


from the scientific work of higher education students

Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages

 Donbass State Pedagogical University

for 2023-2024 p.

Нотатки студентської науки

Notes of student science

December 22, 2023

In the electronic multidisciplinary scientific journal "Notes of Modern Science" the thesis of the master's level of higher education of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of Natalia Vertsanova (OP Secondary education. Ukrainian language and literature. Psychology) was published under the title...

Актуальні аспекти сучасних наукових досліджень

Current aspects of modern scientific research

December 15, 2023

The results of the scientific research of Maria Pavlova (Grad. 421) and Sofiya Yurova (Grad. 412A) of the bachelor's degree holders of higher education at the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages under the supervision of the associate professor of the French and Spanish Department N.A. have been published. Need. Works published...

Вітаємо переможців конкурсу «Кращий студент року»

Congratulations to the winners of the "Best Student of the Year" competition

November 20, 2023

Congratulations to the winners of the "Best Student of the Year" competition among institutions of higher and professional pre-university education of the Bakhmut City United Territorial Community (OTG), organized by the Department of Youth Policy and Children's Affairs of the Bakhmut City Council jointly...

Онлайн-нагородження переможців конкурсу «Кращий студент року» серед закладів вищої та фахової передвищої освіти Бахмутської міської ОТГ

Online awarding of the winners of the "Best Student of the Year" competition among institutions of higher and professional pre-university education of Bakhmut city OTG

November 17, 2023

On October 17, 2023, at 1600, the online awarding ceremony of the winners of the "Best Student of the Year" competition among institutions of higher and professional pre-higher education of the Bakhmut City OTG, organized by the Department of Youth Policy and Children's Affairs of the Bakhmut City Council, will take place...

Розмова до Всесвітнього дня науки в ім’я миру та розвитку

Speech to the World Science Day in the name of peace and development

November 10, 2023

Dear friends! On the eve of the World Science Day in the name of peace and development, the head of the Council of the Student Scientific Society Sofia Bambuli met with an interesting interlocutor. She is a graduate of our institute, a young teacher of Ukrainian...

for 2022-2023 p.



from the scientific work of higher education students

Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages

 Donbass State Pedagogical University

for the 2022-2023 academic year

The organization of scientific work of students of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the Donbas State Pedagogical University is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the organization of scientific work of students of higher education at the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the Donbas State Pedagogical University".

The scientific work of students and young scientists is managed by the Council of the Student Scientific Society (curator - doctor of philological sciences, professor A.R. Gabidullina) and the Council of Young Scientists (chairman - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor D.V. Yefimov).

It was conducted during the 2022-2023 academic year 2 scientific and practical conferences of students and young scientists:

  1. VII All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Language communication and modern technologies in the format of multi-level systems", November 21, 2022.
  2. XX Interregional scientific and practical conference of young scientists and postgraduate students "Research of young scientists in the field of humanitarian sciences", May 18, 2023.

Electronic collections of conference materials have been published:

  1. Bulletin of the student scientific society of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages: materials of VII Vseukr. science and practice conf. of young scientists "Language communication and modern technologies in the format of multi-level systems". Vol. 9. Dnipro: Publishing House of the State Educational Institution of Higher Education and Research, 2022. 207 p.
  2. Bulletin of the student scientific society of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages: coll. of science works: at 2 p.m. Dnipro: Publishing House of GIIM DVNZ DDPU, 2023. Iss. 10. Part 1. 149 p.Вісник%20студентського%20наукового%20товариства_Випуск%2010%2C%20Ч.1.pdf
  1. Bulletin of the student scientific society of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages: coll. of science works: at 2 p.m. Dnipro: Publishing House of GIIM DVNZ DDPU, 2023. Iss. 10. Part 2. 156 p.Вісник%20студентського%20наукового%20товариства_Випуск%2010%2C%20Ч.%202.pdf

Within the implementation of (inter)departmental topics of scientific research in the 2022-2023 academic year, under the leadership of the teachers of the institute, worked 32 student problem groups and scientific circles, in the work of which participated approx 300 students

Published 208 of publications (2020-2021 300 of students' articles, 2019-2020 year - 294), in professional publications of Ukraine - 0 (2020-2021 year – 0, 2019-2020 year – 2), in foreign editions – 0 (2020-2021 year - 2, 2019-2020 year - 0), in non-specialist publications - 0 (2020-2021 academic year – 9, 2019-2020 academic year – 10), abstracts of reports at conferences of various levels – 208 (2020-2021 academic year – 289, 2019-2020 academic year – 282), including abstracts of reports at international conferences outside Ukraine –13 (2020-2021 year – 1, 2019-2020 year – 1), at international conferences within Ukraine – 39 (2020-2021 academic year – 56, 2019-2020 academic year – 52), at the All-Ukrainian – 63, on regional - 93.

