On March 28, 2024, a meeting of the Quality Council of the DigiFLEd project was held

On March 28, 2024, a meeting of the Quality Council of the DigiFLEd project was held

On March 28, 2024, a meeting of the Project Quality Council was held DigiFLEd. The meeting was chaired by project coordinators Yulia Shumilova and Kathleen Moore (Tampere University (TAU), Finland), representatives of nine partner universities were present.

Discussion of key issues, namely: approval DigiFLEd Project Dissemination Plan, an overview of the structure of the project site was carried out in a productive way.

Special attention DigiFLEd Project Dissemination Plan focuses on reaching the widest possible audience both among partners and their institutions and outside the consortium. The target audience of the project includes scientists, researchers and administrative staff of higher educational institutions; school teachers; students, graduate students and applicants; local, regional and state authorities; employers (business partners, international organizations, etc.).

Members of the Quality Council noted that such an approach DigiFLEd Project Dissemination Plan will contribute to the effective promotion of the project, the transparency of all its stages, strategic measures, and the results will become more sustainable and visible even after the completion of the project. Such a multifaceted approach will ensure a dynamic dissemination process, contributing to wider awareness and understanding of the project's goals.

The main tool for public dissemination of project results and news is the website DigiFLed https://digifled.eu/. It is also the main source of information about project activities and achievements. The project website is developed by Maynooth University (NUIM, Ireland). In addition, the web pages of the project will be integrated into the official websites of the partner universities. They will be used as an initial source of dissemination of information about project results. The information on the web pages will be regularly updated to provide timely information on all communication and dissemination activities related to the implementation of the project.

Vladislav Wanda