Career guidance online meeting of the Department of English Philology and Translation with students of the 11th grade of the school № 10 of Toretsk.

Career guidance online meeting of the Department of English Philology and Translation with students of the 11th grade of the school № 10 of Toretsk.

On April 27, 2022, the Department of English Philology and Translation held an online career guidance meeting with trainee teacher Ladonina VD with students of the 11th grade of school № 10 in Toretsk.

The meeting was aimed at finding and encouraging applicants to enter the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages. 11th grade students were presented with advertising flyers of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication and the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages with all the necessary information and a list of specialties.

A separate purpose of the online meeting was to acquaint students with three educational and professional programs taught by the Department of English Philology and Translation: 014.021 Secondary Education (English Language and Literature). Information and communication technologies; 014.021 Secondary education (English language and literature). Psychology and 035.041 Philology (translation (English; German or French).

The greatest interest among students was the specialty 014.021 Secondary education (English language and literature). Information and communication technologies. Increased attention of entrants was due to the modernity and relevance of the proposed educational program, namely the possibility of developing language and digital skills, so they asked several questions. Students Zadorozhnyuk Anna, Husseinov Maxim and Baeva Darya were interested in what disciplines are studied in this specialty, with the help of which modern technologies are taught in GIIM and in what areas the future graduate of this specialty can work.

Maksym Tokmakov and Daria Fedorova expressed interest in the specialty 035.041 Philology (translation (English; German or French) and asked how the process of choosing a second language, whether there is an opportunity for internships abroad and how students go through internships.

In total, the meeting was attended by five students of 11th grade and class teacher OA Novikova, who provided an opportunity to acquaint entrants with the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages and its interesting and modern educational and professional programs. All received the necessary information, telephone numbers of the admissions committee and links to the institute's website to further find answers to their questions.

We look forward to meeting your future students!

Vladislav Wanda