CLIL at Work Internship at Heidelberg University

CLIL at Work Internship at Heidelberg University

The teachers of GIIIM - associate professor of the department of pedagogy and teaching methods Lyudmila Kokorina, senior teacher of the department of English philology and translation Olena Koroleva, associate professor of the department of domestic and foreign history Viktoriya Kontsur - took part in an international internship on the methodology of subject-language integrated education within the framework of the Erasmus+ project "Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine's Multilingual Education and European Integration". The study visit lasted a week from November 7 to 11, 2022 at the Heidelberg University of Education (Germany).

The goal of the internship was to improve and further implement CLIL methods in Ukrainian education. The events were well balanced and combined theoretical, practical and cultural components. Project participants listened to lectures and took part in seminars on multilingual education, features of the teacher education system in Germany, approaches to critical learning and methods of physically active teaching in higher education. The practical component included a preliminary discussion, analysis of plans and attendance at training classes conducted by university students using CLIL, pedagogical observation, as well as further discussion of the results of the lessons with the participation of methodologists and students.

The meeting of the internship participants with Ukrainian schoolchildren who found refuge in Germany was touching. Teachers attended German lessons adapted for Ukrainian high school students. The highlight of the internship was a series of excursions to the historical part of Heidelberg, one of which was prepared by students of the secondary school named after Theodor Heuss Realschule.

Vladislav Wanda