Search engines

Search engines



Search engines


Google books   world electronic library of books.

DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)   1879 scientific peer-reviewed books from 57 publishers.

Uranus   sources of scientific information of the Ukrainian scientific and educational telecommunication network.  Search engine for scientific literature (the most up-to-date information from the best sources for innovative projects).

Electronic libraries

World Digital Library   an international digital library created with the support of UNESCO and the Library of Congress.

European   european digital library.

Scientific periodicals of Ukraine   electronic archive of scientific periodicals of Ukraine.

Electronic Library "Culture of Ukraine"     contains electronic analogues of printed publications and works of fine art, which correspond to the theme "Culture of Ukraine".

Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine (ESU)    the first online version of a multi-volume encyclopedia that truthfully, impartially and comprehensively presents a holistic multifaceted image of Ukraine of the XX-XXI centuries in persons, institutions, concepts. The publication covers all spheres of Ukraine's life - from geographical location, nature, history, political system, economy and industry, science, culture, art, literature to sports and youth subculture. The electronic resource contains 2,000 articles and a series of illustrations that made up 15 volumes of the ESA, not yet published.
As of 2014, 13 volumes of ESU (A-Kok) out of 30 planned have been published.

HighWire Press   Access to the HighWire Press repository, a branch of the Stanford University Library. 1269 journals, 6,058,073 full-text peer-reviewed articles on the Internet.

OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)   Collection of scientific books in the humanities and social sciences.

Getty Publications Virtual Library   Publications in art, history, archeology, architecture and humanities. The books are available to read online and to download in PDF format.

Academicjournals   Full-text English-language scientific journals in medical, social, biological, physical, legal sciences, arts and education.

Elsevier   Open access magazines from Elsevier publishing house.

Journals4Free   Portal of academic open access journals (over 7,000). You can search by category, language, or presence in databases: Scopus,PubMedISI Master.

Electronic resources of free access

  • Library of abstracts - full-text electronic database of abstracts of dissertations defended in Ukraine from 1998 to 2012. Resource of the National Library of Ukraine. VI Vernadsky.
  • Open archives of Ukraine  - electronic archives that provide open access to scientific works of their own institutions.
  • Electronic archives of Ukraine  - open e-archives in the institutions of Ukraine.
  • Electronic Journals Library. Collection of electronic academic journals. There are more than 64 thousand titles, of which 29 thousand are in free access.
  • E-LIS. The largest international open electronic archive in library science and information sciences.
  • NARCIS.Archive containing scientific publications and doctoral dissertations from universities and research institutions in Denmark. Most publications are available in full.
  • Google Book Search. World Electronic Library of Books.
  • E-Books Directory.Catalogue of e-books, documents, lectures from all branches of science with the ability to add your own books, comments to already posted publications.
  • Nobel Prize online archive.All about the Nobel Prize and its winners.
  • Socionet. The Socionet Scientific and Educational Social Network integrates information from a variety of servers owned by Russian and foreign scientific and educational organizations participating in the international RePEc and Open Archives Initiatives.
  • UNESCO Documents and Publications.Bibliographic records and full texts of documents, publications and periodicals of UNESCO, 1945 - present.
  • The OpenCourseWare Consortium.Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Educational Resources
  • DART-Europe. Portal of open access to theses and dissertations of scientists of the European Union. The collection has 324,308 documents out of 512 universities of 27 European countries.
  • Theses Canada Portal.Collection of dissertations of Canadian scientists. Archive from 1965.
  • Archive of PhD and doctoral dissertations defended in Germany.
  • ADT (Australian Digital Theses Program). Dissertations of Australia.
  • Digital Library of theses and dissertations. Dissertations of Brazil.
  • DiVA.Dissertations and other research materials from 26 institutions of the Scandinavian countries EThOS. Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS) - United Kingdom.
  • National ETD Portal (South Africa). Dissertations of South Africa.
  • OA publishing at Nicolaus Copernicus University.Periodicals of Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland).