In conferences within the institute and outside it in 2022-2023. was made by students 272 reports (in 2020-2021 366, 2019-2020 year - 349), among which at regional conferences - 146 (218 in 2020-2021, 207 in 2019-2020), at all-Ukrainian conferences - 68 (in 2020-2021 AD – 82, 2019-2020 AD – 45), at international conferences - 58 (in 2020-2021 - 66, in 2019-2020 - 100), of them, abroad - 14 (in 2020-2021 - 6, 2019-2020 year - 1).


Participation of acquirers higher education in competitions and projects

Completion of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages Maria Pavlova (321) won (3rd place) in the Canadian Francophone Poets National Literary Translation Competition. The competition was held at the initiative of the Association of French Language Teachers of Ukraine, the French Center of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine (March 2023). Also, Maria took part in the XVII All-Ukrainian Student Translation Competition "The Artistic Word in World Culture - 2023" on the basis of the Eastern Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dahl (June 2023). Research supervisor - Associate Professor Potreba N.A.

Iryna Denysenko (107), Sofia Malanich (107), Anastasia Snitkina (107), Milena Tkachenko (107), Alisa Koroleva (206a), Yulia Shcherbina (407a) received awards for successfully completing all four online stages of the 3rd All-Ukrainian Open Marathon on the Ukrainian language.

Victoria Hrychikova (207a) and Yana Kulikova (306a) took part in the 13th Taras Shevchenko International Language and Literary Competition for Pupils and Students. Yana Kulikova (306a) received a diploma of the II degree in the regional stage of the Competition, Viktoriya Khrychikova (207a) won (III place) in the final stage of the Competition.

Iryna Hrychikova (307a) won the 2nd place in the regional round of the XXIII International Ukrainian Language Competition named after Petro Yatsyk.

Natalia Butenko (507a) and Yulia Shevchenko (506a) won II degree diplomas in the essay competition "Virtue in education: adherence cannot be violated", which took place within the framework of the VI International scientific and practical conference "Academic culture of the researcher in the educational space: European and national experience" on May 18-19, 2023. on the basis of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko.

Vladyslav Sohoyan (507a) took part in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works "Personality - society - war: socio-political, psychological, socio-cultural aspects" on the basis of Khmelnytskyi National University with scientific work under the supervision of associate professor O.V. Hrytsuk "Emotional factors of the professional activity of medical workers" within the section "Social hygiene and preservation of health and life of different categories of the population in conditions of war".


Approbation of the results of scientific research of students of higher education at scientific conferences (international online platforms)

  • under the leadership of associate professor Arkhipova I.M.

Daria Platonenko Structural features of the English riddle. XXXV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science, development and the latest development trends", 06-09 September 2022, Paris, France

  • under the leadership of associate professor Drozdova D.S.

Buckwheat Oleg The influence of computer games on the development of adolescents. III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Development of modern science, experience and trends", October 11-14, 2022, International Science Group, Boston, USA. 2022.

Hanna Osypenko Psychological and pedagogical features of the development of creative abilities in preschool children. The IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of practice and science and methods of their solution", January 31 - February 02, 2022, Milan, Italy.

Oleg Shevchenko Peculiarities of social adaptation of teenagers in the conditions of children's health and recreation camps. The IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of practice and science and methods of their solution", January 31 - February 02, 2022, Milan, Italy.

  • under the leadership of associate professor Horlova O.V.

Narozhna Yulia Personality and the state in O. Huxley's dystopia "Brave New World". III International Scientific and Practical Conference Tokyo, "Theories, methods and practices of the latest technologies", November 07 - 09, 2022, Tokyo, Japan. Japan  2.

Mostov Tatiana Medieval reminiscences in the Arthurian cycle "Royal Idylls" by Albert Tennyson. V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern and global methods of the development of scientific thought" (October 25 - 28, 2022) Florence, Italy.

  • under the leadership of associate professor Hrytsuk O.V.

Olga Danylenko A modern view of the problem of stress resistance. Science and innovation of the modern world. Proceedings of II International Scientific and Practical Conference London, United Kingdom October 26-28, 2022. Cognum Publishing House, London, United Kingdom. 2022. Year 541-543.

Filippova Ippa Scientific studies of the phenomenon of procrastination in youth. International scientific conference "Modern scientific developments in pedagogy and psychology": conference proceedings (November 3–4, 2022. Riga, the Republic of Latvia). Riga, Latvia: "Baltija Publishing", 2022. Pp. 22-25.

Haydyuk Artem Psychological features of the relationships of junior high school students in the process of educational activities. Information and its impact on social processes: materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Florence, Italy, April 3-5, 2023. P. 239-242.

Oleksiy Talibov Classification of gamers according to the criterion of motivation. Information and its impact on social processes: materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Florence, Italy, April 03-05, 2023. P. 246-249.

