History of historians

History of historians

On April 5, as part of the week of history, a meeting of teachers of the Department of Foreign and Domestic History with students took place. Speaker, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor GP Dokashenko briefly told about the history of our school. At the meeting there was a demonstration of a video, which presented the benefits of studying in the specialties "History / Psychology" and "History / English", sketches of educational and industrial practice, thanks to which students and future scholars can touch ancient objects and see historical memories. slaughterhouses of our region. An interesting video presentation is constantly updated for further use in career guidance.

Halyna Petrovna reminded that since 2008 the institution has been publishing a collection of scientific works "Faces of History", which contains more than 200 scientific articles. She provided statistics on the growth of the number of scientific publications of teachers and students of the department after the relocation of the institution. This is evidence of the constant development of the institute and the influx of applicants who are interested in history and science in general.

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Sergey Gladkikh