Virtual libraries, museums, archives

Virtual libraries, museums, archives

Dear! You can familiarize yourself with the content presented below on the pages of the E-BOOK distributed by calling:

Foreign electronic libraries

Open Access Publishing in European Networks - an online library and publishing platform that contains academic books in free access. OAPEN works with book publishers to create a quality collection of open access books.

Internet Archive - This portal boasts more than three million texts, more than a million videos and the same number of audio recordings.

OpenLibrary - a library of works of classical literature, has more than a million materials in various languages.

Electronic library of Ukrainian literature of the University of Toronto (Canada) - a personal project of university professor Maksym Tarnavskyi. The library was created to provide free and free access to electronic texts of Ukrainian literature to all interested readers, especially students outside Ukraine, where access to Ukrainian-language texts is limited.

University of Adelaide Library contains works on literature, philosophy, religion, history and other topics, as well as works of fiction in the original language.

University of Pennsylvania Library has more than two million free e-books, ranging from history to law and medicine. Books can be downloaded in zip or txt format.

Bartleby offers access to fiction and non-fiction.

E-Books Directory is a daily growing list of links to freely available e-books, documents and lectures. To date, 10,241 e-books in 678 categories are available.

EBook-Café - this portal has a collection of classic literature that can be read or downloaded in unlimited quantities.

Free Microsoft eBooks - a collection of free books from Microsoft. The literature posted on this site tells more about the capabilities of the company's most popular products - Windows and Office.

Open Culture - on this site you will find more than 800 free e-books, including many masterpieces of fiction, poetry and popular science literature.

The New York Public Library: more than 1000 free books in different formats

Google Books: in the search, specify 'full preview books', if the book you are looking for is not protected by copyright - you can use it

Open Library: a selection of classical literature

ManyBooks: a large collection of free literature

10 best online libraries with e-books in Ukrainian

On there are thousands of online libraries with millions of e-books on the Internet. Americans are the most fortunate to have Amazon and Barnes&Noble, where you can find any of the existing books. The situation is no worse in the Russian-speaking segment, where electronic libraries have been operating for more than a dozen years. And what should a Ukrainian who wants to read his favorite book in his native language do? It turns out that several very interesting online libraries specializing in books in the Ukrainian language have appeared in Ukraine in recent years. So, if you want to read books in your native language, be sure to read our selection of the 10 best online libraries with e-books in Ukrainian.

Library of Ukrainian literature "UkrLib"

The online library UkrLib was founded at the turn of the millennium - in the distant year 2000. Today, it positions itself as the largest electronic library of Ukrainian literature on the Internet. With the help of this project, the founders are trying to popularize the Ukrainian language and culture and nurture love for native literature in the new generation.

The library has several main sections, namely "Ukrainian literature", "World literature", "Learning", "Literature studies" and "Materials in Russian". In turn, the literary sections have subsections "Modern literature", "Folk creativity", "Biographies" and "Critical articles".

The main page shows the "Book of the Day", which the library offers to read on this day, and the "Prominent figures of Ukrainian literature" section, where you can familiarize yourself with the biographies and best works of Ukrainian writers. You can also ask what books other UkrLib visitors are currently reading. To do this, you need to go to the "Rating of works" section, where the works of the day, the most popular books and the latest arrivals to the library are indicated.

Books can be read directly on the site or downloaded in the most acceptable format: DOCX, RTF, HTML, EPUB, MOBI, PDF.

Ukrainian electronic library "Libruk"

On the Libruk resource, the works of Ukrainian classical writers and modern authors of various genres are collected. All books are divided into two large sections - Ukrainian literature and world bestsellers. There is also an opportunity to upload your works to Libruk, which will undoubtedly appeal to young Ukrainian authors.

On the main page there is a complete list of authors, an alphabetical catalog and such an unusual search tool as "Authors by place of birth". In this mode, you can search for book authors on the map of Ukraine. Also, to familiarize yourself with the life and creative path of Ukrainian writers, the resource contains their abbreviated biographies.