Philippova Inna Empirical study of the psychological features of procrastination in youth. The 6th International scientific and practical conference “Scientific directions of research in educational activity” (February 14 – 17, 2023) Osaka, Japan: International Science Group, 2023. P. 400-409.file:///C:/Users/ admin/Downloads/SCIENTIFIC-DIRECTIONS-OF-RESEARCH-IN-EDUCATIONAL-ACTIVITY.pdf

Krykunova Ksenia Characteristics of educational stress of students of higher education institutions. Information and its impact on social processes: materials of the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. May 08 – 10, 2023, Osaka, Japan. Year 214-217.

Kalinkin Alina  Psychoprophylaxis of adolescent aggression in the school class and family. Progressive research in the modern world. Proceedings of IX International Scientific and Practical Conference Boston, USA 25-27 May 2023. Boston, 2023. 417-421.







Recently, a number of articles by our scientists, in particular by award-winning scientists, based on the results of psychological and pedagogical research, were published in the collection of scientific works "Scientific Bulletin of the Augustyn Voloshyn Carpathian University" (Uzhhorod).

The section "Modern innovative systems of psychology, pedagogy and social work" presents interesting insights into current problems of education in Ukraine and beyond, ways of solving them in the conditions of martial law.

Tetyana Kalyna and Alyona Polyanska, graduates of the bachelor's level of higher education, who worked under the supervision of the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor D.V. Efimov, emphasized in their works the importance of creating and ensuring quality education in modern realities, because quality innovative education is one of the leading goals and tasks for ensuring the modernization of our country. In this context of innovation, such projects as "New Ukrainian School", "Single School" and "Intellect of Ukraine" are analyzed. Tetyana Kalyna made a special emphasis on the relevance of the development of dual education as a successful mechanism for obtaining high-quality professional education, which is based on theoretical and practical principles.

Elizaveta Kravchenko presented measures for the formation and preservation of education security during martial law on the example of Ukraine and Israel in her work under the guidance of Art. teacher N.V. Kovalska. The authors emphasized the importance of using world experience, in particular the country of Israel, for the organization of a safe educational process in Ukraine.

Mykola Nestoruk, a student of higher education at the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages, analyzed the model of student-centered learning according to an individual educational trajectory in the study of professional disciplines in today's conditions and came to the conclusion about the effectiveness of such a model of learning for the acquisition of professional competencies in the preparation of students of higher education in pedagogical specialties.

In the work "The use of projective methods in the training of mediators for the resolution of child-parent conflicts" it is emphasized that mediation is currently one of the most promising technologies for the constructive resolution of conflicts, and family mediation is becoming a classic area of mediation. The authors of the study are a graduate of our institute, and now a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ya.V. Pisarev and Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor T.V. Borozentseva. Among various methods of training mediator specialists, the authors distinguish the projective method of psychodrawing, which has a high diagnostic value, and reveal its essence.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor N.A. Handy It showed the necessity and possibility of new ways of passing pedagogy by students of higher education in children's rehabilitation and recreation facilities in extraordinary conditions.

We wish our scientists further discoveries of effective ways of developing national education!


Smart helper


Friends! At the meeting of representatives of the student body with first-year students, Sofia Bambulya, head of the Council of the Student Scientific Society, presented a chatbot.

So see you in the chatbot @snthiflBot



Meeting with freshmen

On February 16, 2023, a working online meeting of members of the student self-government, representatives of the institute's departments with the 1st-year graduates took place.

Head of the scientific work department L.V. Tkachenko told the first-year students about the directions of research work carried out at the institute's departments. It was emphasized to the students that science provides an excellent opportunity to go beyond a certain circle, present their individual abilities, develop their abilities and skills, and become successful people in life.  

The head of the SNT Council, Sofia Bambulya, presented the work of the Institute's Student Scientific Society, explained how you can get involved in its work, and also introduced the first-year students to the chatbot, which is aimed at convenient interaction of members of the student scientific community in the remote conditions of today. 

Zhurbylyuk K.O., head of the department for the organization of students' educational work, in her speech emphasized the importance of the role of student self-government in the formation of leadership qualities, outlined the directions of interaction of her department with the student body. A member of the Student Parliament, Olena Yemelyanova, emphasized the readiness to make student life richer and more interesting through joint efforts, even in conditions of remote communication.

Kateryna Zhukova spoke on behalf of the student community of the 1st year, who thanked for the interesting presentations and expressed her desire to join the active partners of student self-government for the benefit of herself and the community.



Meeting of student scientific assets: prospects for cooperation

On February 7, 2023, a working online meeting was held between the head of the Council of the Student Scientific Society, Sofia Bambuli, and the head of the relevant department of the Student Parliament, Elena Emelyanova. In a warm and friendly atmosphere, a conversation was held about promising areas of student activity and increasing the activity of student scientific life at the institute.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

They discussed the chat-bot project of the Student Scientific Society, which is planned for launch and is aimed at convenient interaction of members of the student scientific community in the remote conditions of today. The presentation of the chatbot is planned at a working meeting of the asset with the institute's applicants, in particular, the first year.

Follow our news!



