1987 |
3886 | Annie Ernau [La place | Dunod, Paris, 1986 |
3887 | Fables choisies de la fontaine II | Dunod, Paris, 1971 |
3888 | The chaletau carpathes Jules Verne | Dunod, Paris, 1966 |
3889 | Larousse Candide | Dunod, Paris, 2000 |
3890 | Moliere le Bourgeois gentihomme | Dunod, Paris, 1990 |
3891 | Cfndide Voltaire | Dunod, Paris, 1989 |
3892 | Les Fautes de Fren cais les plus kurantes | Dunod, Paris, 1995 |
3893 | Nicolas Baverez Nouveau Monde, old France | Dunod, Paris, 2006 |
3894 | Latin-Russian dictionary. Second edition, revised and supplemented | Moscow, "Russian language", 1976 |
3895 | German-Russian dictionary | Moscow, "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1965 |
3896 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Part 7 | Lviv, Young Life, 1973 |
3897 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Part 3 | Lviv, Young Life, 1959 |
3898 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Part 6 | Lviv, Young Life, 1970 |
3899 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Part 4 | Lviv, Young Life, 1962 |
3900 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Part 8 | Lviv, Young Life, 1976 |
3901 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Part 1 | Lviv, Young Life, 1955 |
3902 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Part 2 | Lviv, Young Life, 1955 |
3903 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Part 9 | Lviv, Young Life, 1980 |
3904 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Part 5 | Lviv, Young Life, 1966 |
3905 | "East Slavic Philology from Nestor to the Present" Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference | Bakhmut, published by BI Matorin, 2018 |
3906 | English-Russian Russian-English dictionary 70,000 words and meanings | Moscow, Astrel Publishing House, 2012 |
3907 | DG Lawrence Lady Chatterley's lover | Kiev, "Globe", 1992 |
3908 | Ken Kesey Sometimes a great notion | USA, PENGUIN BOOKS, 1964 |
3909 | Peter Ho Davies | London, SCEPTE, 2007 |
3910 | John Steinbeck Of mice and men | London, HEINEMANN NEW WINDMILLS, 1965 |
3911 | William Faulkner Go down, Moses | USA, VINTAGE INTERNATIONAL, 1970 |
3912 | Raymond Aron Memoirs | Paris, JULLIARD, 1983 |
3913 | F.Scott Fitzgerald Tender is the night | USA, PENGUIN BOOKS, 1997 |
3914 | Arthur Hailey Hotel | Moscow, Iris Press, 2007 |
3915 | Phyllis Rose The Norton books of womens lives | USA, WW NORTON COMPANY, 1993 |
3916 | Oskar Wilde The picture of Dorian Gray | Moscow, GLOSSA, 1998 |
3917 | Lewis Carroll Alices adventures in Wonderland | USA, PENGUIN BOOKS, 1994 |
3918 | Charles Dickens Great expectations | USA, PENGUIN BOOKS, 1994 |
3919 | Pat Barker Life Class | New York, Anchor Books, 2009 |
3920 | Древне-английская поэзия / Old English poetry | Moscow, Nauka, 1982 |
3921 | English reader for students / Manual for additional reading | Moscow, Enlightenment, 1981 |
3922 | WS Maugham The moon and sixpence | Moscow, "Manager", 1999 |
3923 | Nora Roberts Cordinas crown jewel | USA, SPECIAL EDITION, 2002 |
3924 | Dylan Thomas Under milk wood | New York, A New Directions PAPERBOOK, 1954 |
3925 | Victor Hugo The last day of the condom | France, LIBRIO, 1995 |
3926 | W.Gall, C.Hanley Gall in the days work The wit of Glasgow | Edinburgh, MAINSTREAM PUBLISHING, 1989 |
3927 | O.Henry The skylight room | Moscow, Higher School, 1972 |
3928 | SV Shevtsova Thirteen stories of modern English and American writers | Moscow, GIS, 1997 |
3929 | WS Maugham Selected short stories | Moscow, "Manager", 1999 |
3930 | WS Maugham Cakes and ale: or the skeleton in the cupboard | Moscow, Progress, 1980 |
3931 | A.Christie Five little pigs | Moscow, Iris Press, 2006 |
3932 | H.Kisor What that pig outdoors? | USA, PENGUIN BOOKS, 1990 |
3933 | D.Coupland Generation X | USA, St.Martins Press, 1991 |
3934 | H.Evans Happily ever after | UK, HarperCollins, 2012 |
3935 | W.Graham Cordelia | UK, Fontana books, 1969 |