All books are available in the most popular electronic formats FB2, EPUB and MOBI. The latter format is included in the library due to the fact that Amazon Kindle e-books are widely popular in Ukraine due to a good price/quality ratio. Some books can be downloaded in PDF or DJVU formats, which are more suitable for reading on a desktop computer or tablet.

In addition, books can be read using an integrated online reader, which allows you to customize the text display and remembers the last read page.

"Flibusta" book brotherhood

The Flibust Book Brotherhood is one of the largest online libraries on the Internet. This resource specializes in Russian-language books, but on its pages you can find books of any genre in all European languages, including Ukrainian. Flibust has a total of 350,000 books by more than 130,000 authors, and almost 5,000 of them are in Ukrainian. To find books in the Ukrainian language, you need to use the corresponding section, or specify the code "uk" in the "language" parameter when searching.

The main advantage of Flibusta compared to other online libraries is that its pages contain the latest books. Each volume is accompanied by a photo of the cover, ratings and comments from those who have already read the book. The advanced search and numerous ratings will help you find something interesting, which includes "Books of the Day", "Books of the Week", as well as "Most Popular Books", "Most Popular Authors" and "Most Rated Books".

Electronic library "Ukrainian literature"

The electronic library "Ukrainian literature" is aimed at students, schoolchildren and any connoisseurs of Ukrainian literature. On this resource, it is possible to get free access to the best works of classical Ukrainian literature, which are usually introduced at school.

For convenient work with site materials, all writers are structured according to an alphabetical index. After selecting the desired author, a page with a list of all necessary materials related to this writer will open to the reader. This list includes detailed and abbreviated biographies, works, abridged works and retellings, analysis and characteristics of books, and school works. This list will help you repeat a previously read book, prepare for an external examination, or complete your homework faster.

All books of the electronic library "Ukrainian Literature" can be read directly on the website, or downloaded in one click in DOCX, FB2, PDF, DJVU formats for reading on a mobile phone, tablet or e-book.

Separately, we would like to note the section "ZNO 2017", which contains authors and their works included in the program of the External Independent Evaluation of Ukrainian Literature in 2017. Students will be able to find there book analyses, characteristics, abridged versions of works, literary theory, as well as the ZNO 2017 program.

Ukrainian and foreign literature in the Ukrainian language "Shift Library CMS"

The goal of this electronic library is to spread and popularize Ukrainian-language works among readers. Special attention is paid to books of the non-Soviet period, published by the Ukrainian diaspora, as well as publications of recent years. The priority task of the library is to provide readers with e-books in full and to provide schoolchildren and students with Ukrainian-language material that they study according to the programs of educational institutions.

All books in the library are grouped by the following genres: Humor, Detectives and Thrillers, Children's Literature, Reference Literature, Documentary Literature, Housekeeping (Home and Family), Computers and the Internet, Romance Novels, Science, Education, Poetry, Playwriting, Adventures , Prose, Religion and spirituality, Ancient literature, Fiction.

According to the creators of the resource, the compactness, convenience and universality of electronic texts clearly prove that electronic books have a great future and Ukrainians simply have to keep up with the times. That is why they try to provide convenient use and access to the content of their electronic library in all possible ways.

Electronic library of the National Library of Ukraine for children

The fund of the National Library of Ukraine for children contains many books that have survived in the country in single copies and are kept in the collection of rare and valuable publications. Some of them are real masterpieces of book culture from the second half of the 19th to the first half of the 20th century, and there are small-circulation interesting scientific studies that can be useful to modern scientists.

Only individual researchers have access to these books: bibliographers, art critics, literary critics, artists and publishers. Therefore, the main goal of the "Electronic Library of the NBU for Children" project is to acquaint the general public with the best examples of the library's collection within the existing copyright legislation. The project plans to include modern books in the electronic library, which will become possible after reaching appropriate agreements with authors and publishers.

