Election of deans of faculties

Election of deans of faculties

On January 30, 2021 at the conferences of labor collectives of the faculties of Romance-Germanic languages and social and linguistic communication of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of Donbass State Pedagogical University elections for the position of deans of faculties took place.

In connection with the restrictive measures due to quarantine conditions, 17 delegates were elected to participate in conferences on the election of deans of faculties, of which 3 are students. Among those invited to the conference of the staff of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic languages were Marchenko Tetyana Mykhailivna, Deputy Director for Scientific-Pedagogical and Educational-Methodological Work, and Kovalska Natalia Valeriyivna, Head of the Primary Trade Union Organization GIIM. A representative of the administration of the institution at the conference of the staff of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication was Govgalenko Eugene, Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Affairs.

According to the results of a secret ballot, he was elected dean of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages Zharikova Marina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of World Literature.

He was elected Dean of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication Marakhovska Valentina Gavrilovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Ukrainian Philology.

We sincerely congratulate Zharikova Marina Vladimirovna and Marakhovska Valentina Gavrilovna on their election to the positions of deans, we wish them creative inspiration and success in their work!

Sergey Gladkikh