Komarov Sergey Anatolyevich

Komarov Sergey Anatolyevich

Komarov Sergey Anatolyevich

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head Department of World Literature.

In 1999 he graduated from the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with a degree in English, Russian Language and Literature. In 2005 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences in the specialty 10.01.02. - Russian literature. Topic: (Russian documentary prose of 1917-1920 "Untimely Thoughts" by Gorky, "Doomsday" by IO Bunin, "Letters to Lunacharsky" by VG Korolenko). In 2008 he received a certificate of associate professor of foreign literature. In 2017 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology in the specialty 10.01.02. - Russian literature. Topic: "The genre of feuilleton in n literature of the XIX - first third of the XX century: theory, history, personalities, poetics."

He teaches the following disciplines at the department:
The first (bachelor's) level

  1. Foreign Literature (Middle Ages, Renaissance, XVII-XVIII centuries, XIX century (romanticism), XX century)

The second (master's) level

  1. Modern literary process: the main trends.
  2. Gender Studies in Literary Studies / History of Comparative Studies.
  3. Receptive aesthetics.
  4. History of modern literary studies.
  5. Cinema and literature: the poetics of interaction

Manages term papers, bachelor's and master's theses.

Research interests: history of Russian literature of the XX century, satirical and humorous prose, foreign literature of the XX - early XXI century, postmodern trends in world literature, English literature (UK, USA, Canada), cinematic discourse in modern literature.

Publications: 1 monograph, 36 articles in professional journals, 9 articles in foreign publications, 25 conference proceedings at various levels, 4 educational and methodical publications (including 2 textbooks, one of which was stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (co-authored)).

In 2018 he passed the scientific and pedagogical internship "Innovative technologies in education, culture, literature" at the Higher Technical School in Katowice (Poland).

Vladislav Wanda