Students and youth are for the future of the country

Students and youth are for the future of the country. It was under this name that the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education Graduates and Young Scientists was recently held, in which our students and their supervisors took part. Among them, Yulia Burkhovetska (512b), Tetiana Dudka (407a), Haridas Krasovskyi (407a), Mykola Nestoruk (312b), Olesya Tilimova (421), Tetiana Tretyachenko (602a). The scientific supervisors were the executors of the interdepartmental research "Psychological-pedagogical factors of the development of human vitality in the conditions of unpredictable socio-economic changes" ped. Ph.D., Assoc. ON. Nestoruk, doctor of pedagogy. Ph.D., Assoc. N.G. Kosheleva, Doctor of Psychiatry, Assoc. D.S. Drozdova, as well as K. Philol. Ph.D., Assoc. L.V. Sukhovetska The scientific event was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Educational and Scientific Professional and Pedagogical Institute of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (Bakhmut).

Our participants gave interesting reports, discussed topical issues of manifestations of stressful human conditions, social and psychological adaptation, communication problems, psychological creative development of teenagers. Actual problems of education in the real conditions of today were also formulated, in particular, aspects of mastering scientific and pedagogical research in the study of professionally oriented disciplines, analysis of the educational process in extreme conditions.

We sincerely congratulate our scientists on this event and look forward to new creative victories!




on scientific work of students

Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages

 Donbass State Pedagogical University

for 2021-2022 n. p.


All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers 2021-2022 academic year

The competition commission to participate in the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2021-2022 academic year allowed the following works of students in specialties and fields of knowledge:

- Romance languages, methods of teaching Romano-Germanic languages, Romano-Germanic literature

French-speaking neologisms of the COVID semantic field in the modern French press. The author is Marina Vasilieva, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages, and the supervisor is Associate Professor OV Semenova.

Philosophical and socio-political issues novel by M. LAURI "UNDERTHEVOLCANO». The author is a 4th year student of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages Valeria Kucheruk, research supervisor - Professor S.A. Комаров.

The basic institution of higher education of the Competition in this field of knowledge is Kyiv National Linguistic University;

  • Germanic languages

The subject of the crown of the virus in electronic short stories of the literary platform E-STORIES.DE. The author is a student of the 4th year of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic languages Sofia Laricheva, supervisor - Associate Professor LI Morozova. The basic institution of higher education of the Competition in this field of knowledge is Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University (Vinnytsia);

  • translation

Linguo-cultural specifics of the reproduction of American slang in Ukrainian film translation (based on the series TheBigBangTheory / "The Big Bang Theory"). The author is Yulia Onyschenko, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication, and the supervisor is Associate Professor OA Yasynetska. Basic institution of higher education of the Competition - Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;

  • history

Bakhmut during the years of German occupation (1941 - 1943). The author is Dmytro Rudenko, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication, and the supervisor is Associate Professor S.A. Evseenko. Basic institution of higher education of the Competition - Pereyaslav State Pedagogical University named after G. Skovoroda;

  • educational, pedagogical sciences

Diagnosis of motivation of students' learning activities in history lessons. The author is Dmytro Rudenko, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication, and the supervisor is Associate Professor D.V. Yefimov. Basic institution of higher education of the Competition - Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University;

  • general and social psychology

Emotional factors of professional activity of medical workers. The author is Vladislava Sogoyan, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication, and the supervisor is Associate Professor OV Gritsuk. Basic institution of higher education of the Competition - Kherson State University;

  • pedagogical and age psychology

Psychological diagnosis and prevention of Internet addiction in adolescents. The author is a fifth-year student of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication Anastasia Sorokina, supervisor - Associate Professor NG Кошелева. The basic institution of higher education of the Competition is the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky;

  • gender studies

Linguistic representation of the artistic concept of "businesswoman" in the series of novels by L. Weisberger "The Devil Wears"Prada». The author is a 5th year student of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication Varvara Ladonina, supervisor - Professor AR Gabidullina. The basic institution of higher education of the Competition is Kherson State University.

The second round of the Competition involves reviewing and defending papers at scientific and practical conferences in basic institutions. So we wish our participants great victories!


for 2020-2021 p.



Congratulations to the winners of the International Competition!

According to the order of the Department of Education and Science of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, congratulations to the winners of the regional stage of the XII Taras Shevchenko International Language and Literature Competition, students of the bachelor's degree in higher education of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication Kateryna Fedchun (1st degree diploma), Yulia Shevchenko (diploma of the II degree), Jan Kulikov (III degree diploma)!

We wish the girls victory in the final national stage of the competition!



Congratulations Sofia Bambul, Chairman of the Board of the Student Scientific Society, with the victory in the nomination "Best Student - Scientist of the Year 2021" of the city Competition "Best Student of the Year"!
Sofia was awarded the Diploma of the Department of Youth Policy and Children of Bakhmut City Council and a valuable gift.
We wish the winners inspiration for new achievements!



