Erasmus + WARN


Program or initiative References Title of the project Beneficiary organization,          



project value

Erasmus + KA2 -          



Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education

Development of higher education potential

610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP WARN          



AcademicResponsetoHybridThreats "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats"

Consortium of European and Ukrainian Universities          



€ 721,065.00


78 115,00€





Erasmus + working group

"Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats"


Project manager:

        GP Dokashenko, Head of the Department of Domestic and Foreign History

 Financial administrator of the project:

        Svitlakova IV Acting chief accountant

Communication Manager:

       Kontsur VV, Associate Professor of Domestic and Foreign History

Project executors:

       Dokashenko VM, prof. Department of Domestic and Foreign History

       Dokashenko GP, prof. Department of Domestic and Foreign History

       Kontsur VV, docent Department of Domestic and Foreign History

       Borozentseva TV, docent Department of Psychology

Project assistants:

        Evseenko SA, docent Department of Domestic and Foreign History

        Volvenko NM, docent Department of Domestic and Foreign History

        Stukanova YR, senior teacher of the department of domestic and foreign history

        Bondarenko PS, a graduate of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education,

        Bogunenko VO, applicant for higher education of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education,

        Kontsur MM, applicant for higher education of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education,

Project technical team: Korolev VV, specialist of the information department.


To update the educational and professional program Secondary Education (History). Psychology ”(within the WARN-project“ ACADEMIC COMBATING OF HYBRID THREATS ”Erasmus + Capacity Building Project 610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP survey of employers and students on updating skills in the conditions of hybrid influences.

1) Questionnaire for students

2) Questionnaire for employers

3) Questionnaire for students - 2021

4) Questionnaire for employers - 2021

Infobox on the project


 Academic Response to Hybrid Threats


Project acronym: WARN
  Priority - curriculum development in security services
Project duration: 15 November 2019 - 14 November 2022
EU funding instrument: European Neighborhood Instrument (Erasmus +: КА2 CBHE)
Erasmus + (CBHE) grant amount: € 721,065.00
Target groups: university students, faculty members, company and organizations
Grant holder:           


University of Jyväskylä


Coordinator and General Manager:          


Prof. Timo TIIHONEN, Vice-dean of the Faculty of Information Technology

Contacts: tel +358 50 3732125




§ University of Jyväskylä, Finland

§ ECAM-EPMI (Graduate School of Electrical Engineering), France

§ Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

§ Tartu Ulikool, Estonia

§ Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine

§ Higher Educational Establishment Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine


§ State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Ukraine          


§ National University of Ostroh Academy, Ukraine

§ National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine

§ Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration, Ukraine

§ State Higher Education Institution “Donbas State Pedagogical University, Ukraine

§ Ministry of Education and Science, Ukraine

Project goals and objectives:          


Proposal targets the national security and the skill gap in security services created by the emergence of hybrid threats. Security sector alone does not have the skills and resources to counter complex hybrid threats but has to rely on security awareness of the critical fields in society. Understanding the complex interdependencies and resulting vulnerabilities in key sectors is essential for improving the resilience of the nation and hence, the security and welfare of its citizens.

Specific project objectives:

- To fill the security skills gap across various professional domains to increase civic resilience to hybrid threats in Ukraine

 - To adapt study programs in 7 fields of study and to create LLL course on Countering hybrid threats;

 - To pilot the adapted study programs and LLL courses;

 - To create a trans sectoral environment devoted to countering hybrid threats.



  • Summarizing foreseen security challenges and synchronizing partners` specific objectives;
  • Analyzing the EU partner contents and training methodology;
  • Updating the study programs with new educational content;
  • Design of syllabi and teaching materials;
  • Developing the training manuals for teachers;
  • Content and method trainings for teaching staff;
  • Equipping the interfaculty labs;
  • Enrolling students and trainees;
  • Implementation of curricula;
  • Development of the QA plan and internal and external project evaluation;
  • Development of dissemination and sustainability plans;
  • Holding the promotional campaign, workshop on resilience to hybrid threats challenges and establishing the hubs of excellence;
  • Establishing WARN network;
  • Project organization and management.
Expected results:          


  1. To adapt 11 study programs in 7 fields of study
  2. To deliver the adapted study programs and courses
  3. To create a trans sectoral environment devoted to civic resilience to hybrid threats
Project coordinator in Ukraine
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics;          


tel. +380577021807 fax: +380577021013

Responsible person: Associate Prof. Svitlana GRYSHKO

Deputy Head of  Economic Cybernetics and Management of Economic Security  

Contacts: phone: +380639480878, e-mail:

Partners from Ukraine:
Higher Educational Establishment Ukrainian Catholic University;          


tel .: +38032 409940; Fax: +38032 409950

Responsible person: Dr. Pavlo KHUD,

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Social Science

Contacts: tel .: +380322409945



State University of Infrastructure and Technologies;          


tel .: +380444637470; fax: +380444637470

Responsible person: Prof. Yuriy DUDNYK


Contacts: tel .: +380444637470


National University of Ostroh Academy;          


tel .: +380365422949; fax: +380365422949

Responsible person: Dr. Eduard BALASHOV,

Head of International Relations Department

Contacts: tel .: +380365430023




National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts; www.          


tel .: +380442802282;

Responsible person: Prof.. Olga KOPIYEVSKA,

Head of Department of Art Management and Event Technology

Contacts: tel .: +380442809412


Kharkiv Regional Institute Of Public Administration Of The National Academy For Public Administration Under The President Of Ukraine ;          


tel .: +380577323266; fax: +380577323266

Responsible person: Prof. Dmytro KARAMYSHEV,

Deputy Director

Contacts: tel .: +380577329735


State Higher Education Institution “Donbas State Pedagogical University”; Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages; forlan          


 tel .: +380626232354; fax: +380626232354

Responsible person: Prof. Galyna DOKASHENKO,

Head of the National and Foreign History Department

Contacts: tel .: +380627422537; +380953528219


Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine           


tel .: +380444813221; tel .: +380444813280; fax: +380444814796

Responsible person: Mrs. Lyubov SHCHITKA

Deputy Head of International Cooperation and European Integration Department





Academic counteraction to hybrid threats


Short name of the project: WARN
  Priority is given to curriculum development in the field of security
Project duration: 15 November 2019 - 14 November 2022
EU funding program:  European Neighborhood Instrument (Erasmus +: KA2 CBHE)
Erasmus + Grant Amount (CBHE): 721 065,00 €
Target group: university students, teachers, companies and organizations, society as a whole


Grant recipient:

Jyväskylä University, Finland



Prof. Timo Tiihonen, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology

Contacts: tel .: +358 50 3732125

email address:

§ Partnership:          


§ Jyväskylä University, Finland

§ ECAM-EPMI (Higher School of Engineering), France

§ University of Coimbra, Portugal

§ University of Tartu, Estonia

§ Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine

§ Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine

§ State University of Infrastructure and Technology, Ukraine

§ National University "Ostroh Academy, Ukraine          


§ National Academy of Management of Culture and Arts, Ukraine

§ Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

§ Donbass State Pedagogical University, Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, Ukraine

§ Ministry of Education and Science, Ukraine

Purpose and objectives of the project:          


The aim of the project is to increase national security and overcome the lack of security services caused by the emergence of hybrid threats. The security sector does not have sufficient capacity and resources to deal with complex hybrid threats on its own, it must rely on security awareness of professionals in critical industries and society as a whole. Understanding the complex interdependence and critical vulnerabilities in key sectors is vital to increasing a nation's resilience to security challenges and, consequently, to the personal security and well-being of its citizens.
Project objectives:
- to fill the security gap in various areas of professional activity to increase professional and civic resilience to hybrid threats in Ukraine;
  - adapt curricula in 7 areas of education and develop courses to combat hybrid threats to lifelong learning;
  - to pilot adapted training programs and LLL courses;
  - to create an intersectoral environment for combating hybrid threats.



Areas of project activity:

§ Generalization of anticipated security issues and synchronization of partners' goals;

§ Analysis of the content and methodology of teaching in EU partner universities;

§ Updating curricula with new content;

§ Development of training programs and training materials;

§ Development of textbooks for teachers;

§ Trainings for teachers on the development of content and teaching methods;

§ Equipping interfaculty laboratories;

§ Admission of students and listeners;

§ Implementation of training programs;

§ Development of quality assurance plan, internal and external project evaluation;

§ Development of plans for dissemination of results and sustainable development;

§ Conducting an advertising campaign, a seminar on resilience to hybrid threat challenges and the creation of centers of excellence;

§ Creating a WARN network;

§ Project organization and management.

