Very Verified: media literacy course

Very Verified: media literacy course

The end of the five-week Very Verified: media literacy course, which a group of students of our institute took in English under the guidance of Associate Professor of English Philology and Translation M.Yu. Shkuropat. These were weeks full of information, exercises, games, tests, reflections, communication. During this time, students learned about the types of information content, learned the principles of journalistic ethics, learned to distinguish between facts and judgments, significantly developed skills of critical perception of information, learned to detect false information, learned how to manipulate and master the techniques of information validation. As a result of the course, students are ready to become Ambassadors of Media Literacy, to disseminate acquired skills among peers and use them in later careers.

It will be recalled that this course was developed by an international organization IREX in Ukraine in partnership with an online education studio EdEra. Very Verified is part of the Study and Distinguish: Info Media Literacy project, implemented by IREX with the support of the US Embassy and the British Embassy in Ukraine, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Thank you to everyone who joined, who was with us for five weeks, studied the basics of media literacy so critical thinking, analyzed, doubted and sought answers. So, filters ON!



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Sergey Gladkikh