Children's public online library "Chitanka"

Children's online public library "Chitanka" specializes in Ukrainian-language illustrated books. The authors of the project scan old children's picture books in order to share them with modern children.

To find the book you need, you should use the author, alphabetical or systematic catalog. In the first two sections, the books are arranged by author or title, and in the second, they are grouped by the following sections: "Foreign", "Ukrainian", "Children", "Informative", "Novel", "Stories", "Tales", "P Essays, Poems, Humor, Journals, Textbooks, etc.

All books in "Chitanka" can be downloaded in a single DJVU format, so they can be read only on tablets or readers that support this e-book standard.

Bookland e-book store

As the name suggests, the Bookland e-book store primarily tries to sell books, audiobooks, dictionaries and periodicals to the reader. But due to monetization, this resource has such publications in its repertoire that you will not find on the pages of free electronic libraries. The price of books and magazines is quite reasonable, besides, Bookland also has a section with free books.

Fiction in Ukrainian ""

The online library has collected a large collection of books, mostly of the artistic direction. The site has such sections as "Classics", "Biographies", "Historical novels, adventures", "Fiction, fantasy", "Detectives, action films", "Love novels", "Modern prose", "Science and education", "For parents and children". If you prefer not reading, but listening to books, then the website has an "Audiobooks" section for you.

Public electronic library of Ukrainian fiction "UKRLIT.ORG"

The public electronic library of Ukrainian fiction UKRLIT.ORG started its work back in 2005 with a collection of works by several authors. Since then, the library has been updated and filled with new books. The main sections of the library are Ukrainian literature, mainly classics, explanatory dictionaries, transliteration and other works for schoolchildren, students, teachers and the general public.


Archive of Ukrainian periodicals online.

The electronic library of the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Theoretical and methodological problems of researching the world-historical process.
General concept of world and national history. Methods of historical research and special historical disciplines. Ancient and medieval history of Ukraine. Ukraine in the 18th - 19th centuries. History of Ukraine of the 20th century. Ethnic history. National revival of the Ukrainian people. Modern national and ethnocultural processes. Religion and the church in Ukraine. History and modern problems of international relations. Ukraine in the European and global socio-historical process.

The electronic library of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after A. Yu. Krymskyi

Readers are offered research on language, literature, history, philosophy, religion, culture, and problems of socio-political development of the countries and regions of the Near, Middle, and Far East, as well as the history and culture of peoples of eastern origin on the territory of modern Ukraine.

Electronic archive of the Ukrainian liberation movement

The project was carried out with the assistance of the Liberation Movement Research Center and Ivan Franko Lviv National University.

Electronic educational library of Ukrainian folkloristics

"Electronic Educational Library of Ukrainian Folklore" is an educational and methodological project of the Laboratory of Folklore Studies.

The goal of the project is to provide students studying the Ukrainian folklore tradition, as well as all those interested in the spiritual culture of the Ukrainian people, with quick, convenient and free access to classic scientific-theoretical and source works and publications on Ukrainian folklore and folkloristics.

For this purpose, the employees of the Laboratory are preparing electronic copies of books (as part of the project "Electronic reprinting of classical scientific-theoretical and source heritage of Ukrainian folkloristics" by their own hands and in cooperation with supporters of Ukrainian folklore (web resource "Our"), as well as search for and select electronic copies of books that have been made within the framework of other world projects for the preservation of spiritual heritage (such as Google) and provided for free use. In this way, we strive to collect "in one place" articles, monographs, anthologies, serial editions and other books on Ukrainian folklore and folkloristics, which are necessary for teaching and research work, but which are often difficult or completely inaccessible to readers (especially outside the boundaries of large cities and scientific libraries).

Ukrainian scientist

Ukrainian woman - a national reference information and documentary resource of archival, handwritten and printed sources created in Ukraine or other countries - about Ukraine, its history, economy, culture, based on the principles of accounting and accumulation of the documentary heritage of the Ukrainian people.