         I. Adapt 11 curricula in 7 areas of education          


       II. Introduce the teaching of adapted curricula and courses

    III. Create a cross-sectoral environment to address hybrid threats



Project coordinator from Ukraine:

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics;          


tel. +380577021807; fax: +380577021013

Responsible person: Svetlana GRISHKO

Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., Deputy head Department of Economic Cybernetics and Economic Security Management

Contacts: tel.: +380639480878, e-mail:

Partners from Ukraine:
Ukrainian Catholic University;          


tel .: +38032 409940; Fax: +38032 409950

Responsible person: Pavlo HUD,

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Director of the UCU School of Journalism

Contacts: tel .: +380322409945

email address:


State University of Infrastructure and Technology;          


tel .: +380444637470; fax: +380444637470

Responsible person: prof. Yuriy DUDNYK


Contacts: tel .: +380444637470

email address:

National University of Ostroh Academy;          


tel .: +380365422949; fax: +380365422949

Responsible person: Ph.D. Eduard BALASHOV,

Head of the Department of International Cooperation

Contacts: tel .: +380365430023

email address: 



National Academy of Management of Culture and Arts; www.          


tel .: +380442802282;

Responsible person: prof. Olga KOPIEVSKA,

Head Department of Art Management and Event Technologies

Contacts: tel .: +380442809412

email address:

National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration;          


tel .: +380577323266; fax: +380577323266

Responsible person: prof. Dmitry KARAMISHEV,

Head's assistant

Contacts: tel .: +380577329735

email address:

Donbass State Pedagogical University, Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages;; forlan          


tel .: +380626232354; fax: +380626232354

Responsible person: prof. Galina DOKASHENKO,

Head Department of Domestic and Foreign History

Contacts: tel .: +380627422537; +380953528219

email address:

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine          


tel .: +380444813221; tel .: +380444813280; fax: +380444814796

Responsible person: Love Brush

Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation and European Integration


email address:


current semi-annual monitoring
project Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats

WARN presentation HIFL of DSPU


Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages SHEI
Donbass State Pedagogical University
REPORT on the results of the Erasmus + project
"Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats"
As of 31.05.2020

Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages of SHEI
Donbas State Pedagogical University

Report on the results of the project
Erasmus + WARN
Academic Response to Hybrid Threats

Report on the implementation of the first work package WP1 "Preparation".

REPORT on WP1 “Preparation”
Academic Response to Hybrid Threats (WARN)

Study visit of the Erasmus WARN team

From February 19 to 23, the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) hosted a meeting of Erasmus+ partners of the WARN project - Academic countermeasures to hybrid threats. Members of the Consortium from
7 Ukrainian universities shared their practical experiences regarding various aspects of identifying and countering hybrid threats. The GIIM team was represented by the project manager Prof. Halyna Dokashenko, executor of the project, Assoc. Tetyana Borozentseva and Assoc. Oksana Hrytsuk, and the person responsible for international cooperation Assoc. Marina Shkuropat. For the attention of the partners, the team presented a presentation of two aspects of its work - the workshop "Information and analytical tools of hybrid threats" and interdisciplinary projects of master's theses. The participants of the meeting noted the relevance of highlighting the issue of intellectual and emotional perception of information and its impact on the psycho-philological state of a person. The heads of the work packages reported on their implementation status and preparation for the final report.
The host party offered the participants a series of trainings on countering hybrid threats, prepared by the project team of the University of Coimbra, employees of the National Defense Institute of Portugal, and the Army Center of Applied Psychology. Especially important, from the point of view of the goal of the project, were the report of the director of the Institute, Isabel Nunes, on the prospects and trends of cooperation in the field of collective security of the European Union countries; as well as a presentation by practical military psychologist Major Carlos Kaskin on the need for psychological support of military personnel before and during the execution of a military mission, and their full rehabilitation after returning to civilian life. The military psychologist especially emphasized the importance of conducting psychological and therapeutic activities with relatives and friends of military personnel, which is more relevant than ever for our country.
Professor of International Relations Paula Dupote Lopez devoted her training to the peculiarities of organizing effective interaction between students and teachers during distance learning, and to the implementation of new approaches to the management of academic research of students.
The cultural program included an introduction to the historical building of the University of Coimbra, which was founded in 1290, a library unique in terms of the beauty of its decoration and the presence of ancient books.
According to the results of the study visit, the participants received certificates and expressed their willingness to successfully complete all project tasks and prepare a joint report.

