Achievements of our students

Achievements of our students

The student community demonstrates its achievements to us almost every day. And this is not only achievements in education, where intellect and initiative are manifested, but also curiosity, erudition and self-development outside of educational activities.

The year 2020 is finally over. It was difficult for all of us. However, our students were able to find advantages in this - they actively use online services for self-education and improvement of extraordinary, but relevant skills today. Opportunities surround us, all we need is our desire!

For example, our student Elizaveta Kravchenko took an online video editing course at the Video School.

Sophomore student Sofia Bambula also completed a full course of study and qualified as a facilitator in organizing and conducting an interactive educational exhibition "Mental Trek".

We are proud of how our students overcome laziness, achieve their goals, and we believe that the skills they have acquired will definitely be useful to them in their future activities!

On the basis of our institute there is an organization of SNT, where applicants gather with a desire to realize their scientific potential. Students Anna Bezsmertna and Kateryna Mykhailytska took part in the online learning program "Play with words", where they gained theoretical and practical knowledge and skills on how to prepare for a performance, avoiding fear, how to improvise and make your voice sound confident and attractive and other interesting things. .

We will continue to monitor the achievements of our students, and you do not get bored, develop and be active! Don't waste your precious time!

Sergey Gladkikh