3936 | D.Nicholls US | UK, Hodder Stoughton, 2014 |
3937 | WM Thackeray A Shabby genteel story | Moscow, "Rainbow", 1985 |
3938 | J.Reacher Bad luck and trouble | UK, BANTAM BOOKS, 2007 |
3939 | P.Robinson All the colors of darkness | UK, HODDER, 2009 |
3940 | JW Goethe Faust | Germany, Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, 1983 |
3941 | Ch.Bronte Jane Eyre | USA, PENGUIN BOOKS, 1994 |
3942 | FHBurnett A little princess | USA, A Yearling book, 1981 |
3943 | Beaumarchais Le Mariage de Figaro | Paris, Le povre poche, 1999 |
3944 | V.Hugo La legend des siecles | France, Librairie Larousse, 1971 |
3945 | S.Bartolini La mobilization politique de la gauche europeenne (1860-1980) | France, Brussels Editions Editions, 2000 |
3946 | JJRousseau Les confessions | France, Le livre de poche, 1998 |
3947 | FSFitzgerald The Great Gatsby | USA, PENGUIN BOOKS, 1994 |
3948 | G.Flaubert LE sentimental education | France, Le livre de poche, 1965 |
3949 | C.Hagege Combat for the French | Paris, Odile Jacob poche, 2008 |
3950 | D.Guerin Front Popular revolution manquee | Paris, Rene Julliard, 1963 |
3951 | Paris is from 2004-2005 | Paris, Office of Tourism and Congresses |
3952 | G.Simenon Lage du Roman | France, Editions Complexe, 1988 |
3953 | Apollinaire Alcools | France, Libraire Larousee, 1971 |
3954 | P.Delerm La sieste assassinee | France, Le grand livre du mois, 2001 |
3955 | S.Mallarme Poesies Anecdotes or poems pages diverses | France, Le livre de poche, 1977 |
3956 | Anthology of French poetry by Villon a Verlaine | France, Le livre de poche, 1998 |
3957 | A.Gasquez, E.Heintzmann The fantastic | Paris, NATHAN, 1994 |
3958 | A.Gasquez, E.Heintzmann La science-fiction | Paris, NATHAN, 1992 |
3959 | Colette The house of Claidine | France, Hachette, 1960 |
3960 | J.-P.Rioux De gaulle | France, Hachette, 2000 |
3961 | Colette Sido | France, Hachette, 1994 |
3962 | F.Rouvillois Droit constitutional | Paris, Flammarion, 2001 |
3963 | Montaigne Essais | France, Libraire Larousse, 1972 |
3964 | Moliere Le Malade imaginaire | France, Libraire Larousse, 1990 |
3965 | Marivaux Leuu de lamour et du hasard | France, EDDL, 1996 |
3966 | F.Rabelais Pantagruel Gargantua | Paris, Hatier, 2004 |
3967 | A.Camus The fish | France, Libraire Larousee, 1965 |
3968 | Balzac Le colonel chabert | Paris, Flammarion, 1992 |
3969 | Lautobiography of Montaigne by Natalie Sarraute | Paris, Hatier, 1988 |
3970 | R.Barthes Le Degre zero de lecriture | France, Editions du Seuil, 1972 |
3971 | P.Carles, B.Desgranges Zola | Paris, Nathan, 1991 |
3972 | B.de Saint-Pierre Paul et Virginie | France, Le livre de poche, 1984 |
3973 | O.Thiebaut Enquete dun pere | France, Apres la lune, 2006 |
3974 | J.Cazotte The lovely devil | Paris, Flammarion, 1979 |
3975 | I.Miniere Method infallible against ladversite | France, Lattes, 2001 |
3976 | A.Comte-Sponville Le Bonheur desperement | France, Librio, 2000 |
3977 | P.Delerm IL avait plu tout le dimanche | France, Mercure de France, 1998 |
3978 | P.Bourdieu Les regles de lart | France, Editions du Seuil, 1992 |
3979 | H.Bernard Le Portrait Anthology | France, Flammarion, 2005 |
3980 | Moliere Lecole des femmes | Paris, Hatier, 1984 |
3981 | C.Puzin The tragedy and the tragedy | France, Nathan, 2000 |
3982 | Moliere Le misanthrope | France, Librairie Larousee, 1965 |
3983 | A.Gasquez, E.Heintzmann The fantastic | Paris, Nathan, 1992 |
3984 | D.Chagnollaud, J.-L.Quermonne La ve Republique | France, Flammarion, 1996 |
3985 | M.de Cervantes Saavedra Don Quixote | UK, Wordsworth Editions, 1998 |
3986 | J.Kirchick The End of Europe | London, Yale University Press, 2017 |
3987 | Commission on cooperation in Europe | Washington, Government Printing Office, 1987 |
3988 | HRClinton, Living History | USA, Scribner, 2003 |
3989 | Coudrette Le roman de melusine | Paris, Flammarion, 1993 |
3990 | Montaigne Essais | France, Libraine Larousse, 1973 |