City History Center

The included materials of the archive of digitized audiovisual sources related to the history of Lviv and other cities of the region, collected within the framework of the City Media Archive project

Digital archive of the "Territory of Terror" museum

Electronic copies of archival documents, film, phono, photo documents from various historical periods of Ukraine.

ANNO - AustriaN Newspapers Online

ANNO – newspapers and magazines of the Austrian National Library.

Baltic Digital Library

The Baltic Digital Library - the project was implemented thanks to the Koszalin State Archives, the city public library and the Museum of Central Pomerania in Slupsk.

Biblioteka Cyfrowa Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego

Wroclaw University library project.

Biblioteka Cyfrowa WBP w Lublinie

Project of the Voivodeship Public Library of Lublin named after Hieronim Lopachynskyi.

Diasporiana Electronic Library

Electronic library of the intellectual heritage of the Ukrainian emigration.


Gallica is an online library of the National Library of France. Among the materials of the library, readers are offered the following types of documents: books, magazines, newspapers, photos, caricatures, posters, maps, manuscripts, musical scores, audio materials, book miniatures.

Podkarpacka Biblioteka Cyfrowa

The library of Ryashiv University, city public and voivodeship libraries of Ryashiv.

Polona - Biblioteka Narodowa

Polish digital library.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is an electronic library with free access to over 60,000 free e-books.

Strona główna | CRISPA

Electronic library of the University of Warsaw.

Welcome to Europeana

Europeana is a European electronic library that contains the cultural heritage of European museums, galleries, libraries and archives.

Ukrainian-language electronic libraries. Libraries of Ukrainian literature

  1. AeLib: Library of World Literature. Originals and translations
  2. InfoCiti (Kyiv). Electronic library on computer technologies
  3. Book-online library. We read online
  4. The Yava-Libre library. Downloading
  5. Library of Ukrainian literature Ukrlib. Modern Ukrainian literature, classics, oral folk art, biographies of writers, works, essays
  6. "Library of the basket scribe". Here you can find poems by T. Shevchenko, L. Ukrainka, M. Rylsky and many other poets.
  7. BookCrossing Project Library
  8. "Open book". Free electronic library of classics of Ukrainian and world literature
  9. "Tree of fairy tales" - read and listen to fairy tales (audio) of different peoples
  10. Electronic library "Diasporiana"
  11. Electronic library "Ukrainika"
  12. Librarius electronic library
  13. Electronic library "Culture of Ukraine"
  14. Electronic Library of Ukrainian Literature (Toronto)
  15. Electronic library of Ukrainian literature "Ukrainistics" of the University of Toronto
  16. Electronic library of Ukraine for children on Shytanka
  17. Electronic books in Ukrainian. Downloading
  18. "VOTEER". History of Ukraine IX-XVIII centuries.
  19. "VOTEER". Russian Chronicle. Materials from the history of Ukraine.
  20. Fairy tales for children in Ukrainian
  21. Books. Biographies. Memoirs. Magazines. Articles. Quotes
  22. "Flibusta" book brotherhood
  23. 'Poetics'. Ukrainian poetry, translations, folk and popular songs
  24. Rastko Kyiv project. An electronic library dedicated to the relationship between Ukrainian and Serbian cultures
  25. "Open book" site. Section "Ukrainian literature"
  26. Ukrainian literature. Everything to study. Ukrainian authors. Program works
  27. Ukrainian folk tales
  28. Ukrainian digital library
  29. "Magic Giraffe". Ukrainian and foreign authors
  30. reading material Electronic library


Electronic libraries of fiction on the INTERNET

Foreign electronic libraries. Libraries of foreign literature

Libraries for pupils and students


Social book networks

English-language social networks

Dictionaries. Reference books. Encyclopedias

Biographical directories

Virtual museums

Virtual museums of the world in the Google Academy of Culture:

The Louvre
Art, history, travel and adventure - you can find a place to your heart's content in the most visited museum. The premises of the Louvre in itself is a center of the cultural heritage of mankind, because earlier it served as a home for French monarchs. You will be able to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and walk through the floors of this magnificent building. Unfortunately, not all halls are available on the virtual tour.

