Yasynetska Olena Anatoliivna
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and Translation




Dear Entrant!

According to the bachelor's degree program "Philology (translation (English; German or French))" of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication, you will become a competent specialist in four languages (English, German or French, Ukrainian, Russian), foreign language teacher and professional on socio-political, scientific and technical, commercial and business, legal and artistic translation.

Training is conducted according to an interesting and meaningful academic plan; according to carefully designed training courses; according to the latest methods, manuals and technologies. You will be able to work at international conferences and meetings with world figures, maintain documentation, design and give presentations, work in educational institutions and projects, even with intensive teaching of foreign languages to your peers and ensure the success of negotiations and international cooperation.

And in difficult times for our country with extracurricular studies, our students resolutely and honestly underwent distance production translation practice in leading translation agencies, such as: "Professional Translation" (Kyiv), "Linguistic Center" (Lviv), "Admiral" (Khmelnytskyi), MovaPro (Kyiv), where they received positive feedback and high marks as professionals in their field.

You will become an employee or head of the department of international relations or tourism; translator in a publishing house, film studio, enterprise or institution of any industry; teacher of foreign languages in educational institutions; specialist-consultant in mass media, editor, coordinator of educational and translation projects, outstanding scientist, philologist-expert.

Therefore, we invite you to acquire higher education, knowledge and skills that will provide you with competence, stability, confidence, recognition and success in life.

Атестація філологів-перекладачів

Certification of philologists-translators

June 25, 2024

Congratulations to the graduates of the department of English philology and translation of the educational and professional program "Philology (Translation (English; German or French))" from specialty 035 Philology with specialization 035.041 - Germanic languages and literatures (including translation), the first...

Науково-пізнавальний захід Linguostylistics and Translation: Research and Practice

Scientific and educational event Linguostylistics and Translation: Research and Practice

May 3, 2024

On May 2, 2024, the Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the DVNZ of the DDPU held a scientific and educational event Linguostylistics and Translation: Research and Practice.…

Символи України на міжнародному рівні

Symbols of Ukraine at the international level

March 23, 2024

Teachers and students of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages had a pleasant opportunity to represent Ukraine at the international level among nine institutions of higher education in Europe, North America and South America under a project that involves online presentations,...

Зустріч зі стейкхолдерами перекладачів

Meeting with stakeholders of translators

February 5, 2024

On February 2, 2024, professional translation specialists Mykhailo Yepanov and Bohdan Shapoval, representatives of MDDK LLC, Kyiv, held an informative meeting with students of the specialty 035 Philology. The Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty...

Захист магістерських робіт за ОПП Переклад і міжкультурна комунікація (англійська, німецька або французька мови), ФСМК ГІІМ

Defense of master's theses under the OPP Translation and intercultural communication (English, German or French languages), FSMC GIIIM

January 20, 2024

On January 17, 2024, at the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages, the defense of master's theses in the specialty 035 Philology under the educational and professional program "Translation and intercultural communication (English, German or...


Philology (translation (English; German or French))

Sample motivation letter_bachelor

Sample motivation letter_master

Questions and suggestions

Anna Andriyivna Dolhykh is a 2021 graduate of the bachelor's degree program in the educational and professional program "035.041 Philology (translation (English; German or French))" of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages

For further education, according to the master's program "Translation and Intercultural Communication (English; German or French)" at our faculty, you will receive a qualification "Master of Philology, translator from English and German / French; teacher of translation, English and German / French ”with in-depth attention to the scientific component and with the opportunity to be a teacher of translation and two foreign languages in higher education institutions.

At all stages of study and practice it is possible to do an internship abroad to gain comprehensive professional experience and the most competent further work to restore and support Ukraine, its prosperity and recognition at the international level.

You are the important present and successful future of our state. We will help you get a quality higher education, improve your skills and achieve a high level of professionalism. Are waiting for you!

Sergey Gladkikh