On June 13-15, 2023, the first COMPREHENSIVE QUALIFICATION EXAMINATION was held in the English language and its teaching methods, foreign literature and methods...
Comprehensive qualification exam in English and translation from English, FSMC GIIIM
On June 14, 2023, the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages held the "Comprehensive English Qualification Exam...
Educational translation practice, FSMC GIIIM
Students of group 241 of the educational and professional program "Philology (Translation (English, German or French))" with the specialization 035.041 German...
History of translation, FSMC GIIIM
Students of group 141 and Assoc. Yasinetska O.A. (faculty of social...
Congratulations on receiving the grant!
We sincerely congratulate the teacher of the Department of Ukrainian Philology, Hanna Vlasova, for supporting her creative, teaching and scientific potential and receiving a grant from the Program...
The company "SEO.UA" announces the start of a competition for pupils and students of Ukrainian educational institutions
The company "SEO.UA" - one of the leaders in the promotion of seo sites - announces the start of a competition for pupils and students of Ukrainian educational...
The idmedia.ua team announces a competition for students of Ukrainian universities!
The idmedia.ua team announces a competition for students of Ukrainian universities! Our goal: to support students, motivate them to study, expand their horizons and give...
father's day
Friends, hello to everyone! Today, June 18, is Father's Day! No matter how old we are, dad is the closest person who is a support,…
Upcoming webinars from Clarivate in June-July 2023
The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine informs about upcoming Clarivate webinars in June-July 2023 Topic: Difficulties faced by scientists when working...
Equator of the Summer Workshop of GIIIM
This summer, the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages is piloting the Summer Workshop of the GIIIM for schoolchildren. Applicants for bachelor's degrees in specialty 014 Secondary education is a mandatory component of the relevant...
Attention teachers and applicants! Individual access to resources for scientists
The scientific part of the institute provided information to the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine about access to resources during remote work in the conditions of military...
Literary research project: past and present values
Recently, Scopus indexed an article by the team of scientists of the institute in the "International Journal of Literary Humanities". The work is called "Modernism and Realism...
Feedback from the participants of "Warm Wednesday"
Dear participants of "Warm Wednesday"! We are glad that you were with us on the way to self-discovery. We wish you to continue and improve,…
The day of remembrance of children who died as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine
In accordance with the resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated 01.06.2021 No. 1490-IX, annually on June 4 in Ukraine, at the state level, the memory of children,...
To the attention of students of higher education who receive a social scholarship as internally displaced persons!
According to the letter of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine dated April 17, 2023 No. 1/2-56 regarding the procedure for awarding social scholarships to students from among...
Children's Day
At the beginning of summer, on June 1, Ukraine, like all over the world, celebrates Children's Day. Our dear children! You are our...
Safety rules during the summer holidays
Dear students of education! Summer is coming soon - it's time to relax. But security during war is an important issue today! Follow these guidelines…
Warsaw Royal Castle - Challenge "And it's interesting!"
Today is Monday, which means that right now we are going to watch something interesting! Warsaw's Royal Castle is undoubtedly one of the most important…
It is with deep sadness that we announce that Lyudmila Ivanivna Morozova passed away after a long and serious illness
It is with deep sadness that we announce that Lyudmila Ivanivna Morozova, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department, passed away after a long and serious illness...
Series of guest lectures
Throughout May, as part of the work of the Center for the Professional Development of the Teacher of Ukrainian Language and Literature for teachers and students of the OP Secondary Education (Ukrainian…
Guest trainings from stakeholders of educational programs in psychology
In April-May 2023, two trainings on the topic "Reducing the risk of gender-based violence under...
Guest lecture
On May 23, teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and students of the OP Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature) Psychology attended a guest lecture by Maria Ostroga,...
We invite you to "Warm Wednesday"!
Today 05/24/2023 at 19:00-20:00. Topic: "Anxiety and Self: Ways of Agreement". Leader of the meeting: Drozdova Diana Serhiivna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology. Organizers:…
Happy Day of Slavic writing and culture
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday, which symbolizes the civilizational triumph of the Slavs, historically magnifies our national identity with its deep spiritual essence, consolidates and...
Sofia from group 312a introduces us to the village. Pershotravensk - Challenge "And it's interesting!"
Hello everybody! Today is Monday, which means that right now we will be watching something interesting!