Where to watch:

Vatican Museums
The main Catholic museum of the world. Spiritual and cultural center. It is impossible to convey all the beauty and grandeur of this place in a video or in a photo. But, nevertheless, the Vatican opens the veil of secrets and lets into its coffers. The virtual tour presents the Sistine Chapel, which you can wander through, examining all the elements of decoration and frescoes, as well as a number of museum halls. You can consider them only with the help of photos and descriptions.
Where to watch:

British National Gallery
The National Gallery has become the hero of many British films. It stores in its halls amazing masterpieces of Western European painting of the 13th - early 20th centuries. Jewels in her crown are paintings by Titian, Rubens, Loren, Turner and many others. Your children will be able to familiarize themselves not only with the objects of art, but also with the magnificent building of the museum.

Where to watch:

Dali Theater-Museum
What can you expect from a surrealist genius? His museum, the creation of which he himself had a hand in, is truly a work of art. Intricate labyrinths, terraces and scenes - thanks to the interactive version, you will be able to observe only a small part of all the splendor. The museum will appeal to everyone, because you will never get bored with Salvador Dali.

Where to watch:

Tretyakov Gallery
Thanks to the merchant Tretyakov, the world was able to see the greatest masterpieces of fine art of the Russian Empire. Andrei Rublev's icon painting, paintings by the greatest Russian artists of the 19th century, portraits of famous writers and poets, familiar to us from childhood from literature textbooks. And, of course, the amazing and unique Vrubel Hall. And more.

Where to watch:

The Hermitage
The Hermitage is called the Louvre of Western Europe. This palace saw the rise and fall of the empire and preserves in its halls many treasures of world history and art. Visitors to the site will have the opportunity to view the main collections and expositions of this magnificent building, as well as learn about the history and architecture of the palace.

Where to watch: 

National Museum of Natural History in Washington
The museum stores more than 126 million specimens of plants, animals, fossils, minerals, rocks, meteorites, as well as archaeological and cultural artifacts. After walking through its halls, you can visit the dinosaur hall, see the Hope diamond, the most famous gem of the New World, and the museum itself is worth a visit.
Where to watch: 

Frick Collection in New York
Frick's collection echoes that of the Tretyakov Gallery: it's also the vast private collection of a man who decided that art should belong to the world. Canvases by Vermeer, Goya, Van Dyck, Titian, El Greco and many other Western European artists. They note that this museum is good not only for its exposition, but also for its atmosphere.

Where to watch:

National Gallery of Art in Washington
The National Gallery of Art has one of the best collections in the world. Paintings, sculptures, interior items by American and European masters are presented. In the western building of the museum, works from the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century are collected. There you will meet masterpieces by Vermeer, Rembrandt, Monet, Van Gogh, da Vinci. And the eastern building stores works of modern art: Picasso, Matisse, Warhol.

Where to watch:

Madame Tussauds Museum
It was always interesting for ordinary people to take a close look at a famous personality. This tendency was very successfully turned into a profitable business by Madame Tussauds 200 years ago. Now, the presence of one's own double in this famous museum is considered an honor, no less than a named star on the Alley of Stars.

Where to watch:

Uffizi Gallery
A small gallery in a small Italian town. Everything would be banal and simple if the town in Tuscany were not Florence: a place for the life and creativity of the most outstanding talents of the Renaissance. The Uffizi Gallery preserves the memory and masterpieces of the century when Europe woke up from the gloomy sleep of the Middle Ages and turned again to praise the beauty and value of the human personality.

Where to watch:

White House
Not the most famous building in the USA, the home and workplace of American presidents, the most popular place in terms of attendance in Washington. The White House is lifting the veil of secrecy and letting viewers into some of its rooms. This is one of the first virtual museums, so there are no beautiful and comfortable interactive rooms. But nevertheless, you will be able to visit the basketball court, tennis court, golf course, swimming pool, movie theater, jogging track and bowling alley. Unfortunately, the famous round cabinet is not available in the virtual tour.