Modern education - accessibility, quality, recognition

The work of the XIII International Scientific and Methodological Conference took place under this name, which took place on November 16-18, 2021 on the basis of the Donbas State Mechanical Engineering Academy (Kramatorsk). Applicants for higher education of our institute, teachers joined its work and worked fruitfully.

Teacher of the Department of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods KV Kokhanov and a candidate of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages Mykola Nestoruk  In their work "Features of the use of innovative technologies in Spanish lessons for everyday communication" stressed that one of the priorities of the process of optimizing modern education is informatization. Information technology has already become a powerful factor in improving the effectiveness of the study of academic disciplines that contribute to the quality of knowledge, interest in the subject, the overall effectiveness of the educational process. An example of such electronic interaction between applicants and teachers of the institute is the work on Spanish language classes on the Moodle platform.

Anastasia Sorokina, candidate for a master's degree in higher education, and associate professor of psychology NG Koshelev considered the topical issue of training future psychologists to conduct psychodiagnostics and provide psychological assistance to Internet-addicted adolescents.

Problems of development and features of international academic mobility in our country, problems related to the migration of young Ukrainian scientists, lagging behind world standards of education are outlined in the work of the master's degree in higher education Elvira Aliyeva  and Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods NA Nestoruk.

Master's student Daria Goncharenko and its supervisor, Associate Professor NA Nestoruk studied the problems of development of pedagogical competencies of future foreign language teachers, and a freshman Anastasia Fastova under the guidance of Associate Professor DV Yefimova - the issue of using certain elements of social networks in the educational process.

The research results are published in the collection of scientific works of the XIII International scientific-methodical conference  "Modern education - accessibility, quality, recognition."

We wish our scientists further success! According to one of the participants of the event, the future begins here and now.


Linguistic and literary races

On November 17, 2021, the regional stage of the Taras Shevchenko International Language and Literature Competition took place on the basis of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication, which, unfortunately, we are holding online for the second year in a row. However, there are advantages to this. After all, most of the contestants worked in their homes, and at home, as they say, the walls help. Therefore, on this day the language and literature competition and Shevchenko's Word not only united all corners of Ukraine, but also entered many homes of our state. 40 representatives of universities of I-II - III-IV levels of accreditation of Donetsk region took part in the selection round.

We wish young Shevchenko scholars success! But we are looking forward to the results of the inspection!



We wish you victory!

For the second time, students of our institute joined the city competition "Best Student of the Year", which was launched by the Department of Youth Policy and Children's Affairs of Bakhmut City Council together with the Youth Council. The nomination "Best Student - Scientist of the Year 2021" is attended by graduates of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages Sofia Bambula and Elizabeth Kravchenko, as well as a graduate of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication Alyona Krivenchuk.

The girls actively work in the Council of the Student Scientific Society of the Institute, are the authors of a number of publications on the materials of conferences, which test the results of their research.

We wish our contestants victory!


Members of the Board of the Student Scientific Society took part in the Forum "Path to Mental Health"

From October 20 to 23, members of the Board of the Student Scientific Society Angelina Kryvolapova, Olesya Linchenko, Anna Bezsmertna, Alyona Kryvenchuk, Anatoliy Kryvosheev, led by the Chairman of the Board Sofia Bambulya, took part in the Path to Mental Health Forum. health for Ukraine ». "For each of us, this is a very significant event that will further open up many opportunities for our society," says Sofia.

The main task of the project was to conduct activities that would improve the mental health of Ukrainians, where the main tool was the informational educational exhibition "Mentaltrek". The task of the SNT team of our institute was to enrich their knowledge, acquire new skills, expand their vision and follow the main task of the Forum - to help improve the mental health of Ukrainians. Our team was the youngest among the other participants of the event, so we can say that it defended not only their personal interest or the interest of our society and institute, but also the youth of Ukraine in general.

  Within the framework of the Forum, students took an active part in debates, discussed important issues, attended a lecture on inclusion, discussed the idea of a new project, acquired new useful connections.

The experience gained is a very valuable treasure for the members of the SNT team. We hope for further cooperation and expansion of this project.

Together we are STRENGTH!

We continue to get involved in the work and integrate into the youth community of Bakhmut. The team of the Student Scientific Society, led by the Chairman of the Board Sofia Bambulya, took part in the training, which took place on September 25-26, 2021 within the FORCE program implemented by IREX and supported by the US State Department.

During the training, students learned a lot of new and useful things. They analyzed the topics of developing communication skills, critical thinking and worked out the topics of non-discrimination, media literacy, learned how to overcome and avoid conflict situations.

At the end of the event, participants shared vivid impressions and received certificates, as well as unforgettable experience in communication and teamwork, found new friends for the joint development of the city and our institute.

Then just more!

SNT is the science around us!

The Student Scientific Society (STS) is a non-governmental organization that unites on a voluntary basis higher education seekers who actively participate in research work, members of student research groups, problem groups and more.

