To the 70th anniversary of GIIM: Psychology Week

To the 70th anniversary of GIIM: Psychology Week

On October 8-11, 2019, the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages hosted the Week of Psychology, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the native university.

On the first day of the event, the institute was decorated with portraits of prominent psychologists of the XX - XXI centuries. A video collection of quotes from scientists around the world about human psychology, short informative films accompanied from a telemonitor located in the lobby of the first floor, all the breaks between classes throughout the week.

Students of 2-3 courses of specialty Psychology on the first day of the week, October 8, they made a kind of "psychological landing" in the classrooms of the institute: in a few minutes they managed to provide students of both faculties with interesting information about the possibilities of the human psyche; drew attention to some mysteries of mental development.

At the end of the first day of the Week of Psychology, GIIM hosted a training "Keys to their own capabilities", which was attended by more than 60 students, teachers and guests of the institute. The class was conducted by the head of the psychology section, Ph.D. psychol. Tatiana Borozentseva, Head of the Intellect-City Center for Intellectual Development in Kramatorsk. At the meeting there was a lively discussion about the role that emotional memories play in a person's life: whether to help a person get rid of them, or, conversely, to preserve them, learn to use them. To master the skill of consciously choosing emotions, participants enthusiastically tracked their own feelings, explored their ability to "be in the moment" and feel a partner in communication.

The second day of Psychology Week was even brighter and more rewarding.

On October 9, 2019, a practical seminar "Modern psychological service at school" was held. Victoria Golovko, head of the Center for Psychology and Social Work in Bakhmut, told students-psychologists of 2-4 courses and teachers of the institute about the challenges and tasks facing the school psychologist, about the latest regulations governing his work. The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy expresses its sincere gratitude to the City Department of Education for the opportunity to involve such a high-level professional practitioner in teaching.

In the second part of the day, the participants of the Week of Psychology were expected to train "Life Scenarios: from limitations to individuality." The training was conducted by a specialist of the School of Transactional Analysis Oleksiy Oleksiyovych Zaritsky, Head of the Department of Social and Psychological Support of Personality Development of the Donetsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (Kramatorsk).

The charismatic presenter enthusiastically revealed to the audience the secrets of the conditions that subconsciously guide the life of each person. Students and teachers present at the training learned that a person's life scenario develops at an early age (up to 4 years) and then affects all subsequent life, behavioral strategies and situations of choice, unfolding in the direction of scenario retribution. On the other hand, the life scenario plays an extremely important positive role - it helps a person to adapt to the outside world and save himself. In addition, it is the scenario of life that makes a person unique, unique, unlike others. Thanks to well-chosen psychological exercises, the participants learned to be aware of their life positions, their own types of scenario processes, looking for new models of life scenarios that can be created by themselves. The more of them, the greater the opportunities to consciously influence their lives open up to man.

Oleksiy Zaritsky's audience, the vast majority of which were students, future specialists in the field of practical psychology, gratefully accepted the theoretical and practical experience, which the psychologist skillfully shared in a lively and relaxed manner.


On October 10, 2019, when World Mental Health Day was determined, there was an unusual atmosphere in Inyaza. Each student and employee of the institute had the opportunity to receive good wishes in the lottery (authors and executors of the idea - Olena Tovstykh, gr. 302 and Lisa Komisarenko, gr. 202); Many unexpected and interesting experiences were gained by the daredevils who took part in the action "Day of sincere embraces". The audience received the motivating lecture of Oleksandr Borysenko (group 304), who demonstrated with his own experience how much in life depends on the strength of one's own desire, self-confidence and self-confidence, positive thinking and determination.

In the afternoon, everyone gathered an incredibly dynamic, productive and very useful training "Taking care of yourself" from the teacher of psychology and pedagogy Inna Valentinovna Dolia, psychologist of the humanitarian organization "Snowdrop" with the support of UNHCR. The warm, almost healing atmosphere was created by the sincere statements of the participants, the openness of the presenter, the caring touches of the friendly palms of the participants.


On the final day of the Week of Psychology, October 11, 2019, there was a bright lecture by a student of gr. 305 Volodymyr Chernenko "Introduction to Human Design"; fascinating training dedicated to the study of their own emotions, conducted by a graduate student. 505 Anastasia Andryukhanova.

The main event of this unusual week was the congratulations on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the institute within the walls of the institute dear guests - future students, high school students of Bakhmut schools, and psychologists, graduate students, graduates of 2018.

Students gr. 202, gr. 205, gr. 207, gr. 304 and gr. 305 organized and conducted a psychological quest for students at the institute. Moving through the "stations" marked by portraits of prominent psychologists, students in grades 10-11 № 5, 7 and 12 (a total of almost 40 participants) sought answers to unexpected questions in human psychology, solved puzzles, trained abstract thinking and flexibility their perception, performed complex team tests. As a reward for successfully completing the tasks, each student received a magic candy and a pen that removes errors in the notebook.

At the general meeting, at the end of all the bright adventures of the psychological week, schoolchildren, students and graduates of the institute had a discussion about the benefits, dangers and future of the profession psychologist (moderators were Nazar Vlasov and Valeria Konik, students of group 402). The first graduates of the master's degree of In'Yaz in Bakhmut (2018) Meshcheryakova Olga and Tkachenko Tetyana told about their professional activity after graduating as a practical psychologist: Olga works in an international Polish organization that provides psychological assistance to the population along the line of demarcation, Tatiana has opened her own office in the city and provides the services of a psychologist.

The guests liked the interactive quiz on human psychology, which was conducted using technical means (prepared by Angelina Kolesnikova, gr. 304). The students who received the highest scores in the quiz received prize sweets from GIIM psychologists graduates. Sweet prizes and books of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, with the support of the Association of Psychologists-Practitioners "PreObrazovanie", were awarded to students of GIIM, who took the most active part in preparing and conducting an unusual week dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Institute - Mikhail Mishunin. ), Victoria Sherikhai (gr. 207) and others.

Great deeds are possible only through the concerted actions of people united by one idea, dream and goal. Psychology Week united the participants not only with a commitment to science, but also with a love for the institute, pride in its confident progress forward and upward.

We serve Inyaz and Peace!                


Department of Psychology and Pedagogy GIIM.




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Sergey Gladkikh