Trainings with the participation of professional experts - trainers

Trainings with the participation of professional experts - trainers

In September and October 2018 at the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Pedagogical University in Bakhmut with the use of grant support provided under the project "Success is born here: career centers of Donbass universities" with the support of the Czech NGO "Man in Need" »Within the framework of the project“ Strengthening Public Confidence ”(UCBI II), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), trainings were conducted for students of 4-5 courses with the participation of professional experts - trainers.Zaslavska Kateryna - Director of the Kyiv office of the law firm ILF, is engaged in the development of internal standards and procedures for recruitment, development, evaluation and motivation of the team. Paul Hood - Head of the Department of Recruitment and Student Careers of the Ukrainian Catholic University, LvivBorozentseva Tetyana Valeriyivna - business coach, expert in the field of personnel policy of enterprises, mediator, facilitator of dialogues, practicing psychologist, lecturer at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy GIIM.

The trainings discussed the professions of the future, made a rapid analysis of the labor market, expectations of modern employers, the pace of change and skills of the XXI century. Worked in groups, where they presented possible areas of work of GIIM graduates. Made a self-analysis of personal qualities that will be useful in building a career. During the training, potential sources of useful information for employment and modern vacancy search technologies were discussed. The issues of volunteering were discussed, where and how students get work experience, what public organizations are and how they can be useful in a student's life, internships in the country and abroad.

Students participating in the workshop "Five steps to a successful career" presented their projects "What does it look like tomorrow?" In general, all the works of students were very interesting, real today, competitive in the labor market.

At the training "Donbass as a great platform for a variety of ideas" students analyzed the situation in the labor market of our region and reviewed trends and prospects for its development. During the discussion, the needs of the market for demand for goods and services in the cities of the region were identified. Participants conducted theoretical studies of possible areas of small business and self-employment in the Donbass. Opportunities to achieve their goal with the help of grants and funds of public associations that exist in Donbass today were discussed. In practical work - marketing analysis ("5P" technology), students worked out ideas for creating their own product, identified their target audience and presented their mini-enterprises, which they would like to do.

Thus, thanks to the trainings held at GIIM, students gained a lot of experience and knowledge that can be applied in their further activities and career growth. This knowledge will help them to be competitive in the labor market, to effectively establish contacts with potential employers who could meet the needs and desires of our graduate students.

Vladislav Wanda