Center for psychological support

Center for psychological support

In the life of each of us, sometimes difficulties arise that are difficult to overcome on our own, and sometimes simply impossible. It is important that at such a moment there are people nearby who can not only listen and understand, but also provide professional help.

The Center for Psychological Support at the Department of Psychology of the Institute of Psychology of the State University of the State of Ukraine was created with the aim of providing and maintaining an educational environment that is safe for the life and health of all participants in the educational process, which makes it possible to satisfy their interests and needs.

The Psychological Support Center organizes and conducts events aimed at popularizing psychological, social and professional knowledge (lectures, seminars, trainings, round tables, etc.), carries out psychodiagnostic and developmental work, promotes practical training of highly qualified specialists, provides students and graduates with services, etc. related to career guidance and preparation for work in the profession received. Also, for the purpose of professional development, the center of psychological support involves students who have the opportunity to develop their professional qualities.

The psychological support center provides the following services:

  • individual and group counseling of students, teachers, curators of academic groups and other participants in the educational process;
  • psychodiagnostics and psychocorrections;
  • provision of educational information about psychological health and psychological assistance;
  • social and psychological support of students with special needs, etc.

The main tasks of the psychological support center are:

  • ensuring an individual approach to each participant in the educational process;
  • promoting the full-fledged personal development of the participants of the educational process and creating comfortable social and psychological conditions for their life activities;
  • psychological provision of prevention of deviant behavior among participants of the educational process, conflicts and personal problems;
  • raising the psychological culture of all participants in the educational process, humanizing relations in student and teaching teams;
  • creating conditions for social and personal self-actualization.

The Center for Psychological Support provides its services to students, postgraduates, teachers and employees of the State Technical University of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, observing the principle of confidentiality and preserving the norms of professional ethics.

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Novokhatnya Olga Olehivna

Practical psychologist of the State Medical University of the State University of the State of Ukraine


+3 8 050-881-75-27 (Viber, Telegram)


Working hours: Monday - Friday

from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m

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