  • Additional information about open access and resources: 
  • Open bookIs a free online library of classical Ukrainian and world literature.
  • AeLib- Library of World Literature: originals and translations.
  • POETICSIs the most popular poetry library on the Internet in the Ukrainian language.
  • Electronic library of Ukrainian literatureThe University of Toronto provides free and open access to electronic texts of Ukrainian literature to all interested readers, especially students outside of Ukraine, where access to texts of Ukrainian literature is limited.
  • Internet Archive- a non - profit library of millions of free books, movies, programs, music, websites and more.
  • ua- constantly updated electronic library of the Ukrainian world. The founders of the library believe that the driving energy of Ukraine is its spiritual energy, which is revealed in the forms of literature, music, painting, theology, science, philosophy - the energy that has accumulated over the centuries, forming the idea, the essence of what we call Ukraine .
  • Open Library- has more than a million works in different languages.
  • ERIC- information center of educational resources. Funded by the US Department of Education's Institute of Pedagogical Sciences; provides access to 1.5 million citations, articles, journals and other materials related to teaching and learning.
  • com- offers unlimited and free access to information and books.
  • Literature in Ukrainiancollected on the site in the following formats: jar, jad, txt, fb2, epub, doc, easy to read on mobile devices (mobile phones, smartphones, PDAs, tablets, MP3 players, book readers). To start reading, just download books for free. You can also view texts online.


Digital library of historical and cultural heritage  Electronic Library "Historical heritage of Ukraine”Is formed on the principle of profile thematic collections and contains electronic documents - rare and valuable publications from the fund of the National Historical Library of Ukraine. The National Historical Library of Ukraine is the All-Ukrainian Depository of Historical Literature and a methodological center in the field of historical and local lore library activities and scientific bibliography on the history of Ukraine. The Library has more than 800,000 storage units.

To the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mykhailo Hrushevsky The National Library of Ukraine named after VI Vernadsky within the corporate project launched a new one information resource "e-Archive of Mykhailo Hrushevsky»  (Mykhailo Hrushevsky Digital Archives).

Online version "ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN UKRAINE"  The Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine (ESU) is the first multi-volume encyclopedia, which truthfully, impartially and comprehensively presents a holistic multifaceted image of Ukraine of the XX-XXI centuries in persons, institutions, concepts. The publication covers all spheres of Ukraine's life - from geographical location, nature, history, political system, economy and industry, science, culture, art, literature to sports and youth subculture.

Institute of Contemporary Art Problems offers free access to the full texts of scientific publications of the institute. We hope you find these publications useful!

Digital Library (WDL) provides free internet access in a multilingual format to a large number of materials representing the cultures of different countries.

Abstracts of dissertations of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus - free access to bibliographic descriptions and full texts of abstracts of candidate and doctoral dissertations defended in the Republic of Belarus. - academic publications on social sciences and humanities in free access.

Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - Electronic versions of research and monographs of modern Ukrainian historians, Ukrainian historical periodicals.

DART-Europe  - portal of open access to theses and dissertations of scientists


Electronic libraries of Ukrainian literature  - AeLib: Library of World Literature. Originals and translations.

Open book - free online library of classical Ukrainian and world literature. The portal publishes only those literary works that have passed into the public domain. Materials can be downloaded in pdf, fb2, doc, epub formats.


Electronic library Reading - free online library of Ukrainian-language literature


Library of originals and translations of world literature - In addition to works of art and fiction, there are also works on philology and philosophy.


Poetics - poetry library in Ukrainian. It was created in the fall of 1998, when, according to its founder Roman Kosarenko, it was almost impossible to find a dozen Ukrainian poems on the World Wide Web.


Izbornik - project of electronic library of ancient Ukrainian


Open Access Publishing in European Networks - an online library and publishing platform that contains academic books in free access. OAPEN works with book publishers to create a quality collection of open access books.


Internet Archive - This portal boasts more than three million texts, more than a million videos and the same number of audio recordings.


Bartleby offers access to fiction and nonfiction




Distance learning

Portal with complete information on e-learning and distance learning

English-Ukrainian dictionary of technical terms. It will be useful when there are difficulties with the translation of a technical term.

Scientific conferences in Ukraine

"Conferences" section on the educational portal Educational portal - all about education in Ukraine.

Education - materials on the site "Elitarium: Center for Distance Education"

Contains excellent materials and articles on current trends in education.


Ukrainian Scientific Online Community "Science Online"

The aim of the project is to organize an online community of Ukrainian scientists, discuss current issues of Ukrainian science, post publications, share experiences and find partners. The Internet allows to organize effective communication and cooperation of Ukrainian scientists from different regions of Ukraine and those who are abroad.

Public Space Portal

Multifunctional Internet resource that offers a wide range of interactive services to increase the efficiency of non-governmental organizations of Ukraine and promotes active cooperation in the third sector, cooperation of NGOs with the authorities at the regional and national levels.


Didactic bases of distance learning in higher educational institutions (AA Andreev.)