For three days, from 16 to 18 September in the walls of our institute, the Council of SNT held presentations on the work of the student scientific community of the institute. The meetings were held in order to attract active and creative young people to research work and promote it among students.

 This year, the Council of the Student Scientific Society plans to more actively involve applicants in project work both in Ukraine and abroad, in particular, in the Erasmus + and Work and Travel USA projects. Also, the student body plans to work two language clubs, where participants will be able to improve their language skills.

Record one of the presentations at the link:

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Student government as a means of marketing higher education

It was with such a report at the IX International Student Conference "Dominants of student government: protection of student rights and promoting the quality of education" made Darina Akimenko, 1st year student of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages. The conference was held on the basis of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda.

In her report, Daryna analyzed one of the main tools for self-realization of young people in higher education, which is student self-government. She stressed that student self-government was created not only for the implementation of student democracy, the involvement of young people in the life of the institute. Student government is also an excellent marketing opportunity for an educational institution that provides flows of applicants and satisfaction of its students, giving them the opportunity for self-realization.

Abstracts were published in the collection of conference materials published with the support of the Student Council of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda. Scientific adviser - Professor of the Department of Domestic and Foreign History GP Dokashenko.

Congratulations to Darina on the initiative and we wish you further interesting work!


The modern movement of science

One of the main aspects of learning a foreign language is lexical foreign language competence. The research of the bachelor's degree student of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages was devoted to this topic. Anton Ernst. He presented the results of the work "Improving the use of lexical skills in German at the secondary stage of study" under the guidance of a senior lecturer at the Department of German Philology Victoria Nikolaevna Vryukalo at the XII International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Modern Science Movement" April 1-2, 2021. The study analyzed the potential of the method of teaching lexical skills of the German language using modern technologies on the example of educational video games. The urgency of the work is confirmed by the popularity and constant development of differentiated learning in the world, modern technologies.

We wish Anton further scientific achievements!


Congratulations to the winners Round IIin All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Translation"

The second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Translation" took place on April 8-9, 2021 at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. More than 60 works were submitted to the competition, the authors of which represented higher education institutions from different parts of Ukraine.  

The competition was attended by the work of our students - bachelors of higher education Elizabeth Avdeeva and Elizabeth Samoilova. According to the results of the review, the girls' works were recommended for defense at the final scientific-practical conference, which was inaugurated on April 8, 2021 on the Zoom platform.

Within the framework of the work of four sections, the participants had the opportunity to present their research, which together cover a variety of relevant topics in the field of translation studies. In particular, students discussed the linguistic-cognitive, socio-cultural and pragmatic features of translation, the problems of artistic and branch translation, terminological standardization, localization of video games and even the reproduction of English-language neo-visual. A significant number of reports addressed the issue of reproducing the author's idiosyncrasies of modern writers. During the meeting of the Sectoral Competition Commission, the final results of the competition were approved.

Elizabeth Samoilova's work "Proper names and ways to translate them by means of the target language (based on Rick Riordan's novel Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse") under the guidance of Olena Yuriy was awarded diploma of III degree.

Encouraging nomination "For the originality of the presentation of scientific work" was awarded the work of Elizabeth Avdeeva "The concept of character and features of its reproduction in English-Ukrainian literary translation (based on a series of novels by Lucy-Maud Montgomery" Anne of Green Roofs "translated by Anna Vovchenko). English philology and translation by Olena Yasynetska.

Congratulations, colleagues, on the victory! We hope that the experience gained will be the foundation for further professional achievements!


Participation in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers

In pursuance of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 24.11.2020 № 1457 "On the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2020-2021 academic year" in the institute was the first round of the Competition. Its winners will take part in the second round, which will be held on the basis of higher education institutions in different cities of Ukraine.
By the decision of the competition commission, the following applicants were admitted to the second round of the Competition with their works in specialties and fields of knowledge:
- Romance languages, methods of teaching Romano-Germanic languages, Romano-Germanic literature
Goncharenko Daria Means of forming youth slang in French (based on the feature film "La Nouvelle de la classe est mille fois plus forte"), supervisor - Associate Professor NA Need. The basic institution of higher education of the Competition in this field of knowledge is Kyiv National Linguistic University;
- Germanic languages
Eliseeva Valeria Linguo-stylistic features of verbal aggression in modern English (based on the text of the presidential debate between D. Trump and J. Biden) ", supervisor - Associate Professor IV Чернишова. Basic institution of higher education of the Competition - Donetsk National University named after V. Stus (Vinnytsia);
- translation
Avdeeva Elizabeth The concept of the character and features of its reproduction in the English-Ukrainian literary translation (based on a series of novels by Lucy-Maud Montgomery "Ann of the Green Roofs" translated by Anna Vovchenko), supervisor - Associate Professor OA Yasynetska. Basic institution of higher education of the Competition - Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;
- history and archeology
White Eugene Archaeological research VO Gorodtsov era of paleometal in Donetsk Prydintsivtsi (early twentieth century), supervisor - Associate Professor SA Evseenko. Basic institution of higher education of the Competition - Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after G. Skovoroda;
- educational, pedagogical sciences
Mustache Victoria The practice of implementing student self-government in schools of Ukraine (on the example of Novolugansk Secondary School I-III degrees), supervisor - Associate Professor LV Kokorina. Basic institution of higher education of the Competition - Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University;
- pedagogical and age psychology
Stepanova Katerina Psychological diagnosis of anxiety in adolescence, supervisor - Associate Professor OV Gritsuk. Basic institution of higher education of the Competition - South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after KD Ushinsky;
- gender studies
Gerasimenko Katerina The embodiment of the archetypes of Greek goddesses in the collection of E. Monroe "Too much happiness", supervisor - Professor S.A. Комаров. The basic institution of higher education of the Competition is Kherson State University.
The second round of the Competition involves reviewing and defending papers at scientific and practical conferences in the mode of videoconferencing in basic institutions.
We wish our participants success and victories!