3991 | S.Towndend The woman who went to bed for a year | Uk, Penguin Books, 2012 |
3992 | A.Bergounioux, G.Grunberg Les socialistes Francais et le pouvoir | France, Fayard, 2005 |
3993 | Montesquieu Pages Choisies | France, Librairie Larousse, 1975 |
3994 | Marivaux Le lauur et gu hasard | France, Le Livre de Poche, 1999 |
3995 | H.Michaux Chemins cherches Chemins perdus Transgressions | France, Gallimard, 1981 |
3996 | The poetry of the 16th century and the debut of the 17th century | France, Presses de Luniversite Angers, 1982 |
3997 | K.Stephens North Riding | UK, HEADLINE, 1990 |
3998 | J.Cox Vagabonds | UK, HEADLINE, 1992 |
3999 | A.Ait-Chaalal, B.Khader, C.Roosens Proche-orient Entre esroirs de paix et realites de guerre | France, GRIP, 2010 |
4000 | K.Hepburn ME Stories of my life | New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1991 |
4001 | C.McCullough The Thorn birds | New York, AVON BOOKS, 1977 |
4002 | CBNeff Hidden Impact | USA, BookSurge, 2005 |
4003 | J.Ciardi How does a poem mean? | USA, Houghton Mifflin company, 1959 |
4004 | MCNussbaum Not for profit | USA, Princeton university press, 2010 |
4005 | GMBurnett Floridas past people and events that shaped the state | Florida, Pineapple Press, 1986 |
4006 | W.Shakespeare Four great comedies | USA, New American Library, 1982 |
4007 | J.Halley, A.Eshleman, RMVijaya Seeing white an introduction to white privilege and race | USA, Rowman Littlefield Publishers, 2011 |
4008 | CJO ^ Leary Taking the high ground | USA, VICTOR, 2001 |
4009 | TJMcCormick Americas half-century | USA, The Johns Hopkins university press, 1989 |
4010 | H.Sounes FRED and ROSE | London, Warner Book, 1955 |
4011 | C.Kuralts American moments | USA, SIMON and SCHUSTER, 1998 |
4012 | A.Melnyczuk The house of widows | Minnesota, Graywolf Press, 2008 |
4013 | W.Shakespeare Four great tragedies | USA, New American Library, 1982 |
4014 | A.Zakrzewski Wincenty witos | Warsaw, Ludowa Spoldzielnia Wydawnicza, 1977 |
4015 | P.Johnson INTELLECTUALS | New York, HarperCollins Publishers, 1988 |
4016 | M.Keyes The other side of the story | USA, Penguin Books, 2004 |
4017 | D.Nicholls ONE DAY | UK, HODDER, 2009 |
4018 | FSFitzgerald Tender is the night | Moscowb "Rainbow", 1983 |
4019 | Ukrainian folk tales HOW IVAN WENT TO SEE THE SUN | Kyiv, Dnipro, 1989 |
4020 | JLCook The mysterious underseaworld | USA, National Geographic Society, 1980 |
4021 | The New Review New Journal 186 | New York, Computoprint, 1992 |
4022 | The New Review New Journal 187 | New York, Computoprint, 1992 |
4023 | Oral history project of the Commission on the Ukraine Famine - 1 | USA, Government printing office, 1990 |
4024 | Oral history project of the Commission on the Ukraine Famine - 2 | USA, Government printing office, 1990 |
4025 | Oral history project of the Commission on the Ukraine Famine - 3 | USA, Government printing office, 1990 |
4026 | R.Wright Native Son | New York, HarperCollins Publishers, 1989 |
4027 | G.Catlin North American Indians | USA, Penguin Books, 1989 |
4028 | CBNeff Peace Corpse | USA, iUniverse, 2008 |
4029 | GG and JBMallinson, WLSmallwood, C.Valentino Silver Burdett science | USA, Silver Burdett Company, 1984 |
4030 | T.Andryszewski KOSOVO the splintering og Yugoslavia | USA, The Millbrook Press, 2000 |
4031 | CBNeff Dire Salvation | USA, B and H, 2012 |
4032 | MRGrimm, M.Hughes The old world | USA, ROW, PETERSON AND COMPANY, 1948 |
4033 | The Avon International Cookbook | USA, AVON BOOK, 1983 |
4034 | DMEllis, JAFrost, WBFink New York the empire state Fourth edition | USA, Prentice-Hall, 1975 |
4035 | R. and G. Schindler Hawaiian cookbook | New York, Dover Publications, 1970 |
4036 | C.Dickens A tale of two cities | Moscow, Progress, 1974 |
4037 | O.Wilde Selections | Moscow, Progress, 1979 |
4038 | W.Whitmans Leaves of Grass | USA, Penguin Books, 1959 |
4039 | G. Green Room in the basement / Living room | Moscow, Higher School, 1970 |