Where to watch:

Galileo Museum
"And yet she spins!" The museum is dedicated to the memory of the great rebel of his time - the physicist Galileo Galilei. In its rooms, you can find not only objects created or related to the life of a scientist, but it is also a scientific museum in which you can trace the development of certain things that are familiar to us. This is a whole attraction, which is located in the palace of the 12th century.
Where to watch:

Google Art Project
Google Art Project is the largest internet platform through which you get access to the greatest works of art. The project was launched in February 2011. Initially, only 17 museums supported it, but to date more than 184 museums around the world have joined. And if for one reason or another there is no opportunity to see the masterpieces live, our developing technological world opens the widest opportunities for humanity.

Where to watch:


Official web portal State Archive Service of Ukraine.

We have selected the resources most popular among users, with which you can learn useful information for your family tree. is a family-oriented social network and genealogy site. Here you can create your own genealogical tree and website, exchange photos and videos, search for ancestors. MyHeritage is one of the largest social networking and genealogy sites.

FamilySearch - a database of microfilmed church books around the world. The site is funded by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and is designed to allow people to share family history information. This site is the largest and most popular genealogy site in the world.

A feat of the people – a unique open access information resource filled with all the documents available in the military archives about the progress and results of the main combat operations, feats and awards of all soldiers of the Second World War.

Memorial - a generalized data bank, contains information about participants, dead and missing during the Second World War and the post-war period.

Internet project "National Data Bank of Victims of Soviet-era Political Repressions in Ukraine" - information about the victims of the state terror of the Soviet era, 1917-1980s.

Website of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance - data on those who died during the famine. - website and the largest database of tombstones and cemeteries of famous people around the world. Individual pages about a person contain the dates and place of birth and death, biographical information, the name of the cemetery where the burial took place, the plot number and photos of the person and the grave.

Eric Amburger Database - database of foreign citizens in the Russian Empire.

JRI-Poland - base of Polish Jews.

Base of residents of Ukraine - the database can be used to search for long-lost friends, relatives, classmates.

Liberty Ellis Foundation - the database of the American port on Freedom Island about immigrants from everywhere, including and from different towns of Ukraine.

Victims of political terror in the USSR  - database of victims of political terror in the USSR.

Archival heritage of Ukraine – problems of access to archives, reference apparatus, news from the archival sphere, impressions of researchers.

Directories of the state archive of Vinnytsia region - section of this site to search for information about ancestors who lived in the territory of Vinnytsia region and the city of Vinnytsia.

Websites of archival institutions of Ukraine

Websites and e-mail addresses of archives for submitting requests

No. PP

Archive institution




Central State Archive of Higher Authorities and Administration of Ukraine (TsDAVO of Ukraine)


Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine, Kyiv (CDIAK of Ukraine)


Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine, Lviv (TsDIAL of Ukraine) 


Central State Film and Photographic Archive of Ukraine named after H. S. Pshenychny (CDCFFA of Ukraine named after H. S. Pshenychny)


State archive in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea




State archive of Vinnytsia region


State archive of the Volyn region


State archive of Dnipropetrovsk region


State archive of Donetsk region


State archive of Zhytomyr region


State Archive of Zakarpattia Oblast


State archive of the Zaporizhzhia region


State archive of Ivano-Frankivsk region


State archive of the Kyiv region


State archive of Kirovohrad region


State archive of Luhansk region


State archive of Lviv region


State archive of Odesa region


State archive of Poltava region


State archive of Rivne region


State archive of the Sumy region


State archive of Ternopil region


State archive of the Kharkiv region


State archive of the Kherson region


State archive of Khmelnytskyi region


State archive of Cherkasy region


State archive of Chernivtsi region


State archive of Chernihiv region 


Kyiv State Archive (DAK)


State archive of Sevastopol



Archive is a click away. 30 sites with materials about the past:


Vladislav Wanda