On December 14, 2020, with the support of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, a regional scientific conference of young scientists "YOUTH AND SCIENCE: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS ". In the conference under the leadership of Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods NA Nestoruk took part  Anna Landik (502a), Mykola Nestoruk (112b),  Valery Kononov (512a), Natalia Tishchenko (512d), Maxim Shevchenko (512b). Topical problems of modern youth development, ways of their solution and prospects were discussed. The participants of the event received certificates.


On the results of the I-III stages of the XI International language and literature competition of pupils and students  named after Taras Shevchenko

According to the order of the director of the department of education and science of the Donetsk regional state administration from October 8, 2020 №261 / 163-20-OD    December 06 2020 the III (regional) stage of the XI Taras Shevchenko International Language and Literature Competition for Pupils and Students was held. The winners of the institute stage of the Competition, students of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication Yana Kulikova (106a), Yulia Shcherbyna (207a), Yulia Shevchenko (306a) took part in it.

According to the decision of the professional jury of the Competition diplomas And degree of the regional stage of the XI Taras Shevchenko International Language and Literature Competition for Pupils and Students Yana Kulikova  and Yulia Shevchenko.

We sincerely congratulate the girls on their victory and wish them success in the final stage of the Competition! Keep it up!


It became known about the results of the participation of our applicants in the I Open competition of student research papers in philosophy "1: 0 in favor of the" New Player "?… Man and his existence on the verge of global change…". The event took place in the framework of the International Research Project "European Integration in Education, Science and Culture" at the Higher Technical School in Katowice, Katowice (Poland) from May 20 to June 25, 2020.

The works of students of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication, which raised the most pressing issues of human development, were presented at the Competition. Alyona Pshenichna  under the guidance of senior lecturer V.Yu. Kuzmina researched "Responsibility for one's own future as a sign of a mature personality." Victoria Sherikhai together with her research supervisor S.S. Stepanova asked the question "Is modern man capable of love?" The work "The problem of cognition and activity in the information world" was presented at the competition by Anna Berezhna under the guidance of Associate Professor TV Borozentseva.

They became diploma winners of the competition Victoria Sherihai and Anna Berezhna, with which we cordially congratulate them!

Dear Student Scientific Society! We offer to get acquainted with the competition works and discuss these eternal topics that concern people at all times. You can send your thoughts to e-mail addresses   and

Thank you to all potential participants in the discussion, and we wish the contestants new success!











Congratulations to the graduates of the competition "Best Student of the Year" in the nomination "Best student - scientist of the year » Kateryna Ploskina and Anna Landik!

We thank the girls for their active position in life and wish them further success in achieving the most ambitious goals!





Students of our institute took an active part in the XII International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Modern Education - Accessibility, Quality, Recognition", which took place on November 11-13, 2020 at the Donbass State Academy of Mechanical Engineering (Kramatorsk) using remote access.

Among the other participants at the plenary session were Kateryna, a candidate for a master's degree in higher education at the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages. Pglitter (512a), Elizabeth Matveeva (512г). Under the guidance of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Natalia Anatoliyivna They explored current issues of education, presented their reports, the issues of which proved to be relevant and appropriate in today's realities.

Anna Landik (502a), Mykola Nestoruk (112b), Iryna Prykhodko (512g), Anastasia Zolochevska (409g), Maksym Shevchenko (512a) took part in the section meetings.

We wish our student scientists creative inspiration and new professional success!


On the eve of the International Student Day, the Department of Youth Policy and Children's Affairs of the Bakhmut City Council announced the contest "Best Student of the Year". This year, due to the difficult epidemiological situation, it will take place online on November 17.

Master of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication will take part in the Competition in the nomination "Best Student - Scientist of the Year" Anna Landik and a master's degree from the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages Catherine Ploskin.

