"The way to the goal: technology of self-motivation"

"The way to the goal: technology of self-motivation"

March 14, 2019 Representatives of the Council of Young Scientists together with students of the faculties of social and linguistic communication and Romance-Germanic languages were active participants in the training "The way to the goal: technology of self-motivation", moderated by Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy Borozentseva Tatiana.

During the guided discussion, presented by the method of "brainstorming", mini-lectures, creative exercises, moving and role-playing games, all participants had the opportunity to exchange views on the need to set goals and confidently step towards the goal.

At the end of the training, the young scientists wished each other promising achievements in the scientific field.

We truly thank coach Borozentseva Tatiana Valerievna for interesting time, useful information and good advice! We hope for further meetings!

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Sergey Gladkikh