AA Andreev. The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of pedagogical sciences: "Didactic bases of distance learning in higher educational institutions"


Engaging Interactions For eLearning

Discussing and Demonstrating Ways to Keep Learners Awake and Intrigued.
This paper reviews different types of student interaction / activity with distance learning. In particular, various types of design of knowledge control tools / tests are considered. It is emphasized that the presence of interactivity, task performance, student interaction with the system is necessary for successful motivated distance learning.

Knowledge Portal - SET Laboratory Distance Learning Project

Knowledge Portal - a distance learning system built on the basis of information management system Web resource based on FreshKnowledge Semantic CMS. Open learning materials, distance testing of knowledge. Free access to training courses on various topics. Educational resources on information technology, programming, software design.

  1. OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)- collection of scientific books on humanities and social sciences.
  2. Getty Publications Virtual Library - publications on art, history, archeology, architecture and humanities. The books are available to read online and to download in PDF format.
  3. United States Patent and Trademark Office Web Patent Database- The site contains full texts and drawings of US patents from 1976 to the present. Database search can be performed by patent number, keywords of the title and abstract, surname and other fields. Supported by USPTO - US Patent and Trademark Office.

Online version "ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN UKRAINE"  The Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine (ESU) is the first multi-volume encyclopedia, which truthfully, impartially and comprehensively presents a holistic multifaceted image of Ukraine of the XX-XXI centuries in persons, institutions, concepts. The publication covers all spheres of Ukraine's life - from geographical location, nature, history, political system, economy and industry, science, culture, art, literature to sports and youth subculture.

Institute of Contemporary Art Problems  offers free access to the full texts of scientific publications of the institute. We hope you find these publications useful!

Digital Library (WDL)  provides free internet access in a multilingual format to a large number of materials representing the cultures of different countries.

Google Books  - world electronic library of books.


Literature in Ukrainian  collected on the site in the following formats: jar, jad, txt, fb2, epub, doc, easy to read on mobile devices (mobile phones, smartphones, PDAs, tablets, MP3 players, book readers). To start reading, just download books for free. You can also view texts online.

Gallica  - one of the largest electronic libraries in the world (since 2007 it has increased by 100,000 titles a year), it is based on the funds of the National Library of France. Many free works, mostly in French, can be downloaded in PDF format. - Electronic libraries that offer registered users free access to thousands of full-text documents on ethics and related disciplines. Participants can also submit their own works.


Internet Public Library Is a public service organization and learning environment founded by the University of Michigan School of Information and supported by Drexel University's College of Information Science & Technology. This is 45,000+ full-text works (fiction and non-fiction, reference books), organized by subject collections and types of resources.

OAPEN - Open Access Publishing in European Networks - international project of open access to monographs in the field of humanities and social sciences. Full texts in pdf format. OAPEN contains monographs in English, German, Italian, etc.

Open Library - project of a non-profit organization Internet Archive in collaboration with Open Content Alliance, the collection has more than 1 million digitized books, inquiries must be made in Latin alphabet. Also, from the list of books provided by the Boston Public Library, you can choose one that will be digitized free of charge. Internet Archive also supports Million Book Project .

Perseus Digital Library (- the largest online database of Latin and Greek texts and archaeological finds. The digital collection contains 6.5 million Greek texts and 4 million Latin materials; more than 64 thousand images and 3-D presentations.

PLoS Journals   - 8 open access journals Public Library of Science - a non-profit organization of scientists, whose activities are aimed at creating scientific and medical literature for public open access.

Project Gutenberg (Project Gutenberg) - a public (voluntary) initiative to digitize, archive and disseminate cultural works. It is the oldest universal electronic library. Most of the items in this collection are full-text books that are in the public domain. The project tries to make the collection as free and long-lasting as possible, uses open data formats that can be used on different types of computers. At the beginning of 2013, the library contained more than 42,000 books in free access, in addition to available audiobooks, music, etc. Project Gutenberg has branches in many countries around the world that are independent organizations and share the same ideals, allowing partners to use the Project Gutenberg brand.


SSM (Simple Search Metadata in Open Archives Ukraine)  - Search system in the open archives of Ukraine - harvester, developed by Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko. Provides the ability to simultaneously search for full-text scientific information (articles, teaching materials, presentations, sections of monographs and textbooks, images, etc.) in open electronic archives (repositories) of Ukraine, also registered in international harvesters. Powered by the OAI-PMH protocol. As of November 25, 2009, 21,431 documents from 13 repositories of Ukraine were indexed. Updates from archive records are performed daily.

Social Psychology Network (SPN)  - the largest social network in psychology. On its pages you can find more than 5,000 links to resources related to psychology.