The girls are actively involved in scientific developments, the results of which are tested at scientific and practical conferences of various levels. Anna Landik is the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Educational, pedagogical sciences" in the 2019-2020 academic year, a participant in the VII International scientific-practical conference "Health". Innovation. Education "February 27-28, 2020 (Bakhmut-Kharkiv), All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern pedagogical science" April 9-10, 2020. (Drohobych), XVIII Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Postgraduates "Research of Young Scientists in the Humanities" May 14, 2020 (Bakhmut), author of publications in scientific journals, including those indexed in the international database Index Copernicus International.

Kateryna Ploskina is the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Translation" in the 2019-2020 academic year, participant of the IV All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of young scientists "Language communication and modern technologies in multilevel systems" November 29, 2019. (Bakhmut), XVIII Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Postgraduates "Research of Young Scientists in the Humanities" May 14, 2020 (Bakhmut), author of publications in the collection of scientific papers "Bulletin of the Student Scientific Society of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages" based on conference proceedings.

So we wish our participants recognition and victory!


On October 13, 2020, the XI Regional Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Students and Youth - for Regional Development" took place on the basis of the Educational and Scientific Professional and Pedagogical Institute of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (Bakhmut). Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Studies Sofia Bambul.

 Within the framework of the work of the humanitarian and psychological-pedagogical section, she actualized the topic of competencies. In her work "Basic characteristics of the competencies of the future" Sofia under the guidance of Ph.D.

Despite all the remote obstacles, the conference was held in a friendly atmosphere. The sections worked online at the same time, but this did not prevent the participants from highlighting exciting issues and discussing each work.

We wish Sofia further development in the scientific field and hope that in the near future we will be able to cover even more interesting topics in the traditional format.


For February 26-28, 2020 The first (institute) stage of the All-Ukrainian Student English Language Olympiad took place at the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages on the basis of the Department of Germanic Philology and the Department of English Philology and Translation. The program of the Olympiad included tasks for the development of all types of speech activities: listening, reading, writing, dialogic and monologue speech. According to the highest amount of points, the participants of the Olympiad were distributed as follows:

Mohasin Lamya (312a) - 89 points

Pisarev Alexander (511a) - 89 points

Long Anna (342) - 75 points

Vladikin Vadim (312a) - 72 points

Gritsyna Lyudmila (242) - 68 points

Kucheruk Valeria (211a) - 64 points

Gvozdyansky Kirill (211a) - 62 points

Hadjisavwa Renos-Vlad (112a) - 47 points.

The next second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad will take place April 6-8, 2020 year at the National University "Ostroh Academy". One student from the graduating department is invited to participate. So we wish the participants success and inspiration!


Students of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages  Pelipenko Anastasia (411b), Korneeva Juliana (204a), Bezsonov Alexander (209a) under the guidance of a candidate of pedagogical sciences D.V. Yefimova  took an active part in the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Health. Innovation. Education. ”, Which took place on February 27-28, 2020 on the basis of Bakhmut Medical College. Applicants made brilliant scientific reports. Anastasia Pelipenko, a fourth-year student of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages, was awarded a 1st degree diploma for the best report within the section "Innovative approaches to the development of medicine and education at the present stage."

We wish our students creative inspiration and new professional ups and downs!


February 22, 2020 Victoria Usyk, 3rd year graduate of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages, and Anna Dolgikh, a graduate of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication, took part in the finals of the first all-Ukrainian competition of translators among students "Lviv European". A total of 1,326 applications were received and only 150 participants were able to become finalists.

150 finalists from all over Ukraine and even from abroad gathered in the center of Metropolitan Sheptytsky. After writing the competition work, participants listened to lectures on the intricacies of translating films and games, as well as learned more about public speaking and what makes them successful.

Our students translated from Spanish and French and received unforgettable impressions and diplomas of the finalists! We are proud of you girls! Keep it up!


In October-November 2019, members of the SNT Council Siryak Victoria (gr. 211A), Kucheruk Valeria (gr. 211A), Trachuk Eugene (Gr. 512B), Diakovskaya Lyudmila (gr. 541) and Рябоконь Yana  (group 541) took an active part in the first stage of the international project "VERY VERIFIED: MEDIA LITERACY COURSE" under the leadership of Associate Professor of English Philology and Translation M.Yu. Shkuropat. The five-week course was developed by the international organization IREX in Ukraine in partnership with the online education studio EdEra. VeryVerified is part of the Study and Distinguish: Media Literacy project, implemented by IREX with the support of the US Embassy and the British Embassy in Ukraine, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. As a result of the course, students received a certificate of participation and are ready to become Ambassadors of Media Literacy, to spread the acquired skills among peers and use them in the future career of a teacher.

On October 17, 2019, Simak Victoria, a graduate of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication (gr. 411A), took part in the cultural and educational project "European integration in education, science and culture", which involves visiting European countries, namely: Poland , Slovakia, France, the Principality of Monaco, Hungary and participation in the scientific and methodological seminar "Features of training of scientific and pedagogical staff in the EU." The seminar was held at the Higher Technical School in Katowice (Poland). The event discussed topical issues of training scientists in the European Union.