Webinar "Challenges to the implementation of existing Erasmus + projects: Capacity building of higher education and other cooperation projects during martial law in Ukraine"

On June 2, 2022, a webinar was held by NEO Ukraine together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Challenges to the implementation of existing Erasmus + projects: Capacity building of higher education and other cooperation projects for martial law in Ukraine", attended by #MultiEd and #WARN from the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages. The event was attended by about 80 members of the teams of existing Erasmus + projects, as well as coordinators from EACEA - the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture, which oversees all Erasmus + projects.

At the beginning of the meeting, it was emphasized that, despite the martial law, the Government of Ukraine, including the Ministry of Education and Science, has identified the implementation of international obligations as a priority.

The head of the National Erasmus + Office of Ukraine Svitlana Shitikova sincerely congratulated all participants of the webinar, expressed awareness of the situation of some Ukrainian universities due to Russian aggression, temporary occupation of certain territories, destruction of infrastructure, internal relocation and loss of equipment and project documentation. All these risks, of course, are detrimental to the timely implementation of commitments and are officially recognized as force majeure, which will be taken into account when considering the suspension or extension of the deadline for submission of final results of projects.

Svitlana Shitikova thanked the teams for their work and assured NEO Ukraine of its readiness to provide consulting support to designers 24/7. In her presentation, the leader outlined the challenges faced by Ukrainian universities and elaborated on ways to address them together with NEO Ukraine.

We believe in Ukraine, every citizen, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, partners and work together for the result to win! Everything is and will be Ukraine!

Erasmus flash mob in Ukraine.

? EU Erasmus + program turns 35 in 2022!

The Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages is proud to have joined the Erasmus + movement in 2019 by participating in two KA2 projects at once: #WARN "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats" (institutional project manager Prof. Halyna Dokashenko) and #MultiEd as Language Training Teachers the way to the introduction of multilingual education and European integration of Ukraine "(institutional project manager Assoc. Prof. Maryna Shkuropat).

✍️ Thanks to the Erasmus + program, we have felt part of the single European educational space, we have begun to breathe the same air of innovation in education that European colleagues breathe. We realized that we desperately needed to study best academic experience in institutional and methodological terms, but there is much we can share with our colleagues: completely different conditions than those familiar to European universities.

Unfortunately, at first the pandemic, and now the military aggression, fully intervened in the well-planned course of our projects, but we are convinced that even in such conditions, the dedication and professionalism of our teams will achieve maximum results.

? We are grateful #ErasmusPlus #ErasmusUA for the possibility of professional development, outlining prospects, expanding horizons;

  • #NEO_Ukraine and @Svitlana_Shytikova for supporting and encouraging further Erasmus + activities;
  • European project partners #MultiEd and #WARN for high professionalism and sincerity;
  • colleagues and friends from the teams of Ukrainian partner universities #MultiEd and #WARN for creative collaboration, support and endurance.

We believe in ourselves and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we hope for the support of the forces of good from around the world!

Everything will be Ukraine! ??

On December 20-21, 2021, the coordination meeting of the project participants took place at the National University "Ostroh Academy". The main issues on the agenda were the reports of Ukrainian universities on updating the profiles and curricula of master's programs, on the syllabi of new and updated courses. Thus, the syllabus of the joint course "Hybrid Threats and Integrated Security" was discussed, as well as the syllabus of new and updated courses for each educational program. The GIIM team presented the syllabus of the new training course "History and Hybrid Threats", as well as the syllabus of the updated courses "History of International Relations", "Ukraine in the geopolitical confrontation of the early XXI century", "Methods and organization of socio-psychological and social training." The participants of the meeting also summed up the activities for the dissemination of project results and identified proposals for the future advertising campaign.  

On October 26, the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages hosted the grand opening of the Center for Social Integration and Personal Development of Youth from the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, which was attended by representatives of central, regional and city government agencies. A component of the Center is the Laboratory for the Study of Hybrid Threats, created within the framework of the Erasmus + project "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats". The work of the Center and the Laboratory will be aimed at the following main areas: diagnostics of emotional state and values of youth, development and implementation of adaptive technologies taking into account Ukrainian social realities, formation of civilized humanistic humanistic worldview content and socially responsible perspectives , development of own life trajectory of the applicant of higher education as the active and responsible participant of social processes of formation and strengthening of the democratic state. The opening of such a Center will be the beginning of a new cluster to work on preventing, studying and combating hybrid threats. Thus, the WARN environment has been enriched with another important component.

On October 22, the 5th All-Ukrainian scientific-practical online conference with international participation took place "Regionalism in the Civilization Dimension: Directions and Prospects for Progress." It became a logical continuation of four conferences entitled "Bakhmut antiquity: local lore research». The change in the vector is due to the desire to implement the proposals of the participants of previous forums to expand the range of issues for discussion at the expense of other areas of humanities. As in previous years, the co-organizers were the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the National Union of Local Historians of Ukraine, Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, and the Bakhmut Museum of Local Lore. At the plenary session and in the seventh sections of the conference its participants - scientists, teachers, local historians, students from Ukraine, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, discussed the theoretical and source principles of regional studies, got acquainted with the main directions of foreign regionalism as a practice of history. hybrid threat tool. Within the framework of the Erasmus + project "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats" at the plenary session with a report "Regional Studies: Biopolitical Perspective" spoke a representative of the European partner, Professor of Regional Policy at the University of Tartu (Estonia) Andriy Makarychiv. There was a separate section "History as a means of hybrid threats", which presents 16 reports. The main reports and announcements will be published in the next issue of the collection of scientific works of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages "Faces of History".

Plenary session

Section 7 History as a means of hybrid threats

Seminar on the exchange of knowledge gained at the summer school of Jyväskylä University and competitive training

Ukrainian members of the consortium gathered for the first offline seminar during the pandemic. The joint work was dedicated to the exchange of knowledge gained at the summer school of the University of Jyväskylä on the course "Changing Security and Hybrid Threats", to address pressing issues to update the profiles of master's programs and develop a general course on hybrid threats and integrated security. European colleagues joined the seminar online. In particular, partners from the University of Jyväskylä conducted training on competitive training in the fight against hybrid threats, in particular, cognitive breakdown. The Ukrainian part of the team considered approaches to the development of a new competitive method of teaching proactive defense and approved the structure of the manual on the features of this method and its implementation in the educational process. Teachers Borozentseva TV, Dokashenko GP, Dokashenko VM from the GIIM team took part in the seminar.

Opening of a new laboratory

On May 26, the Institute opened a Laboratory for the Study of Hybrid Threats (room 402) within the Erasmus + project "Academic Response to Hybrid Threats" (Academic Response to Hybrid Threats 610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). The laboratory is created as an organizational and research center for joint work of teachers and students of the institute. Similar centers have also been opened in six other Ukrainian universities participating in the project. The equipment was carefully selected to provide master's programs and research in the relevant areas of the project, which will create a comprehensive cross-sectoral academic environment for collaboration of educators, scientists and professionals in various fields to strengthen societal resilience and counter hybrid influences and threats. The total amount of equipment purchased for the Laboratory is 893,812 hryvnias 82 kopecks.

Many thanks to our partners from the Ukrainian Catholic University for their efforts in purchasing equipment, taking into account all partner wishes and harmonizing all grant requirements with Ukrainian legislation.

Special thanks NEO in Ukraine and its coordinator Svitlana Shitikova for assistance in complying with and agreeing on the requirements of the grant and Ukrainian legislation in the process of purchasing equipment.

International online conference

"Hybrid threats in the context of European security"

May 18, 2021 The working group of the Erasmus + WARN project took part in the conference "Hybrid Threats in the context of European Security" (Conferência "Hybrid Threats in the context of European Security"), initiated by the Portuguese National Defense College (IDN).

Conference participants analyzed the conceptual and policy constraints posed by hybrid threats; considered an integrated approach to security in all relevant political sectors of the European Union. Participation in the event provided an opportunity to learn about modern theoretical and practical approaches to the study of hybrid threats.

The team of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages held a webinar of scientific and pedagogical workers on the topic "Man in the conditions of hybrid threats". The purpose of the event is to highlight the first results of participation in the project "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats", implemented within the Erasmus + project. The webinar participants got acquainted with the glossary of hybrid threats, performed exercises to develop media literacy, learned to recognize fakes and resist manipulation. They unanimously determined the effectiveness of communication and expressed a desire to continue meetings in this format.


December 9, 2020An online training "Wargaming" initiated by representatives of the Laboratory of Conflict and Hybrid Threats (LTLabTNO, the Hague, Netherlands) took place. ДДПУВ. V. Kontsur.

During the training there was an acquaintance with different types of games aimed at modeling conflict situations. Participants had the opportunity to take part in 2 games: Matrix and Dilemma, aimed at finding the best ways to resolve conflicts, developing strategies for behavior in various conflict situations and more. This, of course, contributed to the acquisition of much-needed experience for modern man.

November 6, 2020. The Monitoring Mission of the National Erasmus Office in Ukraine took place.

Director of GIIM Belitskaya EM and project manager GP Dokashenko presented information on the results achieved by the working group for 2019-2020.

As part of the online monitoring, financial issues were discussed, a meeting with project stakeholders was organized and preliminary conclusions were drawn with all participants of the monitoring meeting.

GIIM in the Erasmus family

On October 16, 2020, the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages joined the online marathon of celebrating the days of the European Union's Erasmus + Program in Ukraine. The teams of two Erasmus projects - MultiEd and WARN, in which our institute is now a part, jointly prepared a presentation of our educational institution.

Festive events were held from 15 to 17 October 2020within the framework of a global initiative #ErasmusDays 2020 throughout Ukraine. The events were aimed at all participants of the Program, presenting open opportunities for students and graduates, young people aged 13 to 30 and parents, employees of universities and youth organizations, educational and research institutions, public, private and public organizations. The #ErasmusDays 2020 events covered participants from almost all over Ukraine, who were able to learn about the opportunities, experience and success stories of the participants of the EU Erasmus + Program and, as a result, be inspired by their own achievements and victories!

Details at the links:

On October 23-24, the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the Donbass State Pedagogical University hosted the IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Bakhmut Antiquity: Local History Studies - 2020", which included a separate section "History as a means of hybrid threats" (section head - Professor VM Dokashenko). At the plenary session, the participants got acquainted with the report of undergraduate Naumov I. "Hybrid threats of modernity: the regional dimension." Reports and speeches were prepared on the basis of the Erasmus + project "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats".

September 25, 2020 An online seminar "Promoting the building of an open, safe and sustainable society in the conditions of hybrid threats on the example of the Baltic region" was held, which was prepared by Associate Professor of Domestic and Foreign History Kontsur VV

During the seminar, the developments and approaches to building a sustainable safe society, which were taught in online safety courses at the University of Tartu, Estonia (WARN project partner), were discussed.

The event was attended by teachers of the Free Economic Zone interested in the issues of the seminar.

September 16, 2020 A video meeting of the participants of the EU Erasmus + project "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats - WARN" took place, during which the updated terms of the project, the quality assurance plan and the procedure for purchasing equipment were discussed.

On July 7, 2020, the Ukrainian part of the project "met" on the ZOOM platform to determine the next tasks for the development of the intersectoral environment in partner universities. There was an effective exchange of views on the synchronization of individual activities, as well as discussed and approved the basic documents for the creation and interaction of laboratories for the study of hybrid threats in each of the institutions participating in the project.

As part of the WARN project (Erasmus + "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats") from 23 to 27 June 2020 a poll will take place "Quarantine through the eyes of the average citizen."

We invite all students, teachers and administrative staff to participate in the survey.

All answers are anonymous, so please be as candid as possible when answering questions. This is a scientific study, and we would be grateful if you could answer all your questions.

To participate in the survey, please follow the link.

The project team is grateful for your contribution!

2.04.2020. The team of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, represented by the communication manager Kontsur Victoria, joined the online course "Security in the Baltic Region". We are very grateful to our colleagues at the University of Tartu for the high organizational level of the event. We plan to use valuable experience.

23.04.2020.  An online meeting of partner universities was held under the chairmanship of the project manager, Professor Jyvaskyla University (Finland) Timo Tiihonen. The project teams discussed a number of organizational issues and features of the pandemic.

15.05.2020. The next online meeting of participants - partners. Active work on the project continues, the creation of an intersectoral environment was discussed. 

 23.06.2020. An electronic meeting of the project participants took place, at which the coordinator Timo Tiihonen summed up the results of its implementation as of June. Participants identified priority areas for the next period.

June 29, 2020. The Erasmus + WARN GIIM project team took part in the webinar “Coronavirus and the Future of Liberalism”. We thank Thomas Dopit (Czech Republic) and Andriy Makarychev (Estonia) for careful preparation of the event and interesting ideas.

On February 19-20, 2020, a regular meeting of project participants was held on the topic "Actualization of issues and tasks of the project." Within the framework of the meeting an open seminar on the peculiarities of designing educational programs based on international experience within the framework of national legislation was held. The moderator was Yuriy Rashkevych, a member of the National Team of Experts on Higher Education Reform. The event was supported by the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine, including Svetlana Shitikova and Zhanna Talanova.

December 5-6, 2019 The inaugural meeting of the partners of the project "Academic Response to Hybrid Threat" (Academic Response to Hybrid Threat, WARN) took place. Together, the project implementers will work to build a safe civil environment in Ukraine. In addition, the project should introduce interdisciplinary and short-term certified educational programs aimed at combating hybrid threats, building an expert infrastructure for interdisciplinary research and research-oriented classes. It is assumed that training modules on information security will be built using preventive learning technologies used in artificial intelligence systems of the European Union. The results of the project will be further used for training and professional development programs for teachers.

November 6, 2019 Within the framework of the International Information Week of the Erasmus + program, the Day of the winners of the Erasmus + project competition: Development of higher education potential took place in Ukraine.

Kateryna Suprun, State Expert of the Expert Group on Analytics, Financing and International Relations of the Directorate of Higher Education and Adult Education, made a report on cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, expected results, peculiarities of dissemination and use of project results.

The team of the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine: Svitlana Shitikova, Zhanna Talanova, Ivanna Atamanchuk and Petro Krainik spoke about the national features of project implementation, management and reporting for Ukrainian universities, national legislation on quality assurance in higher education, project monitoring procedures under EACEA rules, issues registration of projects in the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine.

During the seminar, the first meeting was held with representatives of institutions - partners of the project: "Academic counteraction to hybrid threats." The partners discussed areas for further cooperation and features of the new project.

XVIII Interregional scientific-practical conference of young scientists and graduate students
"Research of young scientists in the humanities"
May 14, 2020
It is dedicated to the Day of Science in Ukraine

WARN "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats"

Interview with Dokashenko H.P. "Free Radio"

Dear colleagues! Dear applicants for higher education!

          We offer to take part in the discussion of new training courses developed within the project, "Hybrid threats and comprehensive security»,«History and hybrid threats", As well as updated profile of the educational program (changes are marked in red). Please send your recommendations, remarks, suggestions to the e-mail address of the Department of Domestic and Foreign History:

          Thank you for your cooperation!



Donetsk National University





Dear colleagues!

          We have the honor to invite you to participate in the 6th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference with international participation "Regionalism in the Civilization Dimension: Directions and Prospects for Progress." This year, the organizing committee proposed holding a conference in the format of a "round table" on the topic "Regionalism in conditions of hybrid threats and full-scale war". The event is being held within the framework of the Erasmus+ project "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats" WARN 610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, it is scheduled for October 20, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. (Kyiv time) online mode at the link:

Main issues for discussion:

  1. History as a tool of hybrid threats.
  2. Donetsk region: historical problems of identification.
  3. Museums in preservation of historical memory.
  4.  Personal format of regional studies.

Terms of participation in the conference:

To participate in the conference, you need to October 18, 2022 (including) send an application using the specified form

A sample of the certificate about the author:

Full Nameᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ
Place of work or study
Position, academic degree, academic title For applicants - name of higher education institution, course
Contact phone number and e-mail address of the author of the article
The topic of the speech
Participation options (underline) – give a speech (up to 15 minutes), – give a message (up to 5 minutes), – publish an article (participation)

We invite you to take part in the formation of the next issue of the collection of scientific works, for which you should send an article (in Ukrainian or English) to the indicated address of the organizing committee, the file name must correspond to the surname of the first author, for example: petrenko.doc

After receiving the materials, the organizing committee must send a message confirming the fact of their acceptance for publication in the collection of scientific works "Edges of History" No. 5(13). Thanks to a scholarship from the project "Support to Ukrainian Editorial Staff" (SUES - Support to Ukrainian Editorial Staff) publication in the collection free


1. The structure of the publication

          Articles should contain the following elements:

          • statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;

          • analysis of recent studies (historiography of the problem), in which the solution to this problem was initiated and on which the author relies in his work;

          • allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which research is devoted; formulation of goals (task setting);

          • presentation of the main material from Volsubstantiation of the obtained scientific results;

          • conclusions and prospects for further research of the problem.

2. Technical requirements for the design of materials:

  • the volume of articles – 6-12 pages of A 4 format;
  • page parameters: left margin – 2, right – 2, top – 2, bottom – 2 cm.
  • font: Times New Roman. Font size 14, spacing 1.5;
  • in the electronic version, the set must be completed using the program WORD 6.0, 7.0 and higher, WINDOWS 98 and higher

example of materials design:

UDC                                                                                                  Ivanov VS


references to the literature in the text are given in square brackets, for example [3];

after the text of the article are submitted RESUME in Ukrainian and English (up to 10 lines each) and Keywords in Ukrainian and English;


 is presented in the order of placing links on the pages of the text;

Coordinates of the organizing committee

Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, Donbas State Pedagogical University    T: 095 352 82 19 - Galina Petrovna Dokashenko      T: 099 684 99 75 (Viber, WhatsApp) - Victoria Volodymyrivna Kontsur







Dear colleagues!

         We are honored to invite you to participate in the IV All-Ukrainian scientific-practical online conference with international participation "Bakhmut antiquity: local lore research - 2020", which will take place  October 23, 2020.

Directions of the conference:

  1. Theoretical and historiographical-source-based principles of historical regionalism
  2. Regional history: problems identity, mentality, self-awareness
  3. Problems of dating settlements in the context of historical urban planning
  4. Historical biography
  5. History everyday oral history: local accents
  6. History of the railway heritage of the region
  7. Museums and museum business in the XXI century: status and prospects development
  8. Education, culture, literature and art: a regional dimension
  9. History as an object of hybrid threat
  10. Media literacy: current regional challenges 

Terms of participation in the conference:

To participate in the conference you need to perform the following actions by October 20, 2020 (inclusive):

I. Filling in the application

Fill in the application form for participation in the conference in online mode, by following the link:

ІІ. Sending materials by e-mail

Send to the e-mail address of the organizing committee bakhmut.conference@gmail.comabstracts of the report / article (in Ukrainian, Russian or English), the file name should correspond to the surname of the first author, for example: petrenko.doc

After receiving the materials, the organizing committee must send a message confirming the fact of their acceptance for publication.

Based on the results of the work, an electronic edition is planned Proceedings of the conference "Bakhmut Antiquity - 2020".


  1. The structure of the publication

         Articles should contain the following elements:

  • problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
  • analysis of recent research (historiography of the problem), in which the solution of this problem is initiated and on which the author relies in his work;
  • selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which the research is devoted; formulation of goals (task setting);
  • presentation of the main material with full volsubstantiation of the obtained scientific results;
  • conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this direction.
  1. Technical requirements for the design of materials:
  • example of materials design:

UDC                                                                                                Ivanov VS


  • references to the literature in the text are given in square brackets, for example [3];
  • after the text of the article are submitted RESUME in Ukrainian and English (up to 10 lines each) and Keywords in Ukrainian and English;
  • REFERENCES is presented in the order of placing links on the pages of the text;
  • volume of articles - 6 pages of A4 format;
  • in the electronic version, the set must be performed on the program WORD 6.0, 7.0 and above, WINDOWS 98 and above, font: TimesNewRoman. Font size 14, spacing 1.5;

Page options: left margin - 2, right margin - 2, top margin - 2, bottom margin - 2 cm.

Coordinates of the organizing committee

CPC "Bakhmut Museum of Local Lore"

Address for postal correspondence:

street Nezalezhnosti, 26, Bakhmut, Donetsk region, 84500



T: 0990386133

Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, Donbas State Pedagogical University

Address for postal correspondence:

street Sadova 78-a, Bakhmut, Donetsk region, 84500

galinadokashenko@ukr.netT: 095 352 82 19 - Galina Petrovna Dokashenko

bakhmut.conference@gmail.comT: 099 68499 75 - Kontsur Victoria Vladimirovna

As part of the project WARN (Erasmus + "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats") from 23 to 27 blackoutside 2020 a poll will take place "Quarantine through the eyes of the average citizen." 

We invite all students, teachers and administrative staff to participate in the survey.

All answers are anonymous, so please be as candid as possible when answering questions. This is a scientific study, and we would be grateful if you could answer all your questions. 

To participate in the survey, please follow the link.

The project team is grateful for your contribution!

8 projects - winners of the Erasmus + competition: Development of the potential of higher education will start in Ukraine

"Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats" (WARN)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
