Recently, a number of articles by our scientists, in particular by award-winning scientists, based on the results of psychological and pedagogical research, were published in the collection of scientific works "Scientific Bulletin of the Augustyn Voloshyn Carpathian University" (Uzhhorod).

The section "Modern innovative systems of psychology, pedagogy and social work" presents interesting insights into current problems of education in Ukraine and beyond, ways of solving them in the conditions of martial law.

Tetyana Kalyna and Alyona Polyanska, graduates of the bachelor's level of higher education, who worked under the supervision of the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor D.V. Efimov, emphasized in their works the importance of creating and ensuring quality education in modern realities, because quality innovative education is one of the leading goals and tasks for ensuring the modernization of our country. In this context of innovation, such projects as "New Ukrainian School", "Single School" and "Intellect of Ukraine" are analyzed. Tetyana Kalyna made a special emphasis on the relevance of the development of dual education as a successful mechanism for obtaining high-quality professional education, which is based on theoretical and practical principles.

Elizaveta Kravchenko presented measures for the formation and preservation of education security during martial law on the example of Ukraine and Israel in her work under the guidance of Art. teacher N.V. Kovalska. The authors emphasized the importance of using world experience, in particular the country of Israel, for the organization of a safe educational process in Ukraine.

Mykola Nestoruk, a student of higher education at the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages, analyzed the model of student-centered learning according to an individual educational trajectory in the study of professional disciplines in today's conditions and came to the conclusion about the effectiveness of such a model of learning for the acquisition of professional competencies in the preparation of students of higher education in pedagogical specialties.

In the work "The use of projective methods in the training of mediators for the resolution of child-parent conflicts" it is emphasized that mediation is currently one of the most promising technologies for the constructive resolution of conflicts, and family mediation is becoming a classic area of mediation. The authors of the study are a graduate of our institute, and now a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ya.V. Pisarev and Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor T.V. Borozentseva. Among various methods of training mediator specialists, the authors distinguish the projective method of psychodrawing, which has a high diagnostic value, and reveal its essence.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor N.A. Handy It showed the necessity and possibility of new ways of passing pedagogy by students of higher education in children's rehabilitation and recreation facilities in extraordinary conditions.

We wish our scientists further discoveries of effective ways of developing national education!

Vladislav Wanda