Socionet  - scientific and educational social network with access to full texts of scientific materials (postprints and preprints, books, working materials, dissertations, etc.) in various fields of knowledge. The vast majority of materials are in Russian and English.

Theses Canada Portal   - publicly available Canadian dissertations for the period 1998-2002.


Athena   - books on philosophy, classical literature, economics, history, mineralogy, as well as books by Swiss and French authors in the original language.

Classics in the History of Psychology   - a collection of full-text works on psychology and related disciplines of historical significance.

Cogprints   - open repository for humanities and computer technology.

E-Books Directory  - catalog of e-books, documents, lectures from all branches of science.

Project Gutenberg  - classical literature published before 1923.

Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine 

The Ukrainian Index of Scientific Citation is a system of scientometric monitoring of the subjects of scientific activity of Ukraine                               

The system "Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science" is designed to provide society with a holistic picture of the state of the domestic scientific environment.

· Register of Ukrainian scientists who have provided consolidated information about their publications on the Internet;

· A single window of access to bibliometric indicators of Ukrainian scientists and teams in leading scientometric systems;

· Tools for analytical processing of bibliometric data to obtain information on the sectoral, departmental and regional structure of domestic science;

source base for expert evaluation of the effectiveness of scientists and research teams.                               

The site contains answers to questions related to various aspects of preparation and defense of the dissertation. It is intended for graduate students, doctoral students and degree seekers, may be useful for review by supervisors and research advisers                                                  

Electronic archive of scientific periodicals of Ukraine. Resource of the National Library of Ukraine named after VI Vernadsky                 

The site contains answers to various aspects of preparation and defense of the dissertation (Russian resource)           

The list of open archives of Ukraine is on the site.   

Educational portal with events of education and science, sex on education, information on distance education, training courses, education abroad, etc.                                                                            

Scientific electronic library of GPNTB of Russia - resource State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia . The fund contains digitized copies of technical literature.

Runiverse - opened a facsimile library of historical literature published in Russia in the XIX - early XX centuries. XX century Contains Russian philosophers who were withdrawn from cultural circulation for almost a century and were never republished.

Library Internet resources (Library of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine)

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

Directory of open access books of reputable foreign publishers.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Catalog of open access journals, created by charitable foundations in 2002 and maintained by the Scientific Library of Lund University (Sweden). The collection of open access journals is based on the financial model, which provides free access to information resources for users and is in line with the Budapest Open Access Initiative. There are more than 8,000 titles of magazines in the collection. The system is open to scientific periodicals that meet published system standards.


The largest international open electronic archive in library science and information sciences.


A free educational search engine that combines web resources for learning. Gooru scans and indexes educational sites and presents them in various relevant categories for quick search and use. It is possible to add your own materials to the collections. You can use Gooru to search for collections of multimedia resources: e-textbooks, videos, games and quizzes created by teachers. More about the system.

Open Access Publishing in European Networks is an international project of open access to monographs in the humanities and social sciences.

Open Educational Resources

Open educational resources of the world.

Open Yale Courses

Lectures and other materials on the disciplines of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences.


The Directory of Open Access Repositories is a search for scientific information in open repositories around the world, supported by SHERPA of the University of Nottingham.

Princeton University

Educational materials of Princeton University (USA).


Electronic navigator of foreign scientific electronic resources of open access on the Internet. The navigator helps to find high-quality world-class scientific resources.


Collection of high quality video lectures of the world.

World lecture project

Video library of video lectures of the world. International training network.

Scientific periodicals of Ukraine

Access to full texts 1,139 journals and collections of scientific papers. Resource of the NBUV of Ukraine.

ANTHROPOS Open Humanitarian Archive

The archive was established by the Center for Humanitarian Studies of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in 2007 with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation. It is open to existing communities, institutes and individual researchers who are ready to place their own scientific monographs, articles, reviews, reviews, source materials and databases, museum and archival collections, research and cultural projects, educational materials, presentations, catalogs for internal storage and access. and bibliographies.

Periodicals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

General academic portal of scientific periodicals. Access to 83 journals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Resource of the NBUV of Ukraine.

Electronic archives of Ukraine

There are open e-archives in the institutes of Ukraine.


Electronic Journals Library (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB) - portal to access52,340 titles of journals, of which 7,104 are original (exist only in e-form)
 Open source software for creating open access logs 

Harvester of Ukrainian scientific information – possibility of simultaneous search in all 19 registered repositories of Ukraine (over 25 thousand units of articles, chapters of books, dissertations, etc.)


OAIster - harvester of scientific information. More than 23 million records
