Dear colleagues, dear students!

Dear colleagues, dear students!

April 3 should coincide with the term of our forced quarantine. We should be accustomed to gathering in the classrooms of our native In'Yaz: lectures, workshops and seminars, which we now - both teachers and students - actually lack; in libraries and resource centers - the funds of which, as it turned out, we desperately need right now… And today we should have the opportunity to just communicate with each other and smile at each other, because we lack just that - the usual and, at first glance, everyday things… Have we had a reassessment of values? .. - obviously not; due to the absence of these everyday things in the realities of the slow pace of our lives today, we simply place the emphasis in a different way. And this, in fact, despite all the troubles, adds optimism and confidence that we will be fine!  

Dear colleagues, teachers and staff of In'Yaz! We truly thank you for the colossal organizational and educational-methodical work that you perform in the conditions of distance learning of our applicants, finding time and opportunity to pay attention to everyone! The results of the student survey show that everyone you teach appreciates your work!

Dear students! You have always lived up to all our hopes and expectations! And today we are convinced of this as never before! Thank you for your trust!

Going to quarantine, somewhere in the secret depths of our souls, we suspected that organizing a working day in the absence of clear regulations and you, and, in part, we may not be easy, that sometimes there may be difficulties due to, in our opinion, the incommensurability of mandatory to perform work and physical time that can be allocated for their performance. And, obviously, we have consequences for some times of wasted time, when we allowed and may continue to allow ourselves to postpone for tomorrow what could be done today… Let's try to adjust your work day - find a place in it and exercise, and rest from gadgets, and communication with relatives, and - of course - full-fledged fruitful educational activities! We believe - we will cope with this test!  

We sincerely wish you success in mastering the requirements of the programs on your own, and remember that we, the teachers you have, are available for consultations and are happy to help you in case of need!

We have everything will be good! Necessarily!


Sergey Gladkikh