Results of the language flashmob

Results of the language flashmob

Congratulations to connoisseurs of the Ukrainian language who made 1-2 minor mistakes during the writing of the XVIII All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity, held on November 9, 2018 at our Institute of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Domestic and Foreign History GP Dokashenko, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication, Ph.D. ist. Science Yu. R. Stukanov, lecturer at the Department of German Philology  MS Dnieper, as well as students of GIIM Karina Fedorenko, Valeria Kucheruk, Nadezhda Goncharova, Darina Sable, Catherine Ploskin, Anastasia Khyzhnyak!

The work is impeccable Victoria Sirenko!

We are proud of you, dear colleagues! We are waiting for new accomplishments!

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Sergey Gladkikh