4040 | G.Greene The basement room | Moscow, Higher School, 1970 |
4041 | E.Zola La Curee | France, Gallimard, 1993 |
4042 | Beaumarchais La folle journee ou le marriage de figaro | France, Pocket, 1999 |
4043 | J.-J.Rousseau Discourses on the sciences and the arts / Discourses on the line of logic | Paris, Flammarion, 1971 |
4044 | L.Bruyere Les caracteres | France, Librairie Larousse, 1971 |
4045 | J.du Bellay Oeuvres choisies | France, Librairie Larousse, 1964 |
4046 | J.Anouilh La repetition ou Lamour puni | France, Librairie Larousse, 1973 |
4047 | L.Fontaine Fables choisies | France, Librairie Larousse, 1971 |
4048 | Moliere Amphitryon | France, Librairie Larousse, 1975 |
4049 | Chateaubriand Atala | France, Librairie Larousse, 1971 |
4050 | Corneille Polyeucte | France, Librairie Larousse, 1964 |
4051 | Rabelais Pantagruel | France, Librairie Larousse, 1972 |
4052 | Rabelais Gargantua | France, Librairie Larousse, 1972 |
4053 | H.de Balzac Le cure de tours | France, Gallimard, 1976 |
4054 | H.de Balzac Le pere Goriot | France, Le Livre de poche, 1972 |
4055 | A.Daudet Lettres de mon moulin | France, Pocket, 2005 |
4056 | A.Daudet Lettres de mon moulin | France, Carrefour, 1994 |
4057 | Corneille Horace | France, Gallimard, 1994 |
4058 | Mr. Sand Pauline | France, Gallimard, 2007 |
4059 | I.Fleming Casino Royale | Thailand, MACMILLAN, 2006 |
4060 | Modern English: no problem! | Donetsk, BAO, 2008 |
4061 | KE Eckersley English 3.4 vol | Ekaterinburg, U-Faktoria, 1998 |
4062 | State Tretyakov Gallery Soviet Art | Moscow, "Fine Arts", 1970 |
4063 | Creative and process writing grades K-2 | Massachusetts, Sundance Publishers, 1988 |
4064 | SE Polyakova, NI Ryzhikh English 365 days a year | Donetsk, BAO, 2006 |
4065 | J.-P.Rioux, J.-F.Sirinelli La France dun sienle a lautre 1914-2000 TOME 1 | France, Hachette, 1999 |
4066 | J.-P.Rioux, J.-F.Sirinelli La France dun sienle a lautre 1914-2000 TOME 2 | France, Hachette, 1999 |
4067 | F.Furet La Revolution 1 1770-1814 | France, Hachette, 1988 |
4068 | F.Furet La Revolution 2 1814-1880 | France, Hachette, 1988 |
4069 | VN Komissarov, YI Retsker, VI Tarkhov Manual on translation from English into Russian PART 1 | Moscow, Publishing House of Literature in Foreign Languages, 1960 |
4070 | NP Pozhidayeva Theory and practice of translation | Kharkiv, Fedorko, 2015 |
4071 | Library of the magazine "Foreign languages" Modern technology of teaching foreign language material in secondary schools ISSUE 2 1996 | Kyiv, Lenvit, 1996 |
4072 | LM Chernovaty, VI Karaban Translation of English economic literature US economy: general principles | Vinnytsia, "New Book", 2005 |
4073 | LM Chernovaty, VI Karaban Practical English course Part two | Vinnytsia, "New Book", 2005 |
4074 | LM Chernovaty, VI Karaban Translation of English legal literature | Vinnytsia, "New Book", 2006 |
4075 | OV Rebriy, LM Chernovaty, VI Karaban Fundamentals of translation cursive | Vinnytsia, "New Book", 2006 |
4076 | Large Russian-French dictionary | Moscow, Russian language Media, 2006 |
4077 | New French-Russian dictionary | Moscow, Russian language Media, 2006 |
4078 | GB Antrushina, OV Afanasyeva, NN Morozova Lexicology of the English language | Moscow, "Drofa", 1999 |
4079 | D. Austen Pride and pride | Kyiv, Komsomolskaya Pravda, 2007 |
4080 | F. Andahazi Anatomy | Moscow, Mahaon, 2003 |
4081 | E. Zola Money | Moscow, Pravda, 1985 |
4082 | A. Levin Child Rosemary | Yekaterinburg, "Middle Ural Book Publishing House", 1993 |
4083 | S. Bowman Destiny Volume 1 | Kharkiv, "Flag", 1994 |
4084 | S. Bowman Destiny Volume 2 | Kharkiv, "Flag", 1994 |
4085 | IS Turgenev The day before, Fathers and children, Steppe King Lear | Leningrad, "Fiction", 1985 |
4086 | AIKuprin Yama | St. Petersburg, Skorina, 1992 |
4087 | G.de Maupassant Une vie | France, ALBIN MICHEL, 1983 |
4088 | C. Dickens Dombey and son | Moscow, "Spark of the Revolution", 1955 |
4089 | VE-J.Dooley Upstream Pre-intermediate B1 | EU, Express Publishing, 2004 |
4090 | VE-J.Dooley Upstream Pre-intermediate B1 Workbook | EU, Express Publishing, 2004 |
4091 | A.Crace, R.Wileman Language to go Intermediate students book | England, PEARSON Longman, 2002 |
4092 | Laure Adler Marguerite Duras | France, Hachette, 1988 |
4093 | U.Eco The Prague cemetery | London, Harvill secker, 2010 |
4094 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Vocabulary part. Volume 10 | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2000 |
4095 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Vocabulary part. Volume 9 | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2000 |
4096 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Vocabulary part. Volume 8 | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2000 |
4097 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Vocabulary part. Volume 7 | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2000 |
4098 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Vocabulary part. Volume 6 | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2000 |
4099 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Vocabulary part. Volume 5 | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2000 |
4100 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Vocabulary part. Volume 4 | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2000 |
4101 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Vocabulary part. Volume 2 | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2000 |
4102 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Vocabulary part. Volume 3 | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2000 |
4103 | Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. Vocabulary part. Volume 1 | Lviv, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2000 |
4104 | Hutsul worlds Lexicon | Lviv, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine I. Krypya'kevych, 2013 |
4105 | La Guere de Troie Naura pas Lieu | France, Hachette, 1971 |
4106 | EIVoynich THE Cadfly | Moscow, Foreign languages house, 1954 |
4107 | M.Ondaatje Divisadero | USA, Vintage International, 2007 |
4108 | J.Galsworthy The forsyte saga | Moscow, Progress, 1976 |
4109 | E.Canin Carry me across the water | USA, Random house trade paperbacks, 2001 |
4110 | American Literary Studies in Ukraine Issue 9 | Nizhyn, PE Lysanets MM, 2016 |
4111 | W. Shakespeare Collection of works | Kharkiv, Family Leisure Club, 2016 |
4112 | N.Hornby Juliet, Naked | USA, Penguin Group, 2009 |
4113 | J.Bersani, M.Autrand, J.Lecarme, B.Vercier La literature en France depuis 1945 | Paris, Bordas, 1970 |
4114 | R.-M.Allemand Le nouveau roman | France, Ellipses, 1996 |
4115 | P.Charaudeau Le discourses mediational information | France, Nathan, 1997 |
4116 | A.Camus Letranger | France, Gallimard, 1957 |
4117 | N.Hornby High Fidelity | UK, Indogo, 1995 |
4118 | J.Baldwin No name in the street | USA, Laurel, 1972 |
4119 | N.Mailer Barbary Shore | USA, New American library, 1951 |
4120 | B.Malamud The Tenants | USA, Pocket books, 1971 |
4121 | M.Atwood Surfacing | UK, Virago, 1972 |
4122 | J.Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea | USA, Penguin Books, 1966 |
4123 | JMCoetzee Life and times of Michael K | UK, Vintage, 1983 |
4124 | E. Burroughs An inveterate criminal | Moscow, "Physical Culture and Sports", 1991 |
4125 | Modern Russian literary language Russian as a foreign language | Moscow, Flint, 1999 |
4126 | Priest O. Panasenko History of museum work | Kramatorsk, Central Printing House, 2011 |
4127 | Ukrainian Museum in Prague (1659) 1925-1948 | Kyiv, Myronivska Drukarnia JSC, 1996 |
4128 | U. Golovach, G. Shepel Greek language Koine Hellenistic-Roman period | Lviv, Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House, 2011 |
4129 | Krumlov, Czech Republic (in Czech) | Czech Republic, 2014 |
4130 | D. Gorbachev, Avangard Johansen | Lviv, NAUTILUS, 2